lol dude
This was the end of Tarantino. He never recovered.
The subtextual message of the movie was more like "We're kinda sorta just as bad as the Nazis for relishing this violence against them" (evident in things like the condemned Nazi in the beginning being shown as gallant, and the grotesque German propaganda film at the end inviting comparison to Allied counterparts and to the film itself), which is honestly something of a boomer liberal viewpoint (e.g. harping on about stuff like Dresden). Millennials and zoomers are more likely to be all "Do it again Bomber Harris!".
>and zoomers
don't project boomer
ngl i'm a hardcore 1488 gas the kikes race war now white nationalist and i thought this flick was pretty funny
They were bad though, they destroyed Europe.
It's not really subtextual when the bad guy gives a big speech about acceptable targets in the beginning.
imagine thinking in memes like this
>He never recovered
just like my benis
recently finished Wolfenstein II TNC and it seemed as if they used IB as a template for tone and aesthetic. Debra Wilson seemed to be doing her best Sam Jackson impersonation the whole time
You don’t fool me kraut
No, the boomer viewpoint is:
>God bless our brave heroes who landed on Omaha Beach and freed the world from evil! The nazis wanted to conquer the whole planet but America showed them who's boss!!! GOOD will always triumph over EVIL!!! F R E E D O M will always triumph over SLAVERY!!!
then why are the nazis all well educated and well behaved and the basterds are all a bunch of retard lose canons who fail at everything and just kill hitler in the end because hans landa lets them?
Dude Jewish porn lmao.
Best character
have sex
my dad is a pretty bluepilled commiefornian liberal and he said this movie is terrible, its just revenge porn. he specifically found the bear jew to be ridiculous, as if some big guy walked around with a baseball bat cranking nazis in the head, absolute cringe according to him.
what do they have on brad because hes in a bunch of these
oddly enough it's also the correct viewpoint
Eli Roth is evil. Nasty kike.
das rite
Well he isn’t shown sympathetically in the movie. The bat scene pretty clearly communicates that he’s a bloodthirsty psycho.
>Wanting to be a nazi
That's a cringe from me
What was up with Brad Pitt's accent and squinty facial expression? The only good scene in the film was the bar one with Michael Fassbender being British.
I bet he does that in real life.
why does nu-tv white knight for Nazis?
A more courageous film would show the crimes of modern day Zionism, a supremacist/ethno nationalist ideology and sponsor of Islamic terror, butchery, and slavery, which is like the jewish form of Nazism. Show them working with Islamic terrorist groups in order to intentionally bomb chlorine gas caches.
>not already a nazi
That’s a nigger from me
No one cares Raimi
This is why I shit on dday veterans. Fuck you race traitor cucks. Do you think this antiwhite shit would be allowed if the Fuher had won? Fuck. I try to tell myself the allies couldn't have possibly known this would be the end result of their sacrifice but its fucking impossible. If white men do not rise up and follow in the foot steps of race warriors like Brenton Tarrant, Anders Breivik and Dylann Roof and FIGHT BACK AGAINST THE INVADERS, than white culture, heritage, identity, genetics and homelands will be utterly annihilated. The ultimate goal of the left is to destroy the white race WE CAN NOT LET THIS CONTINUE. WHILE WE STILL HAVE A CHANCE, WHILE WHITED ARE STILL THE MOST ARMED DEMOGRAPHIC IN AMERICA WE CAN TAKE BACK OUR PRIDE AND HONOR. YOUR FOREFATHERS BLED AND SACRIFICED TO BUILD THIS SOCIETY FOR YOU DO NOT SHAME THEM AND HAND OVER YOUR LEGACY TO THE MUDRACE ELOPERS. WHITE MEN NEED TO RISE UP. RISE UP. FOR YOUR RACE AND FAMILY. WE SHALL NOT BE REPLACED. NO MORE POLITICS NO MORE DEBATE WE NEED TO ACCELERATE INTO A RACE WAR.
uhhhhh.... nazis ARE bad
>falling for meme ideologies
post height and kaw
You’re a faggot cuck who likes watching your wife, mother and sister getting railed by black cock. All leftists hate whites and worship black cock. Why do you do that? Why are you a leftist multiculturalist cuck to black cock?
Literally the Turner Diaries for jews.
It’s the best ideology on the planet you faggot cuck. Imagine thinking caring about your own tribe is a (((meme))) also this
only that they lost. FUCK THE NAZIS..for losing.
Except the Jews are actually enacting their plan to kill all whites. This is why we need the day of the rope to happen as soon as possible
OP is clearly a tourist and needs to get back to his subreddit
You think simplifying it to that degree makes it untrue?
Oof. Even more cringe.
Why does Brad Pitt play as the same character in almost every film he's in.
Yes, Nazis are bad. What's the issue?
>The subtextual message of the movie was more like "We're kinda sorta just as bad as the Nazis for relishing this violence against them"
No it wasn't and you know it
>princess bride at the top
Most nazis were trannies. Fact
What a sad life!
Where are your pictures? Janny block your ip?
OP supports the German race and not the American one. Traitor.
Jesus christ
Do you think George Washington stays in heaven because he lives in fear of what he's created?
>German language BAD
>*some time later*
>durrka drrukha ka! duhhka!