If you owned a movie theater, what sort of food would you serve? Me? I'd serve crab legs

If you owned a movie theater, what sort of food would you serve? Me? I'd serve crab legs.

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water only

Lunchables, for a measily 5 dollars a pack
>plus tax
>plus tip

No food. It's a theater not a fucking diner.

I would enforce intermittent fasting for 2 hours so patron can watch a movie without being distracted by loud plastic candy bag noises and the smell of low-grade hotdogs and movie pizzas

Ketchup on everything.

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While I love crab legs, you wouldn't get pissed by the constant cracking and slurping sounds?

If I had fuck you money, I'd serve theme/genre appropriate food depending on the movie

Chili and Sea Bass

poosie juice

deez nuts

probably spaghetti.

I'd ban food. And I'd ban Americans too, no whooptards or claptards allowed.

I wouldn't. Because I'd be amongst the crackers and slurpers.

i wouldnt sell food, id hire girls to cuddle with the lonely guys

I’d probably only sell mixed nuts and dried fruit. Maybe a little jerky. I went on a nut and fruit diet, with vitamins, onions milk and water. And lost an incredible 70 pounds in eight months. I feel like a new man. I’m literally swimming in my clothes because I’m too cheap to buy new ones.

Honestly? Sandwiches. Nothing toasted or smelly like subway mind you. See, a sandwich doesn't make a lot of noise, it doesn't have to be warm, it won't grow stale within the time you're watching the movie, any number of beverages fit with them, there's a huge variety of them, costumers can ask for custom orders, you can eat it with your hands, it doesn't require a plate and so on. I'm honestly surprised that cinemas don't serve sandwiches. I do think of them like the perfect movie meal.

>doesn't know about the fucking crab leg threads

Can I invest in your theatre start-up?
Not like I have a family to spend my money on.

“Hey, user! I see you’re alone at the kinoplex. Again. Anyways, I heard you wanted some crab legs!”

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I prefer mice, shrews and other rodents and fish. Occasionally other small birds.
>pic related it's me

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Why would anyone buy a sandwich rather than sneak one in?

Falcon Chow ™

>quiet, tense, dramatic moment in Oscarbait film
>thunderous symphony of FAP FAP FAP FAP FAP echoing throughout the theater

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It's about making money, not enforcing social justice.

My wife makes lovely fried chicken sandwiches on homemade bread when we go to the cinema. I'd serve them so everyone can enjoy how delicious they are.

Price of Bread, Meat, condiments: >$10

Price of one sammich:

The only women that would sign up would be sweaty landwhales. Imagine how much you would have to pay attractive women to sit with greasy incel fedorafags like you

>homemade bread
Good catch user. Keep her.

>Thank you, Robert. You were always so kind. I’m sorry it had me to be, this day, and I’m sorry it had to be you.
>close up on user’s face
>*gunshot* muzzle flash lighting up user’s haggard beta face
>fade to black
>you only hear the crunching of a crab leg
i’ll take my Oscar to go pls