Some people say it's not the size of the boat but rather the motion of the ocean. Well guess what, Ray...

> Some people say it's not the size of the boat but rather the motion of the ocean. Well guess what, Ray? I can't even swim.
> Never even had a bath.

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Is that doctor who?

Haha. I is also.

Vinceposting is probably the highest IQ meme there is

It's definitely up there. Lord of the rings finance memes are also a strong contender however, and an argument could be made for either.

>My father always told me a bird in the hand's worth two in the bush
>Well guess what Ray? I got no hands

its also a best

i actually, believe it or not, started fiskposting, as a newer adaptation of the meme. it fizzled out very quickly tho.

>They used to tell me that if you master chess, you master life. I spent years learning the game; I would give grandmasters a run for their money. Then I got out into the real world and realised what everyone's really playing is poker, and I don't even have a deck.


> My father once asked me "You see this glass? You think it's half full or half empty?" Truth is, Ray, the glass is upside down and we're all trapped inside it.
> Caspere knew this.

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>They say you need to learn to walk before you can run, but I've been running all my life and I don't recall ever taking any baby steps

So do Frankie's lieutenants always carry around pliers wherever they go, or did they pack pliers for this one occasion while hoping really badly that this guy would challenge Frankie to a squab?

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>you've gotta crack a few eggs to make an omelette. I guess you can call me the fuckin abortionist then.

>you can put a price on a man's head, but you can never put a price on his balls. Balls can shrink and expand anytime. And right now, we're out in the cold with our pants down.

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>Your smarts might make you a big fish in a small pond Ray, but economics is what filled the lake. Go ahead Ray, try to swim on dry land.

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I was on Richard bronsens private island and saw Vince Vaughan walking around a few times. He’s a big guy.

>all doors were closed to me my whole life, but I never asked people to let me in. Never even told a fucking knock knock joke.

>you know, ray? we live in a world of cardboard, but you and i are made of plaster. and you ask me, the plaster is winning

doesn't pizza know any other way to end his seasons?

Keep fighting the good fight, brother.

It's standard henchmen kit? This can't be a serious question is it? They basically carry they same equipment as a subcontractor and often driver around in windowless vans. Essentially they operate the same ways as dedicated pedophiles or a burglar

It's a very serious question. Let's be honest, nobody carries pliers around with them everywhere.

I have many questions about True Detective, actually. For example, how did Woodrugh meet Bezzerides at the door, when
>he didn't know she was trying to escape
>he didn't know she was trying to escape through that specific door
>he didn't know she was trying to escape through that specific door at that specific moment in time

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Half as long, twice as bright, etc.

Best one so far

>there's a hundred thousand there
>you're gonna go with Nails
Was there a better sidekick in history than Nails?

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I think solely because of Vince posting, season 2 is better than both 3 and 1 combined.

2 was better on merit alone

>They say chaos is a ladder Rey, but its not - its an escalator, and I've spent my whole life getting that black shit on my shoes.

>>Fuck your shit up Larry Bird
I unironically love S2 more than the other seasons. S1 was okay and 3 was dogshit apart from that hilarious coyote scene. S2 was peak and cannot be topped.

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I actually started with s2 first because I kept hearing how shit it was compared to s1. After watching all seasons, I can see why s1 is technically better, but I do like s2 more. I think it has better music (especially the opening theme) and the setting is better. And vinceposting.

>I think it has better music (especially the opening theme) and the setting is better.
It's inferior in almost every single regard.

>I think it has better music
Inserting the producer's favorite musician into the bar scenes is mega-cringe.

>Ever heard the saying you reap what you sow?
>Well guess what Ray, I raise livestock.

For you, Ray.