Midsommar - Will it be KINO?

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I will be seeing its earliest screening next tuesday so when I get home i'll let Yea Forums know. Btw I was a fan of hereditary

Thx fren

It will be a longer ripoff of The Wicker Man.

It will be cultural appropriation

It will have the same exact faith as Us, passable but forgotten in two weeks.

Even Chris "I grew up with xyz" Stuckmann didn't think much of it, and he likes everything.

I've heard reports that, like Hereditary, it's unintentionally hilarious

I heard it is intentionally hilarious.

>dude white people are EVIL
why is this in EVERY movie?

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How is this not highly exploitative of real nordic midsummer celebrations..?

It's not multiculturalism if you make horror movies about the different cultures.

White people are also the good people in this movie

White people scary.

Watch Apostle instead. Or better yet The Wicker Man.

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It will be about 20 minutes of content stretched to 1.5 hours in typical a24 fashion

I'm so bored of cult movies

Calm down snowflake

it's going to suck

It's going to be terrible, just like Hereditary

>Dicaprio on the poster
>thinking it won't be kino

>Ari Aster

Will it be seen as that though? I mean they're white europeans, will the left really be that 'offended'?

>white protagonists

>what is folk horror
I hate kike shit as much as anyone with a brain but come on

The trailer actually made me wish I was white and lived somewhere nice like that instead of the hellhole I live in. It did not scare me just made me sad and depressed.

Saw it Monday, it's pretty based. Lives up to the hype I'd say

do you live in the ghetto?

>Go to Wikipedia
>Look at who made anti white film
>It's a Jew
>Repeat process until you notice that these people who make up a very small fraction of the population seem to directly make about 80% of these films

but you already know everything that's going to happen, so what's the point in watching it?

Basically 95% of my whole country is a ghetto. I feel sad when I see a nice place knowing I cannot live there.

And some white people standing around doesn't scare me when there is a terrible murder in my area once a week.

Get thicker skin

white people

I know you're trolling but there literally are people that are this stupid and its kinda sad

Krinsch som fan

I'm a Swede, Sweden is a multicultural hellhole just like the rest of the west. ~70% of people were arab in the last place I lived, now I live in a smaller town where it's only around 30

>flip through movies deciding what to watch
>find something mildly interesting
>google producer
>st*in, g*ld, b*rg
>look for something else
repeat x1000 until im back here

>wh*te liberal women=heroes
>abandoning traditions and your past for a new hedonistic vain empty culture
And thats a GOOD thing, G*Y

Good folk horror.

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>waaaaaaaaaahhhhh why are we portrayed as the villains for once
Have sex sweetie

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