CPU fan runs very loudly

>CPU fan runs very loudly
>Stops everytime I start task manager
0day miner?

Attached: 2dpwzw.jpg (964x912, 60K)

Probably, but I have no idea what youre talking about

run antivirus scan

blow on it


Well fuck. My first wrong board thread after 15 years on here.

its me. i have hacked u

>Needs to use task manager to view processes

have task manager running in background you colossal moron

I just check event log much error friend, do you have team viewer available?

Ask it nicely

Thanks for the Bitcoins

have sex and install gentoo

>CPU fan
get a SSD you poor pos

I want to actually know if its a miner. So I can know where it came from. I don't install anything and use ublock and noscript. Its possible my router was hacked. So formatting won't work. It could be the cheap chink USB drive I bought. It could be fucking anything

lmao sorry nerd, i'm too busy having sex to learn your geek computer shit LMAO

>the microphone jack won’t work because you messed around with audio settings to watch a movie and are now planning to reset windows in rage


And having a ssd affects the cpu temperature how, exactly?


>I dont use my CPU for any kind of processing,
>gets butthurt when somebody else does
so whats the problem exactly?

>SSDs need a fan

Just disconnect from internet and miner won't work. this is basic stuff

Might just be dusty

>cheap chink USB drive I bought
did you really buy some mystery meat chink brand

You know the difference between a SSD and CPU?

nobody that uses Gentoo ever got laid


You do realize these are two different things, yes?

>SSDs dont increase in temperature and cant benefit from case cooling

Nice bait, you got him good, you play the retard very well, keep it up sport


tell him to just download more ram while you're at it

SSD temporary holds data that your applications need to access while they're running. CPU is the acronym for your graphics card.

My power supply fan is so old and weak I have to start it myself like an old propeller plane before it will spin.

>always have task manager open
>cpu fan always stays quiet

Attached: serveimage.jpg (1280x1483, 406K)

I was really drunk the other night and must have clicked on a webm here that had a virus that froze my computer and made a really loud alarm sound. I couldn't remember arguing with anyone but I thought I made someone mad enough to hack me. I just pulled the battery out and passed out. Everything was fine the next day.

Craphics Processing Unit?

lol fuckin' rekt

yeah it's what powers the Nintendo Switch


Gentoochads having sex while installing gentoo

TV shows with this feel?


Centrilized Pictures Unifier

SSD stand for Super Solid Dick
In short it means your dick is at it's erect apex

good bait

the computer has aids

this is gay bait

you've come to the wrong place /g/ fag
you know how we get down over here dont you?
you gotta unass some of that shoot

delete system 32

antivirus background processes can act like this though. I had this issue with sophos

What the fuck, ive been having the same thing

Attached: slightly sweaty.png (424x630, 297K)

have you tried running a sneed scan?

Any halfway decent malware will hide itself from the task manager.


>15 years


Have you tried turning it off and on again?

Dude just restart your PC lmao like nigga take a break and stretch and ironically but unironically have sex lmao