*Vrrooooo* *Whoo,whoo*
why were reloaded and revolutions so bad compared to the first one?
They had their whole lives to write and rewrite the script, do every single shot over and over and over until it was perfect... in their heads. I doubt they went much beyond the first movie. So it was a huge hit and the (((studio))) starts clamoring for more. They want a sequel and they want it now. So they had to build a story around whatever bits and pieces they had left lying around from the original story. It wasn't a strong because they didn't have time to make it strong.
If they reboot with Michael B Jordan they should absolutely make trinity into a tranny
because they were soulless cash ins
The line where Neo says "I thought you were a guy" could be interesting.
>I'm a trans-transwoman
>heh, you are like a child. I'm 7 layers of trans.
Would they change the name to Trannity?
I wish Switch were a tranny back in the original, maybe that way we wouldn't need a stupid "reboot" to "fix" the movies.
I stumbled about that line years and years ago, before they transitioned, after finding out they originally wanted Switch to be of different sex inside and outside of the matrix. Struck me as odd, added onto the relatively androgynous / tomboy-ish presentation they went for with Trinity in the first film.
Name checks out
I think that Switch being a guy that logs in as a woman would have been great since it's a 1999 movie instead of a 2019 movie. Nothing will feel new or progressive in a new movie.
While it's an interesting concept it would open up a lot of unanswered questions and logic flaws. If your "residual self" that you pilot inside the matrix is pretty much what you truly feel like (or want to be?), why is everyone 100% how they are in the real world in terms of appearance? Not more muscular, taller, thinner, with bigger breasts, fatter... anything. Why would sex be the one thing that actually changes when jacking in after getting freed?
I want Mel Gibson or S Craig Zahler to remake this movie. All of the good guys will be white and east Asian people and the villains will be diverse progressives.
I forgot about the residual self until you mentioned it but now I realize I never paid much attention to what it meant. I thought they could just type a bunch of 0s and 1s and make you look whatever way you want since they control stuff like spawning weapons, jumping superhumanly high, etc.
Maybe if switch were a guy irl and a girl in the matrix they might have added another line to explain it.
that's a decent question but it can be easily explained away by redpilled people having more willpower to exert over their matrix avatar.
That or people in the Matrix simply loved what they looked like in real life.
>sjw tranny
yeah yeah let's move on, we all get the redpill jokes
You need to re-read my post. If redpills were able to change things about their matrix avatars, why would transsexuals be the only case where the avatar looks at all different from the original? It's not like they're all perfect.
And if we're continuing down the line of residual selves, why isn't anyone uglier in the matrix than in real life? Either way, you'd have a really difficult time explaining why there is one exact situation where someone isn't identical in physical appearance in and outside of the matrix.
I'm all for doing new exciting stuff, but I'm also all for keeping your own rules coherent, which was one of the strong points for the Matrix universe (for the most part).
I find it bizarre how mysterious, mystical and free the internet seemed when this movie came out vs. now where it's just another mass media commercial vehicle.
Every site reporting on the rumors of that new Matrix movie says it is a sequel, not a reboot.
well exceptions and unique cases happen too. you can still have that and say it's an aberration or something. don't get me wrong, i think you're right, it does introduce a sort of inconsistency/contradiction but i also think it's one that can easily be explained away.
how about a character that is pajeet outside of the matrix and during training he learns how to use the toilet
>only an user
>ban this
Dodge this!
Whips out cock
Keanu: Whoah!
it was supposed to reflect gamers who play as genderswapped avatars
>Rajesh is doing potty training!!
>*mad scramble to the monitors*
>hop in dude!
>trinity sneaks right up to an agents head and says "dodge this" and blows his head off
>when the agents are supposed to have the advantage and dodge everything inside the matrix
shit is worse than arya stabbing the night king
It's even worse because they're on a rooftop with no cover and trinity and neo were standing side by side just before the agent showed up
>*matrix characters turn brown on screen*
trinity exploited a glitch where she could get +20 to speed using her colon to propel herself into an attack on advantage.
That's because that's what the internet was. Mysterious, Mystical, and Free. Back when you could make any rumour up and have some creedence to as whether or not it actually existed. Nowadays you can't do that because it can easily be sniffed out and disproven. On the other hand, anyone could also just as easily make the rumour true if they put in enough effort.