/pol/ Memes aside. Is this any good?
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>Le nazis are bad
Wow whodve think it eh?
Glad they made this film because I thought they were all ok guys but now I know better thanks Hollywood.
wow /pol/ is easy to trigger, eh?
Wait a second, is that Harry Potter?
YesGreat film OP. The ending is a bit anti-climactic but still pretty hilarious to watch Harry Potter say "fuck off nigger"
>nazis are bad
this is popular public opinion user I'm a /pol/ tard myself but you have to accept this.
yeah nigga
Thanks for a real answer user. I'm going to watch it with a Harry Potter lib fag girl tmrw
yes its good
It's very underrated and does a better job than Blackkklansman if you ever saw that fairly shit movie
>nazis are bad
You have this midwestern americans trust anons.
if they were good they'd won
Just saw 2 scenes. One a montage showing Dylan Roof among other things, the other where Harry Potter is undercover and a guy greets him by saying "1488 BRO!"
Isn't this movie supposed to take place in the 90s?
Are you stupid?
This was sarcastic.
>Detecting sarcasm through text on a shit posting board
Sorry user. I'll try and do better next time.
14/88 isn't a new thing or a /pol/ stormfront thing user. It came before the 80's. It's just more popular now.
A Jew playing a stereotypical neo-nazi, an image created by Jewish hollywood. You'll probably enjoy this crap if you are dumb and uneducated.
>He is the only child of Alan George Radcliffe and his wife, Marcia Jeannine Gresham (née Jacobson). His mother is Jewish and was born in South Africa and raised in Westcliff-on-Sea, Essex. His father was raised in Banbridge, County Down, Northern Ireland, in a "very working-class" Protestant family.
The director is almost certainly Jewish....tell us more user.
Wait are you serious? You really didn't know the other user was joking?
>you have to accept this
no I don't
the good guys sometimes lose
>Evil satan literally Hitler is kissing babies just like literally Hitler Trump did
user...I'm sorry. It's a losing battle. Maybe some Murdoch will help you out
which makes him a jew. are you stupid?
Public opinion is that the holocaust happened which is an incredibly low IQ take
you'll understand when you're older user
I know that nigger I'm talking about the director. I can't find out if he has kike blood in him.
Muslims cause 911. Hitler killed 1/3rd the jews this is the public approved opinion and if you step outside it you're a conspiracy theorist. shut up and conform.
I'm 33 user I realize what's going on but I'm black pilled and can't change shit
I would actually knock your ass out if I ever met you
I'm actually a pretty big guy for you so you're welcome to try user.