Why did Disney put a Alex Jones reference in Spiderman? What the fuck? Did Raimi direct this scene?

why did Disney put a Alex Jones reference in Spiderman? What the fuck? Did Raimi direct this scene?

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yooo... spoilszs

It’s a carry over from the video game. You never interact with Jameson but as you’re swinging around you listen to his podcast about Spider-Man being a menace and it’s very clearly an info wars parody

if you care about "spoilers" from a kids movie get out

>Jameson was originally created to mock how transparently dishonest, corrupt and agenda-driven the mainstream News Media is
>That point can't be allowed to be made any more since Trump criticizes the News Media which means the News Media is now good and beyond reproach
>Change Jameson into something that targets the alternative media instead

Gotta' fucking love the slimy libshits that pull stuff like this.

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Fans think they wanted this but really no one did

didnt you know its a violation of the first amendment to criticize a newspaper or cable news channel?

First Brightburn then this. What the fuck are they trying to say with it?

It's pretty fun for what's its worth. They did this for the PS4 game too.

Jameson was made by Steve Ditko to mock Stan Lee, don't be a retard.

Its not a violation, until you censor them

No, you fucking mong. JJJ is clearly meant to represent Fredrick Wertham

>The Comics Code Authority (CCA) was formed in 1954 by the Comics Magazine Association of America as an alternative to government regulation, to allow the comic publishers to self-regulate the content of comic books in the United States. Its code, commonly called "the Comics Code", lasted until the early 21st century. The CCA formation followed a series of Senate hearings and the publication of psychiatrist Fredric Wertham's book Seduction of the Innocent.

Following the CCA, comic book publishers were suddenly censored from depicting the creepy graphic content in horror comics like Tales from the Crypt. Spider-Man, with an inherently creepy animal to inspire his powers and persona, was a way to Trojan horse the creepy shit kids loved back into comics. The point of Jameson is that his criticism has no foundation in fact, it’s pure reactionary vitriol that aims to demonize a person who is just trying to do his best. Stan Lee is Peter Parker, JJJ is that asshole Wertham telling the Senate that his stories are corrupting the youth.

>Jameson is a news media magnate that, to the reader, openly uses his position to spread biased and dishonest propaganda to forward personal and political goals

>"N-N-No, he was never a stab at the news media and journalism! He was a parody of Stan Lee! He was a reference to the CCA! Even though that doesn't make any sense...."

Holy shit this denial.

Ditko was the artist, NOT the writer. Why would Lee mock himself?

Listen, idiot. If you take an art history course they tell you to look at the historical context and to look at the patron (who commissioned the art) to truly understand it. The CCA happened in 1954, Spider-Man debuted in 1962. There’s the context. Their patrons were the kids buying comics for 15 cents. There was an uncornered market on accecptably creepy comics that kids could buy so they made Spider-Man to capitalize on it.

Yeah so they bothered making Jameson a lying propagandist media-mogel instead of a censorious politician just for the fuck of it?

Seems legit.

Why do all attempts to parody Alex Jones wind up falling flat in comparison to the man himself?

The scene for those wondering. Go /anons/, do your holy duty and spoil it for the internet

Wertham was a psychologist, not a politician. His reasoning was specious at best: some kid in Iowa read Superman and put on a cape and jumped off a barn to see if he could fly and broke his arm so that means comics are going to fry every kids brain. This is the same specious reasoning Jameson uses: Spider-Man shows up at the same time as all these villains, therefore Spider-Man is the cause of all these villains. It’s classic ad hoc logical fallacy p implies q shit

man, maybe it's being burned by the last, 4... no 5? Spider-man movies, but I couldn't care less about JK coming back.

Make a good movie first, then maybe I'll give a shit about a cameo

I'd watch a Jameson online newscast.

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more spoilers: youtube.com/watch?v=jpE-w6h4tZw&list=UUMicHz3j47p1CQGxh9CXSiQ

has 2 uploaded and viewable in the U.S, and another 10 or so that are blocked. can anyone with a vpn download and host them somewhere else?

>didnt you know its a violation of the first amendment to criticize a newspaper or cable news channel?
>It's against free speech to express free speech

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stop shilling. How much does online shilling even pay. I'm curious how does one even apply for that job? Do you just go into Disney and be like "lemme shill online? or do you do it for free like a fucking janny?

That's some horrible reading comprehension

>that clip
how embarrassing

so mysterio is just a genius scientist who feels like they got screwed over like the riddler from batman returns and electro from ASM2?

This is the first clip of a superhero movie I've watched since The Dark Knight Rises. How do people watch this? It's like a fucking Youtube skit. Did they just stop hiring actors, in favors of good-looking dudes?

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and gabriel from die hard 4

>Iron man is dead
>Still the driving force of the entire movie

ffs marvel

Far from home looks like dogshit, since when is wanting to spoil capeshit for normies shilling? Fucking retard

Who is the actor?
I can't make him out.

Robert Downhere Jr. cost them like 50 millions a pop so of course they're going to milk it as much as they can

Same guy as the original trilogy.

It's insane how bad these movies look. It's like they stopped giving a shit entirely after the first Iron Man movie (which had impressive effects)

That's kinda lame.
I was hoping they'd get another actor, as much as I like J.K. Simmons and his Jonah.

nice effects, disney

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I too am getting tired of media sucking journalists dick 24/7 since they cant critize them because of trump.

It's because fans have been crying about how much they want him recast for years, and it's just a shitty cheap cameo that they probably filmed in an hour. These movies are the defnition of soulless.

aren't they literally releasing them to theaters unfinished and cleaning up the effects later for the home releases?

Honesty I dismissed the leaks because I didn't think they'd bring him back

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Because if they lampoon Jones instead of mainstream media, they won't be accused of being pro Trump.

Wait, is he still playing JJJ in the new movies?

that's actually pretty funny

you don't like jones?