Kramer gets jerry's car

>kramer gets jerry's car
>jerry gets an uber
>kramer comes and picks him
>you have to pay
>but it my car
Make you're own plots

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jery ipad

do american millenials really dress up like that? that can't be right

they look ridiculous
who would ever take you seriously looking like that?

jerald aquire apple pad

george and elaine catfish each other on tinder

Kramer gets a sex change wins gold medal in the women's karate olympics

Jef gip ipod

jery go to monk's
it no longer monk's
now it sneed's

>Kramer takes Jerry to the dispensary
>"What do you want, Jerry? It's on me."
>Jerry stares at different strains
>"Well come on, Jerry! Pick something!"
>"I...I've never smoked weed before"
>Kramer does a jerk. "Wuuahh?!"
>"I said I've never SMOKED WEED BEFOOORE!"

>George mistakes Grindr for Tinder and hooks up with a tranny

Newman becomes a successful twitch streamer only to get banned because he is found out to alt-right

>kramer uses jerry's electricity to run his kramercoin mining rigs
>tries to make everybody buy his crypto

jerry get ipda

>George calls tech support for his new iphone
>gets on the line with poo in the loo
>the whole episode is george rambling because tech support are indians

An old video of George in college resurfaces and gets him in hot water.
>j: you tea-bagged your roommate?
>g: ... yes.
>j: but why?
>k: he passed out, those are the rules Jerry.
>j: so when someone falls asleep you feel compelled to take out your testicles and rub them on their face?
>g: no, of course not!
>j: have done it to others, like me, have you teabagged me?
George and Kramer exchange an uncomfortable look.
> ... no.
*slap bass*

Jerry: Naah, I'm not sold on this new fallout game, it has always online drm, co-op, pvp, no body wants to play fallout with other people

George: IT JUST WORKS, Jerry!

Kramer: Oh yeah my friend Bob Sacamano he once modded his skyrim game

Jerry: You can do that!?

Kramer: Oh yeah Jerry, on pc you can do anything! Its the *pop* "MASTER RACE"

Jerry: and here I am being a console peasant

Kramer: So he mods his skyrim game and I come over to have a looksie and BAM all the girls have huge gazongas, just like that THEY'RE MELONS JERRY! BIGGER THAN HOT AIR BALLOONS

George: Can i get a link for this mod? Does it work on ps3?

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j gt i

george catfish

Kino, hope you typed that out yourself instead of copy pasting it

bottom left looks kinda comfy desu

>Kramer uses jerry's kitchen as his Uber eats restaurant
>My friend Bob Sacamano invented uber but they stole his idea jerry!

>Jerry out on a date with gf
>they go to her place
>gf unzips fly, has a penis
[laughter, funk rhythm]
>following morning
>sitting with george in the diner
>Jerry: "She's a transexual."
>George: "A transexual?"
>Jerry: "Yes, George, a transexual."
>George: "Wow. You know, I always wanted to try that out. i think it'd be fun. It'd be like having a girlfriend and a best friend at the same time."
>Jerry: I'm serious, George, what am I going to do? If I break up with her I'm a transphobe, if I stay with her I'm a pervert!"
>George: Wouldn't that be a 'he,' actually?
[Kramer enters]
>Kramer: hey, hey, hey, what's new?
>George: Jerry's girlfriend is a boyfriend.
>Kramer: "Well that's perfectly natural, Jerry. you know, in ancient Greece, they had those kinds of relationships all the time.
>Jerry: really.
>Kramer: Oh yeah! The boys were with the boys and the girls were with the girls.
>Jerry: But she's trans, Kramer! She's not either!
>George: He, Jerry, he!
>Kramer: I cannot believe I'm hearing this from you. You know, I thought you were more open-minded. I'm contacting the ADL.
>Jerry: You are not contacting the ADL!
>Kramer: watch me, Jerry!
[Kramer runs out]
[funky bassline to commercial]

sensible chuckle

>Kramer shows up at a karate dojo to take a picture of George pretending to do karate for his tinder profile
>Kramer over hears a woman talking about the trans 'girl' who's been beating all the other women and wishes someone else would come and kick her ass
>Kramer offers to help and George gets pissy when he walks away before taking a picture
>Kramer goes through a makeover montage where he spastically tries on dresses and make up
>goes back to the gym and starts another montage of him kicking every womans ass on his way to getting to the trans woman
>all the while George is seen hitting on women and getting turned down time and time again
>finally the big finale as Kramer faces off against the trans lady
>the fight is brutal but finally ends with Kramer knocking the other girl down
>everyone cheers that the bully is defeated and Kramer is given a gold medal
>George is cheering when a woman taps him on the shoulder
>'are you George? we matched on Tinder earlier'
>George is elated and beside himself with happiness at the prospect of landing such a beautiful woman
>the woman smiles at George before turning her gaze to Kramer who is bloody and holding up his gold medal
>'oh wow! who's she!'
>George replies 'oh that's my friend, he's pretending to be a girl to win a karate match or something'
>'PRETENDING? what a bigoted thing to say!' the woman slaps George across the face and walks up to Kramer
>a short conversation later and the two of them walk off together
>Kramer turns to George and gives him a wink and a thumbs up
>roll credits

>Well things were getting hot in the bedroom. then she pulled out a... you know

A what George? I don't know what you're talking about

>Well let's just say Kendra used to be a "Kevin"

So she had a...?

>Yep. she pulled it out right there. All 9 inches. No warning. Just pulled it out and asked me to show her mine

So what'd you do?

>I walked out of the room. I couldn't couldn't look her in the eye after that Jerry. I just couldn't do it.

Big deal George, girls have penises nowadays. It's not gay to fuck a trans girl. If you loved Kendra you'd still be with her. Text her right now and apologize.

>Gay? Jerry, I don't care if it's gay. I'm comfortable enough to know that she's a woman and I like women. In fact I might have would have enjoyed it... if it were smaller. That's the problem jerry! I couldn't go through with it. I can't let her know she's packing more than me. I can't bring little David out to fight when she's got Goliath. It wouldn't be right. it would be



[Seinfeld theme playing between scenes]

[George and Jerry are in Jerry's apartment, on the couch looking at their iPads]

>Have you seen this new baneposting meme?

Again with the memes, George?

>Well, have you seen it or not?

No, George, I haven't seen it.

>It's ridiculous, Jerry! All they do is write 'you're a big guy' and 'for you' over and over!

George, you know I'm not really into the meme stuff. I don't meme. I'm not a memer!

>Well, this meme has gone too far! Too far, Jerry! And I'm going to do something about it!

[Kramer bursts into the room]

>What's George yelling about?

He doesn't like the new baneposting meme.

>Oh ho ho ho! Looks like we got ourselves a hothead!


[George storms out of the apartment]

>George tries to hook up with a trans
>ends up catfished by an ugly transvestite

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That baneposting bit is A+

Most millennials wear jeans/shorts and a tshirt unless it's cold. If it's cold they wear a hoodie. Urbanite posers are the ones who dress up like clowns, and the shaved side of the head thing stopped being cool 5 or so years ago. The glasses are real though. Many choose the most obnoxious frames possible.

>Kramer finds out George browses Reddit

>You have to go back George
Back where?
>AH ah buh buh buh!

It gets posted every time.

[Jerry and Elaine are watching TV in his apartment]
>Newscaster: Authorities say that a young woman has died and many more are injured.
[footage of riots and mass unrest]
>Elaine: oh my god, how horrible.
[protestors are waving Nazi flags]
[it's Charlottesville]
[car plows into pedestrians]
>Jerry: Who could do such a thing?
>Newscaster: Police have released a sketch of the driver. He is known only as "The Assman"
[shot of car's vanity plate]
[police sketch is shown]
>Jerry: Elaine, it's Kramer!
[funky bassline, credits]

alot of it is over the top but definitely you will see guys wearing at least one thing:
slicked back hair like that with very finely trimmed beards
adidas clothes
its the fashoin
also tons of girl i see and know wear nose rings, and hoop earings, combined with big ass frames for glasses

>Kramer and Newman get addicted to titty streamers
>They force Elaine to become a streamer and milk her for cash to pay other titty streamers

>Kramer says the N word every episode and is a Trump supporter

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Fund it

>credits scene is kramer trying to explain how he took a wrong turn and got distracted trying to unwrap snack foods and thats how he ended up there and plowing into people

I popped for this one

Aside from Kramer they are all accurate in Australia

Millenials were people born in 1984, Seinfeld were already for them.

jerre get idap

Monk's sonk and fonk.

devils plant? you mean devils lettuce user come on

no, that shit is zoomlet soundcloud rappercore

Kramer looks cool as fuck.

I kind of like that idea. He convinces Jerry that he'll split the profits with him but Jerry's car gets in worse and worse condition

I live in a hipster neighborhood in Canada and have seen people dressed almost exactly like that. Especially the female with shaved side head and flannel shirt look. But you see a lot of Jerry's look as well.

jeri get ipad
kramer browse Yea Forums
george post redit
elaine tweet drumpf bad

Jerry Seinfeld obtain large Apple touch screen device

soup nazi gets harrassed by far right neo-nazis

Those are the same thing faggot.

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Kramer converts to islam

not really
trans is someone who identifies as the opposite sex and is taking steps to transition
a transvestite is just someone who likes to dress up like the opposite sex but does not indentify or is not planning on transitioning
drag queens are transvestites but most of them identify as homosexual males
hope you learned something, nigger.

>Kramer watches YouTube prank videos and starts his own kissing prank YouTube channel and doesn't realize that the people in the videos were actors.
>"I'm getting #MeTooed Jerry!"


>jerry gets turned into a meme (pic related)
>has to deal with random people on the street holding their noses at him in reference
>jerry goes on date with woman he found on facebook
>jerry with woman on first date. they met on facebook and had lots of mutual friends. very cool ones
>she tells him that she is :"nose-blind"
>"i cant smell a thing jerry, i was born this way"
>memesters see jerry on date gthrough restaurant window and they all start holding their noses and pointing at jerry while laughing
>"why are they doing that jerry?"
>"er uh i dunno its a prank i guess"
>complications arise and she starts to push jerry away because she thinks jerry stinks
an allegory for fake news

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80% of people on the planet just wear jeans and a t-shirt, millennials are no exception
These kinds of fashions only really pop up in major urban centers like San Francisco or New York where trust fund kiddos can afford to larp

>George gets overworked and thinks Grindr is an app for meeting people who feel rundown by their jobs

Too real.

>George and Jerry decide to go to a baseball game
>George insists on wearing his red ballcap despite Jerry's worry that it may be mistaken for a MAGA hat
>Jerry and George get attacked by Antifa halfway through and are forced to flee the stadium
>the B plot is Elaine and Kramer taking a self driving uber only for it to crash through the front of the Diner

Sounds about right

>george pretends to be a girl on the internet to get free stuff
>asks elaine for video clips so he can send to his followers

That's not bad.

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I have never watched Seinfeld.
What's the show about?

slice of life of rich fucks but they pretend they are actually hardworking people

formally tom's

If they visit San Fagcisco, Seattle or Los Angeles, there's a very good chance you'll run into people who dress like that.

So what's up with smart watches

No it's what advertisers think Millennials look like

I have 5 friends who look like jerry with tamer tattoos.



holy shit. This one is a special kind of autism.

life for young single people int he 90s +
what happens when you tell small lies and be a general asshole. In other words, what happens if you act like Larry david.

>unfunny forced meme thread


>the gang finds out Kramer is a /pol/tard
>tries to make his case, Jerry and Elaine aren't convinced but George is secretly curious
>goes to /pol/, finds it more funny than revolting
>Jerry finds out about George and ends up browsing himself and eventually likes it as well (this is after he mentions a specific thread/comment he made)
>Elaine wants to scold them after finding about it but then reveals that she's been secretly shitposting on /pol/ as well
>she then announces that she loves laughing at incels and points out the anonymous comment George made
>they get in an argument because George can't contain himself
>while fighting in Jerry's apartment, Kramer slides in, overhears the conversation, and announces that he doesn't browse anymore
>"too many incels"
>cut to George literally REEEEEEing after Kramer leaves

>Kramer believes a recent flu shot has given him autism and asks Jackie Chiles for help.
>George declares he is transgender in an attempt to get a promotion, but this backfires when he becomes the face of his job's diversity initiative and women are no longer interested in dating him.
>Jerry is irritated by his girlfriend's obsession with becoming a social media influencer and believes she's only with him to further herself.
>Elaine is accused of calling the police on a group of black girl scouts after they run out of her favorite cookies.
>Newman tries to thwart Amazon by sabotaging its deliveries.

You should have them put down

>opening: George is scrolling through Netflix and stops on a series. Shrugs and gives it a go. 5 hours later he's watched the whole thing
>The next day, he tries to get everyone to watch it so he has someone to talk about it with but everyone has their reasons for avoiding it:
>Jerry: "oh yeah, I know that show... Not a fan of the main actor, never started it
>Elaine: "I tried watching that on a date I had but he tried to Netflix and Chill me. Can't look at it anymore because of it"
>Kramer: "Oh, I don't have Netflix. Amazon Prime is all I need!"
>frustrated, George goes online to see what discussion he can find.

>Kramer invents an app that tells you when the new Supreme bed sheets might be getting made
>George invests in it
>app is called HypeSheets
>George loses all his money when Supreme releases their own app to compete but it’s only available on Windows phone
>George spends all his inheritance on Windows phones
>Jerry meets a feminist blogger who is the creator of the hashtag #MAYBEMETOO
>afraid to take on her on a second date because he might get metoo’d
>Elaine goes to an ANTIFA rally
>meets a guy named Sebastian
>found out he’s a TERF
>sees him get badly beaten by some FASCISTS

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elaine instagram get hacked by newman

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This is dumb. The type of people who look like this are not the equivalent to the type of people Jerry and co were. If they grew up millenials they would not look like this, they would still look like well off jewish young adults.

jeri get ipad
georg catfish
elane UTI
kramr niggger nig nig

Most women generally fall for fads. Most men usually don't and when they do it's pretty cringe and/or people assume they're gay

>Kramer gets famous for a meme vid he apears in
>George gets an internship at gugure
>Newman thinks he's the hot shit because he becomes a janny on Yea Forums

Too deep for Seinfeld

my favourite choir was Mr. Steinbrenner, sad

Jerry would probably be a professional comedy youtuber. Successful but not super-successful. There should be an episode where he gets in trouble with the social justice warriors for making a homophobic joke.

Kramer actually looks like less of a douchebag with facial hair. Somehow.

seek sunlight
have sex

>*pop* "MASTER RACE"

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Newman catfishes Jerry