How's that screenplay going for you?
Lets talk about our projects, both old and new.
How's that screenplay going for you?
Lets talk about our projects, both old and new.
i hope everyone that comes in these threads that your big break comes soon
First for sharing something I made.
Thanks mate.
Im finishing my third screenplay and about to start looking for manager / agent from USA/LA. Got one offer from agency in Vancouver already and one screenplay was a grand finalist.
It seems total crapshoot when sending those e-mails if someone is ever gonna reply.
Read the first act of my dumbass screenplay and give me some feedback
I'm giving it a read. Maybe keep the thread bumped until I can give some notes.
>its worth giving more info about your main characters in their introduction. Either introduce them in an interesting way, or establish some part of their character in contradiction. You should evoke some kind of character archetype beyond 'girl'.
>please don't use 'uhhh' or '....' it's cringey
>describing hair is painfully dumb and boring. Can you not give me anything interesting about them beyond their fucking hair?
Reading through it all I can say is read more scripts and hone a style. At the moment the script is too plain. Also is English your first language? If so proof read your stuff before sharing it.
7 years of my life dedicated to filmmaking, wearing several different hats in several different productions, managing to put a short out, freelancing as tons of different stuff, no real job and no offers. It's almost like I made no progress at all.
Now my only project (that is, the one project I can afford getting out of the paper) is for youtube, which has like a 0% success chance, and here I am again watching tutorials and learning a new program so I can put it out. I just feel like a fucking loser with nowhere to go.
Just keep moving forward.
>why are you typing like this?
-So strenghten the introduction
-Make protagonist stand more out
Anyway, its supposed to be genre horror - im not trying to wade unto totally unknown waters here, just trying to make a solid script.
Thanks for the feedback tho!
t. Ville
Watched this yesterday in another thread. Very well structured, good job. Also, fuck God and fuck christianity
I think you need to read more scripts
>tarantino (meme hate yeah yeah, but he knows how to introduce characters in minimal lines)
>William Goldman - The Princess Bride
>alien screenplay
These are fantastic if you want to get better at the craft.
Holy shit are you the same nigga that did that one ninja script a while back?
Thanks for the nice feedback. Also Christ loves you.
Im the same ninja script dude yeah, this is my third one.
I think i've read everything Dan O'Bannon, Tarantula and well, most of the stuff out there.
This is a bit weird because this script is the most vanilla shit i've written and its been my exact purpose with this, make it least "prosey" and most accessible as possible.
I absolutly LOVE Die Hard screenplay and its my biggest influencer.
>introduce characters in minimal lines
You read any of his scripts and its mostly dialogue. That's what you're not supposed to do and why his movies stood out at the time. When writing you ask yourself what does this scene need to do, then how can I show it visually as opposed to verbally. He didn't worry about that but maybe you should if you're not a chatty writer
gotta couple different projects. First is a play about a serial killer in three acts at a beach in New Jersey at the end of the Vietnam Era.
Second is a paranormal drama/ romance short film.
Third is a series of 8 eps for the first season which is a psychological noir shot in black and white. follows a high school kid who finds a body stuffed in a bunker in the woods. Meanwhile local police receive very strange notes.
Love to talk about anything if any fellow writer fags have any intrest
rate my meme script lads
11/10. Its entirely enjoyable on its own to read.
Did you read the whole thing?
No,Im illiterate,I have my mom read them.
Something I've noticed lately, on Netflix and new films the standards of writing have dropped to qualify as a film. There used to be an expectation as a viewer that the writer was all knowing and knew what the doctor would say or an archeologist or some expert knowledge and situation. Tastes have changed probably because TV writing caught on and csi miami and lie to me or whatever got heavily jargony and nerdy, and trends change. Nowadays the people who greenlight scripts don't seem to care if the writer knows anything or does any research, maybe because there are so many women writers, or the internet, and first person shows do just as well financially, Girls, Barry, I don't know. My point is standards of screenwriting have fallen.
Unironically we're all prison inmates grumbling about the quality of the TV we're watching. We're not free, so don't expect your entertainment to be worth a shit either. The closer we get to the market crash the sooner we can have some decent not propaganda movies again.
>Video essay
Someone post anons midge kino screenplay
keep coping the same way you do now which is i assume you imaging yourself on a talk show explaining how bad things got before you were able to get your big break.
were rooting for you user
Yo niggies, where or how do I send my work to be made?
If you're not Jewish doing it yourself until lazy people decide you can be trusted to do the work for them.
but there are a lot of modern classics. 2007 alone had "there will be blood", "zodiac", "the assassination of jessie james by the coward robert ford", "hot fuzz", "no country for old men". while spectacle is now prioritized over the script among blockbusters, there are still a lot of great movies being made. the biggest difference is that time has filtered out all the garbage and only presents the classic gems. the amount of old generic western movies out there is absolutely staggering but people more or less only watch the ones by sergio leone.
I don't fantasize about that, I fantasize about how hard I'll work the next day. But thank you user
I made that video.
>There Will Be Blood
This is really divisive. I actually do consider it a really good movie, but it falls short of greatness. I can go into that in a future vid of mine. In fact all those movies have the same issue, poor final acts that fall into ambiguity or triteness.
a loser would have jerked off to hentai and post on /got/ throughout those 7 years user, you did well
on my first script submission I submitted a half-assed script I put together in a month so I could meet the deadline, and then I volunteered and the guys who rated it told me my script had scraped the top 15, out of nearly 400 entries - I told them how rushed it was and how inexperienced I was (had never written anything before) and they said I should keep writing because I could be a good screenwriter
this was 4 years ago. I've been dragging an almost finished script for the last 3 years. that's being a loser
If you want to join a help group; you can join my discord
t. Ville
There is nothing bad about ambiguity.
Thanks. After months of "No" emails, I finally got accepted into a relatively big FF. Short film category. I'm buzzing really.
Depends on how it is executed. But typically I think ambiguity will always play second fiddle to clarity.
I agree that it depends on execution, i disagree that clarity is somehow better.
I'm on /sfm/ already nigga
is hot fuzz any good or is it similar to shaun of the dead?
I've made a couple stupid short films, but nothing serious. I really want to make a short horror movie, but I can't come up with any ideas.
Just trying to help, hope you get your routine up my man!
its pretty similar, check out this video to get a feel for it
I might make a video specifically about the strengths and weaknesses of ambiguity in film. My gut instinct on it is that only in a handful of classic cinema does ambiguity work, merely because clarity of thought resolution allows for greater emotional catharsis.
thats pretty damn subjective
not the guy you're talking with, but for me for endings it's
"big world implosion/rebirth" > ambiguity/unsolved > clarity/solved
big world implosion I mean endings like NGE/EoE, 2001 or Synecdoche NY for example
I like unsolved endings that give you a resolution but not to the main problem
Zodiac's resolution for example was never about the killer, it was about the risk and consequences of feeding an obsession
New video Logos #2
back to the ol bumperinos
Read my dumbass script and SHIT ON IT.
read the first few pages and it all seemed like the most generic 90s teen setup, a throwback to those movies
are you going for a pastiche?
this is not an insult btw
I like your draft Ville-san. Though a bit confused about why exactly the crowd wanted Anna back after initially hating her song but then harassing her again.
those are some pretty entry tier movies, user.
First off, who cares? Secondly, good movies deserved to be talked about and remembered. I can go into more obscure films when the time comes, but I personally would prefer someone talk about good cinema sincerely for a change, instead of just deciding if something has 'committed a cinema sin' or some other shit thing on youtube.
But yeah it's only episode two. I'm sure I'll work in some obscure shit eventually.
it doesnt have to be obscure. films by kurosawa, bergman, malick, leone, or hitchcock would be a welcomed change. anything less spielbergian
I get what you're saying. If you listen to the episode I criticise Good Will Hunting and Forrest Gump, and Back to the Future for that Spielberg vibe they have.
While I loved your ninja script I honestly don't have many good things to say about this script, 5 pages in and I don't really want to continue reading.
>The characters feel like archetypes in a teenage film and the dialogue is really clunky, especially David's lines.
>When Anna describes the reaction to a song you cut to a new scene, I'm guessing you do that because you want to imply that she has been taking for a long time but the way you formatted it feels awkward and breaks the pacing also why do you fade to black afterwards?
>you mention this is the first act but it doesn't feel like the beginning of a movie at all, more like scenes from the 3rd act
>Chris and Anna don't really have any chemistry
>Eric feels overly melodramatic
>re-examine the way you use swearing in dialogue, feels poorly placed and breaks the rhythm? are you reading your dialogue out-loud?
>2019, Kenny Rogers joke... twice
>I'm guessing there is a twist perhaps a supernatural element? If there is one, you are taking too long to get to it
>basic problem you need to work on is that I can't tell what the movie is about based on the first 25 pages which should be enough to get hooked
Have you tried contacting the people you worked with to see if they are looking for someone?
If the well really is dry then get a regular job and wait it out. Someone with your experience will eventually land something.