Look without Derek Zoolander male modeling wouldn't be what it is today.
Look without Derek Zoolander male modeling wouldn't be what it is today
that's not necessarily a positive though is it?
fucking bullshitter
Holy shit. No. Trump wasn't in Zoolander?
How did the president end up in a movie from 20 years ago? Is time travel real?
Look without Chuck fucking and sucking wouldn't be what it is at Sneed's.
melania's tits agree
Seen it 100 times, don't remember Trump in it.
Gonna have to watch it now.
>Literal actor
Melania aged like shit jfc
haven't all of trump's wives been eastern european supermodels? lucky man
Remember when everyone liked Trump before the NPC narratives?
He truly is a pimp
i really like donald trump
That's a lot of laughter tracks, jesueees
>kathy griffin and trump on suddenly susan
lel if they only knew
>Whoopi refuses to say his name
>Shared a scene together
the donald lmao
i wish i could bang elizabeth hurley :(
My favorite
dude writes checks damn fast
I really liked him in his hotel.
How can you hate trump, he's hilarious. The cages are just fake news
Young Melania looks like that Czech pornstar who only do porn with his bf.
Trump was in everything in the early/mid 90s. Like I was watching Hakeem Olajuwon game footage from the NBA Finals and they had Trump as a guest camera man.
Marry Queen aka Meila
>its a trump calls out jews on their bullshit episode
Little Caprice? Pretty sure she does porn with other people now though
>Holy shit. No. Trump wasn't in Zoolander?
Trump WAS in Zoolander. Listen to your friend Billy Zane, he's a real cool guy.
Funny how Little Caprice still managed to her herpes
Why did he call the interviewer Luke? He thought he was someone else?
I think Donald Trump has a good heart and is at his core a good man
I think () meant Connie Carter
At least now you know that everyone that liked Trump were NPCs.
I fucking hated Trump.
I love him now.
holy shit Melania before all those fucking surgery is hot af. now she got those fucking slant eyes.
donald was the dad of the evil kid from the rascals?
wow did he coin the phrase "never forget" here? TIL
I can totally understand thinking that Trump is a moron, but do yous guys think that so many people would think that he's Adolf Hitler reborn if it weren't for propaganda?
melania was such a qt
it was habitual squinting from getting hit with money shots during gentlemen's parties
holy shit melania was hot.
I don't think he's evil in the sense that he gets off on physical harm or shit like that, but I do think he's far more susceptible to the cardinal sins than the average person, and this has led to him making many corrupt, unethical decisions in life. Many such cases.
Trump derangement syndrome is real.
Post the video where the donald predicts 9-11
What a fucking liar. Why do people believe this piece of shit?
Milania looks so cute there
As a pajeet I have better chances of fucking her. She likes Indian dick why she married one. Deal with it whitey
Don't you guys statistically have some of the smallest dicks in the world?
I'm not so sure that that's the worst of their problems. They're smart and often pure-hearted though.
no they aren't
pajeets are the world's top rapists
Indians and Pakis also have the highest rates of inbreeding and 1st cousin marriage. It's why you see such a disparaging difference between the ones who like subhuman apes and the models who end up in Bollywood
*look like
That says something about white guys then doesn’t it. Losing prime pussy to small dicked Indian guys. Sad.
Literally one (1) piece of prime pussy in all the history of pussy, bravo apu.
Actually it was WCF, that's why it took me so long to find it.
Dude was in everything that took place in New York City, hell he's pretty much NYC incarnate.
Vid showing every Trump cameo in a movie or tv show before he became president
Don't attack all Indian men just because of that one arrogant bastard. I'm white, but I know there are great Indian men out there.
>Dumb zoomers ITT that don't remember Trump was a beloved celebrity loved by everyone in the 90s
Their culture basically invented the government appointed girlfriend, so excuse me for being skeptical.
that chick is fucking hot. was trump hitting that?
7:20 if it doesn't work
American "culture"
American "president"
No wonder the Chinese and Russians are owning your fat asses
>Remember when everyone liked Trump
No, not really lol
How can one man be this based?
i have to agree with you both.
1. there are great indian men.
2. india must open up its pussy reserves to foreigners.
Zoolander was such a good movie. I still love rewatching it.
>Hello kids, I just bought you
Remember when Trump was that funny New York dude from TV and nothing more?
Where did everything go so wrong?
Really, really, really, really, really, ridiculously good movie
Truly a man of the people.
Donald Trump = Rent-a-billionaire
>and nothing more
No, he was always more than that
remember that time where any man can become great through positioning and advantage?
no, most men don't amount to much regardless of their starting position
1st guy here. I can get on board with this.
did't they try to smear him with this during the campaign
>group of popular guys start calling you a faggot
>it really hurts your feelings so you start saying it back
>nobody cares except for other faggots
>they act like responses like the one you're getting right now was the intended reaction and not the actual tears that you shed once upon a time
>the truth is that you will never be able to turn back time and be the first person to shout faggot at someone
>instead you will always be saying it out of butthurt
>yours are the actions of the receiver
>the consumer
>the beta
>never achieved anything
>got all his money from daddy
>not a billionaire
>lost millions
>t. Assmad Yuropoor or irrelevant third-worlder
Oh wait, what's the difference?
>see Fran Drescher
>instantly think "nigger rape"
Thanks teevee
>>never achieved anything
>>got all his money from daddy
>>not a billionaire
none of these are accurate and you'd have to be a brainlet to fall for obvious political propaganda like this.
>russia and china owning everything
not even an american and your cope disgusts me
also, leddit spacing trannyshill
also have sex
If you genuinely don't know she's now the First Lady of the United States.
That's what the Democrats don't get- they need a name like Oprah or George Clooney to beat Trump. Those clowns running against him are going to get smoked.
>mfw redditors joins the thread and spam their mental illness and claims they dont have tds
I'm not signing a release!!
>>Are you banging her?
>>Are you?
>>Well call me later then Liz
lol seething
He took a successful but fairly unheard of NYC real estate business and turned it into a diverse worldwide empire and established himself as a media personality with enough gravity to get elected president.
IDK how people can act like he wasn't successful just because he didn't get his start by selling real-estate out the back of a van or some shit.
>you'd have to be a brainlet to fall for obvious political propaganda like this.
the shills that do it for free actually believe salon, buzzfeed and CNN lmao
they are the very stereotype that's been ridiculed on here for years
They can build a name like that though, they did it with Obama.
Easiest way to spot a zoomer
wait what
based Donald
he's like the chad forest gump
>haha she married a rich guy after fucking American chads for decades
you sure showed us pajeet, now fix my fucking Boeing 737 software or I dock your pay again.
It's a dark time for this country for sure. We'll resolve.
>Indians and Pakis also have the highest rates of inbreeding and 1st cousin marriage.
Just Pakis
Hindus will actually kill you if you marry within your own family
it was her turn bruhs
Wait, they seriously did? Lmao
She got raped by a pack of niggers in front of her husband
wewwww melania looking full straight off the boat slav model
If it winds up Trump v. Biden, I give him a good shot of getting re-elected, but who really knows at this point what can happen with the rest of them.
*is hitting that.
how young are you holy shit
>never achieved anything
he's the president of the #1 world power
fucking based
Wasn't Truman a haberdasher originally? He did pretty well
sarcasm is reddit
Plastic surgery really fucked her up. She was a 10/10 here.
>my president was in fukkin Zoolander
Honestly, if it weren't for his anti-suppressor shit, and all his other anti-gun stuff like bump-stocks, I would be perfectly happy with him
He wasn't in Zoolander
go drink your prune juice gramps
Don't try to fuck with me, i know he was in it.
Trump was in everything in the last 40 years. We're actually living the plot of the Forrest Gump sequel.
He actually comes off as...dare I say it...likeable in these clips
But when he ran for pres he became a little petty faggot
I think she kind of looks like Madison Ivy
don't forget that the husband was cucked so hard that he became a tranny
I'd like him if he wasn't a massive shill for Israel and kikes
He's always been pretty likeable, it's just the media that wants to corrupt your mind.
Don't trust those in charge ever. Trump may not be the best, but he certainly isn't as bad as people want you to think
His best cameo is his apartment in Devil's Advocate.
>John Truman was a farmer and livestock dealer. The family lived in Lamar until Harry was ten months old, when they moved to a farm near Harrisonville, Missouri. The family next moved to Belton, and in 1887 to his grandparents' 600-acre (240 ha) farm in Grandview.[11] When Truman was six, his parents moved to Independence, so he could attend the Presbyterian Church Sunday School. He did not attend a traditional school until he was eight.[12] While living in Independence, he served as a Shabbos goy for Jewish neighbors, doing tasks for them on Shabbat that their religion prevented them from doing on that day.[13][14][15]
Huh... interesting.
At least Israel only attacks our troops instead of our civilians like those other ME countries
Which other Mideast countries? The Iraq war was pushed by Zionist Jews who tried to blame Iraq for 9/11 even though they had nothing to do with it. America would have marvellous relations with the Arab world if it were not for Israel and Israel constantly dragging the US into wars. Trump's entire family are Jewish and it's why he has a massive boner for Zionism
You've been severely brainwashed by the Jews.
Thanks user that's a /thread for me :)
Okay, now this is epic.
I am so sick of celebrities with political opinions
oh wait it's Trump nevermind.
He comes off as petty in his cameos too, because he has a whole film crew stopping a story dead in its tracks to compliment him on his wealth and business acumen.
I barely knew who he was until he started getting in the news for questioning obamas birthplace
t. 28
the left are drunk off their rotting, low hanging fruit
Reminder that Donald Trump is a pedophile and spends his time with pedophiles
Stop pretending Trump isn't a kike puppet.
Funny shit
You'd think that they'd know that Trump could be easy to defeat in the upcoming election, but they keep shooting themselves in "xer" feet
"republicans are evil racists nazis hitlers" has been a thing since I can remember. they said it about bush too. democrats ALWAYS paint the right as BAD EVIL RACIST
>Remember when I was born in 2000 so all I remember is about Trump is what I can find on youtube so obviously everyone loved him and he was super popular
He was as popular as the Slap-chop guy or Billie Mays. He had a funny dramatic reality show and he kept trying to sell shit. In the 80s he was more popular but only in NYC and it was because of his family. Nobody took him seriously until the ice rink thing. And then he lost credibility with the Doug Flutie thing. After that he was pretty much just seen as a huckster and gold-plated ego machine.
>I'm very proud that my daughter abandoned Christ and adopted the religion that considers Christ to be burning in hell and that she circumcised her child
What did Drumpf mean by this
Holy fuck, now that is cool. Nowadays you got Drake poncing around.
rent free libtard
Trump loved to hang out with liberals until he wanted to run as president as a publicly stunt. Republicans we're dumb enough to actually vote him in, a Clinton campaign contributer who had both of them at his wedding. Now he exploits antisemties supporters while being Israeli's bitch
>two billionaires know each other
Shocking, now why did Bill Clinton take over a dozen trips on Epstein's private jet to his rape island?
that photographer at the end and middle is the guy from that David blaine street magic series
sh-shut up
dont ever breed
Liberals loved to hang out with Trump*
Ftfy, then they all turned their backs on him like the rats they are
Democrats should run Billie Mays.
The same thing Trump was doing.
GREAT POST user! jk kys trash eating faggot
>it's a kike shill pretends the Deep State didn't want the election to be Bush vs Clinton episode
Top Kek
Bill Clinton isn't a Billionaire, his relationship with Epstein was not Professional
Not an argument, Bill Clinton is a Rapist
Yet they both ended up on pedo island. Interesting.
I'm a kike shill for talking shit about a president that was type cast as a "cool RICH player" for the last 20 years ala reagan?
Yeah, he probably wanted to run as a democratic and they didn't take him seriously like conservatives.
fake photo
Don't plan on it, unless anime becomes real.
you are the only one talking about bill clinton, no one is excusing his behavior. typical npc
Trump LITERALLY flew in the selfsame Lolita Express that Bill Clinton rode in
Trump never went to his island retard
Which one is better looking?
you know what user? I hope it does.
Imagine if Obama flew in a pedophiles airplane with a notorious pedophilia island. Now imagine that you found out that Obama didn't actually go to the island, just flew in the plane. What would you say?
Me too user, me too
You're a kike shill for thinking the Deep State wanted Trump elected
What did the Obama drone mean by this?
You're the one that brought up Epstein retard
No he didn't fucktard
He was also in home alone 2
Also, you talk like a fag
The fuck are you talking about? Bill Clinton flew in Epstein's private jet the Lolita Express to his pedophile island over a dozen times
Make Israel Great Again
trump moved the the us embassy to Jerusalem
>We’ll resolve
American politics is a complete circus
I like how kikes kvetch that Trump is literally Hitler while also trying to paint him as a good goy, kikes are hilarious
The whole thing was a bait and switch retard. Trump was nothing more than a steam valve. What has he really done aside from threatening Iran, giving Israel money, bombing Syria, allowing his kike son in law and whore daughter to slither their way into his cabinet, selling weapons to Saudi Arabia and allowing illegal immigration to climb as high as it's been in American history?
Just remember to never stop watching it.
He's the president dude
>General: Apparently, they strayed off course. And we're fairly certain they're in Hezbollah hands.
>Trump: So why don't you use the Israeli army? What do you need us for?
>Netanyahu: 'Cause some damn fool accused you of being the best Goy!
>Trump: ... Benji!... You son of a bitch! [Arm wrestling]
based time traveling god emperor
he denies UFOs because he uses their machines
He's on SNL now
>le bait and switch ;_;
Hahahahaha keep kvetching that your Bush vs Clinton election got fucked up, eat shit and die
please try to understand what the user you are replying to is trying to say.
What has Trump done for white people? That's why you voted for him, right?
I like how Trump is the bitch of King Kike and you can't even deny it so you just lash out at Kikes even though you support the most kike friendly adminstration who has a literal sterotypical kike (Kusner) as a senior administrator. Whose the good goy now?
Prevented the election of Cunton and makes kikes like you kvetch
Yet you voted for a literal kike Hernie Panders and he ran off with your rent money hahahahahahaha
Okay and what has that achieved? Since Trump entered office what has he done for white people?
Do your own research, do you want me to wipe your ass for you as well?
I restrained from voting from anybody, just because you registered to vote you're not obligated to vote if you don't like either candidate. Liberals are naive and delusional conservatives are plain stupid
im done with this thread. thx user for showing me the right path.
Epic centrism
just give me one or two points, please. I have some ideas as to what you may say but I'm curious what you'll say. surely you can provide at least one example
Sorry I think issues are nuanced instead of black or white. Then again I spend more than 5 seconds to think about them and question all agendas except just blindly following one side without question
Yeah, shits sad. Dude went from "eh, hes kinda a douchey but funny businessman" to literal foaming at the mouth "he is the anti christ incarnate". This is why fame is bullshit cause idiots perceptions change when you move outside your box
That's just women in general bro. That's why the "still fucked" meme isnt a myth.
You couldn't vote because you are in middle school
I got a college degree, something you couldn't get even if Bernie made college free
That's what's up
what does this mean?
I would look to see if Obama distanced himself from him and ban him from my properties like Trump did right after.
Obama wouldn't though he would just throw another hotdog party.
I don't remember knowing who the fuck Trump was. I only watched reality TV for a few years back when MTV was "good".
literally everyone knew who trump was and knew his catchphrase.
Maybe they didnt "like" him, but they didnt hate the dude either, and acknowledged that he was a big rich star.
Based. can hang out with me anyday
Honestly, if Trump ran exactly like he did today, with the exact same policies, but run under Dem instead of Rep, I reckon he would have still run but this time the media would actually like him.
how do i get a cute melania gf?
Biden is probably the only Dem who could beat Trump in a general election, but I am pretty sure the dems are going to crash that opportunity with no survivors. They are going to chip away at Biden for his age/lack of wokeness/whiteness til we get some freakshow candidate who wins woke dem BINGO. And they will lose as dems have decided 30 years too early they can disregard white voters, ignoring that even lefties like me want a secure border to assist out struggling citizens and believe in the superiority of our western civilization.
>t. registered dem, 1%er, and 2016 and likely 2020 Trump voter.
Who is this girl, she looks traditional
He seems to be the only president in recent history that wants peace on earth and not perpetual war.
If he goes a second term with no war, then he's the best in a long time.
I remember other people liking him but I hated him. But he won me over during the election
According to the ever reliable Daily Mail it should take about 12000 of their British pounds.
Trump has had one hell of a fucking life. To think he tops it off by becoming President as a fucking joke at 73 years old just takes the cake
Why do people hate trump so much? He doesn't seem any worse than previous presidents.
Why did she turn her eyes asian?
What? This is literally a thread about trump. Learn to use buzzwords right you Reddit refugee
Probably couldn't pretend even to herself she was anything but a "rub u rong time me so *horny*" caricature.
>you were not bought by the God Emperor as a kid
Why even live
He’s clearly talking about Angelica damnit
Imagine being a zoomer and having no idea that Trump was a fucking TV star for like 40 years before he became President.
Imagine being so young your first real awareness of Trump was when he ran for president.
I'm in love with melania now :3
should i watch zoolander just for her?
>random guy in the back
>"buy me"
that doesn't look asian, retard. she has positive canthal tilt, like annasophia robb. that's what makes her eyes so cute
>that doesn't look asian
t.slanty-eyed finn
Israel chose him for reasons
>she has positive canthal tilt, like annasophia robb
she's got whatever the fuck they call it when pulling the sides of the face back to smooth out the furrows occurs via surgery. it doesn't just happen to women either, some years back the late Burt Reynolds also had that kind of treatment and it left him looking "like an old Asian woman" according to ungenerous reporters
It's not too BIG is it?
>male modeling wouldn't be what it is today.
He's the only person that has ran for the Presidency when he had no reason to do so. He was already on top. He could have stayed at home and done nothing. He'd be fine regardless of who was President, but regardless of how he is doing, he's probably doing it because he at least wanted to make the country a better place. Not to mention he is donating his salary.
tick tock boomer
This guy is correct, the idea in America that Asians have like 45 degree eyes is strange, it's based off Americans looking at dumb cartoons like family guy and the Simpsons etc where they draw Asians like that.
No only do most Asians not even have angled eyes, many Asians even have eyes that turn downwards on the outside in fact (direct opposite).
Though Americans are blind and stupid, so they never pay attention to anything off their TV and cartoons.