That moment the show changes from a cop thriller to a kino vigilante a la batman & robin show
Too Old to Die Young
For me, it was the needle kill
more like this show?
I take it you haven't finished it
If you want more weird and funny shit, the battle of forces in another dimension manifesting in our world: Twin Peaks: The Return
True Detective season 2
also this
I finished, anus penetration and everything.
congratulations user this is the worst formatted meme i've ever seen.
it was really fucking good. I want yaritza to spit in my mouth.
who got the pentanine
Sell me this show Yea Forums. I'm okay with Refn (I liked OGF) but I hate Teller.
Haven't seen Teller in anything else but he was okay in this, he plays the taciturn cop well enough. As for the show itself it's great and has a few moments of brilliance.
Someone please please please make and post a webm of jenna malones full VR scene.
don't watch it. by the end you'll want your time back.
So Refn tells us that we are domned to meet intercivilizational period, no reaction, no conservatism, no facism would help. Shit will hit the fan and everyone is fucked in civil world war and degeneracy, untill new dawn comes. This movie is so nihilistic and pro violence, that i found it cynical or hypocritical that Refn called it TV about hope and women overtaking BAD MAN.
Yeah don't listen to this guy. The show just probably isn't for him yet for some reason he decided to sit all the way through it
He's perfect in the role. Whether you like the role or not is a different story
Teller is my most hated actor but I gave it a chance because I love Refn. Teller is just fine. Not amazing, but not annoying at all.
Refn always trolls, in his films and when he talks about them. It's part of the game. Make a show for sickos filled with the edgiest niilistic violence, revenge porn, sex, every taboo you can think of, outright calling the cops nazis at every possible opportunity, and then claim it's a show about hope and female empowerment. Brilliant. If he could grow a moustache I bet he'd twirl it when he says shit like that.
if you liked OGF you'll like this. It's the same understated style and lurid colours and scenery.
I liked OGF and thought this was shit. It's OGF padded out to 13 hours or something and without Gosling or the Cop.
yeah well it also is that. I liked the ride though
I was getting into it and then it fell flat on its face on the last 2 episodes.
Teller is more like a douche in this one. The character is a flawed man and the series doesn't try to sell it as the good guy. So you can probably bear it if you hate it.
The last 2 episodes were written by a woman
Why would you think that? If it's because of durr feminism then you missed the point of the show.
for me it was Viggo shooting up a trailer park full of evil white racist stereotypes in a corny ass montage that was so on the nose I thought Uwe Boll had taken over
Pleb: filtered
So you indeed most definitely missed the point. Society's falling apart all around the characters, but no one can agree on the source of the evil and the sickness. That's why one targets and kills men, another pedophiles and drumpf voters, and so on.
are all the targets right wing or do they also pick on feminists and minorities?
I don't know, but a bunch of black people did die in the show
i have two questions that are probably stupid but I'm gonna ask them anyways
>-How did Janey's father get that dirt on Martin?
>-Why didn't Damian just lie and give Jesus a fake name?
straight white men bad
conservatives bad
women good
lgbtq2pz+8 good
liberalism good
Every single fucking character in this show is a bad person in some way, stop being triggered.
>kills men
>kills white pedophiles
>kills white neo-nazis
>kills white trump voting red necks
>cops are all fascist nazis that do nothing or steal from people
Haha yeah, what a colorful variety of people they kill. The blacks that are killed aren't specifically targeted either, they just get killed as collateral damage its hardly the same thing as the specific, targeted killing of these others.
>i-it was actually redpilled Refn is our guy!
You're delusional.
>they called me a triggered pussy for years so now i'll try to take it from them and use it on THEM now hehehe
transparent faggot kys
also i'm not wrong and i like the show. you're actually genuinely triggered though, else you wouldn't respond like that.
Half of Yea Forums hated teller last week but now praised him after too old. He killed it, it's like he is Driver's cousin
This. The point Refn is trying to make is very misguided. Trump and right-wingers aren't the problem and not the cause of this moral decay depicted in the show. It's Refn and his friends in Hollywood. That's why this show is hilarious. All the points about morality and degeneracy are actually projection.
The "FASCISM!" and "FAKE NEWS!" chants and every scene in the homicide division were insanely cringe worthy. Like, I felt really embarrassed for Refn and Brubaker in those scenes. I bet they're not even aware that democrats coined "fake news" originally.
There's a lot of good shit in TOTDY but the childish and cartoonish bullshit brings it down. It would work as a meta narrative on how delusional lefty elites are when they depict the moral decay of America, but that's way above Refn's head and we all know how simple-minded he is with his auteur nonsense that he thinks is actually deep and provoking.
I don't care about politics or the politics of the show. Just its themes. Maybe the show would have benefited from some dude going out and killing minorities, but it wasn't necessary.
the swastikas and hamfisted references to drumpf in the police station weren't necessary either, dipshit
Every scene in the police station is hilarious
Didn't say they weren't funny, but probably not funny in the way Refn intended.