Friday night

>Friday night
Why are you here?

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Other urls found in this thread:

pizza night

Waiting for this thread tbqhfamalalalam

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Because I'm hitting my all time lowest at depression and anxiety. I have nobody to talk to.

I'm on a plane


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talk to me fren

because I overeat and isolate myself to the point to where I'm so repellent nobody wants to be near me

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I just finished my first week of work at a new job and I just got invited to an engagement part. But all I really want to do is sit here alone and drink while browsing tv and playing overwatch

It's not even 6pm here. Pregaming until we go out.

because today is my one day off this week and I spent it roasting in the sun working on my car

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I've been getting laid for the past week straight. I need a fucking break.

>tfw licked the jar clean again

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because I quit all drugs now life is boring


Waiting for my girlfriend to come over. We will get some ice cream, turn on nextflix, make out and then fuck a few times, then I will sleep and she will give me a deepthroat blowjob tomorrow morning.
Its kind of our weekend ritual.

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we r here for u fren :)

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stop larping

going to crack some steel reserve and hopefully not wake up tomorrow

I dont understand why nobody agrees with me on so many topics, there's no way I'm unique or special so I dont know whats the deal. And I cant find anything to make me stop being depressed and anxious, even my parents give me the "there are people starving" routine. I thought I could count on some friendly coworkers but I heard them make fun of depression when talking about someone else.
I tried a depression chatroom and therapy and some religious people but nobody understands me. People say depression can be cured but I can't help thinking that EVERYTHING is bullshit

drinking wild turkey 101, vaping dank carts and shitposting while watching YouTube vids is one of the finest ways to spend an evening in New Orleans

>stop larping
I'm a normie, we do stuff like that, going out, sex, opposite sex, etc.

try betting on horse races, the risk made me feel more alive

you're trying too hard be more subtle next time

Just be yourself and put yourself out there dude

Yea Forums is the only place where I feel at home, I wish I knew people I could talk to in real life. I've been coming to this board since 2008 and it's what keeps me alive. I wish the best to everyone here

How chadly do I have to be to date a girl who looks like this

I'm lonely and people don't like me.

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I bought kratom but it does nothing for me should I just take a shit load of it until something happens?

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That's not a bad idea!
I wish I could be but if I were more like myself around people I think they would reject me way more.

Receptionist at work invited me to a get-together, but I hate going places where everyone else is already friends with each other and I only know one person. Shit is wack. I either become the center of attention or I get mad quiet.

Plus I know she's just trying to hook me up with the gap toothed broad whose loft its at cause she told her she thought I was cute.

>I hate going places where everyone else is already friends with each other and I only know one person.
Same here. How do normies do it? Do they always know a lot of people or what? How does it work? It really looks like normies are just scripted NPCs, Idc if that's just a meme. I need proof to believe otherwise.

Why are YOU here?

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Hey me too. I'm feeling so fucking low

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my coworker lowkey asked me to take her out to see Toy Story but I'm too much of a beta pussy.

I was ashking you

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>How do normies do it?
90% of friendships are work (coworkers) or family related. (friend with brother of your wife kind of shit).

I'm looking for the vocaroo with user reciting
>ENOUGH from the clown

All the links expired and it can't be found anywhere

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What strain are you taking? Red, white, green, or yellow? How much (in grams)? Its nasty as fuck and it's a bit difficult to get the hang of but try the toss & wash method:
>weigh out how ever much you're taking and put it in a small cup or something you can toss into your mouth
>Pour a little water on your tongue and try to pool it on your tongue, if that makes sense
>toss the powder into your mouth, try and land it on your tongue
>pour some water in your mouth before you swallow the powder
>should be able to swallow it down no foul
This method helps it kick in the quickest and most effectively in my experience

I'm studying for my Anatomy exam.

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is that true friendship for average people? im always worried that i dont have true friendships, though it does seem to me that average people are way closer to their friends than i am (im just the weirdo)
That sucks

this chick asked me to hang out with a group and now she's acting like it's not gonna happen and i can't tell if it's to gauge my interest or what so i have to act like i'm ambivalent to hanging out

I'm a loser so I'm here what's your excuse?

just to suffer

The woman I was dating (5 dates) and fucking regularly recently told me she was married so I dumped her ass. Now I am here for Bane memes to cheer myself up.

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and then she asked if i wanted to go on a hike but now she's acting like no one else is going jfc

I bought red bali and gold bali. They came in capsules so eating them isn't hard I just feel nothing. They recommended 4 capsules at the shop for me to eat but I've ate up to 6 and get no results. Might try eating like 10 tonight

Yes, you can't overdose on it and the worst that'll happen is that you'll puke.

Oh God I got to poo poo

she doesn't like me anymore Yea Forums

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I like you

I think I went on a date with this girl I knew from school. I got really hungover though so I don't feel like drinking for a while, and besides I have school work to do.

Girlfriend had surgery and shes upstairs passed out. Want to keep an eye on her in case she needs anything

fuck off europoor
>a Yea Forums weeb will be your doctor
I hope you're not American

These stupid fucking games women do are so retarded. Why does anybody put up with this shit?

t. normie

>is that true friendship for average people?
Well, you can be very good friend with your coworkers you know... And your school friends are the same thing.
Nobody is going to make friend with some random dude in the street. you need some long term connection (work, family, sports etc...)

>(im just the weirdo)
well, like me and most of the people here, you are a loner.... and probably someone who is not very interesting / talkative/ funny irl.

that never last but thx

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>ever having a she to begin with

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Someone post the vocaroo, i wanna hear it

No friends. I'm off next week for the 4th of July. Taking my parents for dinner tomorrow.

That's good user! I'm very happy for (you). Next step is having a healthy diet and exercise.
We're all gonna make it.

I went down to my local bar. Some guy bought me a round so I listened to him for awhile, nice guy.

But the real answer is that I have no close friends where I live, I question if I have any close friends at all, I'm in a miserable mood hearing aforementioned drunk talk about getting some random chick to pick him up. I can't remember the last Friday where I actually went out with someone other than my parents who are far too nice and far too loving to an unworthy son like me.

I'm fucking lonely, what do you want me to say? And what's the point of going out when you go to a bar and feel like you're on the periphery of everybody else and their little cloistered groups and just a fly on the wall with real people with real friends, real experiences, real desires? That was high school for me, and I can't take it anymore.

I can't even say I'm broken, because I was never properly assembled. There are enormous gaps in my life that I haven't experienced (and at this age, never will). To call me broken would imply that I am whole, that there is something to break. I'm still a pile of components on the floor

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pussy. last i heard this chick had a bf who treats her like shit but i don't use normal social media so i have no way of knowing if that's the case.

>Next step is having a healthy diet and exercise.
I'm working on this now. Wish I had a buddy to go to the gym with though.

>Wish I had a buddy to go to the gym with though.
i honestly prefer going alone

Headshop/smokeshop kratom is low tier shit. I'm not shilling but I've had good results from Get Kratom. If anything try and empty out the capsules then toss & wash those instead of taking the caps.

Red kratom has more of a sedative/opiate type effect and gold has an "in between" type of effect, between energetic and sedative.

Depression can't be cured, the effect of it can only be reduced.

welcome to the club pal.
It's all downhill from here

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With me the funny thing is that I had plenty of opportunities as a child and and adholesent but I was too scared. Then God intervened and now I have too many mental and physical problems. Life sucks pal.

>and probably someone who is not very interesting / talkative/ funny irl.
I'm definitely not but neither is anyone imo. Only very very very few people are interesting apart from famous geniuses and some celebrities.


You aren't unique I don't think you want to be, you're not alone in feeling isolated like that. I find most people boring at this point. Your parents are fags and your coworkers are shallow, judgemental people. You should still interact with both but know this truth.

Read Marcus Aurelius, think about how many times you get sad/mad in a day, and above all find PURPOSE. You like like a blind man because you have yet to find your reason to live. No man can live without purpose

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>If anything try and empty out the capsules then toss & wash those instead of taking the caps.
What difference would it make if I took them out of the cap tho? Is it like more direct if you just take the powder alone?

It's good to hear someone else saying this, thanks a lot user

Yup, more of an /k/ poster. I'll enjoy fucking people's shit up.

My day off and im 4 beers in and feel full as shit. I want to drink more but my stomach hurts

playing pokeymans

Yes, in a way. Your stomach will start breaking down and digesting the powder instead of having to break down the capsules before getting to the powder

My dad have severe depression, and whatever I do (frens, whores, sports travels and all that shit) it always come back. am I doomed user ?

Never mind dude I'm an idiot
>This method helps it kick in the quickest and most effectively in my experience
I'll give it a shot thanks

I hope that day we can meet, and all of us will face the darkness as brothers. You guys are honestly more interesting and insightful than almost every normie I meet.

I like going with someone stronger because they always push you to lift more, even if that pushing is the fact of them lifting way more than you in the first place.

Thanks user

>I like going with someone stronger because they always push you to lift more, even if that pushing is the fact of them lifting way more than you in the first place.
i may be too much of an egotist for that desu haha. not that i'm strong i'm one of the weakest guys at the gym, i just prefer to hold myself to my own standards.

well it's not a problem for the average joe who is interested by football or fishing or shitty movies.
If you want to be friend with them, you need to pretend to be interested in that shit too.

If you want to be friend with interesting/cool/famous/genius etc.. people, you need to be an interesting/cool/famous/genius man too.
Are you?

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I really miss adderall but I know that I have to stop doing that bullshit drug.

I'm tired and gotta work tomorrow. If it weren't for that I'd go see my emotional gf and maybe spend the night with her. Oh well, she's going to a friend's wedding tomorrow and will probably get drunk and fuck.

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Not doomed, in the sense that you'll eventually break down and lose everything, but doomed to always have a period of severe downtime. Which through great effort you can pull through, the reality is, that not many have the willpower to suffer through it and ends up breaking down and dropping everything.

Things like having a great routine of swimming at 6am to 8am, going to school/work afterwards - coming home and grabbing the bike to visit parents/friends.
Only to fall back to waking up at 12pm and going to bed at 7am, doing absolutely nothing.

If you have a stronger friend who's willing to work out with you it's honestly great. You don't feel anxiety about being the weakest guy because everyone sees you're with someone legit, and chances are the stronger guy will be thrilled to bring someone else into the fold. But I'm a naturally lazy person so if I don't have someone to keep me honest I'll start slacking

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Damnit you are completely right.
I think I'm either in between or on a parallel outside spot. I wish I met people like me but it seems like only anonymous people on Yea Forums are interesting and intelligent on either my level or a level higher that makes me want to try to reach it. I met at least around 3 actually interesting people about 8 years ago but I lost track of them. Never met anyone interesting or intelligent in real life ever since.

user, I think you're confused. This is my home.

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I'm making Sneed edits of things

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I'm writing a fantasy romance novel about a young knight and a tsundere warrior princess. I don't anticipate any measure of success but I think it might be cathartic to finish.

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yeah, the key was adolescence, if you failed that part, you weren't constitute as a normal human being, and thus will never be. Even if you find a gf, friends, job and everything you dreamed for, you will not be like them. We died before we lived. It's too late for us.

It probably will be cathartic to finish it indeed, best of luck. I try to make an indie game for the same reason but always abandon my projects.

I had a bad physical problem and started lifting to compensate and when I was nearly at 4/3/2/1 I started having mental problems, anxiety, panic attacks etc. I think you guys can really go for it and it's a good think to have other lifters around you because you can get advice and such. Wishing you the best.

this is what work is for.
if you are dumb you are supposed to be working with dumb people
if you are smart, you are supposed to be working with smart people
This is why friendships are possible and common in the workplace
What kind of job do you have?

pretty much. unless you can change radically somehow

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he uses reddit spacing in his fucking novel ahahahahaha i can't breathe

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How come people on Yea Forums are so much more smarter and aware of everything compared to any people we'd be able to meet elsewhere?

Just remember that there's nothing wrong with a happy or heroic ending, at this point the expectation is of anything but.

Looking forward to reading it, I haven't read fiction in awhile

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My gf broke up with me
Shes going to the club while I sit here alone
Wish I could go at least too but all of my friends are busy
Whats a good revenge kino?

try grad school i met a bunch of smart cool people

>I'm not made of glass, Christiansen

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this is cringe bro
delete it

Writing is extremely cathartic in general. Good luck on you story user.

I thought so, I wasn't planning on living more than ten years from now. It's really unfair, the entire universe is an absurd place with absurds rules

The episode of Friends where Ross takes advantage of the break

I work in tech support, I'm sort of a programmer, for a company that sells software to tollbooths. I'm always inside the office. There have been a few coworkers that seemed smarter than the rest and that I liked hanging out with but they either quit the job or got fired way too soon. Also ironically (or unironically) the ones that the rest of the coworkers seemed to dislike the most.
I didn't make a huge connection with them though but it might be that it was just that I spent little time with them. Although they *exist* I'm still worried of not having met anyone I can connect with after that and for a long time before.
The rest of the people are pure facebook-tinder-netflix-food-memes-soccer normals.

same here man, same here.

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>Christiansen tastes that other character
>guy next to Christiansen looks at him weird

>Also ironically (or unironically) the ones that the rest of the coworkers seemed to dislike the most
this is always the weirdest shit. if you don't want to share personal details with them when people want you to they are going to actively dislike you.

>if you don't want to share personal details with them when people want you to they are going to actively dislike you
What do you mean? I feel dumb

I do anyway, but I've learned what to share and what not to share. And most of the time they just want you to listen

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>tfw grad school is 2-3 years away
Fuck man, how do you do it? Undergrad is so tiresome.

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a lot of it is just the difference in online personality versus real life. in real life everything is small talk and avoiding saying too much. you rarely hear people's opinions on anything significant. online people are more honest and Yea Forums thinks more than most normies.

everyone (or almost everyone) is looking to connect with people. i might go as far as to say it's each of our primary motivation in life. some people are less aware of this compulsion in themselves than others but are also very good at successfully seeking it out. i think that's the most normie position. Yea Forums users tend to be in the opposite category where they're hyper aware of their need to connect and often unaware of how to do so successfully. sometimes doing so successfully can be unrewarding because you realize that you've not connected with someone who connects with you.

He means that coworkers ask about your personal life and you just try to evade the questions so they end up disliking you(in my opinion cause they realize you're a weirdo).

Not him but you’re supposed to do that, when you export to an ebook or print-ready file the spaces will be converted to indented paragraphs

I’m a shut-in NEET with no friends. right now, I’m sitting in my moms car at a king soopers parking lot. there’s a popular hole in the wall restaurant next to me that’s holding some type of dance in the outside dining area. lot’s of young couples are outside dancing. I hope my mom out soon cause I don’t know how much more of this I can take.

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>realize you're a weirdo
as far as they're concerned and it's within your power to control their perception of you

Fucking disgusting. Just weigh it out in a cup of water... make sure its completely stirred and desolved. I wait an hour or so until its soaked through. Have your spicket on. Have a half cup of orange juice. Take a swig of OJ, then down the whole kratom water, then another swig of OJ. Swish in mouth and swallow. Then wash your whole mouth out with water throroughly and take a final swig of OJ. Then immediately eat something... bananas are good but really anything.

Dont take the shit dry.. its awful.

undergrad was horrible for me after the first year and a half. i had a cute gf and friends and was a d1 athlete and then my mental health blew up my entire life. the only thing that saved me was getting a job as a waiter. working and exercising are how i maintain relationships.

Exactly. I recently noticed that my friends care about me a lot more than I thought, and I didn't figured out why, since I'm really a burden socially and we lost our common interest since high school

Because I peaked in first year of college and am now 6 years into the slow descent into alcoholism. It's now at the point where getting drunk seems more pathetic than fun. I think most of my friends want to avoid me now and I don't really blame them. Although they might want to actually hang out but I'm just too much of an insecure, sad sack of shit to notice. Either way I hope for the sweet release of death soon.

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I left my job to concentrate on school. I've sworn off drinking and dating, but fuck, I'm so goddamn bored. Hopefully when I move to Seattle in a couple of months I'll find something to entertain myself with.

everything around me makes me feel like shit, i have left the house twice in the last 2 months out of necessity, gym membership is gathering dust as i sleep all day and shitpost all night.

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what was your job?

>Hopefully when I move to Seattle in a couple of months I'll find something to entertain myself with.

Yeah meth and heroin

How do you know they care about you? Idk if it might be my case but I always pay attention to whether people text me first or if they ask about me when I don't go somewhere. It's never the case lately.

>How do you know they care about you?
once you know they do it's almost too late in a sense. i think having faith in the bonds you share with people is optimal.

I have explosive diarrhea

That's why I take a lil swig of water before i toss the powder down. I've noticed it takes a bit of effort for it to dissolve properly and i'm not patient enough to wait an hour before taking a dose.

Barista. It was pretty fun to fuck around and make drinks all day.
Mind you it isn't by choice, I'm going to the uni out there and it was the best program for my degree.

>Barista. It was pretty fun to fuck around and make drinks all day.
that sounds like fun. why not do it part time?

Currently cutting contact to test if I was right. I think I do since they acted strangely after I came back of a two weeks trip.

i think so too man

I'm shipping out in 2 months to Seattle, I'd rather not do that to my store manager. I also really dislike small talk and my shifts were really pushing the human connection BS after the whole Boston thing.

is life ever going to get better, user?

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you poor guy

>tfw just a lurker on a Friday night, furthering your descent into alcoholism
I was on the wagon for three days before this and justified buying whiskey by telling myself it's the weekend. I'm afraid when the work week comes around, I'll just keep drinking. I'm across the country because my work is making me go to school and all my other friends back home talk to me less here because of a time difference and my lack of presence. Or they just dont give a shit. But this shared misery between us all is nice in it's own way

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>But this shared misery between us all is nice in it's own way
It sure is. Idk what I'd do without this board.

Dont let your dreams be dreams
Dont be a sad fuck like me wishing I was programming games but I am instead studying to be a lonely sad engineer
Follow your dreams and life will get better
We're all gonna make it user

i wish i could tell you yes, but there are no guarantees

It's scary when you think it doesn't "need" to be. I wish life were like a videogame, where you know there's an end you have to reach and that the events are more or less scripted to make sure you find THE way. But in real life, if a baby can be born dead it just means there's no reason to believe anything good will happen or should happen. It just "might" happen but it's mostly a matter of luck.

I've been on 4channel for a long time but I quit for awhile. In that time I got married and divorced. The marriage wasnt good and in hindsight, I wish I had just been shitposting on Yea Forums the entire time. Now, at my best and my worst, I've been on this board

I say "I don't know" because I don't like how average people say "it gets better" as if they've been to the future or something.

hah that's so weird, I guess there was some truth when people say "leave Yea Forums if you want to get a gf". Unless you had one (maybe her) before already.
I took a Yea Forums hiatus too but I don't remember doing anything special back then.

That response has never made sense to me, it only induces this faggy inner reflection
>what if I never get better?
>I've been trying but things are still the same, what am I doing wrong?
>are my standards for myself skewed?
I really want things to get better but even during my sober periods, I feel so vacant

fellow anons, what if you can't find anything you feel passionate about and your life feels aimless (continuing my studies just so I don't have to go wagie)

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>what if
I wish I knew lol. I'm on the same boat, user.

I started dating her while still on Yea Forums, but I was also in school so had to socialize more. I dont think the heart break was worth it. For about a year now, I've been talking to this one girl but she has a lot of (external) issues, so things aren't exactly smooth and it's not something I can fix no matter how hard I try. You dont have to leave to meet anyone, but you might have to give up some time

Just keep searching. You have nothing better to do anyways

I wish I had her in my life still.

Because I am shitting blood and had mild stomach pain for the last week.

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Because I’m bored at work with a headache while the customers rent 30 porn DVDs to take home in garbage bags

>working at a video store
You expect us to believe that? There aren't any video stores left.


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Yeah it’s called Family Video and it’s the last chain left based in the Midwest.

Customers are cursed. I had a fat black woman come in and ask me “where the rental DVDs are” when it’s the entire fucking store, another asks if she turns a movie in two days before it’s due if she has to pay a late fee, we are doing a CBD campaign so we get kids asking if we sell non-CBD weed, and don’t get me started on the diseased 80-year-old men in camo tracksuits with skull bandanas renting porn all the time who throw fits if we didn’t get any new porns that week.

Who dis?

If your life were made into a movie I'd watch it on a Friday night much like this one. Sounds comfy.



I'm an autistic virgin in my 30's.

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I'm in tonight, but I still shitpost when I go out. Last Friday I shitposted at the bar, and I went to a woman's house, and after sexual relations she fell asleep and I got on Yea Forums and shitposted more.

Oh shit, hello fellow Family Video wagie. Good to hear other stores’ customers are subhumans as well, I was worried it was only mine.

I'm dangerously close to my 30's and a part of me still believes that something will still magically happen in between because there's no way my 30's can be bad. I guess I still don't realize how fucked up *life* in general is.
There's nothing wrong with being a virgin, people who judge you can fuck off.

got pizza and watching evangelion for the first time. hope its good!

got a new piece, went to the range (by myself) so I would have less time to be home alone focusing on how miserable I am

a little late but put a spoonful under your tongue with a tiny bit of water for like 15 seconds, I do that and I get a mild opiate-like high

There's something wrong with dying alone, though. Women expect you to be experienced, and a lot of them will think there's something wrong with you if you've held out that long without any sex. They automatically assume that you have a Chad-tier sex drive, and if you haven't gotten any they will think that it's because of your own personal failures.

I might do that, I was thinking about pizza and have always been curious about evangelion

In that situation I would probably just lie and say I've had sex. If I do a terrible job for being my first time I'd just say I'm very nervous because I like her and haven't been with a woman in ages or some bs like that. If she has a problem with that she's not "the one".
Idk why people on /adv/ always seem to be so passionate about the importance of telling a woman that you are a virgin. I mean if she finds out because you perform badly then BFD, it's better for me to just give it a try and lie. It's not like women are lie detectors, and if you do tell them you are a virgin they WILL look at you like you are a loser and will tell other people about you being a virgin.