If you remember this show fondly then you are delusional

If you remember this show fondly then you are delusional

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Dogshit opinion

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Alright. Why am I delusional?


buttered toast and gravy

Sweet Eddy, you're cool man

Why were their attractions unpopular? I would have definitely paid 25 cents for whatever amazing thing Double D built.

what you just said but about you and not me. It doesn't make sense when you say it about me.

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It wasn't funny or charming
only Rolf is good, and the iconography of Plank was also good, but that's where the quality ends
Johnny is a faggot and they didn't take advantage of that fact by writing funny bits for him
same with Jimmy
Sara wasn't an intimidating or funny character
Kevin was one dimensional and probably never had a single funny moment
The Kanker sisters weren't funny either
Nazz was hot but so what
It's one of the more obnoxious and unfunny shows in the Cartoon Network catalogue


Take my gold good sir! You get my upvote today!

>the Cartoon Network catalogue

that was definitely worth pointing out you the real one

Careful Eddy, do not taunt the doodle.

They usually were pretty popular, it's just that Eddy's a dickhole and Ed's a giant retard, causing it to usually fuck up. One of my favorite episode's is the box city one.


>blah blah blah and blah blah blah
holy SHIT no one cares lmao

red redd & reddit

Was the joke that Double D was autistic?

The box city would've been a huge success if Johnny didn't fuck it up

I knew this guy in my hometown. He was 32 and hung out with us when we were like 16, 17. He was a decent enough guy. He was a lot like the guy in Dee Is Dating a Retard actually, if that's a good reference point for you. So Ed, Edd, and Eddy was his favorite show, and he would absolutely make a fucking stink if it wasn't on. What I am trying to say is that the show isn't shitty because retards like it, but retards like it because it's shitty.

You have shit taste this show was god-tier


ur ghey

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You don't need to samefag your own post.
You're entitled to your dislike of the show, but you're still wrong

What's that, Plank?

sorry if that was too many words for u user
show = bad

I remember it being pretty good but I am baffled by the recent reappraisal of it where people say it was GOAT, it wasn't even the best show on Cartoon Network

that's not what happened. I'm picturing most of the triggered manchildren defending their poorly written childhood cartoons like it was their mother's honor are the real samefags.

Oh, shut the fuck up.

*laughs in normie*

He's right
it's a reddit tier show
It's the kind of show where you meet that one drunk wook at the bar who talks too much goes "Duuuuuude do you remember Ed Edd n Eddy? Such a sick show. They don't make cartoons like that anymore dude."

The best show was about 4 episodes of Johnny Bravo and about 2 or 3 Dexter's Lab jokes and that's about it really.

There's that word again. I'm guessing you've know a thing or two about it

Know you're enemy, user.

Why the fuck does Yea Forums obsess over Reddit so much? It's embarassing.

you read that right

That's not what the word obsession means. The reason why the term reddit is thrown around is because it's a good baseline for the types of things that appeal to people whose tastes consist of a very small handful of things. Marvel films, television cartoons, pokemon, popular think-pieces, trending music, ect. It's meant to describe a surface-level understanding of culture and art. Really it just means boring and tasteless. Any trip to the front page of Reddit and this should be plainly obvious to anybody.

FPBP anti slapstickfags BTFO

It's even better when you watch it as an adult because a lot of the dialogue, especially Eddy's, has a lot of adult complexity to it

Sneed Sneedd and Sneedy

In terms of slapstick comedy, EEE is F tier and that's being generous. Get Three Stooged, bitch titties.

lmao nice one user

>and then Sarah will tell mom and mom will tell dad and dad will say "Not now, I'm watching TV!"

One of the best cartoons ever made, in arguably the best time for cartoons on television. The logical conclusion of Ren and Stimpy. The high quality animation. Stellar voice acting and characterization. Iconic designs. Excellent joke variety with slapstick, wordplay, situational, visual and more. A perfect ending with “The Big Picture Show”

If you’re a prude bitch, a contrarian or a shit taste ‘action toons only’ faggot, you have this opinion. Fuck off.

t.fag who wasn't allowed to watch the show growing up and is butthurt

>muh Three Stooges
Yeah you’re a poser little bitch, lmao glad I don’t have to take you seriously. One of the best modern slapstick cartoons, only theatrical shorts like Tom and Jerry do better.

uhhh... Red and Stimpy would be an improvement on the Ed, Edd, n Eddy formula. Not the other way around.... WAT. Are you high?

Go to bed, John. Ed Edd n Eddy had way more consistent quality control and an actual sense of comedic timing. Even Cow and Chicken was better than your shit.

>Yeah you’re a poser little bitch,
>lmao glad I don’t have to take you seriously
lol you never did in the first place. What a strange thing to say.
>only theatrical shorts like Tom and Jerry do better.
Hey you're not completely braindead after all.

Courage the Cowardly Dog was GOAT

lolno get outta here. pullin my leg ass individual.

Pretending the Three Stooges touches cartoons let alone Ed Edd n Eddy is being a poser bitch. ‘Oh they are old and innovative that means i’m a patrician’ hahahaha fuck yourself. Buster Keaton smokes those chowderheads out of the water.

thank OP. formerly I believed I was rational

Learn animation principles, nostalgiafag Gen Xer.

user... nobody wasn't allowed to watch Ed, Edd, N Eddy. At least I hope not. Was there a Christian reaction against the show or something like that that I'm not aware of?

I wasn’t, but I did anyway. It’s just got a mean spirit sometimes so I get it. Still snuck it and by 10-11 parents stopped caring.

>Pretending the Three Stooges touches cartoons let alone Ed Edd n Eddy is being a poser bitch.
No I don't think that's what the word poser means at all.
>Oh they are old and innovative that means i’m a patrician
That's not how people form opinions. This is just your braindead assessment of the situation and I'm here to tell you that you're incorrect.
>hahahaha fuck yourself.
haha lole
>Buster Keaton smokes those chowderheads out of the water.
Again you do this thing where you say a bunch of retarded things and then follow up with something correct. You're a puzzle.

My argument has connotations against nostalgia, not for it. Nostalgia isn't a factor when deciding whether something is good or not.

It’s the only way you can genuinely believe what you believe. R and S was innovative for the time, but as soon as it got copied it got done better by more competent people several times over. It had no sense of timing, weak characterization and the jokes were very hit and miss. The best episode is Space Madness and the only one John ever put out that approaches the top 10% of Ed Edd n Eddy.

It’s all correct, poser idiot.

>R and S was innovative for the time, but as soon as it got copied it got done better by more competent people several times over
If you mean watered down, then yeah I can see how you might think that something more palatable would be considered an improvement.
>It had no sense of timing, weak characterization and the jokes were very hit and miss
I'm not really a Ren and Stimpy fan, but your comment about how Ed, Edd, N Eddy was an improvement on it was the only thing I found incorrect. Ren and Stimpy was a lot more chaotic and willing to take risks than Ed, Edd, n Eddy, and the animation was more striking and there was more attention to detail. I don't even think it's fair to compare the two because Ed show had it's own brand of squigglevision style which stemmed from 90s animation and design whereas Ren and Stimpy was a deliberate and obvious perversion of the classic 40s style Warner Brothers cartoons.


You aren't fooling anyone with your reddit opinions you faggot.

reddit loves gay ed show bitchboy

your commentary is as compelling as a leftist podcast that consists only of quoting Trump


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>bullet points mediocre sub-shit instead of the main attractions
what a deluded retard

It makes me sick too, user. I work with a lot of 20 somethings and I meet a lot of new people, and I have to politely tell them that I really don't like Rick and Morty or anime on a constant basis and it breaks my heart a little bit each time.

Ed is poorly written as a dumb guy. It plays like a Dreamworks film that's rated G. If you don't know what I mean by that then I can't help you. Homer Simpson and Beavis and Butthead are how you write dumb guys.
Eddy has potential because scumbags are funny, but he never really lives up to that potential and he ends up being one of the least funny characters on the show.
Double D has only one good moment and its when he plays the pedal steel guitar.
I was just pointing out that the supporting cast was weak. Good character design and voice acting otherwise. Doesn't make the show funny though.

still waiting for OP to post the cartoons he looked on fondly, which he hasn't for fear of being btfo

No no wait, OP never watched cartoons in his youth. That's how he can glare at you atop his high horse

I don't care.

2 Stupid Dogs was my favorite.


Nobody didn't watch cartoons

>muh boundries
Nah. I’m no prude. John K. Is /mostly/ a hack chasing the Bakshi/Clampett dragon and the best episodes of R and S were made despite his involvement. The show is not the most out there show (look at liquid television) I can do weird, i’m talking specifically about executions of ACTUAL JOKES. John K. Doesn’t even deserve to be in the same breath as the masters of the 40’s. His sense of timing is all fucked. His posing was (keyword was) his strongest suit and the only thing that R and S does better than most. Ed Edd n Eddy blows it out of the water everywhere else.

that's convenient

lots of autistic psychopath kids weren't allowed to watch cartoons

I remember this show fondly not because of the show itself but how my life was at the time that i watched it.

Ed is one of the best ‘dumb’ characters ever created. Bad take. He has a consistent line of internal logic and actually cares about his friends, like a Homer Simpson but more suited to a slapstick environment. Beavis and Butthead are fun, especially in do America, but that’s not because of their character, it’s because of their right-place-right-time social commentary and rejection of boomer shits during the MTV generation.

Good lord man. That show was fine and all, but really it was just watered down to shit R and S. The secret squirrel and red riding hood episodes were the best that came out of it. At least you didn’t say Schnookums and Meat.

t. Watched a few jank episodes from season 1 and wrote it off
t. A pussy MUH MEAN SPIRITED prude

That's Stimpy's Cartoon Show, goy

Eh. It’s fine. It’s not even the best show John worked on. The New Adventures of Mighty Mouse is better. Half of the What a Cartoon! Shorts ripping it off like Tales of Worm Paranoia are better. Cow and Chicken was better. Rocko was better. What a hack.


Oh fuck i’m not on Yea Forums, sorry mods.

Nope, Ren and Stimpy is still better than every show that ripped it off. I grew up with every ripoff and love those shows, but Ren and Stimpy was on another level, at least while Psycho John K was on board

there are people who think Ed, Edd, N Eddy is mean spirited? The idea of somebody not liking something because it's "mean spirited" makes me a little irritated.

>R and S was on another level
Start watching what MTV was doing. Half of the Adult Swim shows even. R and S is not the most wacked out show anymore. Look up Ralph Bakshi.

The biggest complaint I see for sure.

hush your mouth

>Tom and Jerry
Hey can one of you guys tell me what episode it is where Butch punches Tom from a block away? He just extendo-arm punches Tom. I need to see that shit.

Shut up, dorks and listen to this:

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You thinking Ed is one of the best dumb characters ever created considering the rich and lengthy history or cartoons and scripted comedy in general is absurd. I'm sorry if that's rude, but he's not even in the top 100.

Nice counter examples, shit taste-san.

>tfw still love it

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Ren and Stimpy was loud and obnoxious and ugly and stupid and glorious.

It was needed when it was needed, and immediately surpassed by people who knew what theyw ere doing.

Late compliment considering I gave superior examples earlier, but I'll take it anyway. Saying 'san' after things is virgin energy btw I would get rid of that part of your vocab asap.

One of the dying breaths of white culture before the tide of shitskins took over. If you hate this show you aren't white.

What you're saying sounds like somebody who thinks TNG was bad because they think Discovery is a refinement of that formula. That's what you sound like right now.

I like Ed before he was flanderized in the school seasons

Never watched this garbage back in the day and I became a better man because of it

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what a gay thing to say and mean seriously. niggerbrained. and I can say that cause I'm white.

>Canadian cartoons were the last bastions of white culture.

It seems almost obvious.

You didn’t, and you’re on an anime website, newfaggot.

Not an apt comparison.

That’s fair.

>Not an apt comparison.
It's actually so appropriate that I'm surprised a gay retard such as myself came up with it.

It’s closer to you jacking off TOS and refusing to acknowledge anything else from Star Trek

>You didn’t, and you’re on an anime website, newfaggot.
yeah I know but that doesn't stop it from being embarrassing-san desu uwu

>Ed, Edd, n Eddy aren't making new episodes
I know it would probably suck, but there's a chance that they could make it really good

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gay, perhaps, but is it wrong?

just for future reference gay also means wrong

gay response but ok

No. I'm thinking what I said made more sense and Ed, Edd, N Eddy is Star Trek discovery. Just replace mindless explosions and bad dialogue with jokes on par with ones you might hear in The Emoji Movie.

always hated the art style

No, its better this way. I still remember jogging home from school to catch the two episodes Cartoon Network would play, it ended exactly as it should have and they would ruin it.

I understand you not putting a lot of effort into these posts. It is late afterall.

>state facts
yeah, I'm the shitposter

The delusion is we think of those jaw breakers are the size of a breach ball then in reality is the size of a baseball ball

sorry I didn't realize this was important to you.

see user... I wish I could just be like you. Fuck. These are the kinds of thoughts I should be having.

Ed Edd and Eddy is the worst show ever aired on Television. It makes Jersey Shore and Honey Boo Boo look like Citizen Kane compared to that atrocity. If I were to met the morons who created that turd, I'd probably get cancer just by looking at the fucker. The show is so bad, I'd rather burn in hell than watch that insult to cartoons. Calling it the biggest and most putrid and disgusting pile of shit on Earth isn't enough. No insult can do justice to this fuck of a show. It's insufferably bad, the kind of bad that made Satan who he is now. It's so vile that simply it's existence in the universe is completely toxic. It's completely and utterly shit. The fact that it is in the same category as other cartoons, hell, the fact that it is considered a normal creation on Earth makes me lose hope in the world infinitely. If you never saw it, stay the hell away, you'd rather twist your testicles off than watch that shit. It's not even watchable. It doesn't entertain, it just gives the urge to kill yourself. Please do the world a favor and avoid this steaming hunk of anti-matter, it'll make your life, and the entirety of humanity better.

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This is why analogies shouldn't ever be used to prove something. You comparing EEnE to Discovery is only supported by your belief that EEnE is a bad show, which is what you're trying to prove. Analogies only work if the things you're comparing are similar enough to prove anything with, which is almost never the case.

Nice opinion!

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You’re not smart.

Zoomer repellant.

I think it's pretty apt to say that jokes in ed edd n eddy are on par with the emoji movie. I don't think that's so much a comparison to make a point I just think it's easy to imagine. Now that I think of it, there will probably be kids who will look fondly on The Emoji Movie. That's a hard thing to realize.

It’s telling that you compare two completely unrelated things together how uneducated and shit taste you are.

This thread is way too long and filled with way too many emotional posts like what you just said. I can't decide if it's sad or funny or both.

Each character was an aspect of modern american/canadian culture.
Jimmy was the basedboy
Sara was the cunt
Naz was the "girl next door" thot
Kevin was the chad
Ed was the lovable retard
Edd was the chess/D&D nerd
Eddy was actually a jewish archetype (though interestingly a villanous figure in accord with white culture)
Kankers were trailer trash, also interestingly villanous

The only two characters that were out of the picture of typical western society were johnny and rolf
Rolf was a total caricature of an immigrant and would not be allowed to exist today
Johnny was completely overshadowed by his relationship with plank and the enigma of plank's sentience

If you hated this show you really didn't get it.

Not emotional, just a fact. You seem to believe you’ve figured it out with your terrible analogy. You’re not smart.

>only Rolf was good
Stopped reading there

most if not all cartoons with a large supporting cast are based on stereotypes. That doesn't give something depth.

>my slapstick cartoon doesn’t have enough depth

I love encountering retards solidifying my self confidence in my taste.

>It's meant to describe a surface-level understanding of culture and art. Really it just means boring and tasteless. Any trip to the front page of Reddit and this should be plainly obvious to anybody.

Is the contention that people from Reddit come onto Yea Forums try to use the ad populum argument to get traction on threads/posts?

Out of curiosity, what shows or films have better slap stick?

It accurately portrayed a real community at the time the show aired. Can you say the same of anything that's been made in the past ten years?

What is the reasoning?

You implied that it had depth not me.

I didn’t imply anything. I’m just point out how retarded you sound.

It's only apt if you prove it, which essentially requires you to prove EEnE is a bad show, which is the point of the analogy.

Logic through it you fucking dumbass, your analogy doesn't work.

pretty good analogy actually. user's assertion was that ed edd n eddy was an improvement on what red and stimpy had establish, which that's silly because that would clearly be a devolution of the form, and I said that it sounds like somebody defending star trek discovery by saying it's an improvement on what tng had established, which is also a devolution. Pretty astute analogy any way you slice it.

>not him btw ;)

>prove this opinion
that's not what I'm trying to say. What I'm trying to say is that jokes in Ed Edd n Eddy are on par with jokes I remember from seeing The Emoji Movie, so make of that what you will.

The grammar of the post implies that I am him. cringe at your reading comprehension.

Your post implied that ed edd n eddy had depth

>user’s assertion

You fucked up halfway though, cringelord

That wasn’t my post.

>Is the contention that people from Reddit come onto Yea Forums try to use the ad populum argument to get traction on threads/posts?
>Out of curiosity, what shows or films have better slap stick?
Naked Gun

>one safe, barely comparable response

That was me referring to another user's post. Later in the post I implied my involvement. Other user said ed edd n eddy was an improvement on ren and stimpy. I said that's silly.
>not being somebody is cringe

>not him btw ;)

Then what was the point of the Star Trek analogy?

you asked something that's better. I thought about it for 0 seconds and said Naked Gun because it's better. Whether or not it's safe (it is) is inconsequential because it satisfies your question. It's not complicated. I could think about it for ten minutes and come up with the response you think is good despite your established disagreeableness if you want me to lol. Jesus.

To point out that his assertion that ed show was an improvement on ren and stimpy is like implying that discovery is an improvement on tng despite the gigantic quality disparity. The only inconsistency is that ed show and ren and stimpy aren't part of the same franchise, but that's not vital to the analogy working so it's moot to point out that inconsistency.

So.... you recommend it?

Different user you are responding to. I will give it a look

I understand. It's a long thread. There's a lot of unnecessary shit to read to understand all of what happened. I'm already bored of it too user. I guess I didn't expect people to so vehemently defend a pretty average cartoon from their youth, but I forgot that for some people, especially poor people, that's all they had.

I always used to fatasize about the Kankers kidnapping me and keeping me prisoner in some underground bunker under their house where they would constantly physically and sexually abuse me.

Yep, I'm thinking you are a dork

You need to stay as far away from the kankers as possible

People who say "yep" before things exude non-showering grease energy

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Once they had that shock collar on me I couldn't do shit though, even when I did exactly what they said they would trigger it anyway and laugh and laugh.

that's a different kind of yep
you did the competes in Magic The Gathering tournaments for ten years and isn't even in his county's power ranking 'yep'

It doesn’t matter, sever you head and start running like a fat man. The sex is not worth it

The Halloween episode where Ed watches too many movies and fries his brain is GOAT

Is there a right kind of yep, or is each type circumstantial?

If you have an opinion like that, then you are a faggot.

The Kanker sisters had great lines.
Jimmy and Johnny were funny in small doses.

i think you genuinely don't understand the value in cartoons

Fpbp, contrarians gonna contrar

This fucked with me as a kid. I thought Jaw Breakers would be these amazing things and no they were not

A lot of parents reacted negatively to the aesthetic or thought it would make their kid stupid for some reason

There is literally nothing wrong with Reddit or jews