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*believes him wholeheartedly*
My German girlfriend made me watched it on netflix and she actually believes some of it, It's fucking retarded
ummm, he was right about the bone scanners AND ufo's retard.
Like fuck he was. The hand scanner was in Close Encounters in 1977.
>has anyone made element 112 yet?
>has anyone made element 113 yet?
>has anyone made element 114 yet?
>has anyone made element 115 yet?
>not yet
>then that's what the aliens used
>*someone eventually manages to make element 115*
>joe rogans face when
>second amendment sure makes me feel safer
>The hand scanner was in Close Encounters in 1977.
that sounds fun. please provide proof
>ywn be gunned down by some boomer retard having a meltdown because the world is moving too fast and is too unfamiliar to him
The fucking film, around 45 minutes in.
Lmao, how is a movie prop relevant.
I almost believed this guy until I saw a clip of him being asked about his MIT professors and what their names are, and he was like lying like a 5 year old. The man is honestly such a good bullshitter but in that moment you could truly see how full of shit he is.
Because it's what he exactly described as "top secret".
someone posted the pic in yesterday's thread, use the archive fagget
pls link
>tfw the aliens wont let you into the lower levels.
I'm looking for it now. I'm pretty sure someone linked it in the comment section of the JRE interview, just gimme a few minutes.
What's with all the Bob Lazar posting lately? Is it because he was on the Meme Rogan Experience? Or are the glow niggers trying to astroturf?
all UFO purveyors are bullshit because they all assign anthropomorphic reasons for aliens being here.
>they want resources
>they want earth
>they want human slaves
resources are practically infinite in space, any domination of earth would be effortless for them and would require no subterfuge, and i fail to see why species that can cross vast lightyear distances wouldn't have already mastered AI and robotics.
rogan and a new netflix documentary
Alright here it is. Obvious bullshit.
He's full of it, but he's a good storyteller. The three main aliens and bigfoot are great American myths.
Well what else are they supposed to do, sit around in their spaceships jacking off to alien porn all day?
>yfw it's alright because the world it moving too fast and is too unfamiliar to you as well
thank you
he claims the lights he recorded are ufos. but he never explained why they emitted light.
Wtf does it matter that she's a G*rman?
Both Professors are real people who taught where Bob stated.....
Lies or not wtf were the Tic Tac ufos? They were using some kind of anti gravity technology
he doesn't want anyone else's lives to get fucked with. he said he had many friends and colleagues who started suddenly getting audited and shit after he got caught.
Reminder that we had anti gravity drives in the 50's and Gary McKinnon found proof of non terrestrial ships in operation
hah, what a fraud
sounds like an excuse for being full of shit, dude
Spielberg got it from S4
The bob lazar timeline is fucked. He was a whore monger for YEARS
>all UFO purveyors are bullshit because they all assign anthropomorphic reasons for aliens being here.
>proceeds to do literally the exact same thing
ayy lmao
>keeps talking about how he wants to do everything possible to prove he's telling the truth
>near the end of the documentary he refuses to show the alien fuel he stole from the base
nice try, but i ascribe no motivations to the aliens other than explaining why they likely would not have the motivations we traditionally give them
Germans are the pinnacle of degenerates. It shows how easily dissuaded they are
it could be, it's a fascinating story regardless. I've seen one of those famous triangles so I personally know there's some weird shit out there. whether it's aliums or this is all a disinformation program to protect military tech, we'll probably never really know.
Bob pls stop
it's over
his education has been vetted in a literal federal court trial, brainlet
and all was good in the world
could trump get access to area 51 if he wanted to?
Yes they’d take him to the orange aliens
I've seen one, as well. There's no telling what else is out there.
That was funny, though
doesn’t this dude need to be a super smart physicist or mathematician to have access to this kind of info? why doesn’t he do some high level math for us to prove it?
and why does he know so much? shouldn’t this intell be extremely extremely compartmentalized? there were people working on the atom bomb who didn’t know wtf they were working on.
did you get a psychadelic feeling from it? I read the project cogdin report which says it's basically a plasma formation which causes hallucinations. it made a lot of sense to me. kinda felt like I had taken a small dose of mushrooms afterwards. sounds like schizoposting but whatever.
nah, if trump did anything, it was show who really ran the nation. he’d be blocked with every bureaucratic trick in the book.
listen to the rogan interview. his team only worked on the propulsion system, he didn't know anything about the metallurgy or anything the other teams were working on.
do you mean deluded? dissuaded means convinced not to do something
but why even tell them it was a ufo? it could be true but not a craft of alien origin but rather a special access program like project aurora. i’m pretty sure a lot of people at area 51 think they’re working on a ufo when actually it’s just a black project.
no it hasn't you retard. there are actual yearbooks and class registers from the years he claimed to be at MIT and Cal Tech and he's not in them. i'm sure the government somehow scrubbed them and republished them though right?
113 is where it's at, it's what interstellar samurai forge their 10^10 times folded katanas.
Quick rundown?
Gr8 b8 m8. I rel8, appreci8, and congratul8. I r8 this b8 an 8/8. Plz no h8. I'm str8 ir8. Cre8, can't w8. We should convers8, I won't ber8, my number is 8888888, ask for N8. No calls l8 or out of st8. If on d8, ask K8 to loc8. Even with a full pl8, I always have time to communic8 so don't hesit8.
I mean theorectically there is a semi-stable element that can be created above element 114
but it would be a radioactive metal similar to plutonium or californium
metalic plutonium is basically just a like a shit version of mild steel that kills you
>Yea Forums discusses a subject without having done any research
it was first sold in 1968. There's ads for it in old computer magazines. So it wasn't "new" or "secret" tech like Lazar or the interviewer say.
Germans are among the best white people, only Finns, Irish and Scottish come close.
The Virgin Lazar
The Chad Schneider
To be perfectly fair with you I couldn't name a single professor of mine from 2 years ago
They were used in the Military for a long time, my dad a retired air force vet said they had some at several bases.
This hand scanner was used in the 117 black project at a51 for real though. It was a movie prop based on the real thing
Listen to William Cooper
>oh no I have a migraine such an unlucky day
>could you repeat the question?
>damn migraine it hurts so much to concentrate
Its dissuaded. The only way you can tell people to never stand up for themselves is to easily talk them out of it
>but it would be a radioactive metal
No, it would be a gas.
Explain testflights then
The FBI is posting disinfo in rhis thread right now! Say hi to them!
I posted this in yesterday’s thread but Lazar said the propulsion technology bent spacetime
If this is true then we would have already detected the gravitational waves from this. We didn’t and we won’t because he’s full of shit
no dude bro they've got a spacetime deformation shield that stops you from seeing it, my dad works at area 51 and told me
>the star system that he said the alien spacecraft he worked on was from the same star system that the movie Alien takes place in
this dude is ancient aliens tier, he doesn't even give a fuck he's just having fun
nah man aliens was a predictive programming psyop to trigger this exact reaction to this information, you've just been brainwashed dude
I don't get the part where he said he brought friends to watch ufo flight tests and was caught but then just went to work the next day and was fired, wouldn't you be arrested?
You are an pussy.
What is the positive takeaway from the fact that someone this full of shit can achieve such a level of fame and personal wealth?
that seems most likely
nice rebuttal, i'll stop checking the thread now :^)
Zeta reticuli is very prominent in ufo lore
that you can do anything you set your mind to
why can't we make a stable 115? why?
Lol you are fucking wired to the moon mate arent you
You're right about both professors being real people. But they aren't professors at MIT or Caltech.
The guy he claimed to be a professor at MIT, William Duxler, was a professor at Pierce Jr. College, which Bob attended.
The guy he claimed to be a professor at Caltech, Frederick Hohsfield, taught electronics at W. Tresper Clarke High School, which Bob attended.
That isn't what they used at s4
they actually brought up this guy briefly during the podcast and laughed at him
Aliens don't exist. If they did, our government would tell us. We can trust our government. They serve our best interest at heart. Aliens don't exist. I do not work for your government.
Full disclosure coming soon nigga, shit's gonna be wild
They've probably got some next level porn, so yeah.