Comfy Friday the 13th thread

What's up, counselors? Post (You)r:
>favorite installment
>favorite Jason
>favorite theme
>favorite kill
>best girl

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Other urls found in this thread:äyhä,

>favorite installment
Tie between the original and Part 3

>favorite Jason
Richard Brooker

>favorite theme
Disco theme from Part 3

>favorite kill
Harpoon through the face in Part 3

>best girl
Adrienne King

>favorite installment
Part 4
>favorite Jason
Not sure about actor, but the design for Jason in Jason Goes to Hell was the best
>favorite theme
Part 4's Love is Lie by Lion
>favorite kill
Liquid nitrogen
>best girl
The qt from the first one

>favorite installment
Part 6

>favorite jason
Uber-Mecha Jason

>favorite theme
don't have one

>favorite kill
crushing nog skull into walnut

>best girl
whores from the reboot in 2009(???)

>favorite installment
part 4 but they're all good
>favorite Jason
part 7
>>favorite theme
part 3 intro song
>favorite kill
corkscrew on crispin or machete to the face on the wheelchair guy
>best girl
chris higgins

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So something thats confused be about the franchise is when Jason was actually a zombie. If he drowned and died, isn't he a zombie in Part 2 then? Why is he actually considered undead in part 6?

The whole thing doesn’t make sense. Supposedly he didn’t drown and just lived in the wild until Ma got beheaded

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>movie: part 2
>Jason: best makeup is part 7, best mannerisms is part 3
>theme: disco theme is awesome
>kill: sleeping bag on sleeping bag or when the chair gets merc'd
>girl: this is complicated

best final: ginny
best tits: nipple placement
most faps: terry
personal favorite: tina

who here "part 6 is a bullshit installment for geeky faggots to feel cool about liking"? it doesnt even feel like a friday the 13th movie.

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It's my least favorite film in the series, easily. I usually skip it when I do a marathon, only once in a while do I rewatch it to see if my opinion has changed. However I hate it more and more with each viewing

wait, you don't like tommy 3.0 constantly shouting "ITS JASHIIIIIN! IM TELLING YOU ITS JASHIN VOORHEEEEESHH" like he's sittin in a boat about to be clipped by Keyser Soze?

>favorite installment
Part 6 Jason Lives
>favorite Jason
Final Chapter Jason
>favorite theme
The Man Behind The Mask
>favorite kill
When the alcoholic grave digger guy throws his empty bottle behind him, Jason catches it, and stabs him with it
>best girl
Kay-Em 14

What I hate most is kids being at the camp. It triggers my autism

I hate Part 5 because it isn't Jason

Part 3 everything

I just rewatched the entire series

This might be the least goriest horror movie franchise ever besides Halloween. Like holy shit most kills cut right before death.

Honestly fuck friday the 13th. Id rather watch a good franchise like Sleepaway camp or The Burning

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I don't get the Part VI hate at all. It's pretty self-aware without shoving it in your face, it's got that awesome Alice Cooper song, arguably the best hockey mask in the franchise, Megan, second best Tommy, and it's a pretty fun watch in general. The only legitimate flaw I can find is the fact that Hollywood censorship was taking over back then, and the kills suffered for it. I mean, come on, that opening scene in the graveyard gets me pumped every time. To me at least, the people complaining about the comedy and zombie Jason are like the people complaining about baby Mario crying in Yoshi's Island.

The Burning isn't a franchise and the only good Sleepaway movie is the first one.

No shit

it's also about a chocolate bar

>favorite installment
Part 3
>favorite Jason
Part 7
>favorite theme
Part 3
>favorite kill
Sheriff getting broken in half in VI
>best girl

I get a boner everytime I see Tina have sex then get killed immediately after in part V.
Is there something wrong with me?

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Just your chimpanzee brain kicking in user

>favorite installment
Friday the 13th: Jason Takes a Boat
>favorite Jason
>favorite theme
>favorite kill
>best girl
Rennie Wickham

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Update on the state of the Friday the 13th Franchise. This news came out a few weeks ago.

The short of this is:

>Sean Cunningham came up with the idea to make a horror movie entitled "Friday the 13th," and market and sell it, because he believed a cheap horror movie with a good title was easy money to be made. Sean then hired Victor Miller, a writer Cunningham commissioned to write the script as a work-for-hire.

>However, Friday the 13th ended up becoming a big franchise with lots of merchandising cash to be had. There was also a law created that allowed creators to forcibly take back their rights after 35 years to something they may have created on the basis that they were conned out of their rights, such as a movie script. Miller realized he may have a winning lottery ticket in the form of this law, and decided to sue and demand the rights to Friday the 13th, saying he was the real owner of the franchise, despite having nothing to do with the sequels or franchise past the script for the first movie, and never created Jason(not the version in the sequels that was a slasher), and never came up with the title of the film.

>A judge rules that even though Miller was hired to write the script that he technically wasn't Sean Cunningham's employee, and strips Sean of the rights to the first film and potentially fucks over any hope of making any future movies, or merchandising.

Sean Cunningham's opening brief for his appeal:

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Larry Zerner, the actor who played Shelly in Friday the 13th part 3, gave his thoughts on Cunningham's appeal. Zerner is himself a lawyer who works in Hollywood specifically representing clients such as Miller who want to sue for their rights to a project they worked on, and seems to therefore be biased in his comments.

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An interview from 2013, which is now suspiciously deleted in which Victor Miller stated that he was in fact "hired" by Sean Cunningham, and therefore was his employee and not an independent contractor like the judge and Larry Zerner are trying to assert.

link to the missing interview, which can no longer be accessed on the blog it originated from:

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Neca toys stating on twitter that Friday the 13th toys are no more, because of Victor Miller's lawsuit.

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Thanks for the update, user! Much appreciated. Last time I checked there was also talk of a found footage Ft13th reboot. Please tell me it's dead.

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Victor Miller made his twitter private after fan backlash to the lawsuit, where everyone more or less called him out as a faggot. The appeals process of his lawsuit will likely last for the next couple years, and I would suspect the ruling by the first judge will inevitably be reversed.

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Part 6
Remake, both in terms of looks and actor
Nothing beats the original main theme
Multi-bed stab followed by back break from Freddy vs. Jason.
>Best girl
Megan Garris.

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>where were you when this based moneygrubber saved millions of fans from subpar F13 shitquels

The found footage idea has been dead for awhile, it was something Warner Bros tried to force on the producers to incorporate into one script that they produced in the years after the 2009 Remake.

"found footage" style movie.

Part of the reason shit was in development hell for the new next F13 was Warner Bros were making retarded demands on what the movie should feature based on marketing ides, such as the found foootage idea, and there was a legal dispute with Paramount, since they owned the title "Friday the 13th" and some rights still with the movies .

>A rights issue between Paramount and Warner Bros. appears to have been the main thing preventing Jason Voorhees from making his triumphant return, though Fuller and Form explain that creative differences got in the way as well: “The studio wanted us to make a found-footage version of that movie, and that was deeply concerning to us because we didn’t think we could execute the movie in the right way if it was a found-footage movie.” Most will likely be relieved to hear that the producers appear to have won that battle.

Since then there were three different scripts that were produced with different directors that at one time or another almost became the next film.

Here's information on the other scripts-

One of the first of these was a script by the same guys who wrote Freddy vs Jason and the 2009 remake. This third film by them was going to be called "The Death of Jason Voorhees." They released 3 pages of the on their twitter to brag about how it was going to be set in the winger, since autists always whine that they want to see Jason in the snow. I suspect this movie didn't happen, because the studio really, really, wanted to make that found footage idea someone in marketing came up with.

Then they had another idea with another director who had a simple vision of just a simple 80's slasher movie, and this version was going to be called Friday the 13th 3D. The script for this project was posted online and can be read in it's entirety. This movie was very close to being shot with locations and actors being chosen, but then for some reason was cancelled last minute:

Then there was the movie that was about to be shot prior to the lawsuit, which was an origin movie that had three different killers, Elias and Pamela Voorhees, and Jason, basically cramming ideas for like three different movies into one script.Some of what's known about the film sounds interesting, but it was a shitty concept in general forcing that much into one movie. People have claimed to read scripts for this one as well, but I haven't come across a copy yet:

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also excuse the typos and shit

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These sequel fanfics are terrible. They need to just give us what the fuck we want: a group of funny and interesting assholes getting offed one by one. The worst part of the remake was its characters (other than based Trent) but it largely executed everything else pretty well. JUST DO THAT AGAIN, but better! I hate this schtick they've gotta shoehorn into each one. I get that all the movies past 4 were pretty much this (Jason in Spaaaaace! Jason vs. Carrie! Funny Jason!) but they need to go back to the fucking retard/baghead-Jason era and give us the basics.

It's not as bad as I remember. Still not amazing.

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>They need to just give us what the fuck we want: a group of funny and interesting assholes getting offed one by one.

They almost gave us that. The project was cancelled last minute and then they started over. The script can be read here:

Watched 1-7 last summer. Watched 8 (Jason takes Manhattan) this week. Holy fucking shit it was bad. Absolute garbage.

My one major gripe with it is the fucking tunnels. I'll admit, the cunning hunter Jason angle is pretty interesting, but they they kinda Lucas'd it up by explaining away the magic with the tunnels and whatnot. But yay Hailey Nichol.

>favorite installment
Part 4
>favorite Jason
Part 6
>favorite theme
>favorite kill
Tree Belt kill from part 5
>best girl
Ginny from part 2

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No worries, my man. Thanks for contributing, and thanks for this in particular:

I know what I'm reading this weekend.

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here's this in case you don't have it

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how do you not burst out laughing at this?

>oh, American education
>they actually don't see how hilarious this is because they don't fully understan anatomy

it's worth watching just for the stupendous tits alone

I was thinking about making a comfy Friday thread earlier today. Based OP making my dreams come true.
>favourite installment
6 followed closely by 2, honestly might be the only film series that I enjoy every installment (at least, only long-running film series)
>favourite Jason
I love his underused design in Jason Goes To Hell but Part 7 is probably gold standard. Tbh I think he always looks good and all the actors do a good job, but Kane Hodder is untouchable.
>favourite theme
In terms of pure score, thee funky disco theme from 3. For songs, Man Behind the Mask from 6.
>Favourite Kill
Almost impossible to say, but having skimmed the thread I don't think anyone has mentioned the chick getting ripped in half mid-cumming in Jason Goes To Hell, so I'll say that.
>Best Girl
I'm quite partial to the redhead from Part 5.

I just realized Amanda Righetti isn't the only The OC veteran in this. Jock Stupendous was the guy Ryan's brother Trey framed at that beach party.

although i fapped to pantiless terry more than any other friday chick, i think the Hell sex scene with the tent sex was the hottest one in the series until nipple placement and trent romped in the remake. it was so erotic.its a fun fap because you gotta get it out before she gets split.

>that bit where she gets on top of him and her tits are hanging really low and her nipples are dragging over him
This part always stood out to me for some reason. And yeah the remake scene is one of the best sex scenes I've probably ever seen in a movie. People always talk about best "love scenes" and talk about them in artistic sense but that scene is kino.

Is Part 3 ia good place to start or should I start with 2? I got spoiled everything about Part 1 already including the best kills so there's no reason for me to watch it.

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>not starting any series with 1 and then watching every movie in it
do people really do this?

Start at the beginning and watch all of them. There's a coupla turds in there like Jason Goes to Hell and Freddy VS, but it's the only way.

I really want to like these movies, but they're pretty bland. Part IV, V, and VI are my favorites.

Jason Lives
Derek Mears
Part 3 theme
Handstand kill from Part 3
Megan from Jason Lives

>he's a hillary supporter

and now it all makes sense


Well, everyone before 1999 started with Episode 4 when watching Star Wars

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I really like this version. Kane Fodder is a bit of a fat fuck and Jason shouldn't look like a WWE wrestler.

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I started with Part 6, then Part 5, Part 4, and Part 7. I rented them all from Blockbuster, and remembered Part 1 being a huge disappointment the first time I rented it, and recall only watching it again on Monstervision or the USA Network. I recall renting 4, 5, 7, and 8 over and over again, and then having my mom buy me Parts 8 and 9 on VHS, then catching Part 3 and 6 on USA Up All Night. Shortly after I was in a Farmer Jack store and saw a copy of 6 on VHS for sale and bought it up with some money my Grandma gave me. I recall also not caring as much for 2 the first time I saw it either, because the series didn't find it's groove til Part 3. The sweet spot in the franchise for me was parts 3-7.


>liking sympathetic VS-Remake Jason

I'll stick to the one that was raping bitches in part 3

>Favorite Installment
Tie between Part 4 and 6
>Favorite Jason
Part 3
>favorite theme
Part 3's bitchin theme
>favorite kill
Punching that guy's head off and into a dumpster
>best girl
Megan Garris

What do my Friday friends think of Part 5? I completely get why people don't like it but I've always had a soft spot for it myself. When I watched it as a kid I liked how it had 3 different sets of tiddies, and a very high body count. There's also something about which is just bonkers that I really like.

Used to hate it when i was a kid, but now it's my third favorite in the series.

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>favorite installment
Part 4: The Final Chapter. In my opinion, the quintessential Friday movie. It has all of those things that make the series great, meshed into one neat package, and even has a nice summary of what happened in the first three movies. I usually tell people to go with part 4 if they can only see one movie.
Part 6 holds the №2 spot for me, with Part 5 coming in after that. A lot of people disliked the Roy angle, but I think a short pause between part 4 and 6 made the latter's resurrection of Jason all the more memorable and impactful.
>favorite Jason
In terms of design, I gotta go with Jason from Jason goes to Hell. Really dig the bloated flesh and how the mask is literally fusing with the face. 2nd place goes to Part 7. Uber Jason gets an honorable mention.
>favorite theme
Darkest Side of the Night from Part 8. Makes me want to marinade myself in cat piss, smoke a nice stogie, and just contemplate on my life.
>favorite kill
Liquid nitrogen head smash from Jason X.
>best girl
Slingshot girl from Part 2. Dat ass.

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Checked and agreed. For me it's the 4th best after 2, 4, and 3.
>it's not really Jason
I get it, I do, but the movie still works as a great F13 entry. It's got all the elements, but, ya know, it's really Roy the whole time.

Well fuck. Glad I got some while they were still being made.

If you find children being brutally murdered "comfy" then you seriously need to seek help.

>Favorite installment
5 for me and contrarians can't even try and deny it's up there in terms of good sequels
>Favorite Jason
Either Mears or Hodder since they actually give a shit about doing something with Jason instead of just putting a costume on and collecting a paycheck
>Favorite theme
The song that the dancing qt from part 5 is dancing to
>Favorite kill
The punch decapitation or the liquid nitrogen kill
>Best girl
The girl in part 7 that loses her glasses and gets sickled by Jason

Does anyone else think Jason goes to hell gets too much hate?

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based anons of taste
Absolutely. Like Part 5, I do get why people don't like it, but I love it because it's just so fucking crazy. I think it's genuinely entertaining and has some great gore (like that dude melting). Also the hero guy who fights Jason at the end is one of the based characters in the whole series.

I hated it for years but then it finally grew on me. It's really unique for a Friday movie.
I heard there were talks about an ultimate edition with the uncut gore, but I don't know if we'll see it come to fruition.
Part 7 in particular got massacred by the MPAA. So much good content erased from the final product.

Hell probably has the best gore. It was in the early 90s where the MPAA learned how to relax on clipping the gore wings so goddamn much and KNB knocked it out of the park. Also the characters in both 5 and Hell are entertaining! This is what 6, and FvJ, and the remake (besides Trent), and X to a degree, and even 1 to a degree don't do as well as the rest.

What about the Roy Burns they were heavily implying they were gonna start production on?

Steve is a very underrated horror hero

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>favourite movie
Part 2. Creepiest one for lil old me.
>favorite Jason
Parts 2 and 4
>favorite theme
Either Sail Away Tiny Sparrow, that intro track from part 6 that uses the Dies Irae while Jason does the James Bond intro, or In His Eyes from part 5
>favorite kill
Frozen face kill from Jason X I'm sorry it's just too cool
>best girl
Alice from part 1. Qt supreme

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I always thought the tent sex girl looked like AJ Langer. Also I just found out she has a kid with Bryan Singer and was the sketch artist in The Usual Suspects. Neato.

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Yeah, I feel like both films have a lot of non horror or no sex scenes that are pretty memorable.
>I mean 5 has
>those guys in the car
>the waitress' bf doing cocaine
>eddie pranking tommy with the mask
>the old lady who keeps swearing and her retard son
>the guy who shows up and offers to clean her chicken coop
>reggie's brother being called demon
>demon on the shitter and his gf singing to him
>the awkward kid telling the hot girl he wants to sleep with her and she laughs in his face
>violet dancing
>reggie running over roy with a tractor
>the completely batshit twist ending
And Hell has
>creighton duke in general
>his quote about the girl with the donut
>when he comes onto diane and says she wants a taste of the duke
>the part where he breaks stephen's fingers in return for information on Jason
>when he breaks out of jail
>those crazy people at the diner
>the coroner's assistant saying he wants to take a shit on Jason's face
>jason shaving that guy before he possesses him
>stephen's whole relationship with the cop
>all of the horror references in the voorhees house
>stephen beating the shit out of jason at the end
>freddy fucking krueger

Honestly I think that's why I love the series as a whole; the "filler" parts in between the "killer" parts are just as entertaining.

I love Tommy Jarvis as much as the next guy but Stephen might be my favourite protagonist in the series.

I have doubts it would have been amazing if they didn't get their budget slashed before production began but it would have been awesome compared to being on a boring ass boat for an hour

Exactly this. The rewatchability of these movies lives and dies by the shit in between the combined 5 minutes of murder each has. This is why the remake felt kind of flat IMO, nobody (but Trent) was interesting.

I wish the director was given free reign with his ridiculous lore he wanted to implement
he wanted Jason to be a deadite but got vetoed, they let him put the Evil Dead props in the house as an Easter egg though

>fav installment
7 desu. I love the psychic aspect of it
>fav Jason
Also 7. Badass zombie.
>fav theme
Metropolis’ “The Darkest Side Of The Night” from part 8. That song made me a fan of the band, though I wish they had more than one album.
>favorite kill
Decapitation by punch
>best girl
Tina from part 5

I thought the remake was OK, and yeah I agree it comes down the characters. They're a bit *too* cookie cutter and archetypal in that one I feel. Personally I like them a bit better than the cast of FVJ (the remake characters are bland whereas I find the FVJ characters actively annoying). And we definitely agree Trent was based.
>that time he was in Transformers

At this point, hating Part 6 is more of a meme than people liking it.

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calling not liking part 6 a meme wont make me like it anymore, friend

What did you think about this one?
For anyone who hasn't seen it yet:

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Looks like a tranny john stockwell. Can't unsee

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Well, thanks for ruining best girl for me. Good thing I have a substitute.

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Really the only moment in the movie that outright pissed me off, is when Jessica's mom is killed, and then Jessica shows up and her mom's blood is being scrubbed off the floor, and she immediately forgets about it and introduces her new boyfriend, as if she doesn't give two shits about her mom's death. The reason she acts that way was that they re-edited the movie and butchered some things that weren't in the initial shot version that test audiences hated. They also cut out a bunch of boring story shit, so the end result was Jessica seeming like she didn't care about her mom's sudden murder 5 seconds later.

>favorite installment
Part 3-D
>favorite Jason
Richard Brooker
>favorite theme
Part 3-D by Hot Ice. I own the original 12"
>favorite kill
Jason chopping the handstand dude with an axe from 3-D
>best girl
Pic related Vera Sanchez

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One of the few characters I felt genuinely bad about dying. The wheelchair guy takes the cake.

the spinal was the biggest chad in the series. guy's dick probably doesn't even work and here he is appreciating the vaporwave aesthetic of the rainstorm when jason sneakily kills his ass, likely because jason wasn't sure he could 1v1 him without the surprise kill

I don't care if you like it, I'm just saying that people in these threads act like not liking Part 6 is some hot take or unique opinion when it gets shared all the time.

its only bc its the most divisive one and we like to argue.

Biggest chad for me was this guy. I don't know if he expected to do anything at all, but props for at least trying.
Best male character will always be Tommy tho.

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Sleepaway Camp 2 is pretty good to be honest, though the rest suck.

Interesting to see so much Part 3 love here. Along with Part 7 I've always found it the hardest to figure out where people rate it. We all know that the general consensus among fans is that 6 and 4 at least are favourites, 5, 8 and 9 aren't well regarded etc. But I've heard a wide range of opinions on 3, there's as many people who hate it as much as there that love it. Any other anons have any thoughts on this?
(Also I'm not actually knocking your love for Part 3 I'm just trying to inspire discussion. Vera is top tier)

For me Part 3 would be the quintessential Friday movie if 4 didn't exist. I don't consider it the best in the series, but it's a solid entry. The 3D gimmick was cool and the hockey mask had it's debut.

rapist jason is jasons most underrated form. chris is a cutie but kind of a wet blanket. only shelley and vera have any kind of decent subplot. everyones very whiny, even the "gang". i still rank it up there with 2, 4, and 5. the OG movies are some good horror, after that it gets silly. for me, 7 is the real underdog though, so fucking butchered. tinas a cute, it has great makeup, and bernie is a better version of the sniveling uncle from part 8. still, the other characters blow so i dont know how to easily rank it.

The plot twist is shit but it's such a trashy fucking movie with literal retards getting killed off it's unironically great. I love the explosive violent scenes that just erupt out of nowhere like the punk dude killing fat boy with the axe or tommy going apeshit on that one dude was based.

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If Part 7 had it's kills intact, it would rank way higher for me. Once I learned how much the MPAA butchered it, I just couldn't unsee the lost potential.

I struggle to think of many other films so badly fucked over by censorship as 7. It really is a damn shame. And like what this user said I've always felt that fans would rate it a lot better if it hadn't been so heavily edited. That being said I've a huge soft spot for it myself, I really dig the psychic angle and the whole final battle is just fun as fuck.
As for 3, I like it but don't love it. It's got some great moments though.

Do you guys actually watch these to be spooked or just for tits and to see Jason fuck up counselors?

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I watch them to self insert as Jason
I only have the bullied retard part not the cool menacing killer part

>to see Jason fuck up counselors
Pretty much this, but it's most satisfying when they take the time to properly establish the characters that are getting killed.
Titties are nice, but it's eye-candy at the end of the day. In terms of scary factor, it's on the same level as most of 80's horror. Not anything groundbreaking or particularly horrifying.

Just wear a hockey mask and wear a machete with some gloves so nobody can recognize you.
Wear a cape and a fedora too for ultra cool factor, it also causes women to get soaking pussies

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>the whole final battle is just fun as fuck
I remember a lot of faggots seething because jason was getting his ass beat by a girl. Lar Park Lincoln was a cute tho, I didn't give a fuck.

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Bitch I'm 5'5 no amount of hockey masks will make me look cool

Deadliest sniper in the world was shorter than you kekäyhä


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Nice nudity, but the kills are too tame and I find most of the characters really obnoxious.

Just wait til the kid finds out about the allegations against his dad. Yeesh.

Creighton Duke was based as fuck.

He survived the initial drowning and fucked off into the wild for a couple decades. He was killed by Tommy in Part 4. From Part 6 onwards he's a zombie.

>favorite installment
Either Part 3 or Part 6.

>favorite Jason
Definitely Richard Brooker. He was built like a brick shithouse.

>favorite theme
The Man Behind the Mask. How is this even a question?

>favorite kill
The one in Part 2 where Jason pops out of the bed and kills the bitch who was about to fuck the cripple. That shot of him sitting up in bed still gets my heart rate up to this day.

>best girl
Either Chris from Part 3 or the blonde from Part 6.

>Almost drown due to neglect (or if that one scene in Freddy vs Jason means anything, attempted murder)
>Crawl out and run away out of fear, presumably waiting for your mom to find you
>Mom never finds you
>Spend 22 years in complete isolation
>Finally see your mom again
>She's killed before you can talk to her
Jason's life was shit

The real question is, what was that niggas lifting routine?

And he probably looked goofy as fuck

There are normies that get legitimately freaked out by prankers doing this despite Jason's character design arguably being one of the most recognizable in cinema. He'll be fine.

Didn't his mom use the Necronomicon as implied in part 9?

This guy, who is also one of the most decorated men in history was 5'5. I would hardly consider him goofy looking.

In the novelization to Part 2 it says he's a reanimated zombie. That his dead body was at the bottom of the lake and when his mother died, his corpse reanimated and hunted down Alice for killing his mom, and then proceeded to haunt the campground where he and his mother died. This differs from the film which tosses around the possibility that he never drowned which was why his body was never found, and instead was lost in the woods all those years.

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That's a really interesting pick for favourite kill, user. I just looked it up on Youtube and, yeah, it is actually pretty damn good.
>creepy sackhead Jason sitting bolt upright
>instantly slashes her leg so she can't get away
>her bloodcurdling scream
>that shot of Jason as the door closes and he stands up
>the way she's begging for mercy as he sadistically walks towards her
>that look of pure terror on her face right before she dies as she struggles to process everything that's happening
Thank you for inspiring me to revisit this scene user. I never appreciated how good (or downright unsettling) it was before (and I consider 2 one of my favourite entries).
She's also qt as fuck.

I always thought it was better to keep that a mystery desu. Same with Michael.

That was just a throw away gag. The crate from Creepshow was also in the basement of the Voorhees house. The house was also being dressed up for the news segment in the plot of the movie, so you can really make up whatever assumption you want for it.

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I wish they revisited Roy at some point or at least referenced him.
He was a pretty neat foil/successor to Jason:
>Jason's a son who was traumatized by the death of his parent, Roy's a parent who was traumatized by the death of his son
>Roy's mask has blue markings, Jason's has red
>Both were killed by Tommy
>Both died from being stabbed with a sharp object; Jason was stabbed in the head with his machete, Roy was impaled by a harrow
>Both went from minor characters to killers; Jason started as a kid who died in the first movie's backstory and only debuted in the second movie, while Roy only had one scene before becoming a killer

Personally I think it had a delayed reaction since he wasn't actually dead at the time. The spell was probably activated after his real death by the lightning bolt.
Also, if it had worked the first time, Pamela wouldn't have felt the need to get revenge and he'd have revived as a child, when he's clearly an adult in Part 2. And in Parts 2-4 he's capable of feeling pain and being incapacitated (briefly) by injuries, while Part 6+ Jason isn't.

Fuck Roy for killing this angel

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I still think he's been alive from before 1 until 4 but shit doesn't add up
>takes an axe to the head
>wakes up like nothing

Yeah. The actress (who's absolutely a fucking cutie) did a great job conveying genuine terror in that scene. It's also the first real look we get at adult Jason. A lot of the other kills in the series are much more creative or entertaining, but that one's definitely one of the few that really puts you on the edge of your seat for how straightforward it is.

>tfw friday will be the 13th in september
>tfw no jason kino announced
Miller you sack of piss

I'm pretty bummed about it, man. They're really missing out on cashing in on the 80's nostalgia over this shit. They should just go back to working together at this point. It's really the only way they're gonna make some real cash off of the franchise at this point.

I'd say Part 2 was probably the scariest of the bunch. Set an unnerving tone from the beginning with the icepick kill.

Blumhouse really wants to do one

Last I heard, LeBron James wanted to produce a feature, but again, it's all in Miller's court at this point.
What's baffling to me is how much Miller cares to have the rights to the franchise and keep em in a safe, instead of giving the people what they want. He's 79 years old too. Why bother with going through the trouble at this point. He might die tomorrow.

he had retard powers

The hack didn’t even create the iconic Jason. The only Jason he’s involved with is some kid that drowned. Cunningham is is the one that added the end jump scare of him coming out of the water

Yeah, Victor Miller's just needlessly being a fucking cunt at this point. Why fight for the rights to Jason if he doesn't even like the character or want to use him in any future movies he likely wouldn't end up making?

I completely agree. 6 is probably my personal favourite overall, but 2 is the one I've always considered the actual scariest one. It's got well-placed jumps, baghead Jason, and is generally just dripping with atmosphere. I feel it's almost a perfect sequel because it feels very similar to the original and yet builds and improves upon it in some ways.

Anyway I'm going to bed, this has been one of the best Yea Forums threads I've been in for a while. Stay spooky bros.

Not to mention, Cunningham's been carrying the franchise on his back for however many years now, while Miller doesn't even like the idea of adult Jason in the first place. It's really ironic.
At the end of the day, it's all business for Miller. He saw the opportunity for a potential paycheck and he seized it. Fuck the fans amirite.

Sleep tight kid

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Capitalism is beautiful, isn't it guys?


I remember reading way back in the day that JGtH was a retooling of an existing horror script that New Line had laying around prior to acquiring the rights to Jason. That would explain a lot.

>6-it has the best atmosphere, the best woods n' such
>6, especially the music in the beginning after Jason comes back
>when Jason got killed again at the end of 6
>the sheriff's daughter, she's funny, logical (shocking for a woman)even get to see her camel toe

Blame your retarded rating system.

The burning is has also the most poorly edited finale of all time. Thank you Harvey Weinstein

Has anyone seen Madman? Heard it was a pretty good Friday knockoff.

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The reason why Miller even brought the lawsuit was because he found out he stood a chance to get millions of dollars if he played dumb and pretended like he was always under the impression that he created Friday the 13th and sold it to Sean. But that wasn't the case at all. Sean came up with the idea to make a horror movie and call it Friday the 13th, then he went about getting financial backers, and even hiring actors before a script was written. Then he hired Miller to write the movie to his specifications, including writing the script around the fact that they only had Betsy Palmer for 5 days. So, Miller wrote the now famous POV shots to get around this limitation, per Sean's specifications for the script. Sean then directed the movie and even added scenes that were n't in the script.

Miller hopes he'll either get half of everything or a giant cash pay-out. Cunningham however is refusing to be extorted and is appealing the judge's decision in the matter, repeatedly emphasizing how Miller was a hired employee doing a work-for-hire gig and not some writer that he just simply bought an already written script from.

Wish there was a "popular" court ruling, like there is a "popular" Oscar category. It would really come in handy with cases such as this, when the general audience heavily sides with one of the persons involved.
Unfortunately, law is above everything.

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Unfortunately, most people don't realize the extent of Cunningham's work on the first film and how much of Miller's stuff was changed. Most people just say "Let's side with the writer, he was the creator", without any regard for the fact that the movie was in production before Miller was hired to write the script. If he had owned the script to begin with it'd be a different story, but people are fucking stupid and will side with him regardless just because he's the writer.

Miller even admirers he went and saw Halloween and aped it

>If he had owned the script to begin with it'd be a different story
Basically the judge in the first hearing ruled essentially that he had, which was untrue. Larry Zerner suggests that to be the case as well, referring to Miller as an "independent contractor." I think Zerner's assessment is wrong though, because he's biased as a lawyer who argues such cases for a living, and therefore sides with Miller. I think the judge is also wrong and applied the law incorrectly and an appeals judge will probably overturn it, because such a simple case, and Miller has stated in past interviews that he was "hired" and created the script based on Sean's specifications

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Would you guys watch a Jason vs Leatherface movie?

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Fucking A

Yes, and it's bizarre a film version was never made.

Based Thicc Jason poster

>Prank videos
What kind of fucking retard thinks this?

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Warms the subcockles of my heart to see this thread still alive.

I like the head canon of the poster above who said the necronomicon spell didn't take until the lightning bolt turned him into frankenretard-Jason. Everyone knows you need a lightning bolt to finish the spell, the bitch was a fucking amateur.

I don't have a problem with comedy in F13, I just don't think the comedy in Part 6 is very good. I also don't like how it's structured. I want to see hapless counselors killed off not the adventures of some autismo and his manic pixie dream girl.

Why Ft13 lore so awesome guys? If there ever is another movie I hope it's not a reboot and just a continuation.

I grew to like Jason more in 6 especially because he didn't hurt the loli or any of the other camp kids.

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Yes it's very underappreciated and one of my favorites

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Thoughts on Hatchet? Entertaining, but each installment dips in quality

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Only ever saw the first one and was entertained by it as a throwback to slahsers. Always wanted to see the sequels but never got around to it

Was that the dude's name? Max Resdefault? Haha, how retarded.

These two movies are pretty solid throwback slashers

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The second one was significantly better. Loved everything about it.

How hard would it be to get a crossover movie with Jason, Freddy, Chucky, and Myers? I feel like I'm missing someone from that list...

Ranking slasher franchises

Halloween > Texas > Friday > Scream > Nightmare > Chucky

>ranking overall quality of franchise as a whole
Scream > Friday > Nightmare > Halloween > TCM > Chucky
>best film by franchise
Halloween > Scream > Texas Chainsaw Massacre > Nightmare on Elm Street >Friday the 13th > Child's Play

Different companies own the killers, so I imagine it'd be impossible. You're also missing Leatherface.

So is Jason a zombie, Freddy a demon, Myers a revenent and Chucky a Golem?

Let me stop you there. Don't include Halloween with these B-lister horror chumps. Halloween is an actually good movie.

>Scream series that high
2 to 4 were varying degrees of shite.

Leatherface isn't really in their league. I mean, he'd probably fuck up Chucky but the only reason he makes it in is because he has the Voodoo magic bullshit.

myers is more like a possessed by witchcraft guy whatever thats called.

ANOES is a phenomenal movie and i dont even care for that series.

Granted I'm not a Halloween fan, but are you sure he's tied to witchcraft?

well if you buy into all that Thorn shit they cut out of 6, he's some kind of possessed guy because of that cult. otherwise, he's just some brooding psychopath.

I'd say that 3 was the only real weak link in the Scream series. 2 lived up to the original, and 4 was only unpopular because most horror movie fans hate remakes and it tries to pull every remake trope it can into it. It did it's job pretty well though.

i watched all 4 last year. 2 is shit, was always shit. yeah, it has its moments, but its bad. 3 is godawful and even that has its moments. 4 is a lot worse than i remembered.

1 >>> 2 > 4 >>> 3

Meh. Guess we disagree. Still, I place it highest because in my opinion it's the most consistently solid of the franchises there.

iirc Michael is just magically super strong and nearly immortal.
John Carpenter confirmed that he's not really human at this point.

Also, Jason's a magically-empowered zombie, Freddy's a demonically-empowered ghost, and Chucky's a magically-empowered ghost.

I'd still take Jason over him in a fight

Jason would fucking trounce Michael. Even if Michael got enough lucky shots in to defeat Jason's body, which is highly unlikely, Jason's demon heart could jump right into some other asshole and continue fucking up Michael's shit. Michael never rezzed, he's weak.

Hatcher always felt too try-hard for me. Victor was almost completely unstoppable and the kills were so brutal, none of them stood out much individually. Plus, no stealth/stalking, just kill, kill, kill.
Don’t get me wrong, I like them. But they’re not my favorite slasher franchise.

>Jason's demon heart could jump right into some other asshole
That's not canon. He can't really do that, but I agree that Jason is stronger and scarier.

>not canon
But that's the whole plot of Hell, which is part of the series. Please explain.

Here's a copypasta i made around Halloween, the famous slasher/movie killers rankings

>Jason: 161 Kills
F13 Part 2: 10
F13 Part 3: 12
F13 The Final Chapter: 13
F13 Part 6 Jason Lives: 18
F13 Part 7: New Blood: 15
F13 Part 8: Jason Takes Manhattan: 18
Jason Goes to Hell: 22
Jason X: 21
Freddy vs Jason: 19
F13 2009: 13

Michael Meyers: 82 Kills
Halloween: 5
Halloween 2: 9
Halloween 4: 15
Halloween 5: 12
Curse of Michael Meyers: 17
H20: 6
Halloween 2018: 18

>Freddy Krueger: 45 kills
ANoES: 4
ANoES 2 Freddy's Revenge: 11
ANoES 3: Dream Warriors: 6
ANoES4: Dream Master: 6
ANoES5: Dream Child: 3
Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare: 4
Wes Craven's New Nightmare: 4
Freddy vs Jason: 1 (surprisingly)
ANoES 2010: 6

>Chucky: 44
CP: 5
CP 2: 7
CP 3: 6
Bride of Chucky: 7 (Chucky only)
Seed of Chucky: 6 (Chucky only)
Curse of Chucky: 6
Cult of Chucky: 7

>Pinhead: 32
Hellraiser: 1
Hellraiser 2: 0 (surprisingly)
Hellraiser 3: 16
Bloodline: 3
Hellseeker: 1
Deader: 8
Revelations: 3

Note: secondary versions of the character or those not by the character (i.e. Jason's mom, 201 Chucky A.I, etc) are not included

>Please explain.
New Line Cinema made their own Episode I: The Phantom Menace-everyone thought Jason Goes to Hell was great when it came out, but then not long after when we had time to think on it, the film was one of the worst, but not THE worst, which is part 8. To "reveal" such an over-the-top power at such a late stage of the game is silly, and believe me, everyone was laughing at the film in the theater, but the action kept people happy, plus the scene of Jason getting FBI'd was cathartic. Having said all that, it's just not a Friday the 13th film legally, or cinematically.

What about leatherface?

Oh yeah forgot him:

TCM: 4
TCM 2: 2
TCM 3: 3
TCM Next Gen: 1
TCM 2003: 6
TCM The Beginning: 6
TCM 3D: 3
Leatherface: 2

27 total

technically (ackshtuoolie *pushes up glasses*) jason led to the death of all those folks on Fort Ticonderoga or whatever the space station was called in X.

I still like Hatchet since its one of the few modern slasher movies with a monstrous deformed killer. Not a big fan of some regular guy being a killer.

give me a hulking, criminally insane retard any day.

MY GOD that body was wonderful. What a boobs. What a boobs.

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It's so sad that they had to cut out where he really stabbed her thanks to the fucking FCC.

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I watched the original a while ago and was pleasantly surprised, it was nice to watch a movie with no black people in it for a change. The whole scene where Marcie describes her dream was really surprising too, especially for a movie on such a relatively low and tight budget.

They got her poor vagina? :(

Did she deserve it?

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we never did find out if she had a sister

>r thanks to the fucking FCC.

>favorite installment
Part 6
>favorite Jason
tie between his design in 7 and Goes to Hell
>favorite theme
never thought about it
>favorite kill
punching the black kid's head off in 8
>best girl
Vera, the girl who gets a harpoon through the eye in 3

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He originally stabbed her character right in the pussy.

>favorite installment
Part 3
>favorite Jason
Richard Brooker
>favorite theme
He's Back (The Man Behind the Mask)
>favorite kill
Frozen head smash from Jason X
>best girl
Chris Higgins

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>favorite installment
Part VI

>favorite Jason
Part VII. Always loved that exposed spinal column.

>favorite theme
The Man Behind the Mask. Also like the Darkest Side of the Night

>favorite kill
A tie between tent kill in JGTH and the double impalement in Part II Based Bava

>best girl
Tina and her fantastic milkers from Part V

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No, but yeah.


Absolutely. Best death in the series.

All fat people deserve to die

Bump so I can chug this steel reserve, read the thread and go back to sleep

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2 kicks off the whole Jason thing and 3 solidifies it, 3 is my favorite and I think the most complete Friday movie. But yea kind of a dumb question user, just throw one on and get through it, you might wind up liking it. Main girl in that one is the best also and Kevin Bacon is in it

This is easily the worst looking Jason of the series. Looks like a really expensive Halloween costume

Part 3 is my favorite

technically jason destroys an ENTIRE SPACE STATION in jason x

>this thread is still kicking
Beyond based. Anyway, I just stumbled up on this thing, directed by Debi Sue Voorhees (Tina from New Beginning). Has potential.

For me...

> great

Jason Goes to Hell
> great

> near great (only thing holding it back is Tommy being a non character)

P2 = P3 = P4 = 09
> very good

> very good(why it's not higher: the cast is mostly really unlikable, the kills are notably censored and the ending with the dad coming back was iffy, he should have been a lot more decayed then he was)

Freddy vs Jasom
> good

Jason X
> good

> decent

> poor

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That's not the case. They shot a different movie in which Jason was not the killer initially, and his previously never heard from before brother, Elias is the killer. Elias eats Jason's heard and then the movie revolves around Jason's evil passing from person to person possessing people. Adam Marcus the original writer, claims that he wrote the idea, because Sean Cunningham didn't care for the Jason character or the hockey mask, and asked him to get rid of the mask. Cunningham however disputes that and says Marcus was a young director who thought he was going to reinvent the wheel.

Anyway, when they showed the movie to test audiences, the audience hated it and said there was no camping scene or Jason. So then they did extensive re-shoots and re-writes, never publicly admitting that they completely wrote Jason out of the movie in the first cut of the movie. In re-shoots they added the ending with Jason resurrecting, but New Line wouldn't finish paying for all their ideas, such as the demon baby growing bigger, or the stop motion effects for when Jason is pulled down into hell. One of the writers later said that they were surprised after the re-shoots that the movie made any sense. Sean Cunningham himself even took over as director in the final days, stating some of the scenes Adam Marcus turned in were too artsy and film school like. Also the main actress refused to work with Marcus anymore.

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>favorite Jason makeup...
Part 7 & Hell (for the head around the mask)
>favorite Jason outfit/design
Hard to say. I like a bunch of different elements, the chain around neck & exposed spine from 7 but also like him having a coat like 2009. When he is human I really like him to have a overly thick neck and hunchback like he had in 3 but lost in 4.
>favorite theme
3 especially this -
>favorite kill
>best girl
>>> Tina (5) > Pam (5) = Trish (4) > Megan (6) > Paula (6)

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Slimy decayed Jason in part 8 with that new mask was like a homeless guy wearing a crisp new pair of Jordans.

The Burning is really overrated.
Weak killer make up, severely unlikable characters, sex scenes are bleak and unsexy.
Only thing it has going for it is the raft massacre.

I would put The Final Terror, My Bloody Valentine, The Prowler, Humongous, Just Before Dawn, Madman, The Slayer, Superstition, Hell Night, Happy Hell Night, Night School & The Mutilator well ahead of it.

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Anyone ever notice the similarities between Jason Goes to Hell and the Stephen King novel Desperation? The idea of an evil spirit that leaps from host to host, with whatever vessel it is inhabiting quickly deteriorating due to the evil force. The first victim of said possession in both is a big black guy too. Jason Goes to Hell came out in 93 so I'm pretty sure King saw it and used the idea for his own novel (came out in 96).

Part 7. Feels the most unique without straying too far from Jason as a character.
Part 7. Best make up hands down. Part 4 is a solid contender.
It's more of a humour aspect, but X when he kills the counselors in the sleeping bag against the tree.
Tina and Christina

My favourite is obviously VII, though I genuinely love the series as a whole. I think the only one I have an issue with, and it's not even that bad is Jason Goes to Hell. It just reminds me too much of Freddy's Dead; both were really weak entries, personally.

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Basically a first time Director in his early 20's who was inspired by all the up and coming indie directors of the early 90's, such as Tarantino was allowed to write and direct Jason Goes to Hell, adding all sorts of unnecessary lore and background, and writing lots of scenes of just people talking that ended up mostly on the cutting room floor, wanting to make a 2 1/2 hr horror movie. His early drafts of the story were in addition very edgy and typical of someone who was in their early 20's to write, featuring scenes like Jason as a child having sex with his mother. He did though manage to film the homoerotic shaving scene.

The only reason Adam Marcus even got the job was because he knew Sean Cunningham's family growing up, and had managed to sell a script once.

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Jason's footsteps making sound was a pretty kino idea. The shot where he comes out of the water and cracks the guy's head open was great.
Overall, a solid fan flick.

best place to download this?

Just google "YouTube video downloader" and paste the link.

Damn just woke up and missed this thread fuck!!

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Part VII is one of the few movies I would like to see remade. Obviously if done as a mainstream Hollywood thing now days it would be awful, but I mean in an ideal world I would love to see that movie redone with a higher budget, more competent direction, and less censorship. I really liked the idea of a supernatural, unstoppable killer going up against a girl with burgeoning psychic powers, reminded me of Scanners, but they clearly could only do so much with what they had to work with.

That's a pretty sick set up.
>mfw no more jason merch
Fuck you Miller.

I would love that too, but I think they would ruin the aesthetic nature of the film. It had a really unique premise for a Jason film, unfortunately they butchered the release by censoring it to hell and back. Even with all the issues it has it still is a solid slasher film. Could have been better, but I'm fine with the current release. The deleted scenes they released were a nice bonus.

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Hottest girls?

I'm sad the Friday the 13th franchise is dead now...

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at least good music is being made about the franchise

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Really? I'm fucking relieved. Let's face it, there's no way a current year Friday film would be any good.
>final girl is the emotionless stronk independent wamen type whom everyone loves for no reason and who can easily beat Jason because girl powah just like Brie Larson
>Jason is a fuck you to the fanbase just like Kylo Ren and is given an incel white supremacist background
>the score is a revolting pop cover/remix loop of the original theme by Miley Cyrus, Beyonce, Nicki Minaj and Ariana Grande
>the cast is so diverse that there's not a single white dude in sight, or if there is, he's le toxic white male
>there's no body count because there's no white dudes to kill and we can't kill brown people
>the whole movie is a metaphor for muh collapsing democracy and how Trump is Hitler and the state should provide free abortions and hrt for everyone
No thanks.

I see your comfy pop tune and raise you one surprisingly good rap song.

also no female nudity just dicks

My stance on it...
> Most mature well acted cast of the franchise.
> Solid final girl.
> Duke is cool & mysterious.
> Great Jason make up & stature, he is imposing as fuck.
> Best gore of the series.
> 2nd best sex scene of the series.
> Great opening.
> Great finale.
> Great diner shootout.
> Solid score.

> Duke is underused.
> Jason's outfit is generic.
> The claws that drag Jason to hell look kinda cheap.
> Not enough Jason.
> Jason looking exactly like he did when he was killed after being resurrected through Diana's body is weird.
> Weird shaving scene.

What I would have done different within reason...
> Never have Diana's body be moved to the Voorhees house. Have the morgue be built into the police station and so when CampbellJason attacks the police station he resurrects himself there and so the whole diner massacre sequence has him in his traditional Jason body.

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>7.2 million views

Would you date jason?

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1 other flaw with 7 is the cast is all entirely unlikable besides Tina.


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Decently good slasher. Killer is very meh, however the film is fairly more stylish then the typical Friday 13th rip off. Very good use of lighting & shadow.
Gaylan Ross from the original Dawn of the Dead is a good final girl, sexy despite a odd looking face, gets naked.
Score is very unremarkable.
Kills are good, 1 really brutal hanging is kinda hard to watch with the victim struggling & skin turning purple

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>favorite installment
remake or part 2

>favorite jason
remake Jason or part 2 farmer boy Jason

>favorite theme
not sure, the original ki ki ki ma ma ma is always great

>favorite kill
I like the sleeping bag over the camp fire in the remake and the machete to the face then fall down the stairs in part 2

>best girl
the best waifu of the entire franchise is pre zombie/not zombified Jason

You will actually hurt your brain trying to make sense of it. Most of the sequels had different writers that didn't really care about the series. A lot of these slasher films are used as vehicles for studios to test new directors to see if they can make something good.

1 = very good
2 = great
3 = very good
4 = great

Myers took comparable damage to Jason and never died. See him getting blasted at the end of 4 and he doesn't fall down until over a dozen shotgun blast (the first shot was a slug, you see it blast through his body and hit the ground behind)

And unlike most versions of Jason (besides jx were he has outright wolverine healing) Myers body isn't decaying.

tard strength

It would have to be pinhead. There was actually a script for Freddy vs. Jason vs. Pinhead.

But Nightmare as a franchise is done unless they find a replacement for Englund

it's never made sense that he's not a zombie in part four. he's fucking dead at the end of three no matter what people say.

jason's got cake

>strong, silent type

>"I think he was a mechanic or a mime or something."

why is Jason a cannabis farmer in the remake?

>What do my Friday friends think of Part 5? I completely get why people don't like it but I've always had a soft spot for it myself. When I watched it as a kid I liked how it had 3 different sets of tiddies, and a very high body count. There's also something about which is just bonkers that I really like.

Part 5 has three problems.

1: John Shepard, who plays Tommy Jarvis, thinks that "internal acting" means being a blank faced dead eyed zero charisma non-entity. Thom Mathhews (who was in Return of the Living Dead) was superior.

2: The annoying little fucking nigger who screams like a chimp and wears that fucking red jumpsuit.

3: The studio hired a sleazy Director, Danny Steinmann, who had made both porn (High Rise) and exploitation (Savages Street) who was perfect for the movie and then cut its balls off by editing out most of the nudity and gore.

Other than that it's the last F13th movie that has that low-fi grubby feel that was lost in part 6 which, as much I like it, feels too slick for a F13th flick!!!FACT!!!

Same expression my wife had when I first gave her anal!!!FACT!!!

The original actor as Jason in F13th 6 was Dan Bradley who was fired because he was too "plump" for the part which was then given to C.J. Graham. Bradley went on to work as a stunt coordinator and second unit film director. He has worked on Independence Day, Spider-Man 2, Spider-Man 3, The Bourne Supremacy, The Bourne Ultimatum, Superman Returns, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, Where The Wild Things Are, Quantum of Solace, and recently, Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol!!!FACT!!!

>I grew to like Jason more in 6 especially because he didn't hurt the loli or any of the other camp kids.

Yeah, it gave him "some" integrity!!!FACT!!!

>no car
I think Jason just put her out of her misery. It was a mercy-killing.

Attached: 140403150919-restricted-01-jack-kevorkian-death-machine-0403-story-top.jpg (640x360, 58K)

get in here

Jason is an unsung hero

>favorite installment
Freddy Vs Jason
>favorite Jason
The Jason dummy at the bottom of Crystal Lake, MN
>favorite theme
Don;t have one
>favorite kill
Beating a holodeck girl to death with another holodeck girl in a sleeping bag in Freddy Vs Jason
>best girl
The dead ones.


Sorry, meant Jason X. Don't hate, it's nearly 1am where I am and I've been pounding Stroh all day.

bump this shit bois!!!!!!!!

Heh, sorry kid but any mistake means I can bully you.
Repent for 300 days and I'll consider sparing your life.