This can't be happening! I'm in charge here!

>This can't be happening! I'm in charge here!

Attached: engineer fight.png (1334x710, 1005K)

That was a great scene. How can people say Prometheus wasn't kino?

I haven’t seen Prometheus, but I wonder if it’s like blade runner where people just really don’t expect to sit down in a theater and think. Only two people I know personally that saw Prometheus loved it and love to talk about it.

Do you feel in charge?

Attached: screams (Director's Cut).png (1140x641, 807K)

because 25% of it was removed for the theater cut so it makes all the dialog and characters look retarded.

I mean, there was a lot of stupid fucking shit in it, no need for me to repeat it all, but I think the amount of things that happened as the result of people being stupid on a supposed research expedition is pretty irritating.

Don't get me wrong though, the production on the movie was top notch, it was very visually engaging.

Attached: tumblr_p9veolouDV1wh25ydo3_r1_400.gif (268x268, 2.25M)

Beatiful cinematography, aesthetic, world building, budget etc... just wasted on some cheap slasher crap

I never knew this. I wondered why they made the characters look retarded.

will there be a "directors cut"?

Prometheus is like The Last Jedi.
A comedy of errors masqueraded as something else.

This doesn't work for thor because he was specifically saying "Bring me Thanos" there

I like how people still pretend this is a bad movie

no there will be no Directors cut but all the deleted scenes are on the Blu-Ray. they are definitely worth a watch.

as the other user said look to the deleted scenes also you can read the original draft before the lost guy got his hands on it and did rewrites. it's a much more bloody and alien type of movie with bits that were ported over to covenant in some ways, like david getting people facehugged on purpose. it's called alien engineers. in that version shaw who goes by a different name was going to have david force a facehugger onto her and she would have had to escape the temple, steal a ride and get back to the ship before she bursted. her husband would have had a alien burst from him during the sex scene instead of getting bbq'ed. shaw would have also been on the ship as it smashed into the alien vessel near the end and rode a pod down to the surface where she faced off against an alien. the neomorph probably came from the jellyfish facehugger that got her husband and made the meanacing beluga alien that could smoosh itself down like jelly to fit into vents and shit. lot of cool stuff in that version we will never see. also weyland would not have been there, instead vickers would have had a sleeper unit of mercs she wakes up near mid point/end as stuff gets violent.

I like how contrarians are still trying to sound interesting stating that this shitshow is a good movie.
It had an immense POTENTIAL of being good. It has good production value.
But movies are an ensemble of parts and this one has glaring failures.

You people annoy me. you think acting dumb and talking like retards is "le epic trolling", but it's not. It's just being dumb and retarded. You didn't fool any one. You didn't pull the wool over anyone's eyes, or ruse them with your shenanigans. You just acted like a dumb retard, and that's what everyone thinks about you. That you are a dumb retard. The joke's on you buddy.

Soo.. you are going to repreat these bullshit threads until people give up and say Prometheus is good?
Do you know how well it did go (the other way around) for the faggot that hates 2049?

The problem with Prometheus is that shit just happens randomly and makes no sense. Not to mention the way the nu-Alien is created is ridiculously roundabout.
>eggs are laid down
>flower snake comes out of the eggs
>flower snake skullfucks guy
>guy's blood becomes semen which has to be drinked by another guy
>then the other guy's semen becomes monster semen which, once he fucks a woman, will create a squid monster
>squid monster will kill the mother so the only way for it to survive is to get cut out of the mother in a caesarean section
>then the squid monster needs another living being to fuck
>this EVENTUALLY ends up in the alien being born

Prometheus is a dumb movie pretending to be smart. No amount of money can change that.

What if Vaginas and Penises worked together?

Can you spin it in a Black Mirror way?

>great fucking scene
you mean great fucking set and character design, and little else
retarded plot, retarded story, retarded characters, retarded motives, retarded pacing, retarded everything else

fuck come think of it

>retarded Guy Pearce in a shitty old man suit

You are talking to the same retard of the other day.
He's going to spam this until everyone gives up.


>blade runner

Attached: michael jordan laughing.gif (320x240, 930K)

>>flower snake comes out of the eggs
The goo infected alien worms that were in the soil.

As a standalone film, it's alright if pretty dumb.
As an Alien film it's fucking atrocious.

Attached: alien-prometheus53_592872804_n.jpg (478x640, 45K)


fuck off

It was very low IQ.

>deftly lays tentacle on shoulder

Great arguments and debating skills!
If you were an actual intelligent person, you would have reacted in a different way.
But you are just a pseud that feels compelled to look special liking a shitshow of a movie.

remve thor, otherwise it's good

>Great arguments and debating skills!
>If you were an actual intelligent person, you would have reacted in a different way.
>But you are just a pseud that feels compelled to look special liking a shitshow of a movie.

Attached: fedora man.jpg (500x587, 30K)

Your tears are delicious, you poor imbecile.
Keep posting here after being btfo over and over, you sad masochist.
See you tomorrow with another le ebin prometheus thread.

Could you post the one where he has the really big fedora?

you sound like such an insufferable faggot lmao
I bet you think blade runner 2049 was 'deep'

the engineers were the original gigachads

Attached: Engineer.png (619x312, 283K)

Attached: braindamage.jpg (300x377, 24K)


Old man Guy Pearce is great, or at least a great idea.
You've been expecting him to do something or have something done to him to make himself young again, to make him regular Guy Pearce without all the makeup, the whole damn movie, and he ends up dying like a bitch, struck down by his own perceived salvation in what he thought was his moment of triumph and chance at immortality. It's a sort of post-modern twist not possible by casting, say, Christopher Plummer or whatever.

This. Also it allowed them to have a young version of himself in the sequel and the youtube shorts

Attached: alien-weyland-gamechanger-0620299935.jpg (640x539, 80K)

Prometheus was fucking kino. Bit pretentious? Maybe. But it was dedicated to building a hell of a mythos and world for a universe I already loved, and it captivated me a lot.

Wish we'd get more but I suspect if we ever get more Alien movies, they're basically all going to be retreads of Alien and Aliens and nothing more meaningful. Covenant was already pushing it.


Prometheus is a massive pleb and reddit filter

You can also see which baseddrones are incapable of forming their own critisism with endless repetition of the “i-its not realistic for a research expedition!” meme

I really liked Prometheus and Covenant.

Attached: [2019.06.28_16.44.07].jpg (1920x800, 572K)

Covenant is much worse than Prometheus

>sit down in a theater and think
that's 100% NOT prometheus

Based desperate samefag that is trying to accuse other of lacking arguments after being BTFO for being without arguments.

Soi brained post

Go to bed Damon

it"s horrible

Not working buddy. Nothing of this works.

Damon Lindelof is one shit writer. Any project he has written for turns to utter trash. I don't understand how this fucking hack keeps getting jobs.

I've never witnessed anyone ever tried to even attempt to formulate an argument as to why this film is supposed to be good, only blanket statements affirming it.
Why is that?

You can say the exact same thing about people who argue that its bad

fifeld and his biologist sidekick ruined the fist half of movie bad casting , bad dialogue , bad acting , bad arc . bad deaths . Promethus would be a lot better if you took them out of it.

Prometheus is great if you don't think too much though. I love the movie for what it is and I re-watch it at least once a year. Not in a so bad it's good way but because I really enjoy it despite its shortcomings.

I wish all new sci fi movies were as "bad" as Prometheus tbf

Should've killed off Weyland half-way through and centered the movie around how David deals with his newfound freedom

Scott says the theatrical version is definitive and that he is happy with it, so no director's cut

At least Prometheus is not Alien Covenant. Now thats unwatchable garbage.

Hell, the end result wasn't even a proper xeno.

I saw a fan edit which knocked it up a knotch on the scale

>The problem with Prometheus is that shit just happens randomly and makes no sense. Not to mention the way the nu-Alien is created is ridiculously roundabout.
>>eggs are laid down
>>flower snake comes out of the eggs
>>flower snake skullfucks guy and lays some eggs
>>guy's blood becomes semen eggs which has to be drinked by another guy
>>then the other guy's semen eggs becomes monster semen eggs which, once he fucks a woman and lays eggs, will create a squid monster
>>squid monster will kill the mother egg when hatching so the only way for it to survive is to get cut out of the mother in a caesarean section
>>then the squid monster needs another living being to fuck and lay eggs
>>this EVENTUALLY ends up in the alien being born by hatching from an Engineer egg.

Not hard to follow if you just see it as a bunch of things laying eggs. It's just sometimes there are walking talking flesh eggs involved