why did Disney put a Alex Jones reference in Spiderman? What the fuck? Did Raimi direct this scene?
Why did Disney put a Alex Jones reference in Spiderman? What the fuck? Did Raimi direct this scene?
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yooo... spoilszs
It’s a carry over from the video game. You never interact with Jameson but as you’re swinging around you listen to his podcast about Spider-Man being a menace and it’s very clearly an info wars parody
if you care about "spoilers" from a kids movie get out
>Jameson was originally created to mock how transparently dishonest, corrupt and agenda-driven the mainstream News Media is
>That point can't be allowed to be made any more since Trump criticizes the News Media which means the News Media is now good and beyond reproach
>Change Jameson into something that targets the alternative media instead
Gotta' fucking love the slimy libshits that pull stuff like this.
Fans think they wanted this but really no one did
didnt you know its a violation of the first amendment to criticize a newspaper or cable news channel?
First Brightburn then this. What the fuck are they trying to say with it?
It's pretty fun for what's its worth. They did this for the PS4 game too.
Jameson was made by Steve Ditko to mock Stan Lee, don't be a retard.