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is this mike from rlm


Actually this movie denounce the fact that retarded people made more kids than the intelligent ones... follow the stats and the money

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That's right user
You are the only intelligent person in a world of imbeciles

Yea, they'll take you directly to red states

I thought the message was that everybody is smart compared to someone else?

Like Texas ?...the numbers Mason !

That word isn't pronounced how you think it is

big cities

so is this actually any good as a movie or is it just a meme

its pretty good but there's a lot of madtv people that bring it down.

It's a documentary.

me thinks your an idiot

kinda dumb desu

First 20-30 minutes pure kino, then drops a bit. Uncannily prescient...main thing Judge got wrong was timeline...won't take 500 years but likely 50 to reach retard levels portrayed in film. Reality likely mix between this and the Hunger Games society. Enjoy the ride, anf vote Camacho!

>red states
Europoor here.
You really sound fucking retarded with this muh red states thing. In virtually all cases it is a massive cope trying to shift the abysmal performance of democrat voters on an individual scale over the whole country by focusing on the bizarre statistical fuckery of lumping people by locality.
I get that you are buttblasted by decentralization and that there are currently more 'red states' with makes it easier to take the senate, but it doesn't excuse such retardation.

majority of blue voters are concentrated in 3 states so they simply can't comprehend 85% of the country is not like them.

Well it was a book first

I get it, but it is still an American phenomenon (or at least it's much more intense in the US).
Here in bongistan people all readily acknowledge that Wales is a shithole but it doesn't surface in political discussions. Our parliement is the only national election that matters and is purely on a local district basis, so even more geographical than the US government, and yet you rarely hear about tory or libdem or whatever constituency. The only thing that comes up is that the multikulti hells vote Labour no matter what but this is just explained as the pakis being there.

Some of our states are bigger than euro countries, and there's little inherent reason we would like each other more than the euros have over the centuries. Now that the expansion age is over the more default modes seem to be reappearing.

Surprisingly, not true.

bongistan is a tiny speck of dust on US map, your country's governance is kinda statistically irrelevant.

It is statistically relevant to us, and the uk is still more populated than any us state.
I really don't see geometrical distance as a way to distinguish people that much over the usa, especially with current transportation and communications. I would understand making distinctions between classes of Americans, but the complaint wasn't about muh niggers or muh evangelicals (which combined cover like 90% of the population of the big bad southeast), it's 'red states'.