Remember when Yea Forums said streaming would solve the piracy problem and make TV cheaper for everybody?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-28 Streaming TV is about to get very expensive – here's why.png (603x572, 365K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I ain’t clickin that shit

>more expensive
>less content
>several different companies you have to sign up with just to watch one particular show

Netflix and BILLS

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Torrent chads winning once again

Is that Homer Simpsons?

Never stopped winning.

And that's a good thing.


let the reemergence of piracy begin!


Attached: bugsno.gif (500x363, 169K)

content spread over a increasing number of pay monthly services , sounds like cable.

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Streaming costs as much as the jannies get paid here

>Torrent chads winning once again
Again? We always win.

The guardian says so therefore it's true

Good thing I don't engage in any form of visual media.

Fine. I'll become a content creator myself, with my own channel, and my own fanbase will support me, and I'll make funny edgy jokes th... *gets banned and deplatformed*

I for one am happy paying for Netflix, Hulu, CBS, Disney+, WarnerMedia, NBCUniversal, Amazon, and Apple

Lol what? I have the Simpsons on dvd, the USA office is shit and lord of the rings is for faggots.


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already downloaded anything that will ever be worth watching

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How much longer until torrents,vpns,end to end encryption etc are all banned under penalty of torture?

>constantly refresh for when chinese man uploads full rip of film to youtube
>watch before it gets taken down
Haven't paid a dime in years

free speech will be banned first

Attached: scarface.webm (1280x544, 2.43M)

>looks at my wall of physical media kino
>mfw they aren't going anywhere

Attached: heh.jpg (222x216, 9K)

I either pirate or go to the independent kinoplex to watch movies, so none of this affects me.

>all the trash stays with netflix
>all the good stuff I want to watch goes to other, cheaper services
How is this bad exactly? Unless you're Netflix, of course

>implying I give a fuck about television


>if you have a TV licence, a Netflix subscription, an Amazon subscription and a Now TV subscription, you are pretty much covered
>if you have a TV licence
>TV licence


Attached: 670708.jpg (1080x1920, 1.37M)

good thing I only watch public domain movies then

>Free market solves everything

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Piracy will always be justified and morally correct as long as draconian intellectual property laws exist. Never give up the fight.


>being proud of being a hoarder
>thinking physical media holds any actual value
Top kep

Such is life in the Islamic Republic of Bongistan.

Attached: Sir...S..Sir...We just need to see you TV lice...Sir.webm (640x360, 2.91M)

>oh hey, we all won, hehe...
>I'm sure glad this is the highlight of my comedy career!

Attached: process.jpg (578x325, 41K)

>golden age of streaming

Attached: haha.png (409x292, 196K)

sure torrenting is free and easy but... it just doesn't feel right.

>just a few more roles and I'll really be starbound...

Attached: what have I done.jpg (309x430, 74K)

>tfw you will have lived through both the golden and silver ages of pirating

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Attached: f2eedsfsafds.gif (483x296, 3.36M)

>just a few more days and my agent will call, right?
>just a few more minutes and I can leave this godforsaken carpet, right?

Attached: oh my god what have I done.jpg (783x986, 234K)

> post yfw pirate chad

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Value is subjective. Its clearly got value to him and also his DVD collection isnt about to get BTFO by streaming services so I am inclined to say owning has some good merits right about now.

Yes, I can watch any movie I want to at any give time.

More like all these streaming services will fall on their faces when they realize nobody is gonna sign up for any of this shit

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>doesn't see any value in libraries
I eagerly await your horrible demise, "bro." Without physical media, all art will eventually die under the control of the state and their corporate ideological puppets. (and vice versa)

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>people don't wanna pay for cable
>lets make streaming cost as much as cable

Attached: stream.jpg (603x572, 276K)

Yeah, we'll fucking see what happens when people stop paying

Avast ye, porky

I don’t know who he is but he looks like he’s made of CHEESE ha ha




>Shows are on netflix, so nobody wants the physical media
>Networks start their own streaming sites, but people don't buy all of them so they don't get access
>As a result, people start to pine for physical media again

Attached: wat.gif (250x250, 1.51M)

Why the fuck would you ever buy more than Netflix, Amazon (Prime), and AMC?

All these new services are going to implode once no one subscribes to them. Normies aren't going to pay 15 bucks a month just to watch Friends. It isn't a sustainable business model. The only one that'll likely survive long-term is Disney, and that only happens if Disney bundles all of their content (Fox, et al) into one service instead of making it just their movies and TV shows for bigger properties.


>that one guy just holding on for dear life.

So bong police never actually get trained to do actual police work over there, huh?

I almost want physical media to disappear, just so these completely myopic and retarded people get what is coming to them.

lmao. it will literally stop nothing at all.

Post yfw you've never paid a cent for TV and never will

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Why AMC lol?
Also people will, and do, pay for HBO

avast ye, porky

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I bought LOST season 1 on DVD, but regretted it when Blu-Ray came out.


>Monthy charges? Uhhhh I don't think so bro, I'm a YIFY man.

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I think they are "community support officers", aka rent a cops

They make good shows. I almost said FX, but FX literally puts fucking ads in their streams even if you are paying for them.

Just wait until all ISP's accept kickbacks to jack up their Internet prices from Hollywood. Can't torrent the Internet services, bucko. Should've paid.

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Movies and video games are the only things stopping me from gearing up and taking out local government buildings, and I'm never going to pay for them ever again. If they actually managed to stop all pirating tomorrow I would be knee deep in government officials by this time next week. They can make the choice to halt pirating but a good chunk of the money they make will be spent on folded American flags and life insurance payouts. I swear this upon my noble ancestors.

Attached: Las-Vegas-Shooting-Pictures-Stephen-Paddock-Body-Motive-Note-Gun-Hotel-Room-Mandalay-Bay-1095294.jpg (508x413, 50K)

Avast ye, Porky!

Why would people still want Netflix after they lose all the shows they own? You think people will still care when Friends and Office are gone?


based 749x513 yiffy poster

explain this cringe

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-28-04-43-12.png (2880x1440, 2.09M)

5 years in the EU, 6-8 in the AU, 7-10 in the US.
After that, we reach suicide levels in climate change, food/water cost, antibiotic resistant bacteria, Chinese takeover (real estate cost/political influence), and even potential Islamic takeover.

After 2030 is the real apocalypse, unless an incredible cataclysm takes place between now and then.

Probably written by a tranny.

Absolutely based

It's a well known fact that Disney and others planned to open up their own stremaing service in order to gain more money per view or subscriber.
The cluttering will make it fucking expensive to have a broad choice of content in the future.

Imagine paying like 15 USD for like 5 or 6 providers each month just to get your favourites covered.
That's why i have collected TV-Series over years now and have a collection of over 60TB in 1080p.
And i will continue to collect.

Once they have censored the shit out the internet, expect the prices of these streaming services to rise to unexpected levels.

>golden era of tv ends
>golden era of torrenting begins

Feels good man.

Attached: happy.jpg (1001x823, 154K)

The true redpill is to give up on all Jew-produced content and reach peace without any media. Just delete all of it and let go of the fake world they want you to buy into.

Legislation, police action, server seizures, legal threats, and torrent shaming COMBINED have done less to curb piracy than 1XBET.

Attached: internet pirate.png (338x294, 131K)

>Amazon (Prime)
lol wut
their content is ass

>x is going to happen to y, and here’s why
The absolute state of journalism in 2019

>normies finally get fed up and learn to torrent
>ISPs give in from collective jew pressure and data limits become prohibitively expensive ($200-300/month for what you probably pay for now)
>hoarderchads like me who have fully-loaded hds out the ass laugh and just work on our decade of backlog
Should be fun.

Attached: 1552018573819.png (664x812, 539K)

More like the absolute state of reality, because it will happen no matter what we try to do.

free shipping

yea but a lot of people have prime anyways

the golden era of torrenting was like 2003-2008. You already miss it, bud.


I prefer to just...Sling it. In front of everyone one. With the curtains open.

Attached: sling.jpg (1280x720, 112K)

Look, despite a lot of communist agenda ridiculing tv series (especially the marvel bullshit) i am not mind twisted by them. I just laugh about it and know i didn't pay a fucking cent to the kikes.
Same goes for my friends. A lot of people stopped paying Amazon and Netflix, since they got access to my FTP
So once again, the jews lost money.
People wanna watch, no matter how political they are. For me the most importan thing is to prevent Shlomo from earning.
Gas, hang, shoot or decapitate a kike and he will just laugh at you, but grab him by his purse and he starts burning up from the inside.

viruses are gonna be a thing again i guess, so much potential to wreck shit with millions going into pirating again


>He doesn't know about Amazon Web Services
Better look that one up. There is no escaping the Jew except going full dirt hut.

i remember pirating so much shit back then, also remember reinstalling windows xp loads of times

if they are dumb enough to get them, they deserve them

You're joking. It's b-movie heaven. Fuck Shudder TV.

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I want to go back so much that I'd kill for it.



Borrowing from the public library and ripping the data

For your consideration.

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>He doesn't know about Amazon Web Services
Doesn't matter. I said, i have my own FTP. Not a hired one.
I fucking hate all cloud related shit.

imagine all the retards you see on twatter and instagram trying to pirate shit, pajeets are going to make millions scamming those fucks lol

you just scared people will find your CP

My public library is a joke.

2 cities in Florida and even Baltimore got ransomware on their systems. I wish i could spread that shit. They are demanding 40 bitcoins and the 2 Florida cities paid it

Archive this shit you summer fag

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Put the word "formerly" in there somewhere.

None of that will matter when the entirety of the public internet is owned and controlled by Amazon. Unless you're comfortable conducting all of your web business on the TOR darkweb, welcome to the new reality. Either quit the web like I soon will, or submit.

Imagine constantly thinking about lolis, so you have to project it on others.


Attached: smug_usagi.png (329x290, 173K)


your faggot ass clicks on verge/variety/vox links all day but whine about Guardian

Lmao buyfags get fucked enjoy your shit 100$+ a month for 5 different streaming services

What is stopping people from paying nothing and just watch youtube, football on tv, old films and anime that isn't licensed?
I think The 100 and Dark are the only new shows I'm watching because 99% of things released nowadays are absolutely shit. I'm even reading more and playing games on PS2 because I can't find the quality I was used too.

You seem to not understand the technical aspect of owning a self hosted FTP server.
Amazon can stink off with their web services, streaming services and cloud and hosting stuff.
They will not be able to hinder me setting up my own FTP.

Lmao just start your own platform on p2p block chain
>gets hash crashed and salted

>Wagies will waste their money on streaming services.

Are we back in 2000 again and no one knows how to download stuff?

Your private autism server doesn't matter. Private networks have existed since the dawn of the internet. I'm talking about the free flow of information on the internet. Info indexed by search engines. Nobody cares about your secret autism club. You may as well be handing off USB drives at a Yea Forums meetup.


Piracy will exist as long as these services continue to be afraid to give us actual video files.
I want to be able to watch stuff without an internet connection or without eating up my bandwidth.
Sometimes I like to play online games while watching stuff and I don't want the two to be competing.
And I don't want buffering or streaming artifacts.
I don't want to have to wait between episodes or have the service stop playing and make me click a button to prove I still exist.

Attached: piracy.jpg (660x2719, 387K)

WWE Network is the only one you need

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Amazon Prime is still the only TV Content worth having with its library of classic tv shows, eclectic movies, and the HBO Classics.

reminds me to add Da Zone to the list

Use my parents Amazon Prime
Use my more successful sibling's Netflix
Use my cousin's Hulu

Then you should also say that and not talk about file hosting via FTP with me and then just autistically hard cut changing the topic to information flow being censored without even mentioning it.
I am not in your wicked brain, reading your thought idiot.

Yeah, and if i have to have meetups with folks to exchange stuff via USB HDD's, then it may be so.
Memories of the glory good old eighties come up when i think about the C64 and Amiga LAN-Parties we had sharing tons of cassettes and diskettes with programs and games.


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>Thinks all the good stuff is going to be cheap.

its the wild wild west all over again

I'm sorry, I thought the idea of the internet naturally included the free flow and indexing of information. If you thought it meant your 80s LAN parties when you were trading floppies of high cut panty porn, I'm very sorry.


Illegal streaming sites and torrents are going to explode in popularity yet again. It's like they think people forgot how to pirate when all it takes is one click on a different site.

>lord of the rings is for faggots.
Tits or gtfo

Article 13 in the EU, and the resulting copycat in the US/CN/AU will put a stop to that unfortunately.


>Remember when Yea Forums said streaming would solve the piracy problem and make TV cheaper for everybody?

pretty sure Yea Forums never said streaming would solve the piracy problem? piracy solved the cable tv problem by forcing publishers to go to the major streaming services and now that those publishers think they can just all make their own streaming services, piracy will come surging back to kill those too. piracy is always the answer to corporate over reach. the only reason netflix and amazon prime took off was because they were more convenient than pirating for many, take away that convenience and watch how fast piracy comes back.

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Got ya covered

Attached: sneedsonslol.png (603x587, 417K)

>Using Windows to pirate

ok, this is sneedpic

Well, of course i see the internet as a platform for sharing informations and knowledge and many more stuff. But we are currently on Yea Forums in a thread that is about a streaming content market getting more and more cluttered and talked about my self hosted FTP right?
So the topic never were about free and uncensored information and news. And since we aren't on /pol/ i didn't expect people bridge the topic to that instead.

lol sure it will.

>i have to pay for the things i consume
>proving once and for all that the free market simply doesn't work!

Until someone invents a blockchain distributed solution for magnet links. Then you won't need a pirate bay or whatever to host the magnet links. You'll just download the magnet links for every torrent from the network of peers.

>viruses are gonna be a thing again i guess, so much potential to wreck shit with millions going into pirating again
>if they are dumb enough to get them, they deserve them


i havent gotten a virus since i was like 13 years old back in the late 90s

>crying about /pol/
go back

>i havent gotten a virus since i was like 13 years old back in the late 90s
The ol' tits.jpeg.exe trick got ya, eh? Me too.

>The ol' tits.jpeg.exe trick got ya, eh? Me too.

nope, more like 90% of sites only worked in internet explorer and it was pozzed to fuck. you could go to a webpage and that alone was enough. we're infinitely beyond that now with apps like noscript, ublock, browser addons, etc.

did you even ready my comment?

Thanks, senpai.

honestly the only time i got fucked back then was when I downloaded a maphack for diablo 2 so I could run straight to meph and baal during magic find runs

I remember clicking on a link, referring to a site called "".
My PC immediately shut down and i had to reinstall the entire computer because of the bootloader being fucked.
I haven't surfed that site ever since. :-D
This was the only time i got a virus and it hit me hard, since i didn't have an installation disk of XP at hand.


Kill yourself

If you can't laugh at shit that happend, you are indeed about to kill yourself.
I don't take stuff too serious.

:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D
Fuck you!



You underestimate people's complacency too much.

>Copyright laws and trademarks
>Free Market

Jews getting butthurt hollyjew is becoming obsolete fast

You immediately and without prompt mentioned /pol/, so I have to agree with the other user that you have some kind of obsession.

B-b- but how will the humble content providers spam you with constant advertisements especially picked out just for you?

bullshit, he changed to a /pol/ related topic without even mentioning he did and expected me to follow his mind twist.
He didn't even drop a single word to hint it. just talked about amazon web services, which implies literally everything. INCLUDUDING FILEHOSTING.
If you wanna change topic in a discussion, you should at least tell it and not just expect people to read your mind.


i agree with you, it's kinda retarded how he wrote it.

I was just talking with a clerk at a store about steaming services. I said I was thinking about Crunchy Roll. They told me about VRV. It also has that Sticher that I was also considering after seeing Joe Bob threads on Yea Forums.

90s born queer tourist kill yourself


Come up with valuable points instead of showing off your level of retardation here.

>filehosting and internet information sharing is completely independent of the truly free flow of information
>only good things will be shared, only positive feelings with vibe

You want to talk about one freedom, you get another. Deal with it, faggot, or go back to twitter.

if only there was some entity, some kind of commission, that could protect the consumers from this gouging; kind of as some "oversight" or "regulatory" body, if you will.

Man, that'd be sweet.

Attached: fuck.gif (320x174, 1.7M)

Avast ye, porky

Will this affect Crave in Canada?

So far I only subscribe to Crave, Criterion, Mubi and Netflix. Low key thinking about dropping Mubi but I love it.

Remember asking your friend at anime club to rip a CD of .rm files of new eps of Kenshin that he found on IRC?

Attached: kenshin cosplay5514867.jpg (450x600, 78K)

Why do asians like this look so much? The really giant weird weapons ?

I for one look forward to the firemen and spider-robots hunting you down to burn your books and other non-state-approved media.

Why are you linking to corporate media you fucking cuck? Archive that shit, dont let these jews get your clicks.

Good goy.

Film it bro, if your state-controlled smart-device allows it. Your art will die decades before mine does.

Thank you for taking money directly from the jew by creating an archived link. Everyone should do this.

This, lord of the rings is fucking racist and problematic, i cant wait for the based government to ban it and open up the borders to the billions of poor victim brown ppl


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These "journalists" probably post their shitty articles here to get clicks and outrage bgw, fuck em

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Enjoy wasting your time for inferior virus-laden files.
Store bought VHS/Laserdisc/DVD/Blu-Ray Master Race! Fuck Jewflix and their censored movies and shows. Fuck Disney too.

I hate how bots overrun 4channel

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If it becomes that way, pirating will rise.
Think about it, people only went to netflix for the selection and the price point.
That dynamic... ends, reverses that trend.

thinking i give a crap about 99.9% of these shows like Friends or the Office

You don't get it right?
Are you trolling or being this retarded?

They're already doing this. It's a win for them. You watch their content and they don't have to worry about ratings. You shekel out fifteen dollars a month and it cuts out the middle man.

It's good for everyone but the consumer like everything else.

YouTube is running more ads than ever, twitch has almost unblock able ads. Some streaming services run ads even though you're paying. It's always been like this but it's gonna get worse. Big companies ruining stuff for easy money.

For me, it’s Facebook Watch

Not reading that corporate spew. But maybe it is similar to what amazon did. They used to sell old books and CDs and stuff for ridiculously cheap (.25$ or less) years ago, then when they had a monopoly and everyone was drawn in they raised the prices.


Ma'am, I'm 11 beers in, don't ask me anything too complicated.

Attached: 1556939183675.jpg (800x532, 72K)

>good shows
pick one nothing amc has made has been good

Lurk more newfag

>game of thrones
Pick one

Attached: 1559868839798.jpg (800x447, 41K)

you are ven younger than that it seems

answer his point and stop trolling here.
He made good points and you just troll the bord. WTF

not that guy, but fuck you anyway, Yea Forums's not for winning arguments

Attached: dontgiveafuck.gif (384x214, 1.24M)

I rightfully forgot what we were arguing about an hour ago. Care to summarize?

and it isn't either ab board for pointless comments like yours.

>i'm too retarded to use the scroll wheel
>please summarize, because my brain lacks capacity.
Honestly, have you considered suicide? I would support you.

I'd commit suicide on cam for $50,000. Pay upfront and I guarantee a stream.

>troll the bord. WTF
go back faggot

>not that guy, but fuck you anyway, Yea Forums's not for winning arguments

its obviously some faggot e-refugee used to upboats. Yea Forums IS for trolling.

Attached: emmarobertsfacepalm.gif (244x168, 578K)

Because theres always someone more intelligent and autistic than you

this comic honestly opened my eyes, fuck subscription based businesses

It’s fucking Yea Forums dude not Yea Forums in 2011

on one hand I want to believe normies aren't stupid enough to pay $180/year to watch Friends when they could just buy the boxset on Amazon for $159 and have it forever. Forget about torrents, forget about piracy...I'm just saying for a pure financial perspective its going to make more sense just to buy this shit than pay for these streaming services.

But then again normies are stupid. And they see $15 a month for eternity as a better financial decision than a one time payment of $150 or so.

This isn't about streaming. Its about the subscription model becoming totally out of control. Just like all the "disruption" in delivery and taxis has been less about the tech and more about finding willing slave labour in the form of independent contractors, the streaming boom has been more about nailing dumb wagies who budget month to month on the slow burn. Back in the days of home rentals I probably spent less than I did when I had Netflix.

$18.49NZD per month (when I cancelled) comes out to $221 a year for a service I generally need to us an American VPN to watch anything I actually wanted to watch on. I probably spent $200NZ a year on cassette tapes and DVD rentals, and at least then I could actually browse an open selection that wasn't subject to arcane copyright battles between oversized, quasi-monopolistic media conglomerates and unprofitable tech companies.

I hope you and your disgusting cunt of a mother both get cancer.

What's the cost of a good VPN? One that is secure and fast.

I'm guessing still a lot cheaper than paying for all these services.

Attached: photo.jpg (386x386, 45K)

it's your sisters cunt

you're one of them faggot

Seriously brain damaged incels spotted.

Have (You) become acquainted with the Yea Forums reply system? It's insidious- far more evil than a simple reddit upvote or a twitter/facebook like. The reply system here is a total replacement for human interaction- one that maybe even surpasses it. With this system, people receive both recognition of their existence, a refutation of it, and a chance to combat that feeling all in one "anonymous" package. It's the perfection of the social formula.

reddit nigger

>sub to netflix
>after a month, see everything you want to see
>unsub from netflix
>sub to disneyflix
>after a month, see everything you want to see
>unsub from disneyflix
>go down the line like this
>after a year, get back to netflix
>now netflix has new shit you actually want to see and can watch over the course of a month
Life isn't that hard.


>YouTube is running more ads than ever
I haven't seen an ad on youtube once this year

Your browser is retarded

>What's the cost of a good VPN? One that is secure and fast.
I got a deal from Nord that's $3 per month

Did he hurt you?
Tell us about your life as a virgin.

Based user depriving redditor dykes of (You)s

>Did he hurt you?
>Tell us about your life as a virgin.

Attached: nu.jpg (301x321, 29K)

they will easitly counter this stream service hopping by long term subscribtion models.
And i guess they all will agree on establishing this at the same time.
Leaving you with 6 month subscription at least.

Anything for Rachel

Samefagging is still a thing here?

He can think up to a year in the future so he can't be.

The Grauniad? But why?

>assblasted r3ddit dyke doesnt know what samefagging is
Also, being a virgin is preferable to fucking an obnoxious, fat non-white dyke like yourself.


>Enjoy wasting your time for inferior virus-laden files.
user I'm not trying to be mean but do you know how torrents work? You won't get virus form video files (unless you pirate software in which case don't do banking on that PC lol). Just be sure to use an ad blocker and don't "seed" past your ISP upload limit (Or they'll send a mean letter) and you'll be fine.

>You won't get virus form video files
You really believe that, don't you? You really think that's all that is going on while you're using that software to download all those pieces? lol

>>assblasted r3ddit dyke
projection (i actually never entered this site)

>doesnt know what samefagging is
It's what you doing since an hour, self confirming your own comments (I see the IP-logs you idiot)

>Also, being a virgin is preferable
I knew i hit the spot

>to fucking an obnoxious, fat non-white dyke like yourself.


>so BTFO "she" resorts to autistically breaking apart every sentence to reply with a quip
Are you going to accuse us of samefagging some more, you desperate leftist newfag?

Yes? How am I wrong?
>You really think that's all that is going on while you're using that software to download all those pieces?
No many torrent clients mine crypto but other than that yeah.

>(I see the IP-logs you idiot)
Tranny jannies confirmed to be ESL leftist retards

reddit nigger

Nice try idot



Actually not. Was one of the guys coding this website in 2002 until now.
But thanks you asked.

i could easily ban you for accusing someone being leftist on Yea Forums you know that?

Avast ye, porky

so the giant media monopolies are going to be broken by their own greed and I'm supposed to be upset?

predictions are usually worthless I know, but if anything I predict the future to be in content creators and people in their basements. the technology is there, the techniques are known and many people are finding their voice. right now were in an odd phase where most of the content is shrill screaming over banal video game footage, but over time the medium will mature. I have a strong personal disdain for Jon Bois, but his work is indicative of what can be done by motivated, talented soloists.

>she thinks it was only me calling her a redditor
How are you this fucking retarded? You've already proven you dont know what samefag means, and you have failed to accurately identify a unique poster by his posts.

Fuck off retarded tranny, you cant even spell idiot correctly, retard.

>i could easily ban you for accusing someone being leftist on Yea Forums you know that?
Yeah TV is a progressive Board. Ban him based jannie, make him unplug his router to get a new IP, you show him, you SHOW him!

Fuck off you redditor faggot, my god this site is truly a fucking shithole now if chinkmoot hired you to do anything.

Avast ye, Porky

>i could easily ban you for accusing someone being leftist on Yea Forums you know that?

Attached: soymilk.jpg (673x1024, 78K)

torrents still work and nobody in this country cares anymore

Actually, i'm currently working on a hardware based ID ban rather than continuing messing with IP-bans that can get undermined easily.
If people block hardware ID recognition, say goodbye to the comment function.

Fuck off tranny leftist

We will se who fucks off then

Kill yourself mentally ill authoritarian faggot

>Actually, i'm currently working on a hardware based ID ban
Pff I'll just post off of my mom's phone nothing personal kid.

You troll a several times with moms phone and it gets banned as well. Where is your point?

Kill yourself redditcuck

>calls one of the Yea Forums founders redditcuck
being this retarded.

I remember back in highschool this pro-piracy atheist and anti-piracy christian were getting in debate about pirating music. The anti piracy kid said that the memories and joy you get from that music will stay with you for forever that if anything they should charge more money for music.

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>"one of the Yea Forums founders"
>calling people incels, redditspacing and crying about being called names on Yea Forums
thanks for the laugh, idiotic redditcuck

What a surprise, leftists are authoritarians who abuse power

I call people for what they are, and you wouldn't feel this insulted and deeply hurt if i weren't spot on with it.
You still didn't make a single valuable point since i asked you about the topic we discussed at earlier stage.
But yea, since you're unable to change your behavior, enjoy a hardware ban when it's applied in a couple month from now.


>You troll a several times with moms phone and it gets banned as well.
Grandma can I barrow your ipad? GG negro
>Where is your point?
First of all gook moot won't care about the suggestions of a neek beard that does it for free. Second good thing spoofing exists. Third no one, but the ultimate cuckado will run Yea Forums software so if you'd like to kill the chan by all means drive more anons to 4+Yea Forums.

Landlubbers BTFO once again

Attached: pirate-hernry-morgan.jpg (2560x1750, 1.92M)

>oy vey goy you better stop shitposting about Jews otherwise we'll ban you and you'll have to do something productive!!!!

>What a surprise, leftists are authoritarians who abuse power
What a surprise, a retarded troll like you still isn't blocked because he slides a thread with his bullshit.
Iam neither leftist nor authorian. Tut i want meaningless trolls who don't contribute and post bullshit the entire time to leave this site or at least being hindered destroying it for others.
We are on Yea Forums not on /pol/

>believing this LARP
The retard couldnt even identify samefags let alone know what the term even means

I welcome shitposts about jews, but keep them to /pol/
Can't you fucking idiot read? Seriously.


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you'll run out of family members and friends for sure.

>my specific brand of free market

You called people incels because they made edgy posts on Yea Forums. You're an authoritarian who is threatening to ban people because they hurt your feelings. Youre obviously both a leftist and an authoritarian who abuses power. Fuck off retard.

I use AdNauseam and Ghostery, some ads still get through. What's the next frontier of cucking YouTube?

nor leftist or authorian.
If i would be as you say, you would be banned already unable to post here and had to restart your router or whatever you are connected with. Had you?
So stop projecting.

kill yourself newfag

/pol/ is unusable, the shills and discord trannies and redditors have ruined it. The captchas also basically dont work on any browser besides chrome and sometimes opera. That board is fucked and the Yea Forums staff are happy about it im guessing.

If what you are saying is actually true, then i think its good that Yea Forums is trying to clean up the boards. I doubt that is really what is happening. The censorship is increasing all over the internet, mods and janitors on this board selectively enforce rules as they please (usually in favour of their political views). Also, you can tell people to go to /pol/ or whatever, but that place is so fucked with spam and shilling you cant have a discussion. Its a form of censorship.

>Imagine paying for entertainment in 2019

Attached: goodlorddearman.jpg (500x333, 60K)

Right, you just threatened to ban me over a word. You totally dont abuse your power.

(((Di$ney+))) is expecting Marvel and Star Wars to lure subs

Attached: Diversity Star Wars.jpg (2822x1918, 1.28M)

Public librarys here I come :DD
Come on user let the poor boy have his fun.
Reeeeing about muh /pol/ is faggoty when the topic at hand is inherently political like gun control threads on /k/, gamer gate on Yea Forums or a huge amount of /x/ also I like using the word nigger its fun as a verb adverb noun this isn't reddit.

>/pol/ is unusable, the shills and discord trannies and redditors have ruined it.
Look, it's unusable because of the problems you pointed out here. Do folks now get the idea why i'm working on a hardware based ban to get this leftist bullshit and reddit pack away from Yea Forums as a whole?

>The captchas also basically dont work on any browser besides chrome and sometimes opera. That board is fucked and the Yea Forums staff are happy about it im guessing.
Using Firefox and other works too. I tend to test it daily. But check setting that may collide with the captchas.

>The censorship is increasing all over the internet, mods and janitors on this board selectively enforce rules as they please (usually in favour of their political views).
We need monitoring of them. I agree.

And you slide an entire thread. Read the sticky!!!

Shouldn't things get cheaper as competition goes up? Why would it get more expensive?

>public library
Can get banned as well.
How fucking low has someone to sink that he visits a library in order to shitpost.
Do you read your own comments?

>And you slide an entire thread. Read the sticky!!!

Paying for digital distribution should have NEVER been accepted, normalized, or popularized. If you pay for digital distribution then you are mentally ill
Streaming """""services"""""" like Netflix' "4k UHD" is not 4k UHD, it has a fraction of the bit rate of a blu-ray, let alone a 4k UHD blu-ray, some don't even have the quality of what a DVD can provide.
8k is already being talked about but 4k TVs aren't being used anywhere near their potential because dumb fucks buy the 4k TVs just to (((stream))).
By paying for digital distribution you are negatively affecting me and deserve to suffer. You are rewarding low quality, helping keep piracy illegal, and are why paying for a fucking download is seen as acceptable. Paying for digital distribution is a mental illness and should have never been normalized.
Either buy a physical copy or pirate. Don't care about physical copies? Fine then you should be exclusively pirating.
Also, digital distribution is inherently extremely expensive, digital distribution is worth $0, so even if it is $.01 then it is infinitely more expensive than it should be. Low cost =/= a good deal.

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What exactly did we talk about initially and who exactly changed the topic to muhh freedom here on Yea Forums making it a political discussion?

>. Do folks now get the idea why i'm working on a hardware based ban to get this leftist bullshit and reddit pack away from Yea Forums as a whole
If that would solve the problem then i agree it would be a good idea

>Using Firefox and other works too. I tend to test it daily. But check setting that may collide with the captchas.
The captchas will work in one browser (use Brave as an example) on 4channel, but then they wont work (ie they become very very slow, require 4 or 5 puzzles to be solved, or are really hard) on Yea Forums. Any idea why this might be?

no, he's acknowledging their complacency
streaming has succeeded because it's cheap and easy
if it stops being cheap, it's going to become a lot less popular

>How fucking low has someone to sink that he visits a library in order to shitpost.
Do you not go to the library? Like for books? I do. Trolling /lgbt/ and or nu-Yea Forums for 15 minutes would be a bonus.

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>If that would solve the problem then i agree it would be a good idea
I generally hate censorship and any kind of shit related to it, but the level of the comments (especially on /pol/) has plunged into oblivion, making things like banning people (and i hate to say this) a necessity.
I want the site to live on, that's what i work for every FUCKIN DAY SINCE 2002. And i don't let this site being destroyed by some cucks that troll, project slide entire threads or post slidethreads themselfes.
And since Antifa seem to have infiltrated the janitor level, i see no other option than monitoring their actions before the blocks and comment erasing gets applied, plus a hardware based ban to get rid of the shitposters.

It is googles algorithm to prevent spamming. That's nothing we can change.
They do this randomly to everyone. Even on other sites i have encountered this.

>Do you not go to the library?
I do, i actually live right next to one.
But i don't go there to post, certainly not to shitpost.

Based, physical copy pilled, and not brainwashed
They already got what is coming to them by paying for fucking digital distribution.
Piracy needs to be completely legalized and charging for digital distribution should be illegal.
The only options should be buy a physical copy or pirate, paying for digital distribution should even be taken into consideration.
>thinking digital distribution holds any value
Die shill. DIE
>being scared of owning physical objects
You are mentally ill

Streaming never had a golden age. The only reason those "streaming services" were able to exist in the first place is because piracy is illegal

I'm with you, guy; out of all the services, they're the only one I'd subscribe to. plus, I watch everything at double speed with subtitles, and they independently subtitle lots of stuff that hadn't been already

>anime that isn't licensed
you can torrent licensed and unlicensed anime all the same, ISP's dont give a shit.

What is your definition of cheap?
Low cost =/= a good deal or "cheap" if by cheap you mean low cost in relation to what you are getting in return for your money
People that think digital distribution is a good deal or the definition of cheap I stated are mentally ill, these are the same people that would think a restaurant charging $5 for a sip of water is cheap just because it is only $5.
It is impossible for digital distribution to be cheap. Even $1 is infinitely times more expensive than it should be, even piracy isn't a good deal, you are just getting digital distribution for what it is worth - $0

you're the same guy who was baiting that FTP poster, aren't you?
I'm not talking to you

1. I don't like Disney, Marvel or NuWars feces.
2. I don't like Oprah, JJ Abrams or SpielJew shit.
3. No-commercial Netflix format gets me laid about once or twice a week.

Think I'll stick with Netflix. Also the article if full of "make no mistake about it" horseshit. Fuck The Guardian.

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this assumes people will continue to watch tv at a rate viewed in 2005

I only have netflix and don't even use it honestly. I won't subscribe to more and don't give a shit about reruns from 2007

>I'm even reading more and playing games on PS2 because I can't find the quality I was used too.
Blame digital distribution
Just having the option to pay for a game digitally has ruined gaming, it allows for what is plaguing the industry today such as rampant DLC and mtx, games being intentionally released unfinished or unplayable without a patch because they can easily patch it through whatever platform which further encourages them to be released that way, being charged for a download, having to go through some console wannabe platform to legally play games, easy access which means more casuals play games which means games are made for them which means lower quality games, etc. Even if you exclusively pirate you should want all games to be sold physical only because that has already proven itself to be the best environment for great games to be made and you'll still be able to pirate anyways.
Unfortunately there are way too many brainwashed drones that will respond with "support the developer" or try to straw man if you criticize the industry. The industry, primarily Valve and CDPR/GOG used literal brainwashing tactics to push it just so the industry can make more money with less effort and lower quality.
Today's kids just want 'updates' whereas we actually need a major downgrade of everything to the pre-2007 levels. Thats why even remotely nostalgic things are just so hit today. Just think it like this, what type of nostalgia did people in the 80's have for the 60's?? Or the people of 00's had for the 80's??
It isn't just nostalgia, it really was better back then. Was it a little less convenient? Sure, but it was worth it, as proven by the fact people want remakes, reboots, and remasters instead of companies trying something new, but no one admits it because "support the creator!" "don't you dare pirate!"
I felt like we were living in the future more in 2000 than today.

Why stream when you have YIFY

thanks based YIFY V10 A10

Who cares, just download it.

>210$ for 100Mbps
>tfw I pay 5$
Holy fuck maybe living in a 3rd world country isn't so bad after all

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>morally correct
I'm cheapskate like you but don't pretend it's moral. Don't romanticize piracy. You're a thief.

Charging for digital distribution is unethical, immoral, and evil. It has infinite supply and 0 scarcity.

>artists and creators should not receive recompense for their labour
You are the retard

is this madlad baiting the baiter?
Giant Wasp vs. Scorpion
can't wait to see who comes out on top

Time for piracy to solve streaming I guess.

Already cancelled all but one of my streaming subscriptions and that one will probably be gone within a year too.

this desu

I'm cancelling netflix within a year and going back to just pirating everything. I've nearly ran out of shit I actually want to watch on netflix at this point anyways, and it isn't going to be getting anything new but obscure documentaries and original shows. Each of these streaming services only produce like 1 show worth watching for every like 10 they fucking make at best.

I stopped watching movies and tv show

the true patricians answer

Artists should be paid to create. Once that shit is on the internet they no longer control it. They should ask for enough money up front to be satisfied.

>pretending to be a mod
Bump for your ban

UK has TV licence.
US taxes go to PBS
Australia pays taxes for ABC

They are all the same thing, the British are just major fuckwits about how they collect the revenue.

Whats that? Sorry cant hear over these 4k rips

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You forgot suscription

Fuck off back to 9gag retard summerfag

You're a corporate cum guzzling retard. They aren't selling their labor, they are charging for a download which has 0 scarcity and infinite supply and therefore it is worth $0.
There are different segments of business, b2b, b2c, employee to employer, etc.

You're living in your parents basement though. Normies will suffer social pressure to watch those new contents. If they can't talk about the new Star Wars 23 with the cool kids, they'll fear to become outcast.

>dude let's just take the cable model that everyone bitched about for decades and move it online lmao
back to piracy I go

you're one of them faggot

Who the fuck is going to pay them, big retard?

You're a massive brainlet. How will artists make art if they can't afford to live in order to make it because empty-headed gremlins like you won't give any money to them because you're all manchildren who wants bot-bot now and don't wanna give no dollar. Corporations will be fine, they can find other ways to steal your money.

hahah the absolute STATE of Yea Forums

Patreon has already pioneered that business model, it leads to empty promises and months of "work" for almost no content.

>Disney streaming service is cheaper than everyone else.
>Can watch Simpsons non-stop
Sneed it is, for eternity.

Is the Guardian so strapped for cash they need to shill to Yea Forums?

>manchildren who wants bot-bot now

I would also have accepted "bitty".

Attached: harvey pincher bitty now.jpg (396x222, 19K)

it will be by the time we've hammered out the usual bullshit fantasy or we're not Yea Forums

>back to piracy i go
>back to
>he wasn't always in piracy
lel, bet you live in cuckmerica

i love hardly giving these jews a cent

>streaming would solve the piracy problem and make TV cheaper for everybody?
It would have, if streaming staid separate from production. it was a prisoner's dilemma and netflix broke it by making originals

>streaming tv is about to get expensive.
>Implying people wont just say fuck it and go back to cable or satellite.
>Implying people wont say fuck it period.

I only use Netflix once a year when they give me that "hey its free" month trying to lure me back, and I watch all the shit I want then.

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>This is what boomers actually believe.

well hell. I expect a general sneering-at but I don't have netflix at all and never have because I was afraid of becoming too interested in it and turning into an inert vegetable
still am

>a ban on a constitutional right will surely pass through any senate

Sure, bud.

Also democratizing arts funding just ends up with even more lowest denominator suite. Gatekeepers, even middlebrow gatekeepers are essential to good art

enjoy your harvest comrade

Attached: blood_harvest.jpg (800x1087, 868K)

arts funding moar liek FARTS funding amirite lel

>buying cds
>fuck disney


Kill yourself, unwashed boomer cretin.

Yea Forums in one post

Ah yes, the non-existant threat of communism. Please tell me more


I've been torrenting for nearly 20 years and have never once gotten a virus lmao

Commendable videography. I would've been laughing way too hard to film.

>buying shit packed in china
>getting virus IRL when opening the box

I've been torrenting for 25 years and neither have i.

you gotta watch out for that panda flu.