The Matrix is one of the best directed and edited movies of all time

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and to think they were written and directed by two sisters. absolutely amazing

i am gonna keep beating this fucking drum in every /choosk/ thread:
i have no evidence to support my contention and i am only about 70% sure it was him, but i saw andy on the street at the start of the month, in a t shirt and jeans, no wig, no makeup. he is faking.

i saw him too while my dad was giving me the annual tour of his nintendo office

Yeah but ones like this are literally one in a million. The rest are hairy autistic weebs in women's underwear.

i know, total bullshit and i have no proof, but i spotted him near where he lives, and based on other information i don't want to disclose i'm about 70% certain it was him

that's not certain at all.

call it 77% certain then, closer to 100 than to 50. what i saw was circumstantial but i'm personally convinced, i just recognize i have no substantive proof.

Who are those semen demons?

yeah, that’s a pretty big dick...for a GIRL pfffftthahaha

> meme yourself into the transgender bullshit
> realize that putting on some pants and a t-shirt in the morning is much more convenient than the clown routine

Absolutely based

poster in an earlier chooskthread said with some authority that andy is a proven attention whore, never came back so i couldnt get any dirt.

That's not what the wachowskis look like and they also cut their dicks off

>fake tits
Into the trash he's not a real hermaphrodite futa girl

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Cute lady on the right.

I am surprised non of them have killed themselfes yet.

Incels take note of what happens if you don't h a v e s e x soon enough.

>fake tits
>86 pounds of paint on its face
You're right, they aren't. I'd still swallow that shit though.

ah yes,

the "trannies directed it" shtick

nah son, they were men back then
men created one of the best sci-fi movies ever

men, two brothers

They're still male, regardless of what their mental illness says

kys already faggot.

Good point

Sad those are women now

This is why we need more female directors

The Matrix is the film equivalent of Linkin Park. I'm sure there was a 5 minute window in the late 90s/early 00s, when it WASN'T just pure cringe, but we aren't in that window anymore. Its shit.

Thanks for your very original input

>don't h a v e s e x soon enough
With that kind of fame and money you think pretentious geeky girls won't try to sex them up? It is mental illness, nuff said.

It came at such a cost to its directors.

someone post the pasta about them doing ketamine and BDSM shit and being inspired by that Kiefer Sutherland joint where they die and zap themselves back to life (Flatliners?)

We are actually over the age of acting too cool for school and everyoe agrees Hybrid Theory was a fantastic album. Edgy kids hated it because it was popular.

>Powerful prostate but weak erection.


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the tranny stuff was there from the start:
>When Belinda McClory auditioned for the role of "Switch", she was only going for half the role. The character was originally planned to be played by androgynous actors.
>In the real world, it would be played by a male actor and in the Matrix be represented in a female form, hence the name "Switch".
>Warner Brothers refined the idea and McClory ended up getting a single female role in both environments.

They ripped off chinese cartoons just like the lion king did

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