HoH: Christie
Veto: Sam
Noms: Cliff, Bimbo
Camp Director: Jackson
Banished: David
Previously on /bb/:
HoH: Christie
Veto: Sam
Noms: Cliff, Bimbo
Camp Director: Jackson
Banished: David
Previously on /bb/:
Other urls found in this thread:
name my alliance
OG, Our Guys alliance
winner and the evicted
will take it easy with the botox man
he'll be back soon.... right...
ana's short sleeves are making up for her hair and bandana
based david showing his war face
ive Been a regular on these threads for a while can I get a quick rundown so I don’t feel left out? Basically I was on a plane in the process of moving when the season started. Also how is my favorite Rachelfag doing?
Never watched BB before this season. What are the odds someone non confrontational like Cliff make it far?
very good. especially if he never wins comps.
only alliance so far are the chads and stacies. everyone hates the minorities, except bella..
based Jack calling Sam a 2005 abercrombie model
eh not much has happened.
anal is our waifu. some pandafags like the new chink. poovi doesn't wash his hands, shits a lot and chicks find him creepy
I want her to put the beanie back on
>everyone hates the minorities
Thank God. CBB2 was probably a huge redpill for them. Around schvartzes never relax
Cool cool. Gonna order live feeds hopefully no one took my name in the main chat. Watch the shows when I’m done unpacking then shitpost 24/7 and screenshot like in the bb15 days
y'all better stop bullying ovi or else fessy is gonna kick your ass
Hes a fucking shitskin
bbo stop trying to describe anything as "we"
based christie saving this week
Cringe. Only thing Muslims in the Middle East agree unequivocally with Jews is fuck niggers.
>no tits
>not white
Thats gonna be a yikes from me dog.
sorry you're gay
Sorry you have horrid taste in women
bad hairline too
Lel not me; other ppl use “eh”. I wouldn’t call Bella a chink and I may like her more than Sis, who is just a hot shallow dummy.
all these girls have boring personalities
guys too. this cast in general is boring feeds.
thats only holly tbfh
Boring feeds are comfiest feeds
shit needs to blow up
this is like bb17 week 1 when everyone wanted jace sent home and that was that
y'all need to relax its week fucking one
Its the first week. All we need is someone on the outside to win hoh.
veto hasnt even happened yet
hell i dont even think they got the backyard yet
kemi's entire time in the house in 13 seconds
i miss u
once kemi gets the backdoor shit will get spicy. production planted the seed in christies head last night that america will hate her for getting rid of the blacks back 2 back and she was balling.
the game doesn't even start until after the eviction lol
christie is gonna backdoor jack, feeds are gonna be litty
Based /OurChad/ Nick literally picked the QT Azn over your medicore wetback LMAO!
t. balding
i thought she was backdooring tommy
And Analyse really wants Nicks dick too kek. How will waifufags ever recover.
The DR is gonna totally push the "first two gone are the two black people" and her lesbo ass will take out the guy who seems to want to protect her
Holly boob job confirmed
>and her lesbo ass will take out the guy who seems to want to protect her
Lol if you believe this. Jack is badly failing to manipulate all the girls. Hes literally having a Jeff (bb17) like collapse.
no shit
oh shit
based marky on love on the beach
but that hairline tho... yikes
your least favorite rachelfag says hi
And there goes my admiration right out the window!
for you footfags
he looks so out of place in that lol
women are boring in general.
at least attractive ones, because they never have to develop a personality.
This season is already off to a much better start than last season.
I might not like her as a person but god fucking dammit do I respect Elena's ability to extend Marlena's 15 minutes of fame
lets get markie on the challenge now that hes a cbs property
The chads this season suck, I miss Brett so bad bros
very nice
I can't lie
Jessica is running this season
reminder he was a fucking flop
thanks capbro
it’s literally good ya dingus, your meme forcing isn’t working
does anyone else not like nick at all
and not like sam at all
but LOVE jackson?
thank god for Jessica in the background redeeming this webm
Based Cliff is following the timeline perfectly.
>wow token old guy is shit
>show begins
>wow I actually like him!
>reddit begins rating him highly
>catladies rate him highly
>drops a drumpf bomb around week 2
>trying to reason with drama queens
>when the ice cream truck is pulling away
as long as you’re responding to it, it’s working for them.
samis meh, nick is annoying and doesn't shut up. jackson is my front runner to be the power player this season but not necessarily win
christie saying kemi just observing everyone is really scary and dangerous
nicole is going to get sucked into its gravitational pull...
>Fri 2:24 AM PT Analyse and Christie say Nick could be cute needs a better haircut, and get in shape.
are we 100% sure Nicole was born a woman?
the guy had 2 kino speeches and sent Rockstar insane
yeah kemi is long gone
If you haven't noticed he's not exactly your typical southern boomer and probably isn't right-wing because it's hard to justify that when you're bottoming for black guys in secret
I'm glad that hogg is finally being pulled in after all this
i really like how ballsy christie is
own it
i just hope she keeps this same energy when she isn't HoH
I know its the safe move at this point but Kemi is so fucking isolated its retarded to get rid of her. I'm getting rid of Cliff this week, someone actually threatening later on.
if you had to bring all five of sis, holly, kat, kemi, and tommy to orgasm, do you choose all or do you walk away?
bikini time incoming
>getting blood on your hands on week 1
kemi is literally the safest pick in big brother history
>didnt campaign to jackson to not be banished
>didnt campaign to christie to not be on the block
shes terrible, dominique at least has some sass and was likable, shes literally a black aura sitting there.
Nick is /ourguy/ Go back to plebbit.
nick is based
Cliff is beloved right now and there are two house pariahs who would go unanimously. Christie would be committing suicide.
Cliff Big Dick Hogg
I'm so fucking ready for Jessica in a bikini
>i feel like im getting backdoored
>booty shots
have you seen this cast user?
she's going to wear a one piece for sure
kemi twerking wtf lol
Cliff is cringe and a closet gay.
hey Glenn!
nls is a box of rocks
i refuse to believe that she spent all that time in casting and anyone thought she would be smart or strategic enough to win this game... based grodner giving us pure eye candy
homosexuality living rent free in your head
They cast her because the guy said anal lice last year
>eye candy
she is ANAL stop with nls
confirmed baste = nick, bella, christie, tommy, jackson
confirmed cringe = ovi, jack, analyse, jessica, nicole, cliff, sam
cliff is not gonna go far
same with aquaman
im going to keep doing it till you stop telling me to stop doing it
Is there a reason im not seeing the backyard?
confirmed cringe: you
>bella wants to give a sympathetic vote to kemi
apping this because it will be gone soon
i have been here since before ian and this is one of the gayest posts of all time
man christie just grabbing that titty
I like the gay new yorkers a lot more than I thought I would
you think christie will fuck up and leak the connection?
How fucking long ago were these games? Is the mobile app really that fucking off?
>being a tits guy
i love her tiny titties!
anal just told the girls to keep an eye out and make sure her tampon string isnt showing
... i like where this thread is going
those sunglasses are so douchey
lads nick and bella are cute who’s with me
Why would you do this??
he drives a truck for a living and wears it like a badge of honor. what were you expecting?
>full cam on ovi to avoid anal
fuck the cameramen holy fuck
3 is all over her
tan those pits qt
sam suggested that ovi rub the lotion on anal lol
kat dropper her mic in the toilet
thats coming out of her stipend lol
how good is holly at photoshop?
kemi looking like shes gonna walk the park
>12:40 PM Guys in BY: Can we start laundry? No - Kemi got in there first. That's fine - she needs clean clothes for the jury.....Feeds quickly switch.
everyone making jury this season?
lol, no, it was a slip of the mind or a joke
>cameramen avoiding the bimbo sexy swimsuit
what a nice painting
analyse ass is bigger than that lol
Any updates on the Kemi plan? did Tommy set Discount Auras straight or is she still wavering?
quarky sliding in and taking anals tanning spot. alpha mates
since we are a day off, when will they have the veto meeting?
Kemi eviction is 100% set in stone at this point
kemi is done. ovi nicole and kemi are going to be blindsided by the backdoor
it's still the plan. production just slipped her that line about america hating her and she freaked
she is nothing like aura
lmao cliffs titties sittin right
tommy and jackson on the bench? i can't tell from here
bella is totally panda... within a week or 2 she will no longer workout
Who do you think are gonna be the pre-jury boots this year, bros? Kemi, Jess, Kat, David(again), Aquaman for me. I think Ovi and Nicole are actually gonna stick around as swing votes when the big alliance splits up.
kat talking about the powers? something about stopping an eviction?
those titties gotta be fake. they are way too round and not sagging for that type of bikini
i think she said the power will stop an eviction until another week?
they are just speculating, they have no idea what the powers are
LOL they are questioning ovi's gf if she is real and if he lied about not being a virgin
i love watching guys lift weights
feels like these cameramen have been waiting for bikini time just as much as us
Whose going home next elimination?
has anyone speculated whether or not david is actually out of the house?
it’s gonna be glorious
save as jpeg you retard
seem like they forgot he was in the house
Lol. Traps have nice fem bodies then her
this but nicer
he was there for a grand total of 2-3 hours
wasn't it a few days?
never ceases to amaze me when no one expects the unexpected
Didn't Kemi say she wasn't going in the pool because she's on her period?
is /ourguy/ nick really in a showmance with /ourgirl/ bella?
you do it
i actually went back to cap it
its when bimbo took anals spot sunbathing
ANAL and bimbo still don't understand the feeds
Patrician taste sis
nick is /yourguy/ not /ourguy/
>a pooer and the pooper
mmmm nice cameltoe
Wanna clean that camel toe with my tongue.
Birthing hips
Have whatever pajeet program you use save the images a jpeg. There is no reason to use an uncompressed format for grainy caps.
>wasn't it a few days?
Did you not watch? / First season?
maybe i missed a little detail, but i couldn't tell at all how much time they were in the house before the comp
i think you quoted the wrong post
fuck marry kill
tommy jc jozea
m k f
The entire 2 night premiere was on the 1st day in the house
something like that
yeah meant for
fuck jc
marry tommy
kill jozea
she couldnt have more than 7 or 8 children with hips that narrow
kill jc because im not a pedo
tommy seems ok i guess
fuck marry kill
naw they ran the hoh comp the next day
womens hips get wider with repeated birthings
hello there height = age poster!
if a midget automatically makes you think of children, yeah you might be a pedo
have you seen how he dressed?
holly put you're ass away!
these 2 are retarded. do they not explain how the camera's/feeds work?
analyse confirmed shaved clean
what do you mean?
shitter of the year
for chad eyes only lads
if you're not at least an 8 please refrain from viewing this picture you are not worthy
you could craft a bikini top and bottom for analyse, holly and bimbo out of jessicas top
Thats a shitter
fuck nyc and fuck New York people
now we’re cookin’
it's better than mine desu
Holy legit looks 50+ here. what the FUCK. she is MELTING.
>ywn kiss that little heart tattoo on wangs butt
i think you missed the joke
jack is a real piece of shit huh, ovi wins hoh would be kino, send the retard out
How does she have the most attractive body in this group. Everyone else is either Bogged, a skeleton, or a fucking WHALE.
or perfect like Wang
Oopswas meant for
who are you talking about? her tits look saggy in that top and she is litterally thinner than analyse
i hope this happens. every one will be stuck in his smelly HoH dungeon sucking up to him
>jack is a real piece of shit huh
what'd he do?
>mfw im not chad enough to look at anal
I fucked up the reply. I was referring to Chinky Mcgook with my comment.
>forces the girls to be in the hot tub with him
these bitches trying to make fatty feel good about her hamminess
nipple illusion due to the seam
dont worry, shes next
>he's sitting too close to me
>i'm cold
>i wish i was back in college
>he's looking at me
>i wanna be with jack and nick
Bella = Anal >>>> Kat > Discount Auras >>> Horchata Milkers = Kemi >>>> Nicole >>>>>>>>> SHIT >>>>>>>>>>> Bogged Lich queen
oh nice, then we’re on the same page. I think my reading comprehension was off for a second there
looks like she's smuggling hams in her top
>having this skewed of a brain
get help
Anal >>>>>>>>> Kat >>>>>> Bog > Bella > Lesbo > Kemi > Nicole >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fat
Which is crazy. She's nice enough but has cero game sense and is not a threat to anyone in any way. She could be the new Victoria if the savvier players wised up a bit. Ovi has comp potential and cant even poo in the loo. He should be next to anyone with sense.
push it back in the ocean
why do so many dumb bitches believe in astrology nonsense?
dumb dudes don't.
is Nicole a femcel?
why does reddit do this
>Putting the bog queen that high
Bro, look at this fucking cap She looks like a goddamn Draugr.
1. NLS
2. elissa swindler
3. izzy
4. @gummi2
5. bogged
6. who
7. the little dude in drag
8. hammy
switch bella to the first spot and I agree with your analysis
because they don't want to take responsibility for their actions so they blame the universe or whatever
>she could be the next victoria
>campaigned to be the camp director and almost made an all girl alliance
yeah sure.....
That explains it.
Watch the feeds simp
yes and shes mine. back off!
this is the ranking.
it’s called virtue signalling
shes got a plastic surgery face but she's cute sometimes like here that fitness model body is hot tho
Please tell me this comment is actually two years old.
holly is ratchet
She should sue for malpractice
there's a green david flair
thanks senpai i put a lot of thought into it
made fun of ovi doesn’t believe his gf is real etc etc, he just shit talks all day it’s annoying
I guarantee damn tee you if you posted this with analyse instead of jessica you'd get -30 downvotes within 5 minutes
lets not forget the hottest girl big brother has ever had
lol bella mentioned bella thorne being crazy
this. the hardest thing to do for a woman is admit when they're wrong. they'll blame Earth's distance to Saturn before taking any responsibility.
I won't ever forget!
fat neckbeards think fattie is their only shot?
Unless they means 2017 Jess, who was a true goddess.
She had a 10/10 body. those skull profile/hairline pics were kinda nightmare fuel though.
and he also called him a virgin
leave my teacher alone!!
such a qute
El atrocidad.
wang pits
I wonder if Chinky McGook knows her coordinates tattoo is for a spot in the middle of the ocean, lol.
the bolt on titties ruin it
cute face tho
>African hunter-gatherer 0.3%
they have a specific race of hunter-gatherers?
they are real
>analice using the outdoor shower but the catlady cams wont give it a screen
ay dios mio
They were saggy and had a huge tit gap, so probably real. She didn't look great without makeup either.
breed bb19 Jess with Sissy
perfect mutt grill.
those plate-lip guys
she talked about how they were fake on the bb19 feeds
not even close with that 8head and her profile is hilariously bad and her face is all scrunched
oh wow the asian actually did the mom schtick outside the diary room she really is that boring
>Jessica with a plate lip and neck rings
lol there it is
>The jiggle
>the spacing
>the sag
If those are fake they are the best fakes I have ever seen.
ch3 too good for this shit
this started out so good at the start
both of them have bodies like video game characters when the titty physics assets haven't loaded in yet
anal's ass and pussy gap are heavenly
maxin’ and relaxin’
I feel so sorry for you
What are you talking about?
Her 'quirky fact' in her interviews was that her boobs are real, which they indeed are.
new thread
found the mutt
Target acquired.
what are the chances that ovi poos in the pool