Yup, looks like televised Kino is back on the menu boys.
Yup, looks like televised Kino is back on the menu boys
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Dr. Ben Carson
Train Enthusiast
will we ever see this level of kino again?
2020 promises to be kino af
Americans are the bane of this board
>ban the number of clips in a gun
If democratic candidates don't employ a meme division they have absolutely no chance of winning. Trump won off the back of meme warfare.
Sneeds are the feed of this seed
the left takes itself too seriously to meme correctly
Trump's main battle is going to be fighting voter apathy, not the dummycrats, who can only rally behind giving welfare entitlements to foreigners
seriously wtf, is everything they stand for just to be opposite of trump?
Dem debates are boring AF. Rep debates are maximum kino, have you seen the beard Cruz is rocking now? I wish he ran again
Don't you want to pay taxes so someone in Bangladesh gets free healthcare?
trump still has a legion of boomers that think hes the best thing to ever happen
like sheep to the slaughter
Biden is their frontrunner, that should tell you all you need to know
I only believe in paying taxes to bomb fuckers before they get here
they have no real platform. their only goal is to get rid of trump.
because they can't stand he is superior to them in every way
democrats are holding out for a person of color sporting a vagina — Biden is just there to collect $ from corporate
I don’t see a nigger here that is dark enough to win my vote tsk tsk
>transgender women should have access to abortion
what the fuck is wrong with burgers
>undocumented immigrants
lmao, and ameriblobs still think that their country is to the right of europe
how the fuck did this happen so fast? obama 08 was fucking ronald reagan compared to this shit
lmao those mutts next to warren
Big yikes
Boomers and 14 year-olds
>be outside
>see dude shitting himself and laughing
>point to him and tell your friends to look at the dude shitting and laughing
>he turns around
>lol you wish you were me :)
coverage in what? bullets?
Do you think dems will seethe even harder when Trump wins again, or will they give up?
the seed is not strong
how did america collapse this fucking quickly?
I thought that was the whole point of American political campaign. Just shit on the other party like a WWE match promo. Isn't it all just entertainment? Like in Idiocracy?
What do you think medicare for all means? All except the people I hate?
When he brought up his black son during the debate and /pol/ reacted I've never laughed harder in my entire life.
The site was made by an American, intended mostly for Americans. Shoo shoo europoor
I really feel for Jeb, by the end of the election cycle all I felt for Jeb and his turtles was kindness.
>that castro guy straight up advocating for free gibs for south america
straight up enemy inside the gates stuff
Presidential debates are just focus groups for giant globalist conglomerates to determine which shill fools the most people by claiming to represent them while also fulfilling the agenda of the globalist conglomerates.
All American citizens, not illegal taco niggers.
Does Warren have any facial expression other than "sneer"?
they will take to the streets and live out their fantasy of being Che Guevara for approximately five minutes before being slaughtered by real Americans
I'm not a borger
Give me quick rundown
Google translate says the spanish speaking candidates are saying "remain calm. everything is ok." but then I keep hearing the word "reconquista" being said with a lot of anger and force
>Democrats are currently the laughingstock of most of the country
>"lmao Americans aren't to the right of europe"
Please, Nigel, tell us all about Brexit and how that went. Unless you're some other European, in which case nobody cared about your politician anyway
let me guess, reparations in English?
if democrats think this then it’ll be pretty easy for trump to back them into a corner. but yeah, they basically think this.
What a freakshow
they're big guys
Do you think Joe "friends with old-school southern segregationists" Biden regrets the political agenda he advocated for seeing as the debate stage he's on is now reduced to how much people can help nogs, spics and fags and nobody gives a shit about people like his parents?
They want to reconquer Texas, California and the southwest. It's stupid seeing them up near the border at Canada. Fucking jumping beans
find me any european politician advocating for free healthcare for illegal migrants
She has the one where she has a single tear roll down her high cheek bone
I don't think anyone other than Tulsi can beat Trump, everyone else is just too insane.
>Trannys need to be able to abort their fetuses for free!
They already have universal healthcare.
The only way to get me to watch this would be Jeb! running as democrat.
which is denied to illegal migrants
I can go to Europe, claim to be Muslim and get free medical and dental insurance while I wait for your nog government to approve me and fly back to the USA after I'm done raping your tax dollars.
>advocating for something that already exists
These democrats make me excited for Trump again, this is their worst offense. Maybe mommy Tulsi can carry their ass.
no you can't
it doesn't, no european country allows illegal migrants to receive healthcare
these are the facts sweaty
Kinda. A lot of campaign stuff from the president revolves around things that the president doesn't even really have any power to implement. So really a lot of the time the presidential campaign is just a year or so of people smack talking congress
They give it to refugees for free! HAHAHAHAHAHA
Biden literally outright said he wanted less white people in America, so no.
Yes he is thinking this 100%
He got into the race not to beat Trump, but to try and keep any of these unhinged leftists out of office. I guarantee he wishes that he and his fellow establishment politicians were younger so they could form a splinter party that will be more moderate. Bernie was close to being able to form a splinter hard left party but conceded to Clinton after he was cucked because he knew the radical left would simply take over the democratic party.
refugees by definition have some form of status and therefore are not illegal
again, illegal migrants cannot claim health insurance in any european country
you are literally more cucked than europe
If Dems were smart they would run Tulsi. But they are going with Biden.
And anyone can be a refugee.
but it's not like he did anything to stop it from happening, the radical left takeover was inevitable because that's where the culture went
He is guilty of being a race traitor sure, but he said this because he is just like any other boomer who never thought spics could outnumber whites. Now that it's happening you can see the regret and despair in his eyes.
The zionists would never allow Tulsi because she would question their treasonous forever war against their neighbors
this is the future you chose
now let the blood rivers flow
I want Tulsi Gabbard to beat me up
no, refugees have to go through a legal process
meanwhile pablo can walk across your border and not only get free healthcare, education, housing, and government-issued ID, but politicians will advocate on his behalf and protect him from the police if he commits crimes
American is such a fucking cucked nation it's unreal
You retards always fail to understand it's cheaper to treat people this way than waiting till they're rushed to the emergency room.
he's a dumb boomer that thinks that if only blacks and spics were socialized correctly they'd become slightly browner white people, I don't think he actually realised the consequences of his actions
Damn busted
even cheaper to just send them back
Trump would be so easy to beat with a somewhat moderate dem candidate lmao.
But democrats are just THIS MUCH retarded
She could don high heels and stomp my asshole open if you know what I mean
Why are they so clearly shilling Camel-Toe Harris? She's objectively worse than Mommy in every aspect
pool's closed
he meant ftm probably
Explains why it's so poorly run and made up primarily of degenerate autistic retards
No no it would be cheaper to treat the wounds from a illegal immigrant knife fight if you paid for it with your tax money user.
Trump wouldn't even exist if there were somewhat moderate dem candidates.
she's a woman minority with an aggressive demeanor and calls old white men racists. she's the embodiment of liberal lunacy in the current year. cant wait to see trump demolish her
Who is mommy? Kirsten?
No it wouldn't. Detaining them for a day costs several hundred dollars per head, more if it's a private facility, and you can spend months, even years in detention centers as your case is processed.
She is a *black* Hillary
I see, so you're saying we should just cut to the chase and gas them.
That would be the generous interpretation but it's obviously not the case. Calling an FtM a "transgender female" is totally verboten among the left and not something that would have to be brought up anyway.
So are you saying that they should be detained in the hospital? And then deported back to their home?
Tulsi Gabbard is mommy