What is peter printing in this scene?

What is peter printing in this scene?

Attached: 1545505455777.jpg (1206x680, 101K)

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>there are posters on Yea Forums RIGHT NOW who don't get this

i dont get it

>m-muh anime gore
>m-muh loli mutilation
fuck off

95% of this board is /pol/shits that came 2016 at the earliest, what did you expect

I don't get it


Attached: 131516136531.gif (256x468, 1.35M)

Imagine actually having this saved on your hard drive

Can i get a tshirt with this? Maybe just the machine

zoomers were a mistake

As of 20 seconds ago, i no longer need to "imagine"

You have to go back

that's a different one


Attached: olUJ8Sw.png (816x1090, 368K)


Attached: 427.png (680x406, 96K)

She deserves some icecream for putting up with that.

What’s the other one?

hes not wrong

Attached: redditors.jpg (800x448, 64K)

What does Yea Forums mean when it says a loli for every man on earth?

I was rewatching some random Family Guy episodes lately, and why the fuck did they make Peter an actual pedophile?
>it was corn porn
>... it was baby corn

A coyote


That they're pedophiles just like every single "person" who enjoys *nime.

post it

we really should've just finished the job on japan, huh?

I download this shit onto my hard drive to stop me being an hero, if I die my parents will search my pc.

Attached: Lis9qd4.gif (577x474, 1.15M)

don't worry, she's fine

Attached: 130027587448.gif (145x145, 157K)

There's at least three others that I know of, you should post those too.

how fucked in the head do you gotta be to make this shit

Pretty sure they're all in encyclopediadramatica's /offended. Someone should volunteer and go get them.

its actually crazy how much effort had to have gone into creating this when you think about it

Is there sound with this? Asking for a friend haha

Yes please user

What kind of man wears a tshirt like this?

Attached: 20190629_010706.png (886x831, 479K)

This one is not that bad. I’ve seen people electrocuted worse before

30+ year old virgin with no friends that spends 8+ hours a day on the internet.

This kind of man.

Attached: 1561671252046.jpg (859x960, 224K)

you rang?

it has lasers

I would, if only because only a few people will understand it anyway

Is this image real?

No, you're imagining it.

Yes that’s literally me

they're not

the japanese (like most asians) have this psychpath gene passed down from the mongols. it allows them to fetishize and revel in extreme violence


Attached: 6.jpg (303x317, 23K)

Attached: chuck sneed machine.jpg (1206x680, 257K)

its actually crazy how much effort had to have gone into creating this when you think about it

Attached: 1527730585223.jpg (1124x1102, 228K)

pedophile incel detected, DO NOT HAVE SEX!!!

I dont get it

it's just a dumb guro gif you stupid boomer don't get so uppity

Attached: 1555124289495.jpg (1124x1102, 480K)