Holy fucking shit I will never be the same again I just bought a night light to try and deal with the night terrors. Also the voices oh god the voices they won't stop calling me. I set up an appointment with a psychiatrist for tomorrow please for the love of FUCK please anons don't watch this demonic video you will never be the same
I just watched The Grifter
>I just watched The Grifter
What's next, OP?
vintage meme
Took me a while to find a torrent but it was worth it in the end.
What is this 2011
user NO
Why did you have to remind me I was ever retarded enough to watch this...
The Grifter < The Navidson Record
whats the grifter
i watched it and had to kill myself. the griftah is one spook you dont want to see kid.
this is so fucking old man...
u dont wanna know
I wanna know
You stupid fuck
I don’t get it, is this movie actually scary or is this a meme
Holy feedinging seed I will never be the same again I just bought a night light to try and deal with the night terrors. Also the voices oh god the voices they won't stop calling me. I set up an appointment with a psychiatrist for tomorrow please for the love of FEED please anons don't watch this demonic video you will never be the same
It's a stupid meme film that doesn't exist but fags like to pretend that it's the most fucked up thing they've seen.
Stop acting like such edgy little faggots and just tldr it for the anons that don't know.
holy shit guys i just watched a youtube video about the grifter meme and now i'm going to post about it on 4chin in an attempt to relive something that i was too young to experience when it was fresh
i've seen it. i didn't think john cusack was THAT bad in it.
ngl the movie is so-so at best, I had to admit for a bunch of no-named actors I never felt so glued to a movie before, the story is top notch as well. But ill be upfront with you right now, 'the only reason any one thinks this movie is 10/10 kinoplex 9000' is because 'everything out nowadays is grade A shit.
This movie is what? Made before anyone on this site was born? Im not saying this movie is a shit show, but im not saying its 'The Best movie ever'. It has its flaws. Seriously, why dose everyone take the middle of the movie so seriously? It drags on forever and literately nothing happens up untill the highway segment where it gets good again. but I rather watch this than whatever Cape-shit is out now.
Hey lads have any of you heard of Candle Jack? Hes an old meme th
>this entire thread
No, what's Candle Jack? And why did you cut off the last part of y
this movie is spooky but it doesn't have shit on Army Dog
t. someone who didn't watch the real thing
I think so. That's the one where you say Candle Jack five times in front of a mirror and a guy with a hook ge
So was the alien really in the desert in front of the tree, or not?
Thanks you guys, I really felt like I was back in 2008... a better time.
I miss old /x/
isn't this actually banned?? how much trouble can i get into if I download it??
>inb4 piratefag
I'd buy it but you literally can't
Personally, I thought it was shallow and pedantic
We looped back around to the grifter. Damn.
>It's a stupid meme film that doesn't exist
this. it's like that retarded candlejack mem
oh shit guys watch out! there’s a sniper in this thre
Nut-up son, it wasn't that bad.
Youre too young for this. Just close the tab, zoomer friend.
If only we could go back.
bunch of fake shit. fucking newfaggots always take the b
Literally just look it up
I wouldn't recommend it....
Well it crashed the entire site. So whose to say?
>Hey guys what’s going on in this thread.... what’s a grifter?
People pretend that it exists and is the most fucked up thing ever when they could just watch August underground series.
>August underground series.
shitty torture porn
And the grifter is a shifty meme which is my point
>hasn’t seen the grifter and fucked his entire psyche for life yet
I just want it to end anons
he's not dead! i'm gonna go and drag him to sa
>he doesn't know
fucking don't
lmao you guys need to learn about daisy's destruction
Hello! Angela from BuzzFeed here! Can you share some more info on this?
Hit me up at [email protected] don't worry everything is absolutely anonymous!
This thread nakes me nostalgic. Reminds me of that user that would lie about every horror movie being traumatizing like this a decade ago.
absolute kino
I’ve heard Daisy’s destruction is not a snuff film, just a degenerate CP video.
Besides, some of the most traumatic shit online is already on BestGore.com
You haven't heard properly then
>According to the witnesses, the videos consisted of the girl torturing the baby in a number of different ways, for e.g. clipping her private parts with cloth-clips, dropping hot wax (again on her private parts), using the baby to satisfy her own personal sexual needs etc.
She even tied the baby upside down and beat her with rope and various other material for hours, Liza and Cindy too suffered these tortures although their videos were slightly different in type and torture than what Daisy suffered. (Scroll down for details).
It just suffices to say that, even the policemen who captured Scully and saw the video; cried, went into shock, and some had nightmare for months, and that’s not very common in the case of policemen who’re trained to cope with these kind of things in advance.
>We've reached the point in this world where there's videos worse than the Grifter was memed to be
We truly DO live in a society
the part with candlejack really scares the shit o-