My god this movie looked fantastic. Better than any scifi fantasy since the original Star Wars...

My god this movie looked fantastic. Better than any scifi fantasy since the original Star Wars. Too bad these 2 fucks were the stars. Imagine real actors instead of these 2 stupid kids. And also imagine a good plot.
The world was spectacular.

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The guy wasn’t so bad and while I would smack my mother to taste Cara Delevigne’s asshole, she wa absolute trash in the movie.

cara is so fucking ugly jesus christ

Yeah she's not that great

they were both so terribly miscast, i don't know wtf besson was thinking. he was probably fucking cara


Now just imagine if this movie had a Marvel logo down in the corner. It would be praised by the "critics".

David Bowie was OK and Cara is always worth a fap. stop being an edgelord

rihanna was one of the best parts of the movie, at least that dance scene

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I watched this movie once and don't remember any parts other than the chase and the weird ending.

They really did ruin the movie. Dane is the worst actor I've ever seen and cara isn't much better. Slipping in and out of dimentions shit was retarded. I didn't get past that part.

The dimensions shit was kind of cool but again the guy actor ruined it
And that smug girl too crapped that part

I like her little nubbies

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Right, the movie was trash because of the 2 actors, nothing to do with script, direction and editing /s

You retards are the same retards that will watch a shitty movie because who’s staring in it.

the two leads were bad, seemed more like siblings than spouses. Dane is doing like some keanu impression and its bad when cara is the better of the two. also that alien gerbil that jizzes pearls was weird

>seemed like siblings
Next you will tell me the guy that made the movie once made a pedo flick staring Natalie Portman, craaaazy

seriously, I feel like Mugatu at the end of Zoolander, she looks like Gizmo. she's just a boring nepotism babby anyways, she grew up in oe of the richest neighborhoods in the world in London

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Mind wipe

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Cara a CUTE! CUTE!

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>cara is so fucking ugly jesus christ
Thats because you're a homosexual.

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The movie was amazing until Valerian and What's-Her-Name showed up. Then it became "huh, i'll watch to see what happens."
But those two were just awful to watch. Their fucking weird looks and dead eyes gave me time to admire the world-building.

>prefers women that look like men
Nice projecting

He was atrocious. All the charm of white paint.

I agree, he was the miscasting of the century. Even a manlet like Zac Efron would have done better.

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Use this thread to collect all the attractive pictures of Cara (there aren't many).

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they look like twins

I actually found her to be the better of the two, he reminded me of a shitty young keanu reeves

>film only gets praise for its visuals
>the visuals look awful

such a cute ;_;

>Computer, tell me some extremely basic tourist information about this spacecity that I've lived in all my life
this is not how you do exposition

I would use her vagina to build my dark overlord army of super-genetic warriors.

I hated those cunt genderbender aliens. Fuck them and fuck that HURR MUH PRIMITIVE LIFESTYLE ULTIMATE TRANSCENDENT HARMONY bullshit.

I don’t mind DeHaan. Cara is legitimately gross for a chick you see at McDonalds let alone Hollywood lead. And zero acting talent on top of that. Pathetic

Same with movies that cast Zendaya, hope they just fail and start putting attractive talented actresses in movies

How could these two charisma vacuums land leading roles in a high budget movie anyway?

I enjoyed far more than all the recent Sci fi films.
Yea Forums was hyping up Shazam as well, saw it yesterday and it was shit compared to Valerian

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>I don’t mind DeHaan.
DeHaan sucks, he has that scratchy nasally voice, he looks like he smokes too much weed, and he has beady little eyes. Even in Chronicle he sucked and that movie well sucked.

I really enjoyed the movie and thought both the leads did fine jobs. If this movie was attached to a big IP or had a disney logo on it it would have been pretty successful.

Interestingly, it was not the bushy eyebrows bitch who ruined this movie but Dane DeHaan. He is so fucking talentless that Cara looked ok in comparison. Maybe that was the plan all along, too bad the result was unwatchable.


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Yes, the 2 actors are what’s wrong with the movie and nothing else. Settle down and behave, you silly goose.

Ryan "I fly" Gosling as the MC
Bonbi as the young new agent with him.

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>mfw she died dressed like a KWEEN

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Cara literally saved this trash, anti-White movie.

Miscast. Especially him, you needed an older guy - Cara was surprisingly not bad.
The movie has an interesting setting and is a nice voyage into the fantastic, but goes to shit the moment Rihanna appears.

Cara was pretty effay at mcdonalds desu

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I literally thought they were brother and sister when I watched this movie for the first time. Cara was godawful. The boy was godawful. It's a shame because it was a beautiful, imaginative movie that could have been a real success if they hadn't miscast the main characters.

Cara looks like that girl Michelle Carter who was accused of goading her bf into committing suicide over txt message back in ‘14. I think she was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter.

Those actors are outrught terrible but isnt that on purpose?
The whole thing was very cheesy and is almost a pisstake on the whole genre. Very much like Pacific Rim was.
In a not completely dislikable way.

Agreed. Visually it’s quite impressive. Shame the movie blows

how can a non-nude picture be more lewd that 99% porn out there?

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And with a better taste in women than most dudes here.

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she can fuck all the women she wants before settling with me
i'm just that open minded

That was so out of place and cringe.

Nobody and I mean NOBODY likes teens in movies unless they are getting their kit off.

wonder if she feels insecure because of that flat chest


Yeah the cg usage was fucking amazing, 10/10 but the stupid cringe romance between the prepubescent main characters was unnecessary and this movie could've been better off without it

valerian being a stupid kid is literally the plot and it's good if you don't decide to hate it just because the leads aren't cool and grown up enough for you to imagine being

>the stupid cringe romance between the prepubescent main characters was unnecessary

The whole film is structured around Valerian's developing romantic feelings. The tone, imagery, action sequences all mirror the stages of the "romance" between a dumb kid and the less dumb girl that likes him.

it's astonishing how film-illiterate most anons are

Imagine them coming to your hometown and killing everyone you know.

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He was perfectly cast for movies like Shutter Island, he was atrociously cast in this to be effortlessly beating down aliums and space marines

That dude was the biggest faggot ever, to believe he was bot only a marine, but a squad leader just broke it for me. Iirc Nerdwriter said if you swapped those 2 with Passengers (Pratt and Lawrence) they would have both been vastly superior films. Shame really, but whoever casted them should be publicly ostracized.

I prefer Cara to Lawrence by a mile.

They should've gone with Cage instead of that dingus

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No wait, I meant a cure for wellness instead of shutter island. Getting my pasty skeletal white bois mixed up

>it's another autist makes a 'shit on Valerian' thread in the hopes Dane Dehaan sees it episode
I'm onto you, faggot.

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You know fuck all about the source material.