Things you see in TV High School but never in real life

>Cheerleader Practice

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>stuffing students in lockers

white people

>dweeb getting pushed into a locker
honestly i've never seen an accurate portrayal of high school in films or shows

>every guy has a qt crush who is kinda into him


>the quiet, lonely girl is hot

>being a foreigner

30 year old freshmen

Dude I banged 3 cheerleaders and almost the cheer coach in highschool. They definitely had practice.


Yeah, me too.

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Wait, so Americans really do have Cheerleader Groups?
It's not just a meme?

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>football team
>guys look like pro nfl players and their gf are small petite and cute

freshman friday

Cheerleaders are cute.


OP was too busy getting stuffed into lockers to see the cheerleaders practicing.



Hahah me too bro those cheerleader bitches am I right? Hahah

All the cheerleaders in my school were turbo sluts. Like a few of them probably actually had STDs.

No, you didn't.

Cherleaders are at every school and they compete independently of other teams doing flips and human towers and shit.

>goth kids
>very distinctive cliques
>football jocks physically bullying nerds

My HS had mostly ugly fat blacks for cheerleaders because inclusion or something.

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Blacks not being niggers.

>happy couples


The school paper having any sort of relevancy.

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Wow user your so cool

That trend will never die.

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Cheerleading practice DEFINITELY exists, you dweeb. They either do it on the football field after school, or in the gym.

>Nerds being kind but bullied outcasts

Literally never been true. If anything, it was the jocks who were the kindest people in school, mostly because they had nothing to prove, so they didn't need to be assholes. In my time in highschool, it was ALWAYS the other nerds who tried to put me down, and it was almost ALWAYS some jock or prep dude who told them to fuck off when they wouldn't stop.

>the bully is white with blond hair and blue eyes

>half time pep talk wins the game

How old are you? Sounds like you got PC principles as jocks now. The only people to ever shove or shoulder me were jocks.

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>class president
Is this a real thing?

Currently 23, Graduated 2014

It's always kind of been this way though. Nerds are fucked in the head and petty, and I have the authority to say so because I was a nerd and hung out with them in highschool. Honestly, fuck nerds.


You are wrong. It hasn't always been that way.

>tfw europoor

I had lockers in both middle and high school.
-t. euro

>Everyone in school teaming up to bully a single nerdy kid

If anything, when things started getting out of hand with a kid that couldn't defend himself, he would get adopted and treated like a pet by the most "cool" kids.

That's how you prevent school shootings

>23 year old thinking hes not a new gen zoomer



>The school paper having any sort of relevancy.
this. or class presidents.

>black and spanish speaking people

aww shit, now i have to rethink my whole high school experience.

>the mandarin speaker loving him

Based american

>Incels (short or ugly guys) having a nerdy gf or girl showing interest in him.

>Hierarchy of school (for males) isn't based on phenotype and growth but based on social status or individual/specific things.

>highschoolers having huge parties where gorillion people show up
Why would anyone even want to party with some random people who aren't their friends?

The ugly/short guys would get ugly/short girls at my high school.
I remember one turbo autist who was really into anime and barely washed being called "sweet" because he had a girlfriend for 3 years.

What kind of gay ass schools did you go to?

My school only even got a paper in my graduating year because some of my classmates decided to pad their resumes. They just used it as a vehicle for shitposting.

>high school students using their lockers

>Incels (short or ugly guys) having a nerdy gf or girl showing interest in him.

How is this one not realistic?

Well behaved African Americans

They probably all had the same STD that Chad Quarterback gave them

>it’s always been this way
No it hasn’t you retarded zoomer.

Hard core rape

Basically just a seperate sport like soccer, football, and tennis.

People caring about the yearbook

The cafeteria's food being gross/weird looking.

Seriously, I haven't seen any of that kind of goopy food or whatever.

>high school athletes wearing those jackets with patches and letters on them
>students driving to school instead of taking the tube
>no planters of turnips growing in the halls
>pizza for lunch instead of boiled eel pie
>those red plastic cups at parties
>no muslim call to prayer during every class

school shootings. never seen one. never knew anyone who saw one.

I understand your country probably has nothing to cheer about, but goddamn America is just fantastic to live in.

Honestly this. Jocks were like a seperate entity, to be totally honest they fucked and fought so much they were essentially college students, removed that much from the general studentry.

Actually the first one is spot on. I did a meatwad impression as a joke infront of the hottest country girl at my high school, she took my virginity and we were together 3 years. The impression wasn't THAT good, let me tell you. Granted she wws from a broken home, but who isnt nowadays?

>not allowed to leave the school during lunch hour

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>all the jocks are actually dumb
>all the geeks are actually smart
Literally every jock in my school was honor roll or close and all the geeks were too lazy to get their work done

I think that's just in LA. I grew up in a normal part of America, and we'd drive over to Chipotle or whatever every day for lunch. Only the poorfags would stay to eat at the shitty cafeteria.

Do you have to pay for the food in the cafeteria?

Man everybody in this thread must be 25 or younger

you were not popular
it was full of jokes and shit to tease people and some relationships, not that big of a thing but a thing anyway

My yearbook was never free. 80 fucking dollars. No discounts for seniors either. Only the super white girls with cash and popularity ever bought them.

Go back to bed gramps.

This is a boomer thing. When the internet didnt exist, graduation day was legitimately the last time you would see many of your high school acquaintances. All my aunts and uncles have a full 4 year set from high school on their book shelves.

To get laid. Damn boy I was a dnd nerd hippy who smoked way too much weed and was in orchestra and I still fingered a couple chicks at random high school parties.

people talking to me

A one unironically without any niggers.

>people under the age of 18 getting laid
totally inaccurate

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>Wh*te people in American movies
>Wh*te people in French movies
>Piss filter in every Mexican movie
>Cute girls in Korean movies

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>piss filter in Mexico

But user its so dusty, its like the goddamn Sahara in Mexico, didnt you know?

I went to Guadalajara with my family like 6 years ago, It was literally California

Other students.

People learning things.