
Well.... this was shit.
No real plot or direction, horrible boring bad guy, kind of cringe main protagonist.., the wizard in the beginning looked like he was from an indie movie, i really thought dc was getting back on track with their relatively decent aquaman movie.

I can't wait to find out if DC's coming wE LivE in A soCieTy movie will be also a dumpster fire

Attached: Shazam-625x352[1].jpg (625x352, 37K)

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Yeah, just childish and cheesy

The first half of the movie was basically waste of time, it took like 60% of the runtime for the main hero and main baddie to even meet
Who the fuck greenlights these shitty scripts

It's not a dumpster fire at all. Test screening user here.

Well you are paid to suck DC's cock, so of course your opinion would be tainted.
Thats, society for ya...

How the fuck this thing has like 90%+ ratings everywhere, it was like average 5/10 at best

Because it´s JUST a normal enjoyable popcorn capeshit.

And people seem to like simply getting entertained instead of receiving a life changing epiphany or identity politics till their noses bleed.
Though the cast IS very diverse, but this time it actually makes sense.and is canon, afaik.

seething marvelchildren

Attached: 1559412091901.jpg (2500x2500, 582K)

Just like Superman 1978
stop look at your phone, zoomer

>marvelfags literally won
>still seethe over DChads

Jeez, I´ve actually seen these in the wild now!

These fucking NPC zoomers literally cannot cope with taking in a slow FUCKING movie setting that isn´t cut like an epileptic squirrel ran over the keyboard.


Nah it was kino, and so was Captain Marvel

Yeah, but Superman 78 had a great story and characters, unlike this garbage

not an argument

That’s not either

>what is building up the protagonist and the antagonist separately as both similar and opposite to explore a common point
too smart for your birdbrain

I thought the speech scene where the main guy couldn't hear the bad guy was slightly humorous. It got me to smile and quickly exhale through my nose.

breathing is important, good job

Attached: Shazam.1.webm (1718x720, 3M)

Fuck off. This movie was great.

Attached: Shazam.4.webm (1718x720, 2.97M)

Fucking kek. Zach really sold that whole bit.

Attached: Shazam.3.webm (1194x500, 3M)

I thought it was fun also I really liked the crutch kid

This is practically a live-action Southpark sight gag. In the good way.

It had that "cheap TV movie" feel that critics love in Disney movies (though to be fair this was actually a cheap movie)
Plenty of jokes too
Basically it's MCU but a lot less cynical

what a horrible sad movie

Attached: Shazam.2.webm (1194x500, 2.99M)

>It had that "cheap TV movie" feel that critics love in Disney movies
>Basically it's MCU but a lot less cynical
Guess I’ll pass. Wake me up when they bring SnyderKino back

Attached: Shazam.5.webm (1920x804, 2.99M)

I loved how Sivana was all full of himself and talked like an actual megalomaniac.

is shazam better than female captain marvel movie?

i will never watch this, so dull

then get out of the thread

it was fun and unpretentious

Fuck yes. Funny, sweet, and touching in pretty much equal measure. I liked the message, too, and the more subtle things it does with both the lore as well as the world-building. The way they set it up, Black Adam could legitimately be the catastrophe that "happened" to Atlantis's lost Desert Kingdom.

>30 minutes in
>movie still hasn't started yet
Do they ever leave that boring foster home?

disney is so predictable

Attached: Shazam! - Sans.webm (1280x536, 2.68M)

Nice try Mickey, but I am not going to see Peter Parker: Public Spider-Fag

Joke's on them. I pre-ordered mine as soon as we got home from seeing it.

>tfw there are people watching a shitty unfinished deleted scene from Endgame right now because a megacorporation convinced them they have to give their money so it can beat Avatar, while I enjoy comfy capeshit in my home

Attached: Holy Moly.jpg (1280x533, 175K)

Feels good, bro. Feels really fucking good.

That's Sony

Asher Angel and Jack Dylan Grazer are so handsome.

Nice bomb.

Why didnt check if shazam has super healing?

How's the Ant-Man 3 going?

Attached: 90482948.jpg (729x752, 114K)

Well, they couldn't manage to hurt him to begin with

he looks like that dude from The Office

Because you'd actually have to hurt him first.

In a bad way. Not in a Goonies way like people say. It was capeshit through and through.

I'm really looking forward to where they take Shazam in the next one. The Mr. Mind tease has me very excited.

The worst thing about it is when he transforms into Shazam he becomes a quiplord
Why does his personality change so much?

Zero people liked Captain Marvel

For the same reason Spider-Man's does. Masks are liberating and Shazam wears the ultimate mask.

Attached: Mr. Mind.jpg (1920x804, 624K)

I mean for the cripled boy. Perhaps he has healing touch as well?

oh, you mean shazam healing people

Oh, gotcha. From the videos we saw, I got the impression that Freddie was always sort of hiding behind the camera. I have little reason to doubt that they'd try it but not make a video of it. It would be way too personal.

Attached: Shazam! - Freddy is evil.webm (760x640, 994K)

>teenager gets super powers
>not constantly raping
Makes no sense

he couldn't unzip his dick

Why does this look so fake and so much worse than Marvel SFX?

>things no one not being paid by Disney ever said

Attached: Spider Just.webm (1264x526, 759K)

Yeah, watched it yesterday and it was fucking shit. No idea why people like it.

because they think it's good

>TAKE 35

It was silly fun, the fuck you're on about?

Gave single motherhood a huge finger.

Villain came from an abusive household, again women fucking useless assholes.

This shit was redpilled as fuck

Marvel lost the right to criticize other movies special effects after the Civil War fight and the final Black Panther vs Warmonger fight

based woman hater

1) MCU has shitty VFX
2) MCU has never made a 100M budget movie

They saved up all the good shit for the trailers.
Whoever made the trailers must've gotten a raise, because he sure did a good job to dupe me.
And I even like some of these DC films too. It was mediocre.

When is DC going to make a Power Girl movie?

Attached: powergirlmdbw.jpg (1184x1600, 383K)

a lot of action scenes were deleted

why do you fags ask rhetorical questions

it could have been good, but the little whiny kid that was friends with the shazam kid fucking killed it for me. that lad pisses me off for some reason

shazam was actually good movie. good funny flick. not cringy quip fiesta.
you gotta open up yourself for that comfy flick night then it hits right at home. everything made sense and whole thing was tightly packed, the 2hour runtime wasn't even that much, liked the whole bunch of it.

8.5/10, justified by how entertaining it was, plus it got few chuckles out of me, zach is great actor and the kids did good job too and them becoming his sidekicks was cool too. the bad guy was bad, the result of bad parenting, genius.

-user reviews

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He cute

Fucking kek.

I hate this fucking movie.

>lowest grossing DCverse movie
>only made 364 million off a 100 million budget
>is getting a sequel

That's surprising.

Attached: interesting.webm (400x300, 441K)

Less dull than Captain Marvel but still quite unimpressive.

This movie is like someone looked at the writing ineptitude of TLJ and said, "Hold my beer," then wrote a script that subverts expectations in all the right ways.

>Billy's mom is actually a bit of a bitch.
>Billy really is better off for having been abandoned.
>The villain's dad didn't die.
>The villain is villainous because not only was he rejected, but spent his whole childhood enduring this gaping asshole of a father figure.
>Hero and villain both spend their whole lives chasing a dream. The hero's is a fantasy. The villain's is real, but he's ruined himself pursuing it.

Good shit.

Good analysis, bro.

It's all about profit margins. Would you rather have a film that cost 300mil to produce make 600mil of a film that cost 100mil make 350mil?

what I really like about Sivana is that he's given a justification to be the way he is but he's still 100% evil, like he's supposed to be, and it doesn't excuse what he does
"villains need to be grey to be great" is such a meme

Attached: Shazam! - Harry becomes Voldemort.webm (720x300, 2.91M)

All the DCEU movies have sequels. BvS is a sequel to MoS and I will never be convinced otherwise

I actually prefer lower-budget cape films(provided the writing is good), because they tend to focus more on character and story over spectacle. Comics fans don't read for spectacle alone. They invest in the characters and stories. Disney has forgotten this, if they ever knew it to begin with. The "spectacle" of their movies is not enough to distract from the writing, which is utter ass. I honestly can't believe anyone defends it.

Totally agree. He's perfectly evil, yet still perfectly relatable. Another thing I loved is that, evil as he is, he wasn't the evillest person in that boardroom. I thought that shit was great. I've always enjoyed it when the villain kills characters that are even worse than him.

I liked it, the story was good, as was the acting but the quips were targeted at a pre teen audience and came across a little cringey for older audiences

Like how Deadpool was very successful with its small budget?

I'm a 30yo boomer and prefer this...

Attached: Shazam vs. Harvey Weinstein.webm (960x400, 2.91M)

...over this

Attached: Man of Steel PS3.webm (870x360, 2.95M)

Its fun. Better than MCU shitters

Yes. Love it or hate it, that's a legit Deadpool story happening on the screen. The fact that other than the swearing and the violence, it's pretty much indistinguishable on tone from the MCU should stand as testament to how shitty a job Disney is doing with these characters. They've all descended into Flanderized caricature. And it started virtually the instant Disney took over, making them all like bad live-action Pixar. Everything's weightless. Characters do dumb, completely unsupportable shit not because it's in-character for them to do so, but simply because the plot demands it.

how did they get away with this?

Attached: gross.jpg (1920x804, 776K)

I like as a contrast to
. It demonstrates how different the characters are in tone as well as personality. Supes is a more "serious and brooding" character than Billy is, and he should be.

9/10 review bro

>it´s JUST a normal enjoyable popcorn capeshit.
>And people seem to like simply getting entertained instead of receiving a life changing epiphany or identity politics till their noses bleed.
>Though the cast IS very diverse, but this time it actually makes sense.and is canon, afaik.
This. Shazam was fun, AND it had the added bonus of me leaving the theater without feeling like I was being low-key attacked by the movie's message.

That hadouken shit was fucking hilarious.

found the fukn fagget

>Captain Marvel
Threw up in my mouth a little

Attached: Shazam! - Hadouken.webm (960x400, 2.94M)

I love how this whole movie has a sort of comfy 80s aesthetic, like an homage to Gremlins.

and the sins were based on the terror dogs from ghostbusters, according to the director

Attached: ZuulTerrorDog1.png (1920x1037, 3.74M)

It is unironically the only DC movie that I "like"

You know she will barely be allowed to have a b-cup, right?

Attached: tifa.jpg (1280x720, 108K)

Shazam hate threads always turn into appreciation threads

Attached: Shazam! - Tawny.webm (834x350, 2.76M)

so were the foster parents written to be purposefully awkward and fake or was that fat asian looking dude just a terrible actor?

Philly is an 80s setting. Also Christmastime.

Attached: Shazam! - Walking on air.webm (960x400, 2.84M)

Attached: CHADZAM.webm (1280x536, 2.09M)

nta but I predict that after 2020 some director will convince Warner that the time is right to ride the crest of this current zeitgeist and go through with a sexy comedy starring a D-cup Power Girl with a boob window costume.

absolute chad, even batman can't compete in the back

Attached: shazam-dab.webm (1280x532, 504K)

I unironically like how a lot of the final fight in the city/air felt like a straight-to-video version of Superman vs Zod. Flying through the city, going up in the sky, etc.