What fictional world would you like to live in and why?

What fictional world would you like to live in and why?

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Schindler's list


The Friends one.

For me it’s Inland Empire

Reluctantly in the wizarding world, it's the least dangerous world out of all the major fantasy franchises.
40k would seem like the most interesting one besides being the worst universe to live in regardless of what race or job you get.

pokeymans world, i'll catch a new gardevoir every day and fuck it to death every night, two on my birthdays

You could always be a Rogue Trader living between Imperial and Tau space.

star trek because holodecks

Star Wars circa 550 BBY, core space naturally, chandrila or alderaan maybe

wouldn't want to mix with those outer rim space niggers after all

Extremely bluepilled post
Imagine being a necron overlord in the 40k universe

The Pokemon world

i want to live in asoiaf and go beyond the wall and get some wild ginger minge

I'd do Westeros BUT I get a fully outfitted RV with prepper levels of guns, ammo and supplies

camp out somewhere and shoot those knight faggots right off their horses hehe

This, safest and only downside is the fact everyone is an Asian subhuman, and also the threat of being killed by a random legendary Pokémon that’s rampaging, also if the secret war thing is real
Most interesting would be the SCP universe though

So basically dragons.

>SCP universe
ouf thanks but no thanks
SCP world is even worse than reality is, and that's saying something

dragon ball z where i can just punch myself in the face and get stronger

Just imagine getting a good scp and not one of the uncommonish shit ones

thats only if you're a monkeyman
otherwise you just get brain damage

Unless you were someone important you would be eating worm paste and working in a ammo factory until you died or your planet got invaded.
Why would you pick this?

Tau cool

Praise be
Gilead just imagine your a knight on the troop train to Chicago to crush the rebel scum.
If this crusade goes well you will be promoted to Commander and issued with a QT wife and waifu hand maid.
You look out the window and catch a glint of sun off a Giant metal Cross. You make a silent prayer to the lord as your platoon belts out a chant, Blessed be the fruit.

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Where is this from?

Republic of Gilead, Praise be

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Ready Player One so I can get the fuck out of this reality tbqh

Based incel

>eating worm paste
This is already high standarts in 40k

you do realize that VR sex doesn't count as having sex, incel?

For me, it's Pacifidlog Town

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Gilead is one of the dumbest societies I've seen in fiction that wasn't actively trying to be ridiculous. It's barely a step up from The Hunger Games, just with rape instead of child bloodsports, it's a setting constructed entirely to flimsily justify the fantasies of the author with no real consideration to how it actually functions or sustains itself.

see OP image

SW universe could be comfy if it's something like KotOR2.
Hopping planets in your ship working for multiple factions trying to stay neutral

So I could start a cult around their return and how the end is near

The sneed universe because it's comfy.

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>wanting to be chemically castrated by the just as totalitarian fish people

How is this even a question?
>Ayys are either bumbling morons or space-wizards
>Most humans are decent white people
>tfw no Romulan gf

Barring the whole nuclear holocaust and eugenics wars everything went better than expected.

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The 40k universe seems kino where should I start if I’m interested?

You could probably start a cult and surround yourself with much brighter people in other fictional universes.

>dying for the greater good is a bad thing
Kys chaos fag

>when you realize that the nuclear holocaust and eugenics wars were actually just whites finally getting pissed off and nuking the niggers off the face of the earth
suprise suprise, we're in space meeting vulcans and making saucerships not 5 years later

"ayy shenron I wish to be a saiyan"

Because to many Neckbeards see themselves as Space Marines instead of even being useless in the 40K Universe.

secret war thing?

Fallout, particularly within Legion territory

>not collecting the dragonballs and wishing to have sex
you had ONE JOB

Praise be ,
For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths.

The fish people won't accept you as a woman either.

Blue's Clues, solving mysteries with your living furniture and kitchen supplies would be pretty cool, plus there are sub-worlds within each painting so it's a bit of a bonus

Play the dawn of war games (just the first one) and read a few of the books, Although you should definitely watch 40k lore vids on YouTube first
1 min -


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Honestly Necrons are far better, and your definitely a chaos faggot because you used muh “totalitarianism” so kys

Westworld, as a guest in the park while it runs normal and I don't have to worry about rogue hosts killing me.
I'd spend all my days going on adventures, hunting bounties and raping snekbandit's asshole.
Also I'd start every day by killing Maeve because fuck Maeve.

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Well its called an Utopia for a reason...

For me, it's Neverland

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Peter Pan is a massive Jew

Blood Meridian


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The Mass Effect Universe after the Reaper get fucked

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You heard that question in Adult Swim.

hehe redpill sjw cuck numale onions white genocide emperor trump feminism based lord kek

Would you be part of his gang or just chilling killing Mexicans?


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Responding to irony with irony

>Mass Effect without Shepard

Andromedafag pls go.

cringe yikes based and redpilled bluepills :D


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>wants to be in war-ravaged devastated galaxy with broken mass relays so you cant even go anywhere but bombed out earth
fuck that noise

on a semi-related note, is mating with an Asari the ultimate cuckoldry? after all, "your" child will have none of your DNA and won't look anything like you

star trek because promenade

Brave New World

One where different races are equal in intelligence and ability


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This post is /pol/ approved. Keep up the good work, white brother, and remember to Praise Kek

>you will never be a defrosted early 21st century human who chews out the federation for cucking out and embracing cancerous commie shit before going into business with quark and ending up buying ferenginar with your (now extremely appreciated) ancient bitcoins

>siding with blue space commies


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>worried about handmaidens tale being a reality
>supports/defends Muslims and open border Muslim intake

why are white women like this?

listen if you have a private jet in this world you'd be doing alright too. You're assuming you'd be the main character of whatever world you chose, which isn't the case. Your equivalent would picking up scrap metal in the desert or shoveling bantha shit while getting dabbed on by sandpeople

The Revelation Space universe, so at least the things eradicating me will have a good reason for it. Also coz living as a ultra on a lighthugger would be sweet as fuck. Pic related. Man, that’s a sexy ship.

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don't matter as long as you get to have sex, and I don't think Asaris believe in child support so who fucking cares

Who said that Shepard is dead you greedy Volus?!
And never talk in my presence about that Andromeda Abomination


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The asaris will replace us, they’re flooding our worlds and well soon be reduced to nothing

>not wanting to start with a new Spirit and and another Spacerace

Why pick one of the dystopian sci-fi universes?


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The Culture universe.

Living in the perfect post-scarcity society while big-daddy AI takes care of all your needs and safety as all the other species gets assimilated into your society, either by choice or by force.

Probably the Mystery Science Theater 3000 umiverse so I could just hang out on the Satellite of Love and watch flicks with Tom & Crow.

aren't you literally a pet in that setting

But you posted our current timeline thanks to bad orange drumpfh

that fucking bitch's face gets more annoying with age, I swear to god.

Better than arabs and niggers tbqh

LOTR world and just live peacefully in the shire

Kinda but your "owner" makes sure 100% of your wants, needs and ambitions are taken care of. So you shouldn't care at all.

Basically the AI owning you use humans as a status symbol to impress other AIs. How good an AI takes care of its humans is seen as bragging rights so the humans get treated as good as they can.

Same, but also I'd fuck all kinds of hobbit sluts.

>implying that's a bad thing
I'd be down for unlimited immigration if all the immigrants were super hot big tittied blue babes with tight assess

not so much when the immigrants are smelly niggers and violent arabs tho

You'd have to fuck 'em in Bree. That way, your reputation back home would be safe. What happens in Bree, stays in Bree.

My reputation will be that of a hobbit fucker.

i hope an orc eats you

would a hobbit kick warwick davis in the head?

Most definitely, they're feisty

Man in the High Castle

Tough one.
First choice is the Expanse as a belter space pirate.
Second choice is a pirate in the Carribean.
Third choice is being a skypirate in Porco Rosso universe.

>I wantz to be a pirate

Revelation Space is only dystopian in that everyone dies at the end. It's briefly utopian before the inhibitors fuck everything up. The demarchists practice absolute direct democracy, where pattern recognition AI can cast your vote for you, with a 99.9% accuracy, allowing the population to vote on practically everything, and they’re solidly a post-scarcity society, where most people work jobs that sound more like hobbies, like art collecting. It'd be pretty cool to be a Conjoiner, too. Being able to literally feel another person’s mind through neural augmentation has to be a life changing experience, I'd sign up. Ultras, however, have the best balance between utopian life conditions, whilst still maintaining a dangerous/adventurous lifestyle. You get to fly around between systems trading everything from antimatter warheads, to art, to rare exotic lifeforms. Your ship's engines are in extremely limited supply, so everyone and their grandmother is looking for opportunities to hijack you, and you're constantly on the lookout for sabotage attempts from your competitors. However, you make damn good money, and have access to some of the galaxy’s best technology, seeing as you’re probably in the business of trading it. You probably get free state-of-the-art prosthetics if you get injured on the job, and it seems like most ships have some room for promotion. You might even be the captain someday. That’s a good job, even if you do end up on the run from a very mad sentient machine race. The time dilation effects from spending so much time near the speed of light are just a bonus.

I thought it was only me who thought she had a punchable face

This. How do you know that you will be a Force Sensitive? Likely, you will just be some blue collar working Joe.

Hobbits are relatively well proportioned. They’re built to be small. Warwick would look like a mutant even to them. So yes, he would likely be bullied by other hobbits.

>They’re built to be small
for instance tha pusy

It's all fun and games until you meld with a building.

what are some good scp tho? the succubus little girl?

This is cheating, you basically get every single one if you feel like it.

Blade Runner 2049

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Most of them
Don’t you know?

Based and this

The City, as long as I get to be an element of Safeguard and exterminate human fucking shits all day for having the wrong genes.

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This, I want to work as a hunter and fuck a female deathclaw.

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pft. There's lots of okay places in 40k you just never see them in the media. I'd defect to Tau space as soon as possible.

Becoming a haunted house of horrors isn't all that bad.

I remember a video about this. Basically, you would last from a couple of hours to a few days (if you are cautious)