*leans back*

*leans back*

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someone explain this meme

He has a winning hand, and but needs to not show it in order to trick others to bet.

He can't pull it off, does some cringy facial expressions to try and pretend he doesn't have a winning hand, but others pick up real fast.

One guy doesn't catch on, and raises the bet. Damon's got him, time to make him bet more. He says "I check" to act like he doesn't have a winning hand. But Damon fucks it up again, the other guy realizes Damon will win, so doesn't bet any more.

Then cut-away-s to Ben for comedic effect lol

this is some 4th grader poker analysis

Check's Feck And Seck


Then it's fitting for the 4th grade poker skills Damon demostrated in that hand

Matt, don't you have some "poker for dummies" books to skim?

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what exactly is wrong with it?

>Yeah, but you lied

>"did you look at your cards or not!?"

how can he be an actor and be so bad at poker

Should we be giving an actor a hard time for not being great at poker? Its not his main focus.

Hi, Matt.

>mfw it's pokah phil

Attached: tony_g.jpg (467x700, 153K)

>actor has a bad poker face

yes we should criticize him

>Damon has the only hand, everyone else has untenable shit
>Because he checked to potentially get a bigger pot by letting others players take chancy bets, armchair analysts give Damon shit
>If he'd have bet, armchair analysts would've given him shit when everyone folded
only way he could've won big money was tricking someone into going all-in by lying, or making them lactate.

Or he could have checked without trying to act

No what he should have done was a pretty low bet, others might think he's trying to buy the pot or just has a low pair. Checking the way he did, seemed like a slow play and it was so everyone caught on

>going all-in by lying
you can't fucking lie in poker
it's just 50/50 statistics/luck with a sort of meta strategy depending on "amateurs" making faces which is fucking retarded
if he or anyone on that table is worth a fag's turd smeared ass they wouldn't go with making faces especially when you're a fucking hollywood """"actor""""
>or lactate
lmao someone post that video and the pasta

The joke is that Damon, an A-list actor, is bad at acting. Also, WTF was Ben Affleck still doing there, Jen Garner was waiting at home.

>others might think he's trying to buy the pot or just has a low pair.
realistically this is what he should have done but given the hands he was playing against you'd need someone to actually go for it and try to outbid for the pot with a limp hand

I have a great poker face because I'm too much of a brainlet to figure out odds without devoting 100% of my brainpower to calculating them, so I have the exact same expression no matter how good or bad my hand is.


Post poker kino


he checked after the flop and the turn, called a guy when everyone folded. Then checked again on the river like a dunce and the other guy also checked.

Really the most egregious thing in the clip is his acting also slow playing the whole time thinking he's a stud. Smart thing would be to bet on the river because the other guy is already pot committed

This is the best call I think I've ever seen.

poker is fucking gay

you're fucking gay

No professional players ever judge a hand by some other player's reaction. That's old west nonsense. Half the professionals wear sunglasses and hats anyways and the other half can't be bothered since all you need to do to disguise your hand is not jump up and down or scream like a fucking toddler (or tell everyone you never looked at your cards). All anyone does is calculate the odds of getting a superior hand, or estimate what other hands are based on other people's betting. Bluffing only happens when a guy with a medium or low hand thinks he can get away with tricking a guy who has the strongest hand but the cards make him worry about someone having a better hand, like a guy with 10/10 making a guy with Q/Q fold because the table shows A/8/A/6/7 and there's a strong chance of someone having a 3 of a kind or a straight or a flush or a full house.

The reason this hand sucked for Damon was that everyone was dead on the flop, there was absolutely nothing for them to chase, with no cards that could lead to straights or flushes on the turn or river. Meanwhile there's two 10s already, meaning someone almost certainly has 3 of and could very possibly have (or get) a full house or 4 of a kind, making any miracle flush and straights pointless anyways. Damon could've checked or raised the whole way through and he would've got the same low pay out because nobody wanted to touch that garbage.

Reading an opponent is 5 card draw meme bullshit. Damon did nothing wrong.

this guy gets it. the horrible acting coming from an actor is what really makes it what it is

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What's the better move in that position? A weak raise, go over the top or just better acting skills?