Movies that are zoomer-repellent

Movies that are zoomer-repellent.

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that's on of my favorite movies

A teacher showed this movie once in class. I thought i fever dreamed it until I found it on VHS years later
10/10 best Excalibur adaptation

Literally every single film made before 1990

Attached: Excalibur-3.webm (700x394, 2.95M)

What the fuck is zoomer-repellent?

Attached: BoomerKot.jpg (720x634, 83K)

Literally impossible for a Zoomer to watch this

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The same media that repels women I notice repels zoomers. Clearly no coincidence. This applies to games, movies, books, and so on.

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zoomer detected

Flash Gordon.

Attached: Timothy Dalton in Flash Gordon-8.jpg (1200x1202, 183K)

Full armor. You can stand in front of any bridge and challenge the king to a jousting match,and the king accepts.

The moral of the story is women are the worst and I agree.

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They genuinely prefer Fembusters

Attached: ghostbusters-3.jpg (400x300, 41K)

>Zoomers aren't gamers.


i still dont know if im a zoomer or not. im only 20 but ive never played fortnite and neither do i enjoy capeshit. i guess im elder zoomer then

Any movie with testosterone.

>They genuinely prefer Fembusters

Ghostbusters bombed at the box office, what the fuck are you talking about?

They still love the movie, they just didn't go out in droves to see it.

You're definitely generation Z, you're a late zoomer but you're most definitely a zoomer. You never experienced a pre-internet world.

It’s not zoomer “repellant” if they’ve never heard of it. Have fun finding a zoomer who’s even heard of Excalibur of Flash Gordon. They don’t care about anything produced before they were born.

the message (1977), zoomers don't like Islam

Attached: the message.jpg (1612x903, 309K)

Attached: Excalibur (1981).webm (800x450, 1.4M)

You know, its not that people don't understand them. they are really, really basic themes.

The problem is that the themes are so basic that the vast majority of the things that are based around, Master and Commander included, are honestly pretty shallow. Its the narrative equivalent of potato chips. You need more flavor than that to build anything other than disposable junk food.

The absolute state of this double dubs user defending zoomers.

Cool reading comprehension, zoomer.

It's more that they would be annoyed if their parents watched it

If you have to ask...