Attached: 43B53974-6CA3-462C-8450-B3712AC89E20.jpg (615x346, 35K)

Copulate the odor

>healthy people die of brain aneurysms in their 20's but this guy lives into his 30's/40's
life is a meme

Fuck off to > with your garbage.

imagine rubbing steel wool all over his legs

Lick his leg clean for 1000 dollar. what madman will do it?

>that one 'ohh muh foot' sprinkled in for good measure

this isnt the worst one
there was an episode of "my strange addiction" where a woman are nothing but cheese and potatoes her entire life
she was something like 40, having never consumed a fruit and aside being morbidly obese she was completely fine

old asian woman smoke 1 pack a day drink every night and she was like 90 or something
how did she swing that fuck

cigs being bad for you are a meme

It's the "I dont wanna get malnourished" episode

>You still eating too much
>Well doc, I've gotta eat something! I don't want to get malnourished
>Mal.... malnourished?!?! You 650 pound of food on you, there no danger of you malnourished!

did he die?

This is what happens when you have an unpaid job.

Attached: 1533083460542.webm (800x450, 1.45M)

Attached: fat monica.webm (400x224, 1.17M)

it isn't funny i shouldn't laugh at this

Attached: 1532528201336.webm (960x960, 2.93M)

Attached: gcwaw7izkzo11.png (584x475, 290K)

Attached: leg.png (619x497, 444K)

Even bart used a rag on a stick like cmon dewd get a rag on a stick dewd

If I smoke continuosly for a month I can't do the stairs

she probably doesn't smoke them down all the way and doesn't drag too hard. she probably just keeps putting them out and lighting more.

Just a taste, James...

There's also the woman addicted to eating her dead husband's ashes who only sought help not because of what she's doing, but because she's afraid of when she eventually runs out of her supply.

Cry more you disgusting lard assed faggot

you shouldn't be having sex with the stairs anyway

Have sex you twiggy little incel freak

>Have sex you twiggy little incel freak

Attached: 1561287561457.jpg (598x687, 75K)

I hate fat people so fucking much when I see a fat person I want to beat his fucking head in, I can't go to Walmart without thinking violent thoughts and wanting to kick them off their scooters and stomp on their fat fucking faces

I hope so, painfully.

get therapy but also i am a little overweight (maybe 25lbs) and want to see people on scooters being stomped

>Cry more you disgusting lard assed faggot

Attached: absolutelyboilingsoi.jpg (320x383, 59K)

>smoking is bad for you
>smokers live until 80 while younger people get cancer and die

>Fuck off to > with your garbage.

Attached: 1561214145313.png (287x425, 124K)

Even sneed used a feed on a seed like cmon chuck get a feed on a seed chuck

I don't know if black/removed teeth and black lungs with a hole drilled in your neck and being unable to walk without wheezing through it counts as living.

Looks like the chargers arm
Looks like a boomer

jesus christ

Attached: 1559751659309.jpg (598x714, 303K)

Would he die if you fed him only water and three salads a day?


Attached: 1427139672701.webm (400x420, 322K)

Aldrich, Devourer of Gods
eat so much that it turns into a pile of evil creature

It would be extremely painful.

He's a big guy.

For food.

Was getting fat part of his plan?

anyone got the cunny/janny webm with Legasov doing a presentation from Chernobyl?

I'd wrap his legs in glass wool.


Attached: Cunnobyl.webm (711x400, 2.78M)

I'm always amazed he can sit like that without snapping

Excuse me, there already is a Big Brother General.
Don't make a thread just because you thinks someone else faps to that "thicc" whale.

thank you, based user

I just hit BMI of 20 and got terrified, so I started working out more. How do you hit 30+ and keep going?