Certified Kidkino

Only stellar quality movies certified by kids and adults

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reminder: the term "kino" has been used twice as many times in the last four years than "bane" has been used in the last eight.

only the first tmnt movie
all the other ones are only good as a child but suck as an adult

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Snow Day

do you feel in charge?

Reminder that you're a stupid faggot whoesnt realise kino means cinema and it can be used substitutionally in place of movie

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Blank Check is a kid's first taste of how disappointing life will be. How everyone exists to take down your happiness because fuck you. Then when you try to fix it, life comes back and makes it worse.

Then the 10 year old child makes out with and adult woman and no one cared because it was the 90s.

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I feel bad for childhoods that didn't contain a movie with a tree that grew pizza like fruit that had bubble gum for a topping.

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How did I not see this until last year? It was FUNNY!

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No goonies?

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Picket Fences

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Ben Stiller just wanted to help those fat fucks.

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True. Have you ever heard the story of Icarus user?

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Still my favorite movie, the effects and camaraderie of the kids really hold up

the sandlot

>pretends to cut open a rat and eat its guts
>mhhhhm, where have you been all my life
that kid was based

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Why is the bully on there instead of the cute blonde?

Do they even make kids movies these days?

that part where splinter tells raph he doesn't know why he's so angry all the time but not to forget he has brothers who will help him, and a father that loves him is very touching, and its a puppet talking to a man dressed as a giant turtle.


this movie is responsible for so many kids becoming scalies

He rolled a ball to close to the sun.

>INB4 "hurr hurr, marvel movies durr durr"

Reminder that OP just wanted you fools to post ss shit because the adult woman kisses the little boy in this.

>when he tries to hook up with the cute staff member but the money runs out

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Turd movie

Whatever you say Dwayne