Unconventional Alpha Males in TV and Film
>pic very related
Unconventional Alpha Males in TV and Film
>pic very related
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very based
aboslutely based
ive never seen a move like that before. not bad
Chad as fuck
what the fuck is his problem?
Indescribably based.
Multiple lawsuits do that to men
The Chad Virgin
This is hilarious. What's his problem? Was he on nofap diet to gain strength to fight and after win, when all the pressure falls off and all the blood starts flowing to the right parts, was he affraid to get a boner?
He doesn't want to catch a roastie disease. Smart, really.
Not funny, he got #METOO'd previously so he's smart to avoid that plastic whore.
Absurdly, nonsensically based. Even witnessing it I can’t fathom how chad this move is.
Nofap decreases testosterone. Stop falling for reddit memes.
Yeah he basically plays a man who doesn't give a fuck, he does what he wants. Its gorgeous to witness.
He's probably blackpilled about being a manlet and being placed next to a woman of his same height (taller with heels) makes him uncomfortable. He knows the hatred the girl feels for him and tries to avoid her.
So what? It increases the urge to seek a woman. Makes you gain control over that urge, but women can sense that and your behaviour changes to chad instantly. Whenever I manage to nofap over 4 days, I usually get laid. I don't really know, how I do it, but I have noticed this. You just want the pussy more, but are smarter about it. When the pussy gets close and she smells on you your hornyness, she instantly becomes horny as well, if you can act alpha. The rest is just primal behaviour.
ok, now I need a sauce
imagine not being able to control your urges
>sh-shut it down
thankyou, git that video with subs?
No! You will learn the language of the goguryeons now.
Based Bean.
Friendly reminder Mr. Bean was a fallen angel and not an alien. The cartoon canon a shit.
lol i thought it was a joke. dude was legitimately accused
>hey Yea Forums, how do you guys avoid the designated shooter?
For me, Highway to Heaven and Mr. Bean are one.
Who actually cares about the cartoon outside of 12yo Indian children?
fuck, I laughed
it's ok to laugh you don't need to swear
Wow did you actually take your time to type that out autist?
Well yeah Mr. Bean is funny.
No one asked you to be an addict tard. I doubt fapping once a week is considered 'bad'.
This looks like the girl who doesn't have braces in Moonraker
Typical shy and nerdy 80s/90s girl.
Absolutely PATROLLED
How can you type and rub your hands at the same time?
kek I forgot how funny he could be
Probably has the gentile he pays to turn on light switches on the sabbath do stenography for him as well.
i thought he had autism
sides in orbit
based and mgtowpilled
Jesus Christ, that whore probably killed herself after that.