So which one of you did this
Supposedly, it was the SJWs, not Yea Forums. if it was Yea Forums it would have ended in a bait house with Chris Hansen
Iron Loli, and this is all just some bullshit from her helicopter parents looking for sympathy as they let their daughter support them.
Imagine living off your 8 year old daughter and expecting her to pay the bills. These people should be shot.
this, she had the audacity to not be black
>people pretending "I love you, 3000" is a thing
>or that anyone remembers Tony had a little girl
dios mio es el ogro de las americas
Imagine going up to a 7 year old and asking for an autograph as an adult then getting mad when she doesn't want to, creepy af.
Imagine wanting only the good parts about being famous and not even wanting to give an autograph to fans.
she cute
imagine getting mad at a kid over retarded identity politics that even most adults don't care about, cmon dude you know this is stupid as fuck, also I doubt she wanted to be famous, she's 7. Most 7 year olds are playing with lego or some shit not being told by their parents to pretend this man is your dad then have to deal with sjw neckbeards crying about autographs
Most little girls want to be famous like their idols.
Why are leftists such hateful and evil people?
Peter Parker with Tony's retarded daughter
t. midgeposter
Her parents are worst than Millies
whoring a girl this young
what's gonna happen if disney doesn't call their little girl back
she is ugly
Celeb kids used to be prettier
Remember Jodie Foster? Macauly Culkin? I member
too white
too old
I know.. Hollywood is shit now. Only niggers and ugly people
too feminine
It is the only excuse available to chat up a 7-year old when the courts have banned us from schools and kindergartens. Parents always get in the way, but if it is a celebrity then it is less awkward. And since it is a rare treat we want most out of it.