She'd be perfect Catwoman

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she'd be better as poison ivy and you know it

Cats aren't that big.

longcat is

Rebecca Fergusson would be great choice as well.

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more like giraffewoman lmao gottem


Is she flexible enough? Long people tend to be somewhat awkward with their body language

Instead Chloe Grace Moretz is playing her, kek

I want to climb all over her body.

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I just want to kneel and kiss her beautiful feet.


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Perfect both as blonde and also as brunette

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She would look a lot better if she got fat

Is it so hard to wink?

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Which actress should play her love interest?

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I'd honestly love to see her play Lex Luthor but not bald.

Based and Debickipilled

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I'd rather she play my wife but it's not a movie and it's real

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>a benevolent creator God doesn't exi-

Fuck off Pierce she is not yours to feed

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When it comes to godess tier women, I prefer watching them getting hard fucked by a sex machine, to be honest.

It's not that I'm a bad lover, but I'm average (like most people), and I feel like it would be a waste if I fucked her myself.

I rather watch so I can appreciate every detail of her body... every moan, every lip bite, every time her toes curl...

It's not being a "cuck", it's being humble enough to know your place and get the most out of it.

she drives me insane

Please never post again.

I don't mind the obvious waifu threads, but I wish that the obligatory text weren't so fucking stupid every time. She'd be a terrible Catwoman. It's just that I've got to read this shit during my refractory period and it's just always stupid trash.

Imagine if she did though


>rare footage of Sweden and Germany negotiating a trade deal during WW2

She'll be best as random street thug that Batman knocks out and ties up.

What is "waifu" thread?

i would've wanted vanessa hudgens

She oughta get real fat and change her name to Vanessa Fudgins

Imagine finding her unconscious and tied up in your roof, in the middle of the night

A refractory material or refractory is a heat-resistant material: that is, a mineral that is resistant to decomposition by heat, pressure, or chemical attack, most commonly applied to a mineral that retains strength and form at high temperatures.

hmm yes that's very interesting

Nah, too elegant looking, her beauty is too ethereal for a role like that.

Or ties out and knocks up haha

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>She would look a lot better if she got fat
Agreed, but she'd also look a lot better if she just put on some weight, muscle, curves, whatever. Tall and very skinny women just look goofy.

Those breeding hips.

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Too tall, too pale.


She'd fill out well too with those fantastic hips/legs


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This is exactly what I said out loud when I saw that pic.

6'3" ?!? She should be Wonder Woman, not that middle eastern mutt

Far too tall, and yeah Julie Newmar was tall but still.

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>tfw manlet but super into tall chicks
>the one amazonian-tier chick who was interested in me (she was 6'3) had a figure like webm-related
>ended up fucking up and missing my chance with her

This webm has brought back painful memories fml.

you oxygen for that altitude?



Is there a 6'7" Batman?

Ben Affleck is 6'3", equal to her height.

good cliperino, user

I think she'd be a better Cruella de Vil

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GOD I want Debicki to bully me for being a 6'0 manlet

What's that meme with her quoted as saying men have always worshiped her feet? I viewed it until I couldn't easily find the quote anywhere else

she's a goddess, seriously, seriously just look at her perfect blue eyes, her perfect white skin, her perfect hands, beautiful fingers, her hair, PERFECTION, FUCKING PERFECTION, her perfect armpits, her lips, so pink, so perfect, every fucking millimeter of her skin is more beautiful than Diamonds, I could kill Jesus, I could kill the pope, heck, I could kill my family just to feel the scent of your perfect hair. God Debicki, I could serve her for the rest of my life just to kiss her feet, I could be her personal killer and If she wanted to burn a school for children I would do it for her, just to have the honor of serving her because I do not deserve her, she is a Goddess and I am a disgusting human, I am worthless, my life has no value if I do not serve the Goddess Debicki

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He definitely took his time on her.

all of them

Sir Robert Pattinson is 6'1 I suppose/

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> But who IS the Catwoman?
> Ummmm... Chief, eye witness reports say the woman is 6 foot 8. I just looked at our database and only one woman in the city is that tall - a Ms. E. Debicki.
> But who could be this intriguing lady of mystery, stealing jewels from our finest museums?
> ..... uhhh... Chief... turns out this E. Debicki is a famous dominatrix... we have photos of her with all the leather gear and equipment
> All circumstantial. This alluring vixen of mystique has outwitted us all...
> I have an image here of her attending the BAFTAs; if you zoom in you can see those two diamonds from the museum are literally her earrings....
> You just have no eye for mystery, detective; hand in your badge and gun on the way out.

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damn that is an old reference. Like, a 15 year old meme. There might be people in this thread who were not even BORN when that was a meme. Think about it.... but not too much....

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pack on some muscle and she'd be the perfect Samus Aran.

way too skinny for that leather suit

Nah, the perfect Samus is already Brie

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How much do you think she drinks or how many therapy sessions you think she needs to sell herself like that

in order to attract gamer, comics, and anime fans, she dresses up in skin tight suits to sell.

No wonder the lot of them are feminists. How else can any normal human being deal with that kind of mental conflict.

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PeyPey would be Best.

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Who? Provably some zoomer e-celeb

if she grew her hair out and dropped the dyke look

a giraffe as cat, I don't see it, maybe her sister Kat , post her sister


she's too tall and not swarthy enough. that would eliminate kstew for those few retards bringing her up

Why didn't he just peel her hands open? Women have awful grip strength.

She'd work better as Poison Ivy.

I know that feel bro. Although I'm not a manlet but everything else is exactly the same.

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God, she must feel so powerful and strong literally all the time. She could probably just step on any manlet who gives her shit.

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she'd be perfect whatever

Someone please edit this to 5โ€™11 vs 6โ€™0


can't even take the whole sweater off before file has to cut off due to size restraints.

when are you going to start transitioning?

she's not dark or seductive enough for catwoman

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She doesn't feel powerful and strong, because she's a stick. Maybe if she had prime Jessica Biel's figure at that height.

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She'd be a great Galadriel.

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I dunno mang, I don't think a rapist would want to bother trying to take down a 6'3 giantess with legs up to her face. If she were a non-celebrity I think she'd be much safer than womanlets by virtue of height.

I just want Elizabeth Debicki to do a larger than life role where she gets to dominate Emma Roberts.

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Can imagine her blowing hypno dust and saying "you're mine, now, little sap".

if you've seen her in that one movie where the wives of dead criminals have to get money, she doens't really pull off strong

> Looks at smol girls like they are toys.

>where she gets to dominate Emma Roberts.

Nobody dominates Emma Roberts, not even men.

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>look up the movie
>girl on the left
>doesnt look like a mongolian
/pol/ lied to me again these bastards!

>Who? Provably some zoomer e-celeb
You just proved to be the zoomer newfag, pleb.

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This one would do much better in the role.

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She really would, goddamn user great casting

Leg like a spear!

same in that serie The night manager?, they almost wipe the floor with her

well yes that's what everyone does
smol girls are fucktoys
rarely are they wife material

Debicki could wreck that little smol doll.

hush tranny

Debicki would crush her.

The fuck is this "hurrr tranny" shit coming from?

trannies infest this board for quite a few weeks now posting their tranny femboy fantasies

Femdom =/= femboy shit, nigger.

Debicki fags are on the path to becoming trannies

ever since /leftypol/ died and got banned they have basically left their containment board and have infested Yea Forums

Debicki is literally perfect. I wonder what she smells like.

how fucking new are you?

smells like vanilla. because she's white and boring but still tastes good

How fucking JEW are you? :D

kill yourself

melted makeup

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Big stinky feet.

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That shit's almost too powerful man be careful

Imagine kissing those soles

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shut the fuck up hyperbolic little faggot

โ€œVery fewโ€ cats are that big

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Hollywood should cast her in more dominatrix roles. Hopefully she's femme fatale in Tenet.

imagine being a fucking man for once and making the woman kiss your feet you fucking beta

I feel like "Entrapment" with Zeta Jones is probably the best or closest to best Catwoman movie we're ever going to get. Pheifer is still the best one tho.

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she already has her comic book character

Does Ayesha even show up in the comics?

that was the bait, fella

my bad, I don't, I don't care, I didn't see Guardians 2

How's her pit game? It looks like it'd be strong.

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Why are young men like this nowadays? Can you imagine John Wayne or Clint Eastwood saying that?

There's no such thing as a straight man born after 1989

She's simply too big

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Cat for cat

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She's so beautiful it hurts

The perfect Catwoman.

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I wasn't judging, I love feet. It was just genuine question.

>Can you imagine John Wayne or Clint Eastwood saying that?
not that user, but humans haven't changed much. Each generation acts like they've invented sex.

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>humans haven't changed much
90s born queers and zoomers aren't real people

It would really be weird and an awkard situation if you were tasked to measure her legs and feet. You might run into problems because she's so long and big

>tfw the top of my head goes to her chin

Iโ€™m diamonds

That's true, humans have always been kinky. But I wonder if unlimited access to pornography leads to more extreme sexuality in internet age.


I second this question

>swn suffocate you with her neck

Why we never hear about her dating anyone?

shes staying pure for me

It's just a coincidence

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>mfw I will never be the little spoon with her

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Debicki vs Gojira when?

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Lucky guy. Imagine coming home to Elizabeth Debicki.

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She's secretly dating a young boy.

and how do I rewrite reality so that boy is me?

It doesn't. It just means we hear more about it.

The do it without the suit, just the heels, mask, ears, and whip.

>reddit spacing tranny fuck off

The weak should fear the strong.

You can comfort yourself with the fact that according to certain theories in physics and philosophy there is an alternate world out there where you're a little boy who's being "abused" by Debicki right now.

how about Cheetah

Fucking IMAGINE Elizabeth Debicki and Gwendoline Christie bullying you at the same time

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why would i want that orge ruining a perfect moment with elizabeth?

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Imagine you were straight

It's cool that Greta Gerwig let's Elizabeth Debicki play with her favourite toy. Damn generous.

Saoirse was feeling adventurous and disobeyed her mistresses orders. She will stay leashed and collared for the rest of the month

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Debicki to fuck the womanlets, Christie to subdue and punish them.

Leash is the best thing for that naughty little Irish mare.

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Gods I wish I was Kit in this



"If you are gonna get that physical with me you have to fuck me".
I either get to fuck the Amazon or she stops.

She's so long

She'll sue you for rape.

My country has stand your ground laws when women rub your body.

Nice country. Would be a shame if it got a...rabbi

>those perfect pink soles

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Are there any pics of her with guys that are taller?

More please

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I like tall girls but I think shes ugly, Kloss is the better amazon waifu

Shit taste user

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She actually has an amazing body and moves very gracefully for someone so tall. We know she has great breasts. We need to find her a role she can be nude the entire film.

She could play a lesbian rapist who, always at night, breaks into apartments of women living alone; and except for a mask, she'd be completely naked

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She'd be the perfect giraffewoman.

She's way too fucking tall for Catwoman. The only one she would fit is Poison Ivy.

I can't think of any other batman villains she could work with, Harley Quinn, Jane Doe, Magpie, all are shorter.

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are you saying you're underage?


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Are there any female capeshit characters who are notoriously tall? I know she already played Ayesha but that was with a ton of makeup.

Done. Now spread the word about Iran's nuclear threat.

her leg is longer than my dick

>tfw to tall to have easy access to boobs during hugs

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Someone post the webm where she's naked walking through the water at the beach. I know one of you has it

ayyyy, it's my favourite alien chick

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>debicki as poison ivy
Men can only get so erect, user.

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this facial expression only existed in the 90s. no one does it anymore

God, that stare really does get me going.

What movie is this and what is she about to inject into somebody?

Too nigg too short

she looks like she fucks little boys

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Its from "The man from U.N.C.L.E."

I'll have to check it out sometime, thanks.

giv Biel

how do i get a tall gf as a manlet?

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what did she mean by this?

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Why is Sophie just standing there alone looking around?

>someone made this

that is all

>tfw 6ยด1"
The day has come, I'm a manlet

If he's like me probably because he wants to go out like that, strangled by a beautiful women

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i want to be her little boy, imagine getting dominated by her

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Nah i think it should be an African American Woman desu.

Why not cut to the chase and go full Hollywood?
It's coming anyway.

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>how do i get a tall gf as a manlet?
Talk to her, treat her as a normal woman. Don't ever joke about her playing volleyball or asking her if she gets oxygen up there. Remember that tall women are self-conscious. You would be surprised. She may be hesitant to date you because of height difference but she still wants to fuck.

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she should play a female " jaws " in the next james bond movie

have sex

im trying

50ft Woman remake when?

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