
Fuck the normies. Fuck the race wars. Fuck the american politics. Fuck the twitter threads. Fuck capeshit and blockbusters in general.

Yea Forums is no longer an "accesible board". We discuss feed and seed in here. We talk about the seedmaking process,abour our favourite feeds and the history of the medium. We post about our own experiences in the industry. We post our scripts and ask for help to get better at writting.

Attached: psychiarticcenter.jpg (350x263, 28K)




I've spent my childhood picking up corn in a wheat field
Wanna know more about it?

Have sex

dilates and die
formerly male


Attached: moe.jpg (262x234, 14K)

Attached: e92.png (640x720, 591K)

Sneeds feed and seed formerly chucks

spongebobs speed and Zs d

Attached: sneed center.jpg (350x263, 66K)


Attached: eom.png (262x234, 56K)

based and redpilled

the feeding state of simpsons threads

Attached: 71e.jpg (396x385, 17K)

formerly decent

Have an ear on me!

Why does everyone on Yea Forums keep saying sneed XD???

I don't know lol! I came here to talk about the new Simpsons episode and everyone keeps saying Sneed to me :D I don't know what it means but it's funny! SNEED!! Haha!

Stigmatizing mental illness like this is fucking sickening. If only they knew the damage they do.

Yea Forums is saved thanks to based sneed posters like you.

based schneedzo

What is the point of this thread?

sucking and fucking

previously owned by Sneed