
Rom is a brilliant engineer, an excellent waiter, and a talented lover. Leeta is a glorified stripper who admittedly has nice tits. What did he see in her?

Attached: rom and leeta.jpg (313x240, 15K)

Other urls found in this thread:


have you seen the ferengi females? why wouldn't he go for the hot bajoran?

Bajoran women are made for fucking

He’s an ugly ferengi and she’s a bajoran I think). Also ferengi value submissiveness and nudity in their women.

After the Cardassians got fucked over by the Dominion, the Ferengi's moved in and partnered with them dramatically strengthening Ferengenar's footprint in the Alpha Quadrant.

Star Trek : Picard will absolutely not mention this in any way.

the romance is fan service to give losers hope

Bajorans eat ass like you say hi.

So are they ever going to address the massive technological leap backward post STD?

Attached: star-trek-dsc-sanest-man-010.jpg (534x800, 70K)

STD is another stupid reboot

nice tits

plus bajoran women are notorious cum dumpsters, literally bred to guzzle alien semen

they're the white women of the galaxy

I thought they were going to say that using the spore drives kills all the sentient mushrooms and stop using it like that one TNG episode where evil Warp drives were killing the universe and shit that they forgot about in record time.

It still wont fix all the shit they made. like pic related. why did they use manned repair crews for two decades when they had these?

Attached: DOT-7.jpg (1772x742, 165K)

This slut fucks fans constantly at conventions.

Attached: Chase Masterson.jpg (906x1310, 247K)

citation needed

>nice tits
user, I...

Akoocheemoya on this Friday we are far from the normies Akoocheemoya

Attached: akooychemoya.jpg (1160x877, 98K)

>Leeta is a glorified stripper who admittedly has nice tits.
Don't look at her nudes.

>Don't look at her nudes.
well not you got me curious so I have to.

>massive technological leap backward post STD
Wait, are you actually implying that a show made in 2019 has to explain in-story why it looks different from a show made in 1969? Are you fucking retarded?

Based Akoocheemoya poster

no, user, really really don't.
just let your imagination keep what you think they look like
take it from the burned

The sort of mongoloid that needs an explanation, would never accept one to begin with. DISCO was made near half a century later. If they made it look like TOS, it would be (rightfully) cast aside on the first episode.

They're not that bad. Better than Ezri's at least.

looks? no. but when you start introducing technology which didnt exist, yeah. there were no holocommunicators, no robotic repair drones, no 3D holo interfaces etc.

you shut your whore mouth. Ezri is small breasts are adorably cute.

>Disco fans deserve the rope

Spore Drive that can instantly transport the ship anywhere in the UNIVERSE

Iron Woman armour that can travel through time and create mini wormholes at will

Starships that have hundreds of shuttles and fighter ships never before seen

fucking retards

Attached: USS_Defiant_(NCC-1764)_bridge.jpg (700x394, 50K)

Thanks for proving my point, that looks breathtakingly awful. It'd look even worse now.

it looks like how a more modernized attempt at TOS would look without bastardizing it

remember this? man everyone hated this episode, never accepted it

picture didn't load because fuck capatcha

Attached: Sisko_meets_Kirk.jpg (1024x763, 76K)


guys there's simply no other option than completely bastardizing the aesthetics of TOS. I'm sorry, deal with it nerds

Except it doesn't look modernized, it looks like a less grainy picture of a low rent 1960s set.

Wow that looks like shit.

Lol, get a load of this guy. Let it go grampaw.

>They're not that bad.

Attached: treklaugh.gif (325x244, 1.84M)

Why can anyone just waltz into Ops on DS9? Isn't that a bit of a security problem. People are just constantly walking in there, like Quark and shit

Don't sweat the small stuff.

To be fair, DS9 never cared about details like that. It's trying to tell a story, and a damned good one. That's why it's best Star Trek.

>Also ferengi value submissiveness and nudity in their women.
Except Quark, who still values nudity but apparently prefers women who walk all over him. I can identify with that.

Is she a bad character or a bad actress?
or both?

Attached: Michael_Burnham%2C_2257.jpg (718x958, 380K)

Are they ever going to address the massive technological leap backward post-Voyager?

How does the Enterprise in Nemesis not have magic torpedoes, magic armor and magic warp?

she acted better in discovery than walking dead but both has shitty writing

Voyager is like the Star Wars books/EU. It doesn't affect main canon

Alt-righter detected

STD is in the JJ Trek universe, I don't care how much they deny it, that shit ain't canon in the Prime universe.


It's called Star Trek. I see people waltz onto the bridge of the Enterprise all the time.

Attached: I'm not going anywhere - Fucking Ralph.jpg (1440x1080, 434K)

Lol, nobody cares about the Delta Quadrant.

is she okay?

Attached: Cretak.jpg (489x457, 26K)

they at least grabbed that guy and yelled at him.

Attached: 676258.jpg (960x720, 106K)

When Wesley came on the bridge without permission, they turned him into a navigator.

I frowned the first time I saw them

Mr Spock, analysis?

The first time Picard saw Wesley in the turbolift outside the bridge he told him he wasn't allowed there.

>Leeta is a glorified stripper

Female Ferenghis don't wear clothes.

What is the 252nd Rule of Acquisition?
"Hoes without clothes will cure a lot of woes."

Post your;
>Current Age:
>Birth Sex:

And your favorite;
>First Officer:
>Science Officer:
>Medical Officer:
>Tactical Officer:
>Security Officer:

I already posted the superior prompt though. You're obsolete.

>actual height
>height you wish you were, and why
>Ezri or Jadzia, and why

You're like little baby

>Trans or no?
>Sexual orientation
>Who would you rather fuck - Quark, Neelix for Phlox
>Would you rather have to suck farts out of Tilly's ass or lick the dandruff out of Riker's hair?

5 ft 8 in
6 ft so girls will like me
EZRI-CHANNNN because she is CUTE

>What did he see in her?

She loved him.


Jonathan Frakes may have crazy dandruff, but I'm sure that Riker takes very good care of his hair.

>Better than Ezri's at least.

wait hold up she has nudes?

Attached: Leeta Rom.jpg (500x150, 22K)

What a stupid idea that was.

You know that warp drive thing that makes all the plots convenient and all the fans think is cool?

Let's fuckin nerf it.

And then Voyager fuckin buffs it to go to infinite speed.



Miles "6 trillion Cardie deaths isn't enough" O'Brien


Yep, Sev Trek. Now that was a good world-wide-web comic-strip.

They never did accept any of my submissions, even though I'm a pretty funny guy heh heh heh.

She is Bajoran. They are highly prized. Dukat had like 12 of them as his rape wives

The Sev Trek collection was the first thing I bought on the internet

Attached: Sev Trek.jpg (400x588, 51K)

She's nice to him when his own brother is an asshole and treats him like shit. (typical je- ferengi behavior)

He's too pure for this world and the universe gave him a kind, big titty, davo gf in rewards for his kindness. We should all be like Rom.

Worst. Meme. Ever.

Attached: 1072697.jpg (640x480, 38K)

>We should all be like Rom.

>tfw I'll never be an autistic savant

Sensors are detecting levels of comfiess not seen since the last trek thread!

Attached: Worf%2C_2364.jpg (350x467, 26K)

Worf was too good for TNG. I'm glad he was brought over to DS9.

It was nice seeing him
Altho i must say i wish geordi would have went too

captain sensors are detecting elevated levels of gayness

That's disgusting. Geordi belongs on Discovery.

Post Trek actors in non-Trek roles

Attached: Hunter - The Contract 3x09.jpg (500x375, 51K)

Fuck you nigger you belong on bajor as a cardassian fuck toy

Attached: NCIS-LA.jpg (550x300, 18K)

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Wow, Robert Duncan McNeil looks like shit

Yikes and cringe.

1, what makes you think he was taking about 20 years ago?
2, 20 years ago, the TV shows were unpopular and the movies were Fake Trek starring Action Picard (and they were declining in popularity outside of our sekrit club).

It's true, Star Trek has generally gone downhill since the BOBW 2-parter.

She's a shit character but I have nothing against the actress. And when they ramped up her jobbing in the second season it was really arousing hearing her grunt and scream while she was getting her ass handed to her by everyone until it was that time in the episode for her to magically fix everything.

He's a doofus and a pushover. You don't have to go full (((ferengi))) to stand up for yourself and have a spine.

I think it's just the material and directing desu.

No they will just handwave it as some alternative dimension or some shit thank fuck
Ignore it entirely and if it ever comes up that's what they'll say

At this point I'll just keep watching orville fuck std



Attached: Grandpa.jpg (640x736, 52K)

>chad grandfather
but is it's fault that happened

Say something nice about chubby Riker

Attached: sarek_hd_026~2.jpg (782x1080, 116K)

>rent free


>three hours later


This you first upscale rodeo?

STD is one of the alternate universes from Parallels, along with any other ridiculous bullshit like Abramsverse and any novels/comics that don't fit the setting.

How can I live in the star trek world already, I am tired of this burgerpunk reality

The madman did it

Attached: King Abdullah II.jpg (437x460, 20K)

Bashirfaggot, drop that loser Kevin and be with me! I'll make sure your feet are cleaned every day.

>Male (same as current sex and gender)

>Spock, but he's the only dedicated science officer in the whole franchise other than T'pol
>Post Season 1 Worf
>Sulu? Yar?
Also, you forgot comms officer.

Holy shit, why does he look like Seinfeld?

Wake me when he actually finishes building his Star Trek theme park.

>The resort is under implementation and projected to open in 2017.

If this were true I'd go.

Attached: MAX GRODENCHIK 43137276_155049678783976_4738316790703074013_n.jpg (1080x811, 102K)

There's always something so comforting about seeing this post.

Attached: coda1.jpg (674x565, 32K)

what the fuck is this picture

is that actually armin shimerman

>is that actually armin shimerman

Attached: MAX GRODENCHIK 43298615_953366968204555_7619133830854000209_n.jpg (480x480, 41K)

the ds9 actors seems so down to earth and cool. It really was a special show

>Commander Michael Burnham, seen here with Garth of Izar and Hoshi Sato, battles Klingon forces in the Badlands

Attached: mike-tyson-mysteries-post2.jpg (1000x600, 303K)

Why was he in full makeup and costume for a convention?

>what the fuck is this picture
One of many events where the original actors dress up as and perform as the characters. .


Attached: MAX GRODENCHIK grodenchik-chase-costume-dste50-sunday-0008-e1540256314856.jpg (2040x1360, 368K)

I've been going to 1701 for years and every single time I open the tab there's always THAT guy making cringe comments over and over. It's like he's an alien entity that has power over the mods and they're afraid of him or something. Last time I was there he was literally making shitting sounds and adding bizarre commentary from the episode being shown. Don't get me started on the in-jokes these people have, calling keiko cakehole and changing the cast's names and whatever. I honestly couldn't give a shit about any of it up until I had to endure what was the end of every couple of episodes where they shoehorn some heavily edited video their local tranny "musician" made with absolutely TERRIBLE music, it's like breakbeat but made by someone with no skill or training, 4minutes+ of this shit the fucking cringe man, and they have multiple videos of this shit going on. At least in the past you could just go through the list they had on display and watch whatever ep you wanted while the group watched VOYAGER but they even hid that the absolute fucks. Don't even bother to want to watch some trek on the weekend there because it's movie weekend, or MOOBIES like these dweebs like to call it. Last time I saw them actually stream a trek movie was the first time these fucks shoehorned this shit as an excuse to watch movies aka fucking forever ago. And you can't even try to connect with these people because you're basically held hostage to sit and listen to them drone on about unfunny stupid shit 90% of the time, their daily boring routine lives or their shitty jobs for hours and hours.

They even finally stopped playing movies that were tangentially related to trek through an actor or whatever and went fullblown autism mode with random crap playing around AND EVEN MORE edited cringe bumpers that are even worse than before when all you ever wanted was to just watch some trek. Fucking faggots.
Absolutely horrible congregation of cringe.

They've also done a few Star Trek cruise ship shows.

Attached: MAX GRODENCHIK img_6989-quarkboard.jpg (800x600, 72K)

Indeed, also congrats on those digits.

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What are the best VOY episodes? I I just rewatched Year of Hell and only part 1 was any good.

Real Life

Attached: Hi Honey I'm Home.jpg (1396x1054, 364K)

The Thaw

Attached: The_Clown_and_company.jpg (576x432, 47K)

not real life in particular but just all the doctor episodes put together


Attached: coda_277.jpg (705x530, 54K)

I like VOY but shitpost about it because the fans are insufferable

forgot pic ... Shattered

Attached: download.jpg (520x332, 28K)

And saved.

Attached: ifwisheswerehorses230b.jpg (756x1054, 151K)

Racial Female Trek Power Ranking (RFTPP)
>God Tier
>Okay Tier
Human, Vulcan, Romulan
>Meh Tier
>Shit Tier

>Snu Snu Tier

Attached: 1551623482376.png (960x908, 1.75M)

What if the repair crews were robots that looked human?

how is she still so cute bros? some womend actully do age fine

whoa, calm down cowboy.

Non-Binary Character Set To Join ‘Star Trek: Discovery’ Season 3 (EXCLUSIVE)


it's dead jim boy

those are some very convincing humans based on the episodes featuring them. each one looks unique, they come in male and female configurations, Vulcan, Bajoran, Human configurations looking indistinguishable from real biologicals, capable of humor, sarcasm, emotions, and death much like any biological crewman.

this basically makes Data a useless junk.


Attached: MirrorUniverseKira.jpg (641x538, 34K)

these breasts and lips are illogical.

Attached: tpol06.jpg (1600x1599, 183K)

Mirror Brunt didn't deserve it.

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Attached: enterprise-carbon-creek.jpg (450x250, 41K)

Cap: Sisko
FO: Kira
Science: Data
Engineer: O'Brien
Medical: EMH
Tactical: Worf on DS9 or Tuvok
Security: Alara Kitan
Helm: Paris

6'3 be taller than dad
ezra, all about the cute waifus

well at least you're still autistic.

more cushion for the pushin

>'Chaos Theory'
>Short Treks
>September 12

>Short Treks
>October 17

>'Enigma Tale'
>Short Treks
>November 14

>Short Treks
>December 5

>'Insurgency - Part 1'
>Star Trek: Picard
>December 19

They charge £175 a photo. That’s why.

Discovery is coming out early 2020.

This means there'll be little break between Picard and Discovery which is great.


>While Gene Roddenberry’s enduring sci-fi franchise has always been at the forefront of change – the famous kiss between Kirk and Uhura is proof enough– it looks like Star Trek: Discovery is looking to round out its cast of diverse characters.
I love how none of these 'journalists' ever fucking watched Star Trek or else they'd had seen how NEITHER KIRK NOR UHURA WANTED TO KISS IN THAT SCENE.

Doing a voyager rewatched, and I just noticed that during Latent Image (S05E11) when they reconstruct Harry Kim as a hologram - he doesn't have a penis. are they mocking Asians for having tiny dicks?

It's because canon-wise Kim doesn't have a dick

Why? who stole Garrett Wang's Wang?

Wheres my Wang Doc? What did you do to it? I need it for my date tonight with the Delaney sisters!

Attached: Garret Wangless.webm (576x432, 744K)

STD can die or go suck on a lemon for all I care. .

It's there. It's just very very small.

If racism doesn't exist in the future, why does Michael Burnham face it from her white male superiors?

Trust me Doc, the Delaney sisters wouldn't have been interested in dating me if it was small. Now bring me back my Wang or I'll decompile your program

Attached: garrett-wang.jpg (640x350, 29K)

Because despite unprecedented levels of tolerance and accommodations black people STILL refuse to drop the slavery bit and behave like everyone else. Even in the 23rd century.

Would watch

i thought that was shatner for a second

A show taking place 10 years before TOS should look like TOS.
DS9 and ENT had episodes taking place on the set of a TOS-era ship and they made sure that it looks exactly like TOS.

Attached: mirror 1.jpg (640x360, 83K)

Don't forget the huge empty space inside the ship.

Attached: STD - turbolift roller coaster.webm (900x506, 2.84M)

>bringing the two worst episodes in Trek as an argument

Can you imagine how horrible it must feel at that age to get dressed up and read banal, fan-fiction tier lines with a cutout of the more popular actor while the fat, sweaty, "fans" clap like trained seals to every word?

Old Trek would have had the character be part of a nonsexual species and use it as a metaphor. Nu-Trek will have the character be human and constantly screech about gender roles.

Listen, guy. You can't expect a show being made roday to bend over backwards to fit itself within 1960s design limitations. In the era of HD, it would look like complete shit. Why can't you just pretend and enjoy it instead of getting your panties bunched over "muh canon" all the time?

they could have at least kept colorful instead of everything looking tone deaf and dark

Listen, CBS shill. DS9 and ENT did it and it looked cool. [current year] Doctor Who did several episodes with the first Doctor and it didn't look like shit.

There are so So SO SOOO! many reasons that STD is bad and should be ignored. Some minor disparity in the surface technobabble and techno-chachki rank at the bottom of that list.

At first, it felt like she was doing the best she could with very bad material. There was, however, a point where she clearly gave up and just accepted it and went along for the well paid ride. Base carny working the marks.

These motherfuckers are correct.

>Nine inch futa Troi, computer, and coconut oil.

Attached: barclay.jpg (720x443, 56K)

You faggots are unbelievable. If they redid Lost in Space would you bitch and moan about everything not being garishly colored polyester? TOS looked garish in order to compensate for the shitty quality of "color" TVs. Because everything looked washed out to the viewers the production had to be RIDICULOUSLY colored. It was never meant to be viewed that way but because you're viewing it with better TVs you think portrayals set in the same time period should look similar.

JJ's Trek exists
He kept the colors and everything was lit showing that it could be done even in modern times.

>implying kurtzman or any faggot who watches std gives a fuck or has even watched TOS

Attached: STD sucks.png (727x902, 822K)


Protip: Kirk and Uhura didn't dislike the kiss because of race, and the Southern US didn't reject the episode because of telekinesis.

>If they redid Lost in Space would you bitch and moan about everything not being garishly colored polyester?
If it's a remake then they can do whatever they want.

they did redo lost in space, twice.
the netflix one in particular is shit and was dumped on for its uninspired visual style

Just look at MCH vs the failed attempt at a DCCU. Embracing an aesthetic true to the source material, even when garish, over-the-top, and too colorful to make sense is objectively the right choice, especially when the alternative is weird grimderp shades of gunmetal and dull dark colors washed out into gunmetal.

Daily reminder that Gul Dukat did nothing wrong.

Attached: gul-dukat.jpg (400x397, 24K)

>objectively the right choice
Seriously kill yourself

Thanks for proving my point

>JJ's Trek
Not an argument

The second season of Discovery successfully -- if stubbornly -- cleans up the problematic storylines of Trek past while still effectively dramatizing new takes on the lore

I never bothered to watch the end of this abortion, what do they mean by "problematic storylines of Trek past"

it proves you can do a modern take while keeping the general aesthetics

reminder that std will never be cannon

Attached: std fuck off.png (900x574, 138K)

people said the same about ENT and now people attack you if you dislike it

In time people will love STD

>general aesthetics
Literally only the costumes. The set designs are more on par with Discivery than TOS.

>people attack you if you dislike it
Nobody likes Enterprise.

it looks futuristic but still has the colorful and wel lit aesthetics of the original

I didn't prove your point though. STD is not a remake. It's advertised as being part of the canon.

sorry cbs, no one is ever going to like that embarrassing trash fire of a show

Attached: std.jpg (853x440, 78K)

>Current Age: 30
>Birth Sex: Apache Helicopter
>Nation: /trek/
>Ideology: Deikunist Zeonism
>Captain: Pickard
>First Officer: Spawk
>Science Officer: Radzia
>Engineer: Taytoe O'Brien
>Medical Officer: aaayyyy lmao
>Tactical Officer: N I C E B U M S
>Security Officer: Odo Owo
>Helmsman: who the fuck cares
>Garak: Garak
>Tripfag: Jimmy Two Times even though he wasnt a tripfag

Attached: C-X20JeXkAA2DPz.jpg (800x1192, 140K)

then i need her to come to houston!

more from this set?

Dumb Zeon scum.

Now do the other prompts.

Attached: Zeon sucks.png (544x960, 454K)

>Paul Stamets is the worst character in Star Trek history

Change my mind

Attached: Chase Masterson 1.jpg (886x1311, 254K)

You’ve been 30 for like three years

I still don't understand how he was resurrected.

Why was he in the mycelial network? Dude got murdered via neck snap! Or was this just leftys REEEING because a black gay man was killed so STD had to bring him back?

Attached: Dr.Faggot.jpg (800x1200, 215K)

leeta is one of the most athletic characters on the show, she can run up a wall and catch a baseball while doing a back flip.

Harry Kim

>colorful and wel lit
If you consider white with silver and endless lens flare to be "colorful and well lit" then you might have a brain tumor or something.

>part of the canon.
Do you hear yourself? Having some autistic need to explain every difference, even when those differences result from 50 years of time between productions is not a good thing. Learn to turn off your brain and enjoy the product or seek help or just kill yourself.

>Current Age:
>Birth Sex:
>First Officer:
>Science Officer:
>Medical Officer:
>Tactical Officer:
>Security Officer:

>Learn to turn off your brain
I don't want to, that's why I don't watch Bad Robot/Secret Hideout productions.

Just be yourself, /trek/

Attached: Fweinds.jpg (1010x708, 272K)

You seem to have a myopic lens that can only see racism.
Have you considered that almost nobody trusts her because she mutinied and started a war with the Klingons?

Attached: 1554687482930.jpg (641x641, 55K)

The 2018 Lost in Space was pretty meh.
It seems to me they put most of the design efforts into the robot, which was an improvement on the original.

Attached: Lost in Space (2018) Will and Robot.jpg (1777x888, 251K)

Well then Star Trek's not for you. Just pretend Star Trek ended in 2005 and watch shitty fan films like Axanar that are made by autists who think like you do.

You are straight retarded

Nu-Smith was an interesting take. I like the /ss/ angle.

It did end in 2005. Everything else is a high-budget fanfic set in an alternate universe that wasn't seen in Parallels before they sent the enterprises back.
I'm sorry you can't see that.

Attached: 1550142238207.jpg (1080x1331, 132K)

I don't care about fan films, they aren't official productions.

So you instead choose to be dissatisfied and whine about the official production? That seems neither productive nor healthy mate.

Discovery is canon, I'm sorry you can't see that.

As an alternate universe, yes.

Until it's stated explicitly on-screen you're wrong. Official canon is not the same as your personal head-canon bucko.

Attached: 1554507630513.jpg (432x617, 52K)

What about the flashback footage from the TOS Cage pilot? Doesn't that connect it to the canon universe, communicating to the non-autistic audience members that there are visual but not necessarily story retcons.

It's fucking Kelvinverse

Please go back to /x/, you dumb conspiracy theorist.


Gonna need a lil sauce onnat pasta

She has been good in other roles, but she doesn't get a lot to work with on STD. Some of the other actors on that show have also been good elsewhere, but the writing on STD is pretty bad.

>dude, what if we make the main character a human raised by vulcans, so they show no emotion 90% of their screen time and dont have any of the smartass sass talk that Spock and Data had? Wont that be fun?

Attached: spock.jpg (910x1048, 119K)