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Why did Pete cheat on pure wife material in Trudy?

Dr. Faye would have been the best for Don but he gave it all up for Megan because >muh good mommy for the kids

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Yes because women are suppose to be mums you retard

How did he avoid trouble so easily despite stealing another man’s identity?

He went insane.

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She gave him a mongoloid baby. I'd resent her for it as well. Seriously that fucking thing was huge and not TV friendly.

it was the pre-internet era

it was easy to get away with shit like that

/pol/ incel pls go

Back then you could move to the next town over and start a whole new life

Who said anything about pol?

>women can only be moms and are worthless for anything else
>not a /pol/ opinion

come on man, you're not even trying

Why didn’t Don and Peggy fuck, they had the most chemistry

All i said was women are suppose to be mums not that they are worthless

Don already had kids of his own, he didn't need to make more with Faye. She was a competent partner for him because she wasn't just a pretty bimbo, but maybe he was too intimated by her competence, as Faye herself said "you only like the beginning of things".

>Back then you could move to the next town over and start a whole new life

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But he needed a mother figure for the kids still

Can we all agree that Mad Men was far better in its later seasons than the earlier ones?

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No he didn't. Betty was still alive. Men only feel obligated to look for mother replacements if they happen to die.

no we can't.

That's not why he picked Megan. He picked her because she was young and immature, and he thought she would be like Betty and wouldn't give him any pushback when he was being a piece of shit. Megan's pretty much a friend to Sally and is able to get Bobby to listen because she's pretty. She's only a good mom in the sense that she didn't have a fucking brain aneurysm when the kids spilled a shake like Don did.

>Joan got raped

I wish I could've been there to protect her


He was the son of a whore

Don was such a shit character, you could tell that the writers were desperately trying to craft a deep and unhinged main character like Tony Soprano but ended up just making some useless asshole who did completely random shit like fly to California for no reason. The show is still fantastic despite him just because it had so many amazing side characters like Pete and Roger and Peggy to prop it up.