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but I went and supported the greatest capekino of the decade

I think the last movie I saw in theaters was 300.

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I hate going to movies because best case scenario I get shot, and worst case scenario I get bed bugs and pay $10 for a stale medium cock

>bleak summer full of stale sequels
Like Endgame?

The thought of sitting in a public chair for that long prevents me from going to more movies.

Also my local theaters popcorn has been stale and bland. Wtf is the point

All the good movies came out early this year

>Cold Pursuit
>Alien 40th anniversary
>The Great Escape 75th anniversary
>John Wick 3

Release good movies if you want people to watch them. Though saying that I just checked and Matrix is getting a 20th anniversary release in July which I'll go to.

If I want to enjoy my friends' company the last place I would go with them is to a dark room with strangers where you're not allowed to speak while a mediocre flick plays at full volume. Gnomesayin?

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Just got back, the extra scene was very disappointing, PS2 hulk who didn't even have moving lips, and some PS2 fire. Poster isn't even full size.

Yesterday will save cinema

oh no no no you frogincel white supremacist!!!
you are supposed to take a cute PoC woman to the movies and politely ask her consent for the hand-holding during scary moments ahhhh h-have sex !

>why do you give me hope
I actually cried a lil bit

I haven't been to the cinema in about 20 years, I pirate everything

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>you are supposed to take a cute PoC woman to the movies and politely ask her consent for the hand-holding during scary moments
Haha who would want that haha losers

that's sad



although i did see BR2049 at the theatre

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What was the scene? Never watching this again, in theaters or otherwise, but mildly curious

I want more diversity in upper management of these film studios. I'm tired of these Jews putting out such filth

It's an alternate introduction to the zen hulk, there's a fire in a sky scraper and he uses a big satellite dish to carry people to safety. Tells a firefighter some BS, then answers a phone call on an iPad, "Steve?"

I used to see probably 25 movies in theaters a year . Now about two. Didn’t see any for three years before MI:fallout

...Great escape isn’t 75 years old

I saw everything I wanted to see. Shazam, Endgame, John Wick. I'm not going back to the cinema until Joker comes out

Meh. I'll go see Midsommar and Once Upon a Time in Hollywood and probably The Lighthouse. Otherwise I don't see any reason to go to the theaters.

>literally can't even remember the last movie i saw in a theater

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Thanks buddy

I've seen ZERO movies in theaters this year and regret nothing.

The stigma against calling people "sheep" as lame has allowed rampant mainstream herding.
Instead of seeing different things now everyone just watches the same shit


Realizing that there's something disturbing about going into a dark cave and watching suggestive images get projected onto a big screen.

Especially when those images come from pedophile jews who are destroying your civilization.

That's an antisemetic you can't say that somebody stop this man

>drive though traffic to get to theater
>$15 for parking
>$20 for ticket
>$20 for popcorn and small 7-up
>sit through literally 15 minutes of fucking commercials before a product you paid to see will start
>person on your left reeks of BO and weed, person on your right is on their phone texting
>"ethnic" patrons won't shut up
>movie is fucking terrible after all this
>movie ends now walk back to car and then drive home

hurr durr why people stop going to movie?

I torrent/stream everything except for a couple of major event movies a year and if I paid to see most of this stuff I would be furious. 95% of it is fucking GARBAGE. And the movie experience is terrible on top of that. I only go to see directors I support or big event movies I want to see before I get spoiled. Everything else I will watch at home in my comfy house where I can have a beer and pause if I want to take a piss.

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Because I'm middle-aged, single, childless, and no movies appeal to me. If I want to watch it, I'll wait until it's available for streaming. I'm too old to get excited for a movie and I don't feel like being around teenagers, dudebros, and shitty housewives with their equally shitty brood.

Truly a great year

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we are not all leftist.

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Yeah I'm not surprised LotR was the peak, all white cast and the SJW cancer that has permeated the entire industry was almost non existent at the time. The absolute swill they serve up these days... white person always the villian, most romances WM/BF or BM/WF. Fuck em. I'm done giving them money.

imagine paying to people that defecate on your face and keep telling you how you are not the target audience

Scooby Doo beat Lilo and Stitch Truly a great year

Guess they will have to focus on making good movies.

This about sums it up. The numbers are exaggerated but it's still correct. Why pay for gas, a ticket and shitty food along with the frustration of dealing with people all for even a good movie when you can watch whatever the fuck you want when you want?

It's been so long since I've been to a cinema even once a year that I can't even comprehend that I saw almost every movie in that list in the cinema.

Because everything is a franchise starter or part of a cinematic universe.

Give me a nice one and done with a good 3 act structure.

Something actually fun like Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves or 300.

Because movies suck now. Make a good movie and people will watch it.

>$15 for parking
>$20 for ticket
>$20 for snacks

cheap nigga tuesday at my local theater is $6. feelsgoodman

>Because everything is a franchise starter or part of a cinematic universe.


I hate how everything has to sequel bait. It has gotten to the point that movies don't have actual true endings anymore.

The events the film is based on are

How many here have gotten bed bugs from theater seats? Number 1 reason why I don't go because I'm paranoid about them

The last movie I went to was the Hurt Locker. I thought maybe a non-capeshit movie would be a better experience. The first two chairs I tried were sticky and wet, we had to sit right in the front rows to find chairs that weren't filthy. Our necks hurt from having to look up the whole time and the sound was shit, with converstions whisper quiet and explosions ear splittingly loud. People were talking non-stop the whole time and even though we were only two rows removed from the front people were constantly whipping out their cellphones. I saw a zoomer behind his playing PSP. You could hear drinks and popcorn spilling all night and the stench of hotdogs and jalapeno cheese nachos made me physically ill. On the way out a literal puddle of soda was collected by the exit doors, and sweaty fat people took five minutes to waddle out, keeping us trapped behind them forced to endure their rancid BO and hotdog breath.

I swore off ever going to a theatre again. This was in 2009. I can't even imagine how much worse it is nowadays. People who go to the movie theatre mystify me just as much as people who eat at McDonalds. We're different species.

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2002 was the last comfy year and we can never go back.


The late 90's and early 2000's was the crossroads of media. The economy was good and there was so much money in movies, tv, music, and video games. Hell, even books, magazines, and news papers were still a thing. High speed internet was still a novelty. There was no youtube, and social media hadn't taken over. Hollywood was still one of the greatest shows on earth.

some movies that might make me go:







nu-wars. it broke me, i don't go to movies now. haven't seen anything since tfa