If this isn't the best horror movie of the last twenty years, what is?

If this isn't the best horror movie of the last twenty years, what is?

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Autopsy of Jane doe


Gone Girl

The Wailing, Audition and The Witch.

>Autopsy of Jane doe
Is this bait?

Just me that finds its face incredibly annoying? I'd literally love to punch it.

How did those 2 parents produce an arab kid?

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>>>/high school/

It's literally one of the best recent horrors

>Audition came out in 1999
Holy shit. I thought it came out earlier than that for some...actually, I think I thought that cause I watched it on VHS, cause that's all Hollywood Video had.

lake mungo

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Why did Henrik and Lana hate it so much, bros

VHS is.

Hagazussa is way better

It wasnt really a horror film though. It was more a psychological thriller with horror elements.

The Visit

it was the second post so I was posting what hadn't already been posted


Annabelle 2

Nigga, the mom was floating into a tree house. It was a horror

I feel bad that you can only respond with memes and not original thoughts

This movie is so fucking stupid its borderline a comedy.

How am I just now hearing about this? I'm watching it as soon as the sun's set.

Nigga, the mom floated for 10 seconds in the last 5 minutes of the movie. Her floating wasnt supposed to be scary, it was a plot device.

Fine, it was a horror with psychology thriller elements

The only good segments from the VHS franchise is the first bit with the skinwalker chick, and the one directed by Timo Tjahjanto, with the apocalypse, aaaand...that's it. None of the three VHS movies are even the best anthology of the last twenty years, cause that's Trick R Treat.

It would have been better if that totally genetically white son of this white family had broken out into Bollywood number.

It was decent at best and not scary at all

Were you scared, other than the 2 jump scenes in the entire film?

I personally was more curious through out the film as to what was actually going on. I wasnt scared. Sure, shocked when the girl was decapito, but not scared.

For me horror is more than just brooding athmosphere and dark acoustic tones. For me "It Follows" was actually scary. It spoke to me, since Ive always had a fear of being followed by unstoppable powers. Some scenes were truly terrifying.

Again, I liked "Hereditary", but its not scary.

Scariest scene was the witch cursing Peter in broad daylight. Felt unsettling as fuck and I got the same feeling of dread I recall from seeing the IT tv movie when I was 9. Anyone ktf? It’s a very unique kind of dread I’ve only experienced a few times in life

If the success of Autopsy of Jane Doe and Hereditary were flipped, you'd be saying Hereditary was one of the best.

Why do you think I'm out to attack you? Hereditary was a good watch, hopefully the Jew makes a more lasting film with midsommer, I just really enjoyed Jane doe

I'm finna bout to post it

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whats scary is imagining there are actually people dumb enough to enjoy this shit movie

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It comes at night is unironically underrated

yeah this is going in my "cope" compilation

thats a hard cope if I ever heard one

>Actually, Resident Evil is much scarier than Silent Hill

Yeah. It's like being aware you're in a nightmare

the only answer

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It Comes at Night was a decent movie that was advertised like shit. The trailer made my friends and I all think that it was gonna be a monster movie, so we went to see it in theaters. I enjoyed the movie well enough, but I still left feeling disappointed over the fact that I wasn't given the movie I expected. I also didn't really get into the head space to properly enjoy it until near the end, so it might be a better movie if I rewatched it knowing what the movie is.

Movie was boring. Felt amateur. If its the best in 20 years this genre is a rotting carcass

I'm a different guy. That was my first post in this thread. If Hereditary was more underground, You'd love it.

It was deceptive but wasn't like you didn't get a good film. The ending is hardcore

This. I see posts about Hereditary and it's like people are talking about a different film than the one I watched. It was a 5/10 supernatural thriller with exactly zero frightening scenes.

Agree. I love how so much of Hereditary takes place in daylight, and out in the open, and yet they still manage to keep the atmosphere and sense of dread going. I'd say the scariest scene is Peter's last day at school. Like, I can only imagine when his classmates are saying about him, after his soul has been destroyed and his body taken over by a demon. He's been so utterly annihilated that it's like he never existed at all, and for reasons completely out of his control.

You still think I'm being contrarian to spite you

I love that this thing comes with a "these are the things they gonna say" list to defend itself.

No, you're not being a contrarian to spite him, you're being a contrarian, full stop. Autopsy of Jane Doe was a very good movie. I'd put it right up there with Pontypool, when it comes to horror movies that mostly take place in a single room, which is an achievement unto itself.

So it's not optional, hereditary is the best horror of the past 20 years?

i sure filled my pants with shit when she was
slicing off her head though

it's my favourite horror movie, it felt like an actual nightmare

it probably helped that I went in not knowing anything about the movie

Not saying that, saying that it isn't a binary choice between the two. Personally, I'd say it's Hereditary or the VVitch, but that's me.

True, but I do feel that I would've enjoyed the rest of the movie leading up to the ending more if the trailer didn't deceive.

i was about to get mad at your shit taste but It follows is my second favourite

personally I felt a palpable sense of dread the whole movie and the ending was orrifying

maybe it's because one my biggest fears is something happening to my family and the movie did that well

it was disappointing. miles better than hereditary though

no, it really isn’t
lol I didn’t like the film but obviously it is horror

I LOL when the sister got killed and he the brother sitting there in shock.

You really should tell that to your therapist, chief.

this. it was like the world's dumbest anti pot psa.

What? How was it that at all? He couldn't handle what just happened. He was in psychological shock and he shut down. Shit like that happens when a person goes through a sudden and severe trauma. It had nothing to do with weed. Maybe don't feel so defensive about the shit you like, makes you come off as if you have a persecution complex.


calm down dude. i don't even smoke. but did you even watch that scene? he fucks off to go smoke and leaves his sister to eat the cake and go into shock. also you might want to listen to your own advice and stop being so defensive over a shitty horror flick.

Stop projecting, broseph. Whether either of us smokes is besides the point, it didn't have anything to do with his reaction, which was psychological shock and shut down due to sudden, intense trauma. Watch movies better.

Kill List

watch better movies

The same for my wife and I.

That movie confused the shit out of me, great atmosphere though.

Gimme a rundown of what I'm in for if I watch this?

Just go watch it. The less you know, going in, the better. You'll know if you like it in about twenty minutes, so give it a try who don't you?

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rosemarys baby plot x shining atmosphere x family drama

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The Witch

run of the mill nu-horror beloved by the reddit audience

The Last Jedi

Good movie, but the greatest horror movie of the last 20 years? Give me a fucking break

Just shows how limited horror films are these days

Sinister did a great job of building up dread in suspense in the first half. The snuff films were definitely spooky. The cheesy 'villain' and the stupid ghost girls were just dumb as fuck

Hereditary is so grossly overrated.

Bagul was great and I had no problem with the kids. Very comfy horror

What was the appeal of this movie? it was so fucking boring. the entire plot is just "omg can we trust these people?" and that's it. nothing gratifying ever occurs, the movie just happens, and it's over.

Very comfy is not equivalent to 'great.' The people that made Sinister need to go to the chalkboard and write 'less is more' and 'tell don't show' one thousand times.

But the ending is pretty shocking. Joel just shooting bitches

Spoken like a true vedditor. Go back, pleb.

someone post the girls tits already

Paranormal Activity 3




How is it possible to be this retarded

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If you think that I hope you didn't see the director's next horror after Sinister, Deliver us from evil

It's up there with Sinister and It Follows

Settle down. But first name a better horror

Drag Me To Hell

This one was spooky



Hated it the first watch, understood the genius of it on the 2nd watch

Us is pretty great. I missed the discussion here about that movie.

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Consider yourself lucky. You can only imagine the sort of shit people on this board had to say about it

I honestly didn’t think Us was scary, it was more of a social commentary with absurd shit going on. Get out I thought was better.

It focused on the plot holes of the film, shitposting was still there but not to the level you’d expect

>Sicario is a lot scarier and more tense than most horror movies nowadays

How do we make Horror great again? Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Shining, and The Thing are still the holy trinity.

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I agree with everything you said. I appreciated Us, and thought it was a great movie, but he sacrificed scares and atmosphere for social commentary, while Get Out worked on both levels.

the only people i know who didnt like the witch were really dumb basic bitches desu

>'tell don't show'
read a book, burger

Find someone as talented as friedkin is when he made the exorcist

Pulse. Best representation of depression and loneliness in any horror movie, maybe even any movie period.

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The people in the "underworld" was really scary to me.

Books do nothing but “tell” though..

the only truly scary movie i've seen since i was a kid

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Anyone even remotely a fan of horror knows that the less the audience sees of the monster, the better. If the audience doesn't ever see the monster, better still. The movie would be improved ten fold without Baguul and without the super spoopy ghost children.

is it? i exclusively see people trash it

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>Anyone even remotely a fan of horror knows that the less the audience sees of the monster, the better.
Absolute statements like this are retarded. Better to appreciate a wide range of horror movies with a variety of approaches.

>it comes at night
yeah m-me too

this. most recently the terror fucked up by showing so much of the monster. really undercuts the tension.

Have you seen all of the Midsommar hype? People are praising hereditary a lot as of late.

yeah i've seen the midsommar hype. haven't seen anything about hereditary except the shit people say about it here. i'm anticipating midsommar though, trailer looked really good.

But that's also a rule back in 90's because showing a dude in a rubber alien suit looks dumb

Monster movies are their own thing, and I like a wide range of them (if you haven't seen Splinter, you have got to. Underrated and plenty of body horror on top of being a tip-top creature feature). I happen to think Sinister works better as a ghost story where the ghosts are never seen, or as a cosmic horror sorta thing where no one knows what the fuck is happening, not even the audience.

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maybe it's time to stop looking at "horror" as a monolith. there's lots of types of scary movies and they are all different viewing experiences

I didn’t think so, in all honestly, their uprising was justified .

based rational user

Leaving D.C.

Fair enough, I don't actually like sinister I just hate the "less is always more" mindset.

>It Comes at Night was complete fucking trash. Holy shit the had so much going for it and then shit the bed.

I've nonstop heard and read "OMG MIDSOMMAR IS MADE BY THE CREATOR OF HEREDITARY IM SO EXCITED" Like Hereditary was good in any way. Reviewers especially seem to love the movie for some reason.

It's really a case by case sorta thing. I just think Sinister could've been something really cool without Baguul. But then you have movies like the Devil's Rejects, where the 'more' the better, you know?


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those two were entertaining but no way are they the best

Definitely in the top ten of monster horror movies for the last twenty years. It had a really Gremlins feel to it (especially with its PG-13 rating), where it's also a pretty good entry point into horror movies for younger types.

I'd give it like a mid 7. I thought it was pretty good. it wasn't terrifying but I liked a lot of the images and Toni Collette's performance. the plot was hackneyed though. idk any well-made movie is gonna get its dick sucked by critics nonstop.

I don't really follow any film media because I can't stand it.

ITT: holy shit there have been a lot of great horror movies the last twenty years, and no one's even mentioned the Suspiria or Evil Dead remakes.

Unironically this. Fucking terrifying movie.

Good point. Both pretty great

100% /ourguy/

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>to the point
>incredible atmosphere
>fantastic imagery
>no fat no bloat no bullshit

The fact Yea Forums never talks about it is a hint that it's an actually decent movie.

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I've been in the mood for a good found footage movie.

Good recommendations itt

I got pleb filtered by it and I'm not a pleb. Slow as all fuck but I had to check out the ending and it was nice

Slasher was a fun b movie horror anthology series, shame the 3rd season went full politics

The Ring

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Corny as fuck or not, this should be on top ten found footage lists. Same with Hell House LLC.

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Really weird one to recommend. The acting isn't the best, but somehow the performances come off as surreal more than anything else. The horror is pretty close to Lovecraft, when it comes to unexplained/unexplainable shit happening to undeserving people.

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>depression is real
nice meme, faggot

The answer to the OP is The Witch. The most effective pleb filter of the decade.

Hereditary is an easier watch, but Hagazussa is one hell of a movie. Some of those images are forever burned into my brain.

The best thriller I've seen this year.

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For a low a budget horror it was a great flick

all this 2010s nu-a24-horror has me pinning hard for the good ol days of torture porn

Gaspar Noe just made a new movie. Has a lot of good buzz.


Badder Ben is a kino horror comedy

i enjoyed it. not the bloodiest thing ever made but has some intense scenes.

Haven't read the thread yet, just wanted to say that I watched pic related a few nights ago, and it fucked me up.

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It looks like a good time. It's on my list, for sure.

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I did NOT expect Grave Encounters to be as scary as it was. Very pleasantly surprised at the creepy territory it went into.

>used to watch reviews of torture porn movies
>never had the balls to watch most of them besides the big name ones
>favorite reviewer deleted his account
feels bad

Oh! It says right there this is the best horror movie of the last twenty years. I guess we can delete the thread now. Or just close it, let the next generations learn from this thread in the archive.

Oohhh nelly, I’ve heard this is some messed up shit.

Right?! Even the jump scares got me cause of how much atmosphere was built up. Too bad they totally shit the bed with the sequel, cause damn was the original good.

Hell House was fun

Oh holy fuck, I just remembered the entire movie all at once. Yeah. Anyone that hasn't seen this, prepare yourself for some shit.

so apparently so fucked up i forgot what happened. i remember the b&w cinematography was nice though.

>jump scares
Same here, they didn’t relieve the feeling of dread at all, it just kept getting more hopeless feeling for the group. The tone really shifted when they first tried to break out of the building, into more than just standard ghost shenanigans. Never saw the sequel, thankfully.

Suspiria > The House That Jack Built > Climax > Unsane > Hereditary

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I was really looking forward to the House that Jack Built until I heard that it's more Lars Von Trier being super defensive about himself in the actual movie. I'll stick with Anti-Christ, which is pretty damn good just the same.

One of the best action horror of the last twenty, for sure.

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I unironically was bored as fuck. There was no need for that shit to be as long as it was


hobo with a shotgun did the whole demon biker thing so much better


Saw. The original is a masterpiece

This is why I never watch trailers. I went into that movie blind and it was a straight up 8/10. Really enjoyed my time with it.

Dog Soldiers is my personal favorite from the past 20 years. I really liked A Cure for Wellness and 28 Weeks Later, I have a soft spot for horror with really good production values.

>The Wailing
yesss, the buildup to the climax is so worth it

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More like BrapRedditary

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Horror is a garbage genre for 12 year old girls and pathetic women.

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I Saw The Devil fucked me up. Not really a "horror" but depressing as fuck

>12 year old girls
Umm more like 16 sweety, and they're legal where I live and thus I love horror.

Have sex

Do I go to your house, make asinine comments and slap your mom for giving birth to you? Cause I should.

Damn good movie. So grateful Hollywood hasn’t shat out an English remake yet.

lol aww do movies scare you? I'm sorry.

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hey guys, has this joke already been made?



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You didn’t have to tell me, man. I was enjoying not knowing that.

This was pretty solid, I think I saw it on Netflix

Korea had a really good decade of depressing or terrifying movies at that time

If Hollywood is gonna do remakes to death why don't they at least try Frontier(s) or something dumb fun

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What the fuck was that movie

this kino remake

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It’s been in development for over five years for now I think it’s probably not happening.

That movie was god fucking awful. Get out was unironically better than this drivel. Id say of the last decade the vvitch. 20 years? Man idk

1000000000000% agree

inb4 muh nazis depicted as bad :(

A more friendlier Ringu. Helps if you've not have been saturated by the creepy japanese girl ghost cliché. I specifically liked the social housing appartments block setting it had.

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The og paranormal activity was unironically based. Top 5 at least of the last 20 years

Us was trash. I was hoping for better because i liked get out quite a bit


Honestly watched this movie and couldn’t tell you what it’s about because I forgot already


This. Martyrs is an incredible movie.
Also Great. This dude's other movie - I Am the Pretty Thing That Lives In the House - is also a great but veeery slooow ghost story.
Loved the look of the ghosts in this but otherwise just ok.
Also this. I know I've seen it, and everyone talks about how fucked up it is, but I remember virtually none of this movie.
I thought it was the opposite, it was very honest and pretty self-deprecating. Now one of my favorite von Trier movies.

Some good ones already posted, some that I didn't see mentioned yet:
The Canal
The Loved Ones
The Hallows
The Wailing

fucking martyrs sucks, y'all niggers need to watch noroi

>the chainsaw scene

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this fucking movie is the most spoopy shit ever made, but then all that crappy cgi shit starts happening.

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shits long, i could smell dakota's sweaty ass with farts, soundtrack doesn't fit, most of the acting sucks, the ending is edgy af

Than Autopsy of Jane Doe and Sinister? Literally almost anything. They're both like 4/10 at best in terms of horror. The Babadook was better and I fucking hate that movie.

The original was effective, yeah. It is definitely a decent film

Sinister, one of the best horror movie of the 2000s and just flat out one of the best examples of doing a horror movie right, period.


Try telling the other anons this

I just did you fucking faggot

I think it would make more sense to simply stop referring to monster movies and gorefests and whatnot as horror. The genre is too inclusive. Things like Bride of Chucky or The Purge should not be considered the same genre as things like The Witch or Hereditary.

This one kinda went under the radar. If you like A24 horror check this one out

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>the vvitch
Opinion disregarded. Back to R*ddit with you.

Ya the purge was actually good

I’m watching Leaving DC, and I am really impressed by how creepy this movie is when so much of it’s been an audio editing program from 2012.

Sure, but it's not a horror movie, it's a thriller. It's not scary, it's thrilling.

The show managed to be pretty scary in a lot of parts. Definitely recommended.

I wouldn't even class this as a horror film. It's more fantasy than anything. It even has a happy ending of a sorts.

If thats the bar then the exorcist is the only movie in the horror genre. Thats the only movie that ever truly scared me

Suicide club

Marhot robbie is so fucking hot

They're both adopted.

Your mom’s adopted

"The bar" isn't whatever scared you, dumbshit. It's the intention of the film. A comedy doesn't have to actually be funny to be in the comedy genre, it just has to be the intention of the movie.
Movies that are intended to horrify should be the only ones in the horror genre. Horrifying and thrilling aren't the same thing.

What was the name of the found footage about the old woman that turns into a giant snake?

something something deborah logan

It wasnt scary at all though.
I watched the original before it though so i guess.... maybe... nah it still wouldnt be scary

The Taking of Deborah Logan

That’s it. Not an especially great movie, but worth watching for the ending alone, and just the sheer ‘what the fuck,’ that’s a highlight of any horror movie of any varying quality.

> Evil Dead remake.
You just know why. They're trash, and should be forgotten in the trash bin that they've been in since they released

Sinister sucked

Gone Girl sucked and wasn’t horror

What was the point?

Just dropping by to say this is excellent. Gritty, captivating, EXCELLENT score.

Sinister was so fucking boring. The only legitimate scare I got was from the kid in the box. I like the idea, but after the first and second time it went over the "scary" home videos you knew that's all it was going to do and aside from the lame demon did nothing unexpected. I liked the use of Boards of Canada in the soundtrack though.

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I feel like I was the only one in the theatre that noticed the weird ass girl was stacked as fuck.


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do yourself a favour and just dont

and yet still miles better than hereditary

Rosemarys baby but replace the abortion and rape symbolism with mental illness

>Likes the Babadook

Spoken like a true redditor. Go back, pleb.

Not the greatest but this is a fun movie to watch.

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here ya go

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I always liked Dog Soldiers.
I also liked REC, REC2 and The Descent.

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Missing It Follows, if you're just going to shit on decent horror movies.

I'm surprised Yea Forums hates A24 so much

good one
its remake is fine too

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