Recommend me some comfy US president movies

Recommend me some comfy US president movies.

And try to keep politics out of it.

Attached: MI0000158228.jpg (500x502, 46K)

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also I'm kinda thirsty

i need a drink without any water in it

>separating movies from politics is hard
Maybe go back to your containment board.


>I once caught a fish... THIS BIG

Abraham Lincoln (1930)

Thirteen Days

What's the Clinton body count right now?

You're boring.

t. voted for trump

Bulworth, kind of

ID4 for the speech

Air Force One

such a great film.

All the Presidents Men is a good movie even if partially CIA propaganda.

No Way Out is another decent go even if it has that block of wood in it.

But we all know GOAT POTUS movie is National Treasure 2: Book of Shadows

Dave's too comfy.
Pic related is tangentially a US pres movie and pretty good.

Attached: wag the dog.jpg (900x1351, 140K)

2nd for bulworth
The American President
Elvis and Nixon
Absolute Power
Air Force One
The Contender
My Fellow Americans
In the Line of Fire

Basically any movie with Nixon is kino

I'm glad you guys liked the movie. It was based on a book I wrote.

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>Abraham Lincoln (1930)
I hope it's better than the modern Lincoln (2012). I've tried watching the new one multiple times and failed. All I can think is how do so many "bigtime" actors/director make a movie into such a slog. Then I realized, when you need to have so many dumb characters to make your main characters seem smart you are watching something void of creativity. And any phony arguments between obvious allies just have no weight.

It was the second last picture D.W. Griffith directed before retiring from filmmaking. One of the only two talkies he made.

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>Dear God, thank you for giving me what I've been told is a larger-than-average penis

Loved this Flick

The Three Days of the Condor has a better line.

>Joe Turner: Wh- wh- Rough you up? Have I roughed you up?
>Kathy: Yes! What are you doing in my house?

>Joe Turner: Have I? Have I?
>Kathy: Going through all my stuff? Force...

>Joe Turner: Have I raped you?
>Kathy: The night is young.

Attached: condor.jpg (1500x2139, 515K)

the wind and the lion

This is all you need

Attached: west-wing[1].jpg (1024x576, 103K)

The War Room is kino

Attached: The.War.Room.1993.1080p.BluRay.x264-SADPANDA.mkv_snapshot_01.22.55_[2016.10.29_00.58.51].jpg (1440x1080, 236K)

This is the opposite of comfy. It is cringe.