Who is the Yea Forums equivalent?

Who is the Yea Forums equivalent?

Attached: fantano.jpg (800x543, 44K)

lindsay ellis


It's Reddit Letter Media and all of you know it. Everyone loves them including the mods, because Rich Evans is a national treasure.

for all it's faults, Yea Forums isn't nearly as disgustingly faggoty as Yea Forums. hence there's no equivalent

Does Yea Forums even like fantano anymore?

Everyone hates Fagtano


RLM aren't unbearable virtue signaling faggots

>RLM aren't unbearable virtue signaling faggots
being this delusional

Fagtano is 100x worse

Jeremy jahns or Chris cuckman

yeah, nailed it


I don't think there's anyone quite as cucky.

Literal shit straight from the asshole.

Red Letter Media
Both pretentious losers liked ironically by pretentious losers

what a fucking sell out

People keep saying RLM but i just dont think they are at the same level of faggotry of the bald guy in OP pic
Just look at his face, RLM doesnt fill you whit angry just looking at his face


Is he Jewish?


YMS. Both are faggots, except Fantano is a vegan and YMS fucks dogs


Is it me or does he review and describe music the same way that wine tasters describe their shitty wine?

Friendly reminder that Fantano is a colonizer, which means he's more based than this entire board combined.

What are some of his worst takes, Yea Forums

This. He successfully acquired a black gf, which is more than what any of you faggots could ever do in your lives.

Governtment Plates as 6.

nope, I have a brown girlfriend (conservatively) 7-8x as hot as Fantano's ugly wife. I am also not a lenscuck, not bald, and not a huge faggot

His MBDTF review is 100% correct.

fucking this
government plates is criminally underrated.

he's a colonizer due to white guilt, so no
>"He successfully acquired a black gf"
>he thinks the is an achievement

Attached: Tayne.gif (192x291, 363K)

No, they prefer Scaruffi because he loves Korn.

Yea Forums is now full of underages spamming young whores who make shitty dreampop

Sauce on YMS??

We don't need one. fuck Yea Forums those fucks can't even discover new music themselves without e-celebs

I was going to say Quinton Reviews, but he’s never talked about to the degree YMS is.

hard to say but they talk about him and his opinions a lot, he's there new pitchfork their new taste maker