/lhg/ - lonely & horny general



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have sex

have sneed

if I was born 500 years earlier I could just join some marauder band and rape women for fun

Just get a waifu.

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There's a good chance I go for a verified, upscale, extremely fine blonde bombshell escort tonight. Last week it was some girl with cuts on her legs in the local white ghetto. I've pretty much given up on making human connections as the closest I'll ever get is ringing people up at rite aid. I've been slacking on being a kinosseur and am reading the Bible instead and I'm ashamed to say that while it is mostly beautiful I have not been moved to convert. If I don't find God in the last 300 pages I'm killing myself.

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I dont feel lonely. Just horny, all the time ...

You're lonley exactly because you think it's "normal" to post this stupid shit on Yea Forums.

Fuck off outside and find friends, you fucking brat.

just go to india

literally woke up in sweat last night feeling gut punched. life sucks and then you die

i feel great and these threads are kino. keep being pussies anons, it's hilarious to read.

someone please post more of the gosling/br2049 pictures

We're gonna make it bros...I think

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Why me? Why?

Literally what the fuck are you even supposed to do about this???

I'm trying user. Started playing katawa shoujo again this summer (only did hanako's route before). I finished Lily's last week and it was bad but I'm looking forward to Rin, she might be the one for me.

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Love doesn't exist it's all fleeting chemical interactions. Every women eventually gets bored and cheats.


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>Met a girl at a party we had sex.
>She was extremely into it and into me
>Ask me if we ever gonna see each other again
>I say yeah
>"user you don't have to lie if you don't want to see me again"
>Next day she ask me how we are gonna stay in contact, then she write geefully her name and first name on a piece of paper
>We talk the next day she is warm and happy
>I ask her to see her next wednesday she says she has to study for finals
>Text her good luck
>She doesn't answer, doesn't contact me for 5 days
>I message her again, still no contact
>I drop it.
>Fast forward a week and I'm bored and I message her again
>She answer me, says she had indeed a phone problem but it doesn't excuse her ghosting me. She ask if we can see each other
>Make plan for today
>2 hours before she says some shit like "since you're going on vacation soon and me too (sunday), wouldn't it be better that we see each other after ?
>"Why not both ?"
>She takes two hours to answer that she had a fight with her mom and doesn't feel like it
>Ask her to come anyway it will cheer her up
>No answer

Before her and while this story took place.

>Meet exchange student
>She is into me and eager to see me again
>We see each other two times and fuck on the second date
>She just went out of a 4 year relationship
>We know she is gonna leave the country soon so I want to see her again because she is a sweet girl
>She says she has no times because of finals
>Just before the end of finals I ask her when she is gonna leave and that I'd like to see her again
>She kinda dodge the "seeing us again" question
>I drop it and meet girl from story number one
>Exchange student still has some book I lent her
>See her to get them
>We drink a few beer and I ask her if she is doing anything after
>She has some dinner with friend
>She ask me if she wants to see me again before she departs
>I say yes
>We kiss in the street before she leaves

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Cool. If it doesn't work out, play Doki doki literature club next

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all girls i meet are way above my league because im ugly as sin
where do i get a 1/10 gf? are they all shut ins or do they simply not exist?

where are you even supposed to go to get a gf. i dont know where to go. i dont have any friends and i dont leave my house. are you supposed to just chat up a random girl working at starbucks or something?

I regret spending my best years on chasing some girl and not dicking around and playing vidya.

>where are you even supposed to go to get a gf. i dont know where to go
This question literally NEVER gets answered

>tfw I've never been in love longer than a month

just be yourself bro

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Dating apps

but joe had plenty opportunities for sex

Did you actually get her though or just chase? Obviously you would regret it if you never succeeded

10 years ago I used to laugh at how pathetic waifufags were. Now I think I'll go insane if I don't cope with this crippling loneliness by fabricating a relationship.

This deep nude shit has been great.
Getting all the good pics of all the girls over the years I've been wanting to be with, suddenly getting fakes of.

>born 500 years too later to explore the world
>born 1000 years too early to explore space
>born exactly IN THE TIME when jews are destroying the world

There is no answer, if you dont have friends since high school you might as well kys because only way to meet new ppl is through ppl you know

>Turns out she had more shit to do than she tought and I can't see her during the day
>At night she goes out with her friend and doesn't invite me
>She says she is sorry she tought I could see her
>On her last day I met her at this random party
>Her friend (from the same country) looks at me with a smile, she knows we fucked
> While I talk to her, her friends come and she ask her if she is going to my place or sleeping with her as was intended (in her language but I understood)
>She says she is going to sleep at her friend place
>I tell her this is the last time we see each other I want to spend time with her
>"If you ever come to let me know"
>"Girl, we lived 1 km away from each other and you couldn't see me, I'm not going to cross half the europe just to be with you"
>"Well if I come back to your country I'll see you"
>She hugs me, I say I want to kiss her
>"no user there is this friend who kinda love me and I don't want him to feel bad"
She hugged me once again and I took it, I should have refused it
Why can't they like me ?

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learn to get male friends and geting comfortable in your own skin before trying to get girls.

When did you realize that it was over? 17 for me

literally this you incels

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There's still plenty of possibilities. You'll just have to operate in shitty areas.

i always knew it but i came to terms with it at around 25

just be yourself dude

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i used to have a lot of friends but they drift away in time

Going home soon to fuck my gf balls deep then have her cuddle on my chest after

The true blackpill right here. High school literally determines the outcome of your entire fucking life


Met a nice girl at a flat viewing today. Asked her out but she has a bf already
shut the fuck up

Don’t bother with relationships, just pump and dump. Women aren’t capable of romantic love. The only male that a woman unconditionally loves no matter what is her own son. No woman who has a child would cherish some random guy over a being they created

>learn to get male friends and
And how do you do that?? Where the fuck do you go to make friends? You might as well be asking me to perform brain surgery, I haven't had a friend since I was 13 years old

>High school literally determines the outcome of your entire fucking life
t. 19 year old

for the love of god no, only literal human trash, both male and female, uses dating apps

Doki doesn't have any girls worth waifuing, they're just archetypes to support the author's twist.

This. After the first kid, you are not the top priority.

They don't exist because even ugly girls can put on make up and look decent


i was a complete chad from 16 to 22. Then it all dried up and i've been single and lonely for 3 years, idk what happened

Got a better suggestion?

>AA if you drink alot
>sports clubs
>lifting weights
>online games

Why is assisted suicide only legal in like 3 tiny ass euro countries?

It's literally fucking luck if you meet a girl you're compatible with.

>shut the fuck up
Why ?
That's what I'm slowly doing. I still try to get with the girl but until we are officialy a couple I'll fuck any women that comes by. I still have a few women I'm chatting up at the same time
I'm done being the cuck chasing a bitch that gives him a bone from time to time

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are you that much of a faggot that you need assistance in killing yourself?


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You say it as if it’s a bad thing. Mother should clearly cherish her son or daughter over a partner.

You idiot God was in the first chapter, the Genesis. How did you miss him?

If you act lonely, women will dislike you even more. Act aloof. Stop caring, they'll notice.

What is 'workshop'? I don't drink, my workplace is all old men, I don't know the first thing about sports, meetup with what? I exercise at home, I have green playing online games my entire life and never made a friend

Guess I'll try hiking lmao

No, user!

if you think women will approach you if you just sit around you're either a turbochad or delusionbal

23. I just had this moment of profound self-awareness one night and that was that

>had sex for first time age 22
>got herpes
its all so tiresome

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Yeah I guess so, I would much rather have a qt nurse shoot me up before blacking out and dying. That sounds a lot more pleasant than swinging from a rope around my neck for 5 minutes before death

you should talk to a camgirl

it will boost your confidence

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>I have green playing online games my entire life and never made a friend
How the fuck is this possible bro

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How do you think I reached my twenties without ever kissing a girl? I didn't give a damn about girls, treated them like guys.

Just use a gun to the head its 99.9% success

Assisted suicide is legal in Belgium but you'd need a good reason desu
Incurable illness that makes your life a living pain
You are sick and are going to die anyway
You are in a coma
I doubt you have any of them, and being lonely won't convince the doctor

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How lol? You have to be near brain dead to not feel unbearably pathetic throwing money at some chick do she says your name

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Just watched Alita for the first time, now i feel even more alone... Do you think the doctor could make an artificial vagina and butthole for Alita or would she be to embarrassed to ask?

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just be yourself brah
girls love pimply neck fat and dorito breath

>tfw it actually does happen to me and I still mess it up by doing absolutely nothing
I grew up with extreme feelings of shame to the point where I learned not to want anything. I can barely come to terms with preferring some foods to others.

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I read about some dude who did it in Belgium due to alcoholism. If that's the case I would just spend a few months getting blasted 24/7 and then go for it

Because you just play the game and don't normie out about your real life with the guys you're raiding with

watch a film you faggot, Nil By Mouth will cheer you up

First girl got knocked up and she killed your child with mom's pressure. Congrats faggot Chad.

>dating apps
>online forums such as discord
>pure luck via random events

Autism. I played wow for like 6 years and never did a single raid because I was terrified of using voice chat

>tfw you cleaned yourself up and got /fit/ but girls still don't like you

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you don't have to pay to chat

most of the girls get really anxious and stressed if no one's making interesting conversation. getting naked and masturbating is only one part of the job.

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>gf is on vacay with her family abroad
>horny as fuck and tipsy girls wearing summer clothes everywhere
>stay at home and bingewatch dark to resist temptation

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That's still an option. Become black, hispanic, indian, arab.

Wooow, no one gives a shit about your normie problems. We can't relate.

They'll do a background check.
This law wasn't very popular to begin with so they made a lot of safeguards to stop people like you to commit suicide
You'd see a psychologist before and he'll probably rule you out.
If not can you give me your most prized possession before you go ?
Thanks, I need money

>mfw I stayed up all night fucking and the chick had to go to work with no sleep while I got to sleep in
seriously guys, if you're 6/10 or above then it's impossible for you to not get laid. There are sluts out there dying for the dick.

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No, dummy. Not sit around, but when you see a gal that smiles at you and she isn't trying to sell you something, it's a sign. Also talking to them is free. I'm telling you, women can smell desperation.

shit taste in movies, no wonder you're lonely

May as well kill yourself on a cold night with alcohol desu. I nearly did once and it was comfy. I was at a cabin with some friends and we had been drinking. I went outside with a bottle of vodka in nothing but some undershorts. Laid down in the snow and passed out, honestly didn't feel cold. Friends dragged me in pretty quickly, I was lucky not to have permanent damage but if they let me sleep out there I'd have died.

how do i know im 6/10 and above?

just fap you stupid nigger

>girl really seems to like you
>have sex
>girl no longer likes you
Beginning to detect a pattern

Didn't one of those nations with AS literally let a teen with depression from being rapes kill herself without parents being allowed to veto it?

how do i know shes not smiling because of how dumb i look?

If you don't know, than you're below it.

What do you do if the girls that smile at you always end up having a bf or reject you for some other reason?

Literally has never fucking happened to me. Now its even more impossible since everyone is glued to their fucking phones.

I want to fucking die

could you imagine haha

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