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imagine being OP and following reddit this closely and simultaneously acting like you're above it and making a retarded post about some other retard like anyone cares

What moobie

You'd best start believing in sub-reddits, you're in one

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my favorite subreddit is the Donald xD

Leave it to reddit to take advice from the very last Yea Forums board you should ever take advice from.

Really brah?

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Yea Forums has been reddit for longer than 90% of its current users have been posting
i only come here out of habit most of old guys have left and the soul the website once had is gone
i wish i had their strength to never come back here

>Yea Forums and Yea Forums are the closest to reddit content.
Ain't that right.

Attached: Raugs_hard.gif (320x200, 1.9M)

>i only come here out of habit
Does that habit have anything to do with the C word?

Yea Forums is just reddit with more autism
Yea Forums has better refined autism

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>my favorite subreddit is the Donald xD
Can't find that in the search bar. Link?

Yea Forums is peak reddit because it's unfunny and full of white knights who cape for soundcloud rappers

Fuck you reddit

Good to see some three kingdom memes here.

gotta agree. the people on reddit have been wrong about pretty much everything in existence, so imagine being a faggot like OP and caring about what they have to say.

There were some good pump and dump penny stocks I heard in /biz/. I made some good money on.

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OP is probably the guy in his screenshot

I remember a time when I would stay away from this board because it seemed like every time I'd visit someone was spamming pizza.


Attached: file.png (653x566, 31K)

Most reddit boards
>Yea Forums
>Yea Forums
>Yea Forums
>Yea Forums
>Yea Forums

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Those were the days

hey Yea Forums tourist

leave and never return

go back

You really need to add /pol/ to that list.

>-3 points

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close. Yea Forums here

The "Sam Hyde bump"

I became rich thanks to that board

/biz/ is just full of pajeets shilling shitcoins

/pol/ is the most reddit board in existence. the front page is nothing but pepes and twitter screenshots

Seething redditniggers

this gentlesir called you a nigger, that means he's based AND redpilled.

lmao wait for the inevitable dump

the worst part is that "dejan36" has been on Yea Forums longer than 90% of the current userbase
it's probably already left too




faggot OP BTFO, and rightly so

You>these are the people who hate /pool/


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/pol/ is redd-

Go back to redd*t retarded faggot


You people annoy me. you think acting dumb and talking like retards is "le epic trolling", but it's not. It's just being dumb and retarded. You didn't fool any one. You didn't pull the wool over anyone's eyes, or ruse them with your shenanigans. You just acted like a dumb retard, and that's what everyone thinks about you. That you are a dumb retard. The joke's on you buddy.

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/sci/ is based af tf you talmbout. add /his/ they are total fags

Yea Forums's moderation is pretty reddit

Stopped browsing Yea Forums when they banned porn

just get the fuck off our board you retarded ladypede

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your point? less than half of /pol/ users are amerimutts

>reddit screenshots
You have to go back Bernout

nobody uses terms like "le epic trolling" except for reddit faggots like yourself

>he can't even tell a Yea Forums filename from a reddit one anymore
sad really

You just used the term "le epic trolling" you reddit faggot

>our board
Fuck off tourist

what possible economic advice was Yea Forums 'right' to this dumb 'anti racism' reditor?

>m-muh file name ;_;
Cringe ass mouth breathing retarded faggot redditor