I did not watch Chernobyl because it is propaganda shit

Chernobyl series and influence agents who helped write the script. Exclusive Investigation

For the first time in this investigation, you will learn about the two main consultants in the United States, author of the script for the Chernobyl series, Craig Mazin, who turned out to be agents of influence. It will be described in detail what details of them were revealed, how connected and what is hidden behind their official biographies: from the Orange Revolution of 2004 in Ukraine to the sanctions against Russia, a lot of facts! This part of the investigation was being prepared for publication in one of the publications, but it was not possible to agree, therefore, the working version is published in Zen with all the details from a sense of duty to the truth.

From May to June, the inhabitants of the planet were chained to the screens - they were broadcast on an art series from HBO and Sky "Chernobyl", which received the highest marks for accurate transmission of Soviet reality. The author of the idea - the scriptwriter of the series, Craig Mazin, focused public attention on the realism and thoroughness of the details. At the same time, many TV viewers and experts noticed how biased the political part of the series was, demonizing the Soviet system by all possible methods. Many Russian politicians saw this as an example of top-quality propaganda directed against Russia because of its well-established association with the Soviet Union in the world. Others fully trusted high-quality media product. But realism is in detail here, really - just a tool,due to which the screenwriter of the series is trying to convey to the audience completely different thoughts, but they are not exactly the ones he claims. How did it happen that in the course of the story the spectators were pushed through the famine, the security officers, the alcoholics and the machine gunners who were driving the miners to death?

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How did the leak start

In June 2019, in the wake of the series’s success, the German edition of dw.com (Deutsche Welle) was unexpectedly interviewed by an emigrant from Ukraine, a volunteer of charitable organizations in the United States, Elena Kozlova-Peyts. In it, she narrates how she consulted Craig Mazin a year ago, especially emphasizing her insignificant role that she made at the final stage of writing the script. She says that her husband, being an amateur screenwriter , was following the work of Mazin, and when he announced that he was working on the “Chernobyl” script, he offered his wife’s help on Twitter.

For some reason, Mazin never mentions Kozlov-Pates by name, but in one of his interviews he notes that his main nameless consultant was born in Kremenchug and lived in Kiev. After examining the related persons, it was found that the main consultant of Mazina was Kozlova-Peyts, who was born in the city of Kremenchug, USSR. Why did Kozlova-Peits, who did not stand up to fame, to downplay her role? ... Because if Mazina’s main consultant had such a biography, the reputation of the Chernobyl series would be questioned.

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Elena Kozlova-Pates

In 1999, Kozlova received a Bachelor of Arts degree in English with honors from York College and a Master of Public Policy degree with a double degree in international relations and economics from the Pepperdine School of Public Policy , where she met her future husband Jason Pets, a graduate student, and subsequently, " amateur writer. " She worked for a nonprofit organization in Washington, DC that promotes democratic principles throughout the world.

Officially in the United States, he is involved in humanitarian aid for Ukraine and leads a group of Ukrainians in North Carolina. He is a volunteer of the Wounded Warrior Ukraine (“Wounded Warriors of Ukraine”) and the non - profit organization Razom for Ukraine .

On the extensive volunteer work of Kozlova-Pates, they write on the website of her first alma mater in an article devoted to her humanitarian work entitled “ The Angel of Ukraine ” (York College Heritage Magazine, Winter 2018 - Vol. 21, No. 1):

“ Kozlova-Pates ’s current humanitarian work is the culmination of her various jobs, experiences and training. “This is totally volunteer work, but it’s a lot more work than I ever did in any other position.”

" Her work in the United States also includes propaganda and raising awareness about the plight of its people, " the author adds.

It only remains to add that Kozlova-Pates helps with this propaganda on euromaidanpress.com , on which it is published.

It can be assumed that this interest in the Maidan appeared in 2013, but this turned out to be only the tip of the iceberg.

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The official biography of Kozlova-Peits would have remained unsaid, if not for a note in the album of graduates of the Pepperdine School of Public Policy, now we know, literally:

“ Ms. Kozlova-Pates worked for almost ten years at the National Democratic Institute for International Relations. Her last position was a senior program manager in the Eurasia department, where her work included managing NDI in Ukraine during the 2004 Orange Revolution , political assessments for US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and election observation visits across Eurasia, and managing democratic processes , including the development programs of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other Eurasian countries . "

In 2017, the former consultant to the US Secretary of State and Master in Public Policy was the main consultant to the scriptwriter for the Chernobyl series.

To continue the story of Kozlova-Pates, we must first get acquainted with her husband, who acts as a link in the history of her acquaintance with Mazin.

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Jason Pates

Surprisingly not a public person for a person who is on the lists of the most successful graduates of his alma mater. Mr. Pates is a double graduate of Pepperdine University, receiving a bachelor's degree in economics from Siver College in 1995 and a Master of Public Policy degree from the School of Public Policy in 1999. It is only known that this deeply religious man is a senior consultant and manager of business transformation of clients in Cisco Systems. However, with this dry report we are again rescued by the alma mater, where Jason Pates, as if by the way, mentions that he worked for the US Department of Defense.

... “Public policy means more than just public service, and I am pleased to report that the universality of a master’s degree in public affairs goes beyond what I expected,” summarizes Mr. Pates on the presented brochure. Wonderful words

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When Ukrainian agents are married to American, it turns out a small revolution

Surprisingly, on this page, Mr. Pates forgot to mention his incredible journey to Ukraine during the 2004 Orange Revolution.

Details again reveals the alma mater with her random archive storage system. The PROSPECTS FOR DEMOCRACY IN THE MIDDLE EAST FIVE-PART LECTURE SERIES brochure (2005) tells about the exciting trip of the American-Ukrainian family of amateur screenwriters to Ukraine during the 2004 Orange Revolution.

“In November 2004, our family traveled to Ukraine to join an international delegation organized by the National Democratic Institute (NDI) to observe” ... “The efforts of the observers paid off, the testimony of international observers helped the Supreme Court of Ukraine canceled the falsified CEC results. More importantly, people throughout the country decided to peacefully take to the streets in the "Orange Revolution" in order to decisively get a solid democracy for Ukraine. "

How cohesive is the Peights family in their struggle?

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Imagine thinking I’m gonna read all this.

Why don’t you just tell me in a few sentences what happened?

Let us return to the interview with Kozlova-Pates edition of Deutsche Welle.

Our heroine told how she went to Mazina, and that her husband was “an amateur screenwriter who was following the work of Craig”, that he “ wrote to him ” and after 10 minutes they talked by phone.

This was indeed the case and chronologically happened as follows:

For the first time in 9 months, Jason Pates, the “Client Business Transformation Manager,” tweets the bait as a very attractive call for the screenwriter and he responds to it. The next day we can see the publication of a neutral character and that’s all, the account dies again for 8 months in order to be tweeted on Russian terrorism in connection with the arrest of Oleg Sentsov. The topic itself is so relevant in America that no one even liked it. Apparently, the Peits family has its own atmosphere, from which tweets sometimes beat out the ferry.

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“ The most difficult was to re-read these stories again and again , to worry. ABOUT EVERYONE, I myself was looking for information, ” continues in an interview a tireless volunteer from North Carolina

“ For me it was important that the tragedy was put in the context of other Soviet crimes against humanity, against the citizens of their country, ” Kozlova-Peyts adds, putting his statements into question of the political non-engagement of the Chernobyl script.

Perhaps, because of the subsequent awareness of the politicization of Kozlova-Pates, Craig Mazin, against the background of criticism, never mentions her by name and remembers only the names of her friends, finding that mentioning the city will not be enough to identify the personality of the main consultant to the scriptwriter.

How much nevertheless was the main consultant of the screenwriter politically engaged in that period?

Here is the publication that creates on Facebook Kozlova-Pates on July 24, 2017, a month before starting the work with the script:

“ Most likely, tomorrow, on Tuesday, July 25, the House of Representatives (House of Congress) will vote for the bill on sanctions against Russia, which codifies the sanctions currently imposed and will introduce more stringent sanctions against Russia for invading Ukraine and the illegal annexation of the Crimea peninsula. To convey information to those who are not indifferent to Russia's aggressive actions, please contact your representative (congressman, note) to raise awareness of the Russian aggression and urge them to support the bill on sanctions against Russia!

Today and tomorrow, show support for the adoption of the Law on Sanctions against Russia, Iran and North Korea by sending an email, calling and sending a tweet to your representative. Examples of tweets that can be used include the following: ” followed by examples of stickers.

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Thus, the main consultant of the series lobbied the adoption of sanctions against Russia in Congress, just a month before starting work with Mazin . Therefore, it would simply be surprising if Kozlova-Pates did not try to transfer her political vision to the scenario and influence Mazin’s perception of history, given her active public work against Russia and all the common things that connect her with Ukraine. But Kozlova-Peates has works both in the field of history and in psychology , therefore there are arguments and means for influence. After all, if she had not done everything she could, would she continue to proudly call herself a patriot of Ukraine?

“ Elena is a hardworking person. Her attention to detail is excellent, and her desire to complete a task quickly and efficiently is outstanding, ” recalls one of her colleagues at LinkedIn. The dedication and hard work with which Kozlova-Pates works for the benefit of Ukraine can be taken as an example to the patriots and agents of influence of all countries, including those who do not have American citizenship and who are prohibited from such activities in the United States under the threat of prolonged imprisonment.

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Holodomor and other counselors

“ I think this is almost the first time that the word “ famine ”has been pronounced on such a series in the USA . This is a very interesting historical influence , and I hope that people paid attention to it. It was in the original script, and I was pleasantly surprised how Craig was familiar with the history of Ukraine, ” Kozlova-Peyts recalls in the same interview with dw.com .

Ms. Kozlova-Pates probably mentions the famine with annoyance, because someone ahead of her with the performance of patriotic duty - to bring the truth about the famine of 1932-1933 in Ukraine - an important agenda in her public life, so that thanks to her efforts, 24 November officially became the day of memory of the famine in North Carolina and the state-recognized act of genocide .

“ We are proud to announce that North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper proclaimed November 24, 2018 as a day to commemorate the famine. Special thanks to Oleg Volovyn and Yelena Kozlova-Peits for their help and support in making this possible, ”the official page of the Association of Ukrainians in Northern Corolin on Facebook informs .

It is from the word "famine" that the investigation began. The concept is so politicized with an emphasis on the “neighbor” that the question immediately arises how the scene with the mention of the famine, the people of the king, and even with a hint of shooting an old woman by a Soviet liquidator (who seems to be treated with respect) HBO series about the Gorbachev era? Please note that this surprised even Kozlov-Pates.

“ As far as I know, from university times he had several Ukrainian friends who constantly told him about Ukraine, ” Kozlova-Peyts says in the same interview to dw.com.

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Your Russian is showing comrade. Run your Russian through an English translator site again before posting

nigga i dont understand shit you be saying

russians SEETHING

Kozlova-Pates pierced every story and knew about her friends from the university, mentioning them in an interview, but did not bother to ask about Ulyana Homyuk - the main character of the series, which turned out to be a fictional character. The fact is that in this and other cases the familiar name of our second heroine would have surfaced. Surprisingly, at the same time there was no curiosity on the part of Craig to clarify whether she was familiar with his friends, one of whom works as a director in a volunteer organization. To understand this detail more precisely, you need to find out how the name of this character appeared at all. Details, as in the case of Kozlova-Pates, surfaced again in an interview, this time by Dora Hamster, one of those very friends of Craig Mazin from the university, who will tell us how Ulyana Homuk appeared:

“ He told me that he had such an idea - and I say:“ Hamster is better not, maybe we will change a little? So he turned the surname on Homuk. And Ulyana Legedza also studied with us, she is American-Ukrainian, ”recalls Dora Homyak, in an interview with Kreg Mazin in the Ukrainian service Voice of America.

Note: Ulyana Legedza will not be considered in this investigation as a person who did not actively participate in the creation of the script.

The guide through whom the screenwriter tells the viewer about the horrors of the political system, Uliana Homyuk - turned out to be a collective image of Dora Homyak, while she is the most important of the fictional characters both as a whole and within the political line of the series.

Scene with Ulyana Khomyuk in the KGB jail.

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Make your own top quality kino show then.
Oh wait, you can't, "russian quality" = garbage

The overwhelming number of scenes where Khomuk interacts with the Soviet system are artistic techniques to discredit the regime. The brightest moments of arbitrariness, such as the abduction of Khomyuk by the KGB, are fictitious and could not but cause Kozlova-Peyts many questions about this character, with the result that she would hear a familiar name.

Why familiar?

The fact is that Dora Homyak is a co-founder and development director at Razom for Ukraine, where Kozlova-Peyts works as a volunteer .

For example, in 2018 Kozlova-Peits was mentioned as the “ tireless volunteer ” of Razom for Ukraine at the screening of the film “Invisible Battalion” organized at the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington (Not shown in the photo, but mentioned in the thank-you section):

In addition, Razom supports the Kozlova-Pets ZnaU educational project on the long-suffering history of Ukraine.

The edge of what Kozlova-Peits learned about her friends from the university, but didn’t ask and didn’t hear her familiar name, including during the discussion of the character, is so subtle that it’s hard to believe that she really didn’t come across this name. All this means that, in addition to Kozlova-Pates’s successful exit to the final stage of writing the script, like Peets’s catchy tweet, could not be accidental - Kozlova-Peits went to Mazina through Doura Hamster, and the connection was hidden. This means that in this case there was a goal and in fact we see that it has been achieved. In any case, even if the Peights family threw Craig’s bait independently, it does not negate the fact that the advisers from this investigation had the opportunity to promote their political views,that would not meet resistance from the side of Craig and moved the script in the direction convenient to the laws of the genre. Whether they were familiar or not, this is essentially only a matter of cooperation, since it is difficult to imagine a more negative line towards the USSR.

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Gay as fuck thread OP, nobody cares if it isn't exactly like the real event. It's not a documentary, it's entertainment, informative entertainment maybe, but still just entertainment

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Finding out when our main characters met and personally acquainted at all would not be easy if it were not for the rash Like Goat-Peats on the Hamster page under her family photo.

It was 22 days before Jason Pates threw the bait and proves the connection between Dora Hamster and Kozlova-Pates, which they did not advertise to the screenwriter. Only this event helps us to believe that Mazin was simply processed, and he did not know that he was already involved in something more. Unfortunately, it is no longer possible to find out how our two heroines met. One can only assume that it was Homyak who needed help, because she was born already in the USA, and despite the fact that she was brought up in an intelligent family with Lviv roots, she did not know the way of life of Soviet citizens, exactly like all her relatives who fled from the Lviv region in 1944. Mazina desperately needed help with everyday details, and he got it as if by magic from Kozlova-Peyts, who lived in Ukraine until 1997.The thoroughness of the transfer of these details ultimately influenced the perception of truth in general and the political part of the scenario in particular. Craig Mazin often mentions in an interview about the price of lies of governments that hide something from the people, it’s a pity that he ended up bringing his deep thoughts at the expense of the USSR with techniques that were not much different from what he opposed. The real story rarely has black and white sides, everything is usually gray, but without a villain it is difficult to remove a spectacular action, and the political line and laws of the genres demanded it.

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The real story rarely has black and white sides, everything is usually gray, but without a villain it is difficult to remove a spectacular action, and the political line and laws of the genres demanded it.


How large was the role of Dora Hamster in writing the script? We find out in a fragment of her joint interview with Craig Mazin, who, like Kozlova-Pates, could not resist against the background of the popularity of the series:

“ I asked him from time to time : you read this, you read that, do you know such an author? And he knew everyone - I advised him to different books. And he was interested in this. I read, I wrote, I spoke, ” recalls Dora Homyak, in an interview with the Ukrainian service of Voice of America, how she checked “ from time to time ”how Mazin did with the script and lessons from history.

To understand what kind of cooperation skills and political views Dora Homyak has, and also to fully understand the impact she had, you need to get to know her family, because it is through them that we can experience the scale of their activities.

Dora Homyak’s parents left Lviv Oblast in 1944, emigrating to Canada in 1948 with their families from DP camps for displaced people in Western Europe, where they were from Germany. In the US, the Khomyakov family since 1963.

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Homyak are a family of pacifists who suffered from repression from the time of the Polish Republic and lost relatives in the Soviet camps .

Dora's mother, Martha Bogachevskaya-Khomyak, a prominent representative of the feminist movement, led the Fulbright Program in Ukraine in 2000–2006.

Dora's father, Rostislav Homyak, worked on editorial positions in Radio Liberty since 1967, then in the US Government’s Voice of America until 1974, and in the late 1970s, he worked as an editor in an African branch.

In documents, wikileaks is mentioned as an employee of USIS (later USIA), the US foreign propaganda agency, whose activities were aimed at informing and creating a positive opinion about the United States, countering propaganda, and maintaining contacts with other nations in the field of education and culture. attractive image of the states. The service in which the other, the eldest daughter of the Hamster, works, is one of the two successors of this organization.

The PDAA document recalls his work as follows:

" Ross Hamster, deputy head of the branch (USIS, approx.) , Retired, who oversaw the Wireless the File African (USIS media product, approx.) , Died December 7, 2015. He worked for the Voice of America radio company in 1972 - 1974, before joining African Press Office. Mr. Homyak retired in 1994. ”

What is the association PDAA, in which he is remembered?

This is how this community describes itself on its own website:

“ These are two non-profit community volunteer groups with headquarters in Washington exploring ways to support effective public diplomacy in unprecedented ways. Together they have about 600 members, many of whom are retired employees of the diplomatic service or graduates of international communication organizations. ”

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It is noteworthy that Rostislav Homyak is mentioned in the CIA documents declassified in 2016 as one of the parties to the meeting under the AERODYNAMIC project (later QRDYNAMIC , PDDYNAMIC , QRPLUMB , closed in 1990). The degree of association of the hamster with the CIA in these documents is not clear, since only censored documents are published. However, in a memorable article of 2015, his friend and colleague Jaroslav Bigun mentioned him as the editor of the Prolog Research and Publishing Association. In documents 1 2 The CIA, which is not by the way published in the wake of this, indicates that this organization was created to pump money, support sabotage operations, transfer and support dissidents, and also print campaign materials with a view to sending them to the Soviet Union.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Rostislav Homyak became the first press attaché in Kazakhstan. The position in Ukraine was taken by his best friend and colleague Yaroslav Bigun. These are the posts that oversee their previous activities at USIS.

The second press officer in Kazakhstan after Hamster was his eldest daughter Tanya Homyak-Salvi, who worked in this position after her father retired, in 2015-2017 she is an officer and senior adviser on strategic communications of the US State Department. Her career gained momentum after she provided information work in 1994 as part of the secret operation “Sapphire Project” to export 1,320 pounds of Soviet highly enriched uranium from Kazakhstan to the USA (24 nuclear bombs in total). The role of Homyak-Salvi, as well as the information component of this operation, remains underestimated, although it was in many ways a politicized action to move many officials in Washington up the career ladder.

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In 1994, Ross Homyak leaves the civil service, but remains a member of the PDAA, receiving $ 7,000,000 from the International Development Agency (USAID) (banned in Russia) in the same year to create the International Media Center / MIC, which provided developing non-state media in Ukraine, teaching and helping equip independent television stations, supporting independent producers of documentaries and managing an information center.

Dora Khomyak had been engaged in business in Ukraine for several years. First, she worked for the Soros Revival Foundation and in 1991-1992 developed the electronic media program under the foundation, responsible for the development of the critical media incubator Internews Network (as part of an even larger U-Media program), which was funded by the same foundation. That Dora Homyak in 1993 creates UNIAN . When the father came in 1994, they became co-founders of the media incubator of the International Media Center . His father led IMC for a year, then Dora headed it until the organization created the STB channel (in conjunction with the Internews Network).

(A note about Dora Homyak in the newspaper “The UkrainianWeekly” dated June 25, 1998, which describes her activities in 1991-1997. )

Dora Homyak, a friend and consultant to Mazina, is one of the creators of the media space of Ukraine, which, with the help of the Soros Foundation and USAID, has developed a positive US image in Ukraine.

Here is an interesting statement by Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland, who mentioned in 2014 that the United States had spent $ 5 billion to " snatch Ukraine from the Russian sphere of influence " since the collapse of the Soviet Union. That was the meaning of the work of Dora Homyak in Ukraine from the point of view of Victoria Nuland.

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The influence of the organizational work of Dora Homyak on political processes was not fully appreciated if the letter of the Embassy in Tbilisi did not appear in Wikileaks. formed media space.

“The Embassy (USA) of Tbilisi is requesting a rapid response program ” ...

“The embassy in Tbilisi wants to bring an experienced and well-known journalist, such as George Krymsky ( at one time this experienced journalist was expelled from the USSR as a CIA agent, note ) in Tbilisi and Batumi to train television editors, producers and journalists for ethical requirements when covering electoral campaigns. Trainings will take place in the editorial staff of all five national broadcast channels. The program will last 7-9 days . ”

Within the same topic, the second letter from the embassy reveals the essence of the program:

“ The final product has a guaranteed placement in a commercial television company Rustavi-2 with a high rating and a nationwide reach, which will attract a diverse audience to promote US democratic values in Georgia. The PA hopes that key messages about various elements of the US political culture, such as the role of debate, the importance of accepting election results, the role of ethical and professional media, will resonate with the Georgian public and stimulate discussions between the government and the opposition . ”

Thus, the scheme is as follows: media incubators are first launched, if necessary, opposition appears (trained by American specialists in public policy skills), the importance of the promoted agenda in society is updated, the sterile reputation of the opposition is protected by a code of ethics, its political weight is increased to reach the level of dialogue with the government , as a result of which, after the elections, power occupies one place or another in the political system.

Family product, just great!

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Fast forward to 2014. On the wave of Euromaidan, as well as protests related to the Crimea and the civil war in Ukraine, Craig Mazin begins to write the script, and Dora Homyak as his history teacher, who supplied him with literature, creates the organization Razom for Ukraine with friends development.

This is what this organization writes about its mission: “It is at once building a prosperous Ukraine, increasing civic activism inside the country and strengthening the voices of Ukrainians around the world .”

Razom is also developing the Ukroko.org project, which tracks global news about Ukraine and " counteracts the Kremlin's disinformation campaign ."

In addition to charitable activities, in connection with the armed conflict in Ukraine, the organization suited:

pickets of solidarity in Times Square and Washington Square, procession along the Brooklyn Bridge with a blue and yellow Ukrainian flag;
discussions at forums in the UN and Washington;
produced information materials for legislative bodies and congressional staff;
created a memorial to the victims of the Malaysian airline, shot down during the conflict;

And finally:

collected $ 136,159.94 for emergency support for the protesters on the Maidan;
conducted a large-scale campaign in support of the Law on Freedom Support in Ukraine (sanctions against Russia and military support for Kiev, note) and its lobbying in Congress . Accepted.

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“ Throughout their diverse outreach work — whether they are high school students or government officials — Razom volunteers want the story of Ukraine to be told and heard, ” is indicated on the organization’s website. Among other projects, Razom and Dora Homyak are partners of Gromadske Radio, an organization whose goal is independent coverage of events in Ukraine. The main sponsor of this organization is the Soros International Renaissance Foundation, with which Khomyak has been cooperating since 1991. PartnershipBroadcasting Company and Khomyak consist of information support, fundraising and networking with the personal support of her sister Tanya Homyak-Salvi from the US Department of State, whom the staff of this broadcasting organization met in Washington in 2016 in company with Dora Homyak. Interestingly, in July 2015, Gromadske Radio received a license from the National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasting for broadcasting only in Kiev, Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine. During the investigation, it was possible to find slides for the presentation during the visit of the organization’s team to Washington in 2016, which was organized by Dora Homyak. The only map showing the regions, stated in this speech, looks like this:

(According to this slide, independent broadcasting is considered only for the Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine. )

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Dora Khomyak is an even more active person than Kozlova-Pates, a devoted daughter and successor to his father’s affairs. She is a vivid example of the ambassador of public diplomacy and an experienced agent of influence with almost 30 years of experience. Having created a pro-Western information space in Ukraine, she was familiar with Craig for many years, shaping his perception of the USSR from university times based on her own views, knowing little about real life in the Soviet Union, since she was born in the United States. In parallel with the large-scale work to actualize the conflict in American society and to intervene in the armed conflict in Ukraine, with the support of a US State Department official, she advised Craig Mazin " from time to time"In different periods of writing the script. At the peak of her patriotic struggle with the aggression of Russia, she begins to help Mazina in writing the script, she supplies her with the right literature. Something like her father was engaged in publishing the Prologue. Sterile perception of Mazin, who by his own words knew almost nothing about Ukraine, turned out to be in the hands of a professional influence agent with experience, whose political level of engagement was too high as Geiger counters in Chernobyl!

“I myself worked for several years with this film crew, tried to direct them, so to speak, on the right path. But still I see that could not they get rid of the biased Western perception of Soviet history "- recalls in an interview with the publication of" Iodine "Anna King, Deputy Director for Science of the Kiev National Museum" Chernobyl "and chief consultant of Masina in Ukraine during the writing of the script and at the shooting stage.

Thus, Mazina’s girlfriends and consultants account for two whole sets of anti-Russian sanctions and cars of other anti-Russian activities in the lineup, which began in the last century.

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It is difficult to believe that Mazin, with his Ukrainian roots, moved away from his comedy role during the period of the escalation of the conflict in Ukraine, simply becoming interested in the subject of Chernobyl. However, we cannot assert anything about the political position of the screenwriter due to the lack of facts related to his views.

The Chernobyl series is just one example of a one-sided game. If you constantly talk about the Soviet Union only the negative, people begin to believe, simultaneously comparing how well they live now! Meanwhile, do the Americans themselves remember what life in reality was of various segments of the population in 1986? Voice of America did not tell us about this.

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Craig Mazin said recently that he would happily take on a similar project. We look forward to the art series about the Fukushima-1 NPP: defects in the cooling system and the viciousness of the Japanese political system, which led to a series of explosions and the largest radiation accident of the 21st century.

Let's sum up

In this article, you learned how in the process of writing the script for the Chernobyl series, Craig Mazin, the patriots of Ukraine were sent — agents of influence in a state of armed conflict with Russia. Each of them organically complemented each other's contributions. In the first part of the article, we learned that Kozlova-Pates came to Mazina through her husband, however, while she was already familiar with the Hamster, but both hide the relationship with each other. In the second part of the investigation, we learned what skills Dora Hamster has, how she shaped Mazin's perception, and how she followed the development of the script.

And so it turned out that the political line of the series in the form of all the scenes about the Soviet system is a clear and consistent demonization of the rotten system with all-powerful Chekists.

If in the US you ask in which country the events of the series took place, a significant part will answer something about Russia (BBC survey). Not for nothing, and in Ukraine, monuments to Soviet leaders began to be massively demolished only in 2014 - this association of the USSR-Russia is so strong in people's minds. For those who did not have enough associations, they also added “people of the king” in the scene mentioning the Holodomor. Thus, the name of the country does not play a role, the sediment is important, which causes the past to the audience, it is he who will be handed over to new generations and will be projected onto the attitude towards Russia around the world. And to Ukraine, as a victim.

Despite the fact that the series is declared as artistic, the scriptwriter's claims for realism are in detail and the emphasized respect for the liquidators of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident (except for the countless scenes where they drink vodka) puts the critical attitude to the series’s political line that is absolutely merciless to the Soviet system . However, even a respectful attitude towards ordinary people does not go beyond the paradigm “people are not enemies of the enemy” - without this propaganda is simply impossible.

The audience will remember the KGB, whose leadership allegedly decided to hinder the repair of the RBMK reactors, representing not just the harsh special services guarding the totalitarian regime, but in the form of pure evil directed against all of humanity. The scene, which is deposited deeply in the subconscious of the audience, is the interrogation by the KGB chairman, Academician Legasov, in a room with tiled walls and a hint of blood flow.

Using the emphasis on realism and the emotional component - the series has acquired the form of dangerous propaganda. It doesn’t even matter what he said Mazin tried to do, he did at the expense of the USSR and Russia. The apotheosis of propaganda is the final episode of the series, which highlights the trial of the station’s leadership, which eventually turned into an exemplary Mazin trial of the system itself, in a manner worse than the one we are told about: here the Union has no lawyer and no right to defense but there are two prosecutors, Kozlova-Pates and Dora Homyak, who passed the sentence long before Craig Mazin began writing the script.

Attached: ahh sweet shit before prison.jpg (1835x1835, 279K)