Why are people so on board with this "Avatar will beat Marvel" meme. All the Avatar sequels are being released by Disney so it's going to he a win-win for them either way.
Avatars billions didnt go to Disney at the time, Sherlock.
Holy shit these angry replies lmaaaaooo
DCucks can never stop being triggered, can they?
Does Endgame have another 36 million in it? Doesn't the dvd and bluray come out in about a month? Is it even still in theaters?
They’re rereleasing it with extended scenes
No, they just own the company that racked in the billions, brainiac.
It's an unfinished Hulk scene that looks like shit attached to the end of the movie, not extended scenes at all
leave it to the brainless marvel faggots to popularize more predatory business practice. god damn capeshit sheep
They are putting it in extra theaters but since it's not adjusted for inflation it doesn't matter anyway
Imagine after all this desperation and begging that it still doesn't beat Avatar
>all those seething DCucks and Avatard replies
What's stopping JAMES from rereleasing Avatar before Avatar 2 comes out?
>that negro is the new captain america instead of Bucky
Having some actual pride I suppose.
>thinking Avatar 2 without a gimmick like 3D is even going to break a billion
>not realizing they'll both be Captain America
>not realizing they're building their friendship to pass the shield again in the next decade
i hope he does do it. 3d, full smellovision and watch it break a billion.
>You’d think the rerelease would be enough to get Endgame over the bump and past Avatar. Unfortunately, that’s not expected, and if it happens, it would shock many in distribution circles. Even if Endgame in the next week grosses $10M-$15M worldwide, many say that final $22M-$27M will be an uphill slog that might require an additional theatrical rerelease should Disney decide to go the distance and outstrip the record owned by the mega-franchise filmmaker they inherited from Fox. Some in distribution circles even think Endgame ultimately won’t out-peg Avatar.
oh no
>Essentially, the Endgame rerelease offered an opportunity to bask in the sunlight of Sony’s MCU title Spider-Man: Far From Home, which opens Tuesday and is expected to own the Independence Day week with $125M-$160M. From what we hear, the Endgame rerelease wasn’t part of a greater D-Day Disney distribution strategy to topple the Avatar record.
surely that's been proven false by now
>Doubting Jimbo
Avatar still made more because inflation and broke new ground on every level of the industry
Endgame only broke my brain with its terrible script
>implying Disney wont re-release Avatar in 2020 so zoomers actually know what it is.
lol Man of Steel was hot garbage
They'll probably have to just to remind people it existed.
Seriously, Avatar was a completely forgettable movie. If you went to a random person on the street and asked them who the main character in Avatar was, they probably wouldn't know the answer.
They're making a TV show with both of them. It'll probably end with them both being Captain America Corps or something, with Falcon and Bucky as codenames of some sort.
lol, so the actors and actresses have been making these memes?
James doesn't own the rights to Avatar, Fox does, and Disney owns Fox.
Oh my God dcucks are SEETHING in the comments, truly the most pathetic group of people.