Did Rian Wifeson just forget about these guys?
Did Rian Wifeson just forget about these guys?
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From the man himself.
I don't think he forgot about anything, he just ignored it because he's a lazy writer who doesn't know anything about storytelling.
This whole franchise is such a mess lmao
Such an epic fight scene.
Actually pretty good reasoning
However it shouldn’t have been the only fight scene in the movie when there is like 40 minutes of Finn and Rose riding CGI dogs and gambling
The man is such a fuck up.
For the record, pic relate'd title is misleading. It's actually worse.
Johnson seriously couldn't envision any method of exposition outside Snoke lecturing Rey about it.
The better question is will they show up in 9 or just be forgotten forever?
I don't care what the dumbass contrarian jackasses on here say. TLJ is the best Star Wars film since ESB. It blows every prequel, side story and RotJ out of the water.
>"Muh action!"
You sound like a bayformers fan.
Nobody gives a shit about Snoke. RJ did us the audience a favor by killing him off.
They were in the teaser dumbass
Why did the guards have to die?
Answer me, you coward!
How about, instead of Snoke being killed in Rian Johnson's silly way, it goes like this:
>Hux stages a coup against Snoke, Kylo, and the Knights of Ren.
>It's a running battle as they retreat to Snoke's transport.
>Just before they get onboard, Kylo kills Snoke. The others don't see, Kylo blames Hux.
Wrapping a lazor whip around your forearm seems like a stupid idea.
RJ did everyone a favour by killing the franchise off, but he doesn't get any credit for doing it by accident.
They were not.
They will be.
There's even this official photo of them in it.
>Drip-fed leaks will not save IX
>JJ will not save IX
>Reylo will not save IX
>A new mystery box Macguffin will not save IX
>The Knights of Ren will not save IX
>Retconning TLJ will not save IX
>Callbacks to the prequels will not save IX
>Lando will not save IX
>Practical effects will not save IX
>Rumored George Lucas involvement will not save IX
>Palpatine will not save IX
>Poe and Finn buddy adventure will not save IX
>Woke planet of blacks will not save IX
>Force Ghost Luke will not save IX
Yes they fucking were.
>Show these guys
>Never mentioned again
Expectations subverted
user Kylo was in the last film we are obviously talking about the rest.
How are they gonna job?
That being the best part of the movie shows how bad the fucking movie was. Scene was ripped off and the actors acted retarded.
Looks like a shitty Mad Max knock off
By falling into a Sarlacc's mouth.
Disney is such a meme
Can't wait to seem them all die stupid deaths after 5 minutes of screentime each
Are you fucking retarded?
Rian is a toad but this wasn't his fault. JJ left him with a bunch of mystery box bullshit that he was too lazy to properly establish in the first film. You can't blame Rian for not attempting to flesh out what the previous director should have.
TFA doesn't even really have a plot in the traditional sense, it's literally just homages and callbacks to the early movies with a bunch of new characters connected by a mcguffin.
Rian had to basically come up with an actual story to tell and that meant discarding some of the crap JJ introduced. He ended up making an unserious sequel to an unserious reboot.
>JJ left him with a bunch of mystery box bullshit that he was too lazy to properly establish in the first film. You can't blame Rian for not attempting to flesh out what the previous director should have
>fleshing out a storyline that has just started in the first movie of a trilogy
Wait what? They just use regular metal weapons? I thought they were all Luke's ex-students and would use lightsabers
JJ had outlines for 8 and 9 and Lucasfilm threw them out.
Leaks say they will have force powers.
Dunno why they don't have lightsabers.
>JJ throws out George's outlines
>Lucasfilm throws out JJ's outlines
>he thinks literally any movie is better than ANH
the zoomer club is 2 blocks down
If that was the case, Rian would have made an actual story, rather than a series of anemic gotcha attempts and a wild ride to nowhere.
The galaxy is smaller than ever thanks to the one two JJ and Rian gave it.
>Snoke is the central point of Kylo turning to the dark side
>no interesting way to develop it
There are shorter ways to say "I can't tell a good story"
If Johnson wasn't too much of a retard to add a time gap, maybe that's the sort of shit that could come up in the training he mentioned.
>contrarian jackass
Project much
>tlj is da best guize, I swear
No, he didn't, you fucking idiot. JJ was the one who threw out Lucas' outline and decided to make up the plot as he went along. There's a reason why TFA had a ton of plot holes and why he suddenly "forgot" that Chewbacca walked past Leia.
Just admit it that he's a shit writer. I can't wait until Episode 9 comes out and he'll be exposed for the hack he is.
That was a dilemma for them. It's about the force is female, you can't have all this guys having a lightsbaer and only one female to have one. So they have this loserr Kylo Ren who has a limp dick lightsaber and she has Luke's one, but now it's called Rey's lightsaber. and those guys have sticks and daggers.
Nah, the crafty fuck already has a fallback for that.
Why do you think Rian hasn't been thrown under the bus yet? It's because JJ is saving him for when he needs an excuse for why 9 is so shit, and doesn't want it to be stale.
>Sorry guys, I couldn't make a good movie with what I had to work with ;^)
Which is ironically how apologists try to spin Rian's abortion.
Didn't Luke's lightsaber get destroyed in TLJ after Rey and Kylo both tried to force pull it
yes it did, but the trailer shows that she has it back, don't think too much because JJ didn't think at all
she repaired it, apparently.
Because the dumb fucks don't grasp how her creating something new would be a good way of symbolising her personality.
Though given she doesn't have one, maybe they're on to something
IX will be shit but it won't expose JJ in any way because noone, not even Irvin Kirshner come back from the dead, could save this shit plot or any of these shit characters now. they started out with blowing up multiple planets none of which we had any connection to and therefore gave no fucks about. then they killed off an iconic character in a way that makes no sense. then they reintroduced the main character of the original trilogy as someone totally different, nullifying his entire character arc of being a hopeful and social, caring man by casting him as a hermit who has abandoned all that need his help. then they had a character who has never before displayed any force powers except mild telepathy superman flying in space to stay alive, even though the real life actress is already dead, writing themselves into yet another dead-end corner. then a literal retard leads the resistance into certain suicide, but not before she herself suicide light speed rams another ship which is devastating and nullifies all space battles in star wars ever. then they kill off the main fucking character of star wars even though nobody even touched him, he effectively kills himself, and it would have been for nothing if dumb luck aka plot armor hadn't interfered and saved the people he tried to protect with his suicidal hologram stunt.
I only listed a FEW of the incredibly retarded things that happened in the first two movies of this sequel trilogy, and while JarJar was responsible for a few of them his movie seems almost competent in comparison to the joke that followed. Now he has the thankless job of picking up the pieces after someone made basically a fuck you movie to the entire fanbase. The critics will absolve him.
you sound like a parody
It's sad because the audience will definitely blame Rian for everything just like they have done sinde TLJ. The media, on the other hand, will try to shift the blame onto Lucas as usual.
>pretty good reasoning
so why introduce them in the first place?
what a dumbass.
hehe "Wifeson" legit laughed. Thanks, user.
Oh and he took joy from ignoring them, that's his whole thing in life, schadenfreude.
....none of these "Knights of Ren" look even remotely like Star Wars characters in the slightest. They look like discount ripoffs from another sci-fi series entirely.
No, he remembered everything, he just chose to make the worst possible decision for every situation.
>JewJew Abrams is so obsessed with the retarded crossguard that he needs to justify it further by having Kylo pointlessly impale one of the Knights with it instead of logically using the main blade itself
The absolute STATE of Soi Wars.
The cross guard saber is unironically an awesome design with a good in universe explanation to it as well.
If the Knights of Ren aren't named Ren, Sekem, Khu, Ba, Ka, Khabit, and Sekhu, I'm going to kill myself
In the end, if Episode IX does somehow fail to impress even the shilliest of critics and bombs critically I still don't believe so because they're on Disney's payroll when it comes to nu-Wars specifically, I still don't think they'll blame Rian, JJ, or Kathleen after all these years. They'll still pin it on:
>the "current political climate is just too hostile in this day and age" excuse
>white men who aren't allied with feminists
>angry nerds who "don't like change and different things"
>"muh incels who voted for Trump"
It'll be the standard status quo playbook that these liberal shiteaters from Hollywood will abide by, whether the film succeeds or not. Fuck, when Solo bombed, Scott Mendelson blamed it on how "white male leads are box office poison," and the rest of his Marxist ilk agreed in unison. These politically motivated types will never change and will ALWAYS end up blaming the audience for not accepting their socially biased point of view.
What would her own lightsaber even look like?
Some kinda laser strap-on to symbolically peg her enemies to death?
>The cross guard saber is unironically an awesome design with a good in universe explanation to it as well.
No it isn't. Even the in-universe nu-canon Disney explanation is beyond idiotic.
>they're exhaust ports meant to release energy from an unstable kyber crystal in order to personify Ben Solo's edgelord attitude + meant for burning shoulders
It's the stupidest fucking shit I've ever heard of.
NOTHING about this design is good. NOTHING. It screams desperation and unoriginality.
He didn't introduce them though, Abrams did and then did fuckall with them.
>good reasoning
Bad bait is bad.
Where is Haman pasta?
What did Rian mean by this? Is this how liberal douchebags talk to each other? Is this like a code or something?
>it’ll still gross a fat billion or more
What will you do then, fucking retard? Maybe learn not to place so much on whether some movie franchise performs well? Nah, that would take insight and mature thinking.
what the FUCK is going on there
The cross guard saber would only look good if they had a crusader motif to go with it, or if they were in an older era.
As it stands, it’s just a pathetic gimmick.
He’s a passive aggressive little bitch, user.
Twitter addiction reduces people to pathetic gotchas rather than discourse.
I believe that is the aura of righteousness there.
What are these manchildren like in private when no one is looking if this is how they act while in public?
The really dumb point is acting like he had a major control of the light saber when Rey could have just moved forward to get some slack and twist it to hit the guy
So why do you think Kathleen hired Rian?
How can Rian possibly be so stupid as to think that Snoke's death had any of the weight that Palpatine's death did, that their circumstances where anywhere close. But I've seen TLJ and I know how stupid he is.
literally who are those guys?
aren't they just some of kylo's guards? why are they special?
I thought TLJ had problems, definitely some scenes I didn't care for, but the overall reaction to it is the most depressing fucking thing ever. It proves that audiences don't want anyone to try anything, take any risks, do anything unexpected. I mean just look at how many people have turned the idea of subverting expectations into a NEGATIVE in response to it.
People are actually happier with completely predictable completely safe films like the Marvel movies which have no identity, no ideas, no evidence of being made by a person with an idea. They want 30 people to have written it from a strict set of guidelines to deliver nothing more and nothing less than a 7/10 film that pleases everyone but at no point shows even one single drop of genuine creativity, risk or filmmaking.
So much bitching online about rehashes and remakes and unoriginal films but the first time someone actually tries do something otherwise you absolutely lose your minds with collective fury. And now Force Awakens is retroactively a flawless masterpiece just because it was the safest fucking thing ever made - a remake of the first movie.
>Actually pretty good reasoning
In what universe is ignoring key characters from the canon of the film you're making a sequel to ever "good reasoning"?
>fleshing out a storyline that has just started in the first movie of a trilogy
Why should Rian be saddled with solving a bunch of mysteries JarJar pulled out of his ass?
Honestly, what satisfying solution is there to Maz Kwanzaa having Luke's lightsaber? TFA was just a fucking stupid movie.
He's a cuck
This. TFA opened up too many questions and too many characters for a trilogy
That's reasonable I guess
He ignored obi wan Kenobi too
He’s a spineless joke of a “man” that wouldn’t ask questions or stand up to anything mandated by Lucasfilm.
I’d be amazed if the majority of truly retarded ideas were actually his to start with, even if he did take them up with gusto.
> I mean just look at how many people have turned the idea of subverting expectations into a NEGATIVE in response to it.
Subverting audience expectations is just as shallow and cynical as pandering to them.
Nobody hates TLJ because it took risks. People hate it because of its snide, Spaceballs-like humor that borders on self-parody, its unlikable characters, and a whole slew of cringe-worthy scenes.
This is what happens when you don't want to write more than one draft of the script.
All Rian had to do:
>explain Rey's parentage (a trope in the entire star wars saga)
>Hype Snoke up as the real big bad and explain why he's there (having a ~30 year old main anatagonist feels weak)
>Expand on the power riff between Hux and Kylo (maybe tie in the knights of ren here)
>Have Luke do something cool
>Have Luke train Rey
>Explain why Luke was on ach-to
>Build Finn and Poe's bro-ship (and maybe expand Finn into a jedi if he wanted)
What he did:
>Explain that Rey's parents' were drunken nobodies and ignore Han and Kylo's reaction to her in ep7
>Kill off Snoke without adding any information
>Turn Hux into a comic relief joke and completely ignore the existence of the knights of ren
>Kill Luke off like a bitch after having him stay on his pathetic rock where he could die alone (and cut the scene of him reacting to Han's death)
>Have Rey already know everything
>Have Luke on ach-to because he tried to murder his nephew and then decided he didn't care about his family or the galaxy and wanted to die alone
>Separate Finn and Poe for the entire film because "they felt too similar"
This is without getting into the additional shit like hyperspace rams, the casino planet, Holdo in general etc etc
This is just the film's flaws as a sequel
Rian’s critical problem is that he doesn’t get that a subversion has to make sense in context. True red herrings sucker people because the red herring seems perfectly logical, and the real twist hides in plain sight.
Rian feels like an amateur trying to imitate a master. He just doesn’t have the fundamentals down, which is what amateurs really need to focus on before they do anything grander.
Imagine spending like 10 billion on a franchise, just to fucking wing it lol
>It proves that audiences don't want anyone to try anything, take any risks, do anything unexpected.
Thats because playing it safe is better than butchering a franchise and a shitload better than butchering a film and then disrespecting the franchise on purpose. Films like Nolan's TDK trilogy took the risk and set the bar for future capeshit, Rogue One did something new but just didn't do a good job with it. There are ways to evolve without tearing your own limbs off see
>trying this hard
Abrams and his mystery-box-loving-self did.
>You can't blame Rian
Yes, we fucking can blame him, because he wrote the piece of shit. Stop making excuses for his lack of talent. JJ handed him weaksauce, barely there space opera, that an 8th grade autist could do something interesting with. Johnson is a fucking hack, the more you try to make excuses for him, the worse he looks.
And Johnson is the hack who opened a space opera with a lame phone joke (which is WILDLY out of context in Star Wars), and then introduced the stunning hackery of SPACE SHIPS RUNNING OUT OF FUCKING GAS.
Here's the truth: Rian Johnson doesn't understand science fiction, nor respect it. Looper was your first clue here. He's a hack writer who Peter Principled his way up the ladder with SJW brownie points, and tanked a multi-billion dollar franchise because he's a dullard with no sense of adventure or imagination.
>burning shoulders
This is the most retarded apology I've ever seen posted on the internet.
Burning. Fucking. Shoulders.
I give up. Retardation world-wide is at DefCon 4, and this post is proof.
Because he was "hot" in Hollywood because he was attached to Breaking Bad. Kathleen Kennedy cannot hire the right directors for the job, almost every movie she's been involved with since being promoted to boss has had director problems, leading to the directors being replaced, or allowing dreck to be filmed. JJ was a no-brainer, in Hollywood, he's the goto guy for "rebooting" science fiction in a drab, generic blockbuster fashion, loading it up with FX and stars, like Star Trek, and selling tickets. Lore? Eh. JJ doesn't do lore.
Johnson was the worst hire - because they didn't fire him, like they did the director of Solo. (You know a movie is just shit when even Ron Howard can't save it. And that will be the last time you ever see Ron work for Kennedy. She's capable of tanking even his rep and career.)
As long as Kennedy is leading Lucas, I have no interest in what they put out. She's the cancer that's destroying Lucasfilm from the inside. Johnson is just a symptom of it. And Disney thinks dying slowly of cancer is better than chemo (bouncing her ass out of there.) Iger had ONE job, getting rid of her, but he kicked that can right down the road for his successor to deal with - probably because he's too much of a coward to publically fire a stronk wommin.
>Honestly, what satisfying solution is there to Maz Kwanzaa having Luke's lightsaber?
That Luke gave it to her. The reason why is something a talented, interested writer could have a fucking field day with.
Why do you insist on making it seem like space opera is hard to write? It's not. It's not supposed to be edgy, or emotional, or so laden down with SJW politics it can barely move? It's supposed to be FUN, at the end of the day, it's Flash Gordon, not The Joyluck Club.
Can't fault his thinking, but now you have a whole crew that's been shown since 2015, and they still aren't a thing 4 years later.
Fuck it.
SEXISM! How dare he say Rey isn't curious and normally wired?
>not interesting in the biggest threat to the galaxy
Rian is a misogynist.
Don't fall over that straw man once it blows over. There were plenty of ways to subvert expectations that would of been better and still had emotional catharthis.
Say if rei joined with Kylo there. To build a better world and they did the hollywood kiss. He is the bad guy of the movie and she just teamed up with him.
Then they go down and tell the resistance the war is over. We have won or something. That would be equally if not more so subversive. But instead we get the most shitty incoherent subversions known to man.
Oh wow the old youthful hero is now a grumpy old men. Ged is that you? Jesus christ it's not subversive it's a trope that's used a little less. It's more about the denial of catharthis.
Purple admiral and hotshot getting shot down. It's not that subversive. It's not that ground breaking. Casino Planet? Yeah sure, very subversive.
Leah ass pulled her way into the third movie. Wow my expectations are on fire.
This. When I first saw this, I thought there was a chance. But then I was wrong.
He's a magnificent kissass that would listen to all of her """input""". Which is exactly why we had a purple haired cunt in charge that died for our sins of not blindly following her suicidal orders.
Reys going to kill them all by herself.
I hate the man, but that's a reasonable reply, and people would have been more pissed had they been wasted. Would have just been another log on the shitfire.
>electro whip just glued to the lightsaber instead of wrapped around it
This is good reasoning. Incels can cry themselves to sleep about it. But he's absolutely right. Kylo has a long history and connection with the Knights, so adding them to that scene would have taken away from the main purpose and overly complicated things to a major degree.
He should have killed Finn and Poe off in the first 10 minutes and given their screentime to the Knights.
I blame JJ.
JJ actually forgot about them since he created them and then said he was going to do a movie about them but didn't. He's adding them back in for IX though, so what is the point of this thread?
user, no one said that Rian wasn't bad. I just wish stupid people would stop using Rian as a scapegoat because in reality both JJ and Rian are bad.
in all seriousness what the fuck did he actually mean by this
Autist, the throne scene wasn't written on stone. If they couldn't fight there, just rewrite the movie, and enjoy the opportunity to fix all the other dozens of flaws on it. RJ inability to rework the script and improve it just proves how much he sucks at writing.
The crossguard is based and JJ already had Kylo use it on Finn in TFA. Actually watch the movies before shitposting about them dumb ugly fat incel.
He thinks that a character established when the setting was made, and built up via inference and fantastic establishing scenes, is the same as one made after the fact and given absolutely fuck all development.
That's not a KoR. But they were in teh trailer. In teh scene repairing the helmet, you can see one in the bg.
>rewrite the climax of the movie for some retarded side characters that do nothing for the main plot
Never become a writer.
The main story is about Kylo/Luke/Snoke and Rey as the audiences self-insert. The KoR are irrelevant.
Nice attempt to move the goalposts, you dumb cunt. And you're wrong - JJ DID write outlines for the story for 8 and 9, and JOHNSON threw those out. It's documented. They've both said it happened.
Just leave. You have no point. All you're doing is spewing shit onto the screen.
Remind that you are all smelly and fat and ugly and too dumb to realize that Kylo is the main character. That's why Rey doesn't need her own lightsaber and he got a special one. Rey is just a self-insert. The real stars are the Skywalker family since it is a Skywalker saga and Kylo is the center.
The problem in these threads is that you are arguing with braindead retards who actually liked TFA. They just larp as "og sw fans"
How the fuck could Luke have fucked up bad enough to have at least 6 of his students go with Kylo?
Have sex
>climax of the movie
>a battle against faceless coons that happens when the main guy was already dead anyway
Are you defending the movie? Because saying the throne room scene was the climax of it equals to say "the climax of the movie was a pretty waste of time with no objective or proper reasoning".
The script was shit to begin with, and the fact you think those things are set on stone, just proves you are as much bad at writting shit as Rian is. This is why scripts have multiple drafts, to correct mistakes and improve stuff, maybe add elements that you should have inserted on it. The throne room could as well be replaced by a confrontation between Kylo and the Knights, and later on they take Snoke on a fight, so neither of the confrontations would feel like a waste of your time like the fight sequence did. Literally anything is better than what we got.
No. You are wrong and will always be wrong.
It's a good metaphor for his character, so therefore it is a good design choice because it's not just for show. It actually tells you something about the character.
And it's not just meant for burning shoulders. As you can clearly see in the TROS trailer, he stabs someone in the stomach with it, lifts them in the air, and then slams them into the ground.
You clearly know fuckall about writing or design or anything. Stop posting forever.
He is literally the Master of the KNIGHTS of Ren and in TLJ he even has a doublet design. You can stop posting forever too.
Kinda like 4chniz.
>I can't wait until Episode 9 comes out and he'll be exposed for the hack he is.
I'd be surprised if that even happens. It's pretty obvious that if it's a big steaming turd, JJ may hint that it's Rian's fault while his supporters would outright say it's Rian's fault, and then ignore the problems with Force Awakens.
>Never become a writer.
Take your own advice
>kylo's old larp crew
>key characters
They're far more interesting than Rey and her loser-crew, I'll give them that.
>explain Rey's parentage (a trope in the entire star wars saga)
He did.
>Hype Snoke up as the real big bad and explain why he's there (having a ~30 year old main anatagonist feels weak)
no one gives a fuck about Snoke, this is Kylo's story
>Expand on the power riff between Hux and Kylo (maybe tie in the knights of ren here)
Hux is literal who Saturday villain-tier. fuck off
>Have Luke do something cool
>Have Luke train Rey
No, the story was fine the way it was. She would have run off to Kylo either way.
>Explain why Luke was on ach-to
they did
>Build Finn and Poe's bro-ship (and maybe expand Finn into a jedi if he wanted)
Fuck off forever Finncuck. Your failure of a fat pig fave is garbage and so is his gay cocksleeve Pee
TFA is the opposite and sucks.
Is the execution, not the idea.
>that guard with two knives fighting rey has one available arm with a knife in it that he doesn't use at the end of the fight
Rey is a narrow-minded retard though. Even Kylo calls her out on this in TFA and pretty much all of TLJ.
TFA butchered the franchise as much as TLJ.
They are both horrible movies, one pandering the nostalgiafags, another pandering to the tv-series audience that wants brainless surprises.
They are different movies but share one key element: the utter contempt for the audience and the source material.
>didn't read the second half of the post
Congrats on genuinely being retarded. I'm sorry your were unable to find an accommodating educational facility
Why are they so insufferable?
>Say if rei joined with Kylo there. To build a better world and they did the hollywood kiss.
JJ shitter begone~!
Snoke and Rey and Kylo's faceoff was the climax of that scene. The lobster guards were nobodies because they were background noise. They are not supposed to be important.
Again, you know nothing about writing. Just stop embarrassing yourself.
I agree the Knights could have been added and the focus of the movie should have been more on Kylo instead of characters like Poe or Finn, but that's not what you are arguing. You're just a retard flailing around.
I'm a woman you can't say that to me.
t. angry incel who can't write
>I'm a woman
Your post is dumb and so are you.
>TFA butchered the franchise as much as TLJ.
This is not true.
TFA was like a papa john's pizza you drunkenly ordered the night before and didn't finish so you microwave it in the morning.
Not great. But if you're hungry and hungover it will serve you. It's not gonna make you shit yourself or vomit everywhere. Probably.
TLJ is like you ordered a fancy pizza because you hate papa john's, so they deliver you a fried trout. And then you cut open the trout to find it's full of literal human excrement mixed with the chef's semen. And then you see a bunch of restaurant critics praising the chef for their brave risk. And then the chef laughs on twitter and says you'd have to be a misogynist not to like the product.
Have sex.
>TFA is overly safe and just retreads old ground and ruins chances of a great story sequel
>TLJ actively shits all over the previous lore while also making a new lore that is batshit insane and fucking retarded
Yeah, no
>JJ DID write outlines for the story for 8 and 9, and JOHNSON threw those out.
You said that Lucasfilm threw them out. Who's moving goalposts now?
>It's documented.
Source? Hurry up and post the outlines, idiot.
>They've both said it happened.
No, they didn't. And both of them have proven to be unreliable, talking shit and backpedalling when it comes to the media. There's tons of sources that state that there wasn't a plan to begin with after JJ came in. Mark Hamill and Colin Trevorrow said so themselves. That's literally the difference between this trilogy.
>food analogies
Johnson literally thought he was supposed to remake star wars and not a new movie with an original script that compliments the previous movies. Luke acts weird on that island planet because that's how Yoda acted when he first got to dagobah. Luke dies because Obi Wan died, Kylo kills Snoke because Vader killed Palpatine, he even uses this as a constant defense for everyone who asks why he killed off Snoke with so little character development or background. He just blames the previous movies and points to them, like his job was to copy them
God, Rey is so fucking dumb. I hope their kids get Kylo's superior Skywalker genes. That dumb bitch is Goku-tier retarded.
Fuck off with your shitty fanart fucking trannies. Every thread.
>implying Disney won't ruin everything for the fans that are left by killing Kylo as a kissless virgin
>It proves that audiences don't want anyone to try anything, take any risks, do anything unexpected. I mean just look at how many people have turned the idea of subverting expectations into a NEGATIVE in response to it
The only "subversion" I can think of is ruining Luke and telling the audience that Reys parentage didn't matter. But giving a mystery that ends in nothing just makes everyone feel like it was a waste of time
>People are actually happier with completely predictable completely safe films like the Marvel movies which have no identity, no ideas, no evidence of being made by a person with an idea. They want 30 people to have written it from a strict set of guidelines to deliver nothing more and nothing less than a 7/10 film that pleases everyone but at no point shows even one single drop of genuine creativity, risk or filmmaking
Nice strawman. We want good screenplay, not "lol you thought it was important but it doesn't matter at all!"
>but the first time someone actually tries do something otherwise
He tried and failed hard because he is a shit screenwriter. Doing something different isn't a virtue in itself
>And now Force Awakens is retroactively a flawless masterpiece
All TLJ did was make more people open their eyes to the fact the TFA was also a shit movie.
>You said that Lucasfilm threw them out.
I didn't say that at all, the other user did, you ineffectual, seething cunt.
Or just point it him and thrust.
Genuine idiot.
this was mentioned by luke in TLJ. said ben burned the temple down and left with a handful of his students. they probably went on to become the knights of ren
You are a retard and the reason why JJ will be hailed as a savior.
These people are immune to valid criticisms.
TFA shits all over the previous lore while also making a new lore that is batshit insane and fucking retarded, and assassinate Han character as TLJ did with Luke (not talking about the actual death).
Arguably TFA did to Leia way worse of what did to Han, or TLJ did to Luke.
You are dumb.
>JJ will look like a saviour compared to the absolute devastation Johnson reaped on the franchise
Maybe? Literally fucking anyone would look like a saviour after TLJ and yet TROS actually looks bad enough to give it a run for its money.
>TFA shits all over the previous lore
Not even comparable to TLJ. TFA is just stupid on its own. TLJ retroactively makes the entire saga stupid
Han did not get nearly as raw a deal as Luke got. Not even close. Same goes for Leia.
Stop defending Rian for being an asshate
You know Rey would have been such a more likeable character if it wasn't for all this shit
I'm kinda glad D&D are writing the new trilogy.
It's like the bad guys are all teaming up and it's such a natural fit too.
>but nothing I did was original, it was all stolen, so you should like it
This is the defense captain kill the past uses
Kylo already kissed a girl at Luke's Academy!
Him and Rey are 100% getting married and having children.
Why didn't she just pull the sabre down? Just slide it out?
>JJ's b-day
>they post a picture of Rey and Kylo's first meeting
Everyone knows that's what the trilogy is really about. Kylo/Reylo.
>The Rise of Skywalker aka Kylo Ren/Ben Solo Chewbacca Naberrie Organa Solo Skywalker
That makes no sense. They're not bad guys on a train robbing mission they're shit writers who sit around stroking themselves and lash out at anyone who points out logical issues with their shit plots. How is teaming them up going to make them less shit?
Explain your reasoning.
Jedi are called knights too.
Doesn't mean it goes with their aesthetic. You can stop wasting oxygen now.
t. angry incel Disney Wars shill who can't write
Make Frens!
So Kylo is going to see an Oracle in IX?
Not defending Rian, just stating that JJ is a different type of cancer.
Already started my new fanfic about the two of them. Hope JJ brings them together but if not theyll definitely up together in my story.
Or reylofag, yes. Which is the same thing.
>not too bright though
>No, Rey is literally a who. She's a Nobody.
Push the saber foward... he is literally pulling the blade towards his body.
I assume he wants to watch the impending train wreck.
The Everest sized egos, the utter lack of self awareness and absence of any peer review is going to make an absolute clusterfuck.
The fact D&D fucked up so badly with GoT means they're off the reservation, too. Disney will bribe the usual suspects, but they're still going to get shredded by normalfags.
aren't they getting killed off in side material?
Yeah, JJ is a little bit of a dumb bitch so I don't fully trust him. Kylo will probably be the star though, at the very least. Just look at the marketing kek
all of them were on the ship that got speedfucked at the end
It goes with Kylo's aesthetic though, so your post is irrelevant as usual.
Kylo is a larping whiny bitch, not a knight.
and fuck off back to your general so the autistic sneedfags can drive you faggots out again.
maybe you could have thrown out that stupid fucking casino sequence and stable boy ending scene to MAKE room for them, you cuck.
I honestly feel bad for the stuntmen in this scene, like you think you score a good gig by being in a fucking star wars movie and then they make you act out shitty fight scenes like that because your main actress is too coked up to do a good one
Not something you'd want in your highlight reel
Have sex.
What the fuck kinda weeb shit is this?
Power ranger tier
>laser sword
>sword that is roughly double the width of a normal sword
weeb shit
these new movies have no idea how to tell a story and instead wrote an anti story
Yeah, sure buddy.
>TLJ retroactively makes the entire saga stupid
So did TFA. They literally threw everything out just to shoehorn Empire shit again and have Luke's and Anakin's efforts go to waste. Why couldn't focus the new trilogy on a new story in the future?
Christ, what a mess
>to try anything, take any risks, do anything unexpected
TLJ does NOTHING new or unexpected. The movie is just a compendium of tropes of the saga, it's like condensing the idea/concept of what Star Wars is into a single movie.
Why didn't she just stab him?
madeeeeeeeek! babbies need to get a life and finally welcome rian johnson's star wars into the delicate tapestry that is the star wars franchise.
>It would add internal conflict to characters. Can't have that
There's a fine line that you need to tread between familiar and foreign when you're dealing with an established franchise. Neither film attempted to do so, and both suffered for it. I disliked the Force Awakens for largely the same reason. I don't think either film should be praised for what they did. They wasted 66% of this fucking trilogy so far.
user, if you put a fight sequence after the stronger and more powerful enemy have been defeated, then everything else that follows is a fucking waste of time. I am saying that the entire script could have been reanalyzed beforehand to fix that mistake, and all the other mistakes, including the exclusion of the Knights of Ren. That's why they have multiple drafts.
When you talk shit like that, you fucking retard, you are assuming that the confrontation scene HAD to happen exactly like that, with only small differences like changing the coons to the knights of Ren. The scene would still be retarded including then or not, because the whole format of the "climax" is retarded. It could easily be rewritten in a way that could accommodate both, and make even better justice for Snoke and Kylo's character, as he have to face his loyal subordinates before taking on his master, improving his character development. But no, that was all trowed in the trash for an "epic ebin moment :^)" with Snoke's stupid death, and soon followed by a pointless fight scene against faceless coons just to keep brainlets like yourself entertained.
>Disney, Kathleen, and their crew of fat middle aged divorced ladies want to make Star Wars appealing to girls, by just replacing the MC with a woman in an attempt to empower then **AKA making then act like boys**
>they succeed... But now instead of taking the "heroism and protagonism" stuff seriously, the girls just can't stop talking for two minutes about their self insert being impregnated by the villain, and writing endless pages of fanfic about it
Life is like poetry.
>tilt the hilt so he pulls the saber into his stupid face
>turn it off and then on and stab him while hes losing his balance form exerting all his strength to pull her
>do anything but standing and watching as he fucking wraps the leash around his arm
I agree with you
>It proves that audiences don't want anyone to try anything, take any risks, do anything unexpected.
No, it proves that setting out to do these things with the end goal of doing these things, rather than making a good film, results in shit and audiences notice it. Johnson admitted in plain English repeatedly that his goal was to do something weird, to subvert expectations. There is nothing inherently good about subverting expectations and TLJ is a nice proof of it. Just because it never does what you want it to do doesn't make you really think or leave you refreshed after watching it. Instead it's just incoherent fuckery that goes nowhere.
>And now Force Awakens is retroactively a flawless masterpiece
Only complete Disney shills and marketing drones say this. Terrible strawman. This is a backup plan, a bargaining strategy. "Yeah, okay, TLJ disappointed you but remember how great TFA was? Buy the bluray! Get your hopes up for the next one!"
I've rarely if ever seen TFA defended on this board. This part of your post is so blatant I suspected bait while reading it.
TLJ is not Star Wars in any way, it shits on everything that ever made Star Wars good. The force is ruined by gifting massive powers to Leia and Rey without training, space battles are ruined with lightspeed ramming, Yoda is ruined as a silly joker character who spews nonsense, Luke is ruined as an old man who abandoned all of his friends and even his sister, the list goes on. TLJ very much subverted expectations by SHITTING on Star Wars.
Why can't she just deactivate the saber?
Kissing a girl once only because she was forced to in a dumb spin the bottle game, and still be a virgin years later sounds pretty depressing
Rian couldn't even figure out that J.J. had set up Luke lifting his X-wing from underwater as a call back of being unable to do so in ESB.
Why did Disney think it would be a good idea to make a Star Wars trilogy where the Jedi basically just fizzle out into extinction? I thought Jedi were the whole appeal of the franchise.
Jewish nepotism is killing Hollywood writing.
>reddit spacing
>reddit thought process
>reddit opinions
>lightsaber doesn't cut laser whip
>guard can grab laser whip
>indestructible armor
if the lightsaber can't cut through his armor why not just grab rey and start raping her asap?
The girl second from left lived in philly. I banged her multiple times.
Woke planet of blacks? Come on man, please be a lie. They seriously wouldn't pull fucking Space Wakanda.
all of them?
she looks like a tasty milk cow, well done user. got any nudes or pics of her from that time? hell, just post her ig, it's not like it's doxxing since she's a public personality
Stay mad, brainlet. Rian is unironically a better writer than you and even I can see that.
Kylo is more feminist than Rey, though. Debate me, faggot.
He's a volcel, you dumb incel.
He was shipped to Luke's by the time he hit puberty to be a Jedi and be celibate for the rest of his life, yet he still managed to get some action.
Do you call every Jedi a depressing virgin? No, because it's their fucking code you dumb cunt.
Afterwards, he had creepy old Snoke in his head swore off tender emotions like romance.
Is this really hard for you to understand? Does it hurt your brain? He still seduced Rey and took her metaphorical virginity, which is more than anyone on this board will get so fuck off.
You have no proof that I am a bad writer, while TLJ as a whole and how it made Star Wars not be unfailable money-wise anymore, is proof enough that Rian is a shitty writer. So:
>user: 0
>Rian: Negative points
Check mate christians.
Are you calling my dear Kylo a pathetic s0yb0y who believes political pandering will reward him with sex? Cuz you better not.
>Do you call every Jedi a depressing virgin?
All of then except Anakin.
Hi Rian how mah deeeeeeeek posting going
Obi-wan fucked
t. bad writer
Anyway, Kylo is a volcel and you are dumb and fat and smelly.
Kylo is a fictional character, you turd. And he's more empowering and feminist than Rey will ever be. Which is the true irony of this all.
I don't care about anything outside the movies, rule of thumb is, not in the movies, not my problem. When the movies do something that is against canon, it is not the movie that changes, the entire canon have to spin around to adapt to it, and the people who make the movies couldn't care less about comics, books, animations, or video games. The only time in 11 movies were the canon was acknowledged, was on Solo with Maul being alive. Apart from that, they couldn't care less.
Not that user. To be serious, I don't even believe Kylo is a virgin, after all he is a sith, not a jedi, and sith don't care about celibacy. He probably rapes villagers with his Bros of Ren, and after cumming he slashes the commoners in half..
the star wars rule of thumb is that anything that happens more than a year ago didn't happen. maybe they should all get drug tested.
I didn't think Kylo was a virgin after TFA myself, but he's not a rapist. You don't understand the character at all. He thinks he's the good guy, he's not going to go around raping people. He felt bad for calling Rey a stinky scavenger and spared her blushes by changing the subject.
After TLJ, Rian is convinced he's only ever had some action at Luke's temple, but JJ might change that.
He isolates himself so much, it makes sense for him to swear off sex or not bother with it all those years but I find it a little hard to believe he didn't have at least a few encounters. We'll see, I guess.
He popped Rey's cherry (and will literally in IX) anyhow.
I love autistic Kylo not even thinking that calling Rey a scavenger would embarrass her and when he realizes she's embarrassed he smoothly changes the subject.
He's like this weird mixture of autism and smoothness. Probably the genes from Anakin and his dad in a constant battle inside him.
But like all men in his family, he manages to seduce the girl anyway.
Sasuga Skywalker men.
To be fair, they are at war and he has her strapped to an interrogation table. Why would she get embarrassed by something like that? Oh right, because the hot Space Prince is right in her face and she suddenly realizes she's a stinky rat kek
I really do appreciate the writing when it comes scenes like this. They do a good job.
Or turn it off and on again...
>Kylo is not bad
Let's pretend that the first scene in TFA where he kills an entire village never happened. Let's also forget that even his subordinates, that worked for the evil "totally not the empire lmao", thought he was psychologically unbalanced. Or that he tortured Rey while enjoying himself and absolutely tortured many others before. Or that he was an active part of the crew responsible for the weapon that killed a trillion people. Raping a few commoners with his Bros of Ren close to those things is nothing, specially considering how rabid his character was the first time it was presented.
You could argue that his character changed after meeting Rey, but to say he was a nice guy before that, is playing the fool. Your post makes me think that the "silly girl who thinks she can change the bad boy" is not Rey, it is you.
Reminds me of Fake Purse Ninjas
How has Over not put a gag on this guy yet. You'd think they'd tell him to stop posting social media already
>not posting the scene where they forgot the knife
The village he "slaughtered" were a crazy sect that liked to hang human remains on their gates. Even Rey didn't think they were innocent.
Alos, they are at war. All of your arguments turn to dust at that fact. The Resistance also slaughter people, and happily so, but I don't see you tallying their kill count.
He didn't enjoy torturing Rey by the way, he explicitly states in the novel that it brings him no pleasure and a large part of the reason he wants info from her is so that Snoke won't use Starkiller to destroy more planets.
You really know nothing about the character. it's embarrassing desu
And Rey is absolutely the naive retard. That was the entire point of her going to him in The Last Jedi. She really thought that she could cure years upon years worth of psychological damage just because he killed Snoke.
Rey isn't much better than he his, she just thinks she is.
Rey didn't change either. She's still the same narrow-minded retard just with more self-righteous bullshit this time around. Can't wait for IX!
>some say they are pacifists, but that's not true
Based retard Rey defending her husbando in extended material since 2015
TLJ was the 9th movie in the largest franchise of all time. "Original" my ass.
>thread full of reyloniggers
When Kylo Ren dies in IX without even kiss Rey, will you faggots finally kill yourselves, or just move on the be obsessed about something else?
>waaah you are wrong, they will have sex!
I wish I knew you fags personally, because I am willing to bet money on this. I would use the cash I take from you to buy me some good Christmas gifts to myself.
JJ has been planning Reylo from the beginning.
Have sex, incelious-rex
Let's pretend MCU is not close to reach 30 movies in just a few years.
>buy some Christmas gifts for myself
This post is so sad, I'm not even going to dab on you.
remember when we had daily reylo generals
what a cringe time
Can't wait for /rlg/ to came back in 6 months.
can't wait for kylo to turn out to be gay so you retards kill yourselves
can wait for rey to turn out to be a tranny so reylo is still canon even if kylo is gay
>mary sue turns out to be a man so yaaaasss queeeeeen slaaaaay goes out the window
never gonna happen retard
>Build up a bunch of plot lines in Episode 7 for the trilogy
>Rian - "Fuck all that, I don't like it"
>Kills off the main bad guy
>Retcons the Knights of Ren cause he cant figure out how to include them.
Rian has to be the most insufferable person in Hollywood. At this point I hope he tanks the SW franchise, just to teach Disney a lesson.
trans is literally the new "yaaas queeen slayyy" get with the times granpa
But then he cant push his propaganda about white people and capitalism being evil.
Imagine we could have had a true franchise empire if fucking George hadn't wasted so much time and just sold it to the Disney machine decades ago. We could be on like movie number 50 right now, and think of all the shows and games and different parts of the timeline and eras, past present and future, that would have been explored by this point. FUCK
>Why can't she just deactivate the saber?
>trans is literally the new "yaaas queeen slayyy" get with the times granpa
but that isn't the kind of marketing they want retard, or they would have done it in TFA
they want an empowered heroine so little girls can get behind (and buy toys)
This has nothing to do with the topic but Episode 7 would've been way cooler if Kylo had dug out Anakin's lightsaber and modified/bastardized it into the retarded unstable crossguard sword instead of them just giving it to Rey. It's already associated with evil anyway. Could've been like Sith cocaine to him or something.
It looks like they'll try to undo Last Jedi as much as possible, making the entire sequel era a series of complete meaninglessness without any central plot.
>implying they'll get 5
2 min each then a 4min group fight scene with all of them getting killed at the end max
It only seems reasonable until you realize Episode 8 didn't HAVE to be written exactly like it did, it's not like it was this pre-ordained thing he couldn't modify or deviate from the formula on. He should have just been smart enough to write a story that included them in the first place, rather than forget all about them and then say: "Oh, nope. Couldn't use them because I didn't think to write a spot for them to be in the movie."
It seems cool and ominous until you think about it for more than five seconds and realize how fucking stupid it is.
Well, it makes sense when you think about how he HAD to have the horse-cat chase scene, and Chewbacca eating a porg, and important stuff like that.
How can mastercheif drink coffee with his helmet on??
thats nice reylo is still happening and will be canon
>ad populism fallacy
>using extended material.
The movie canon>>> book canon and the fact you had to rely on other canon to explain the parts of the movie proves it is a bad movie that has no idea how to write their characters.
Weren't that already explored in the eu?
All they had to do was adapt the books and continue doing the books as usual.
>The leader of the faction she's dedicated herself to fighting against
>Even without that, as a powerful dark side user he's in opposition of her as a light side user/wannabe Jedi
>Responsible for turning the man she cares about and wants to redeem to the dark side
>By turning Kylo to the dark side he's also responsible for the destruction of Luke's Jedi Order, Luke becoming a hermit, and the death of Han Solo
Rey has every reason to find out about Snoke. Is Rian saying she's an idiot? Knowing who Snoke is and where he came from would potentially:
>Help her overcome his dark side powers in a fight
>Help her find a way for the Resistance to beat the First Order
>Help her find a way to lead Kylo back to the light side
>Help her find a way to stop such powerful dark side users from arising in the future, since he seemed to come from nowhere after the Empire fell. If she knew where he'd come from and where he got his power she might be able to stop others from following the same path
Replace Knights of Ren with pic related. What changes?
Everything changes you absolute brainlet. Those are not what they foreshadowed in TFA. They are the pratorian guards that work for Emperor Valkorea of the ancient empire. Are you actually retarded? That's like saying replace Kylo Ren with Darth Maul, nothing changes. That's how stupid your sound
Someone get this nigga a cookie
I like how the KoTOR series manages to have designs reminiscent of other Star Wars designs while also still feeling knew.
>Those are not what they foreshadowed in TFA.
They foreshadowed things in TFA?
That's not from KOTOR. It's from TOR
Literally the OP pic
>side story
Notice I said KoTOR series. As in KoTOR, KoTOR 2 and TOR.
But how is that foreshadowing? That's just Kylo Ren & a bunch of guys who never made another appearance in TFA. He was already said to be their leader so their appearance wouldn't be a surprise in any present-day scene. In fact, I say their non-presence in TFA is the real surprise. What were they doing then?
TOR isn't part of the KOTOR series
this has to be a troll, right ?
>pratorian guards that work for Emperor Valkorea of the ancient empire
>mfw a Korean Sith
>And if Kylo had some connection to them it would've added a complication that wouldn't have helped the scene
Is this guy fucking retarded?
Can you believe they did it all in one take!?
I'm more confused by the guy attacking Kylo Ren's lightsaber after it's plunged into the ground.
He’s being groomed as a scapegoat
It was a metaphor, they were literally "breaking new ground"
Don't listen to that retard. They're not pratorian guards. The pratorian guards are Snoke's red guards. Those are the Zakuul knights that work for Emperor Valkorian
I know KofET. I just find the idea of a Korean Sith hilarious.
>a 5 minute trailer tells a better story
Explain this
Solo bombed harder than fucking Justice League you moron
>crusader motif
Do not have sex.
Somebody tell this retard that, as the writer, he is in control of the story and things don't happen outside of his control.
>normal writers: hmm this opens up a lot of interesting possibilities, layers, and dynamics in an otherwise boring and stake-less fight, maybe this is worth pursuing
>rian "roundhead" johnson: hey this changes my brainless fight scene I had in mind, let's not
What a petty child
>that moment at 5s, when they all run off the screen on the left
>and after that, the kick from rei pushing 3 guys at once
And I only watch half of the screen, yet
Only literal retards think TLJ made TFA look good.
And if you pay attention to the film Rian did nothing new or original with it, it is a slightly restructured episode 5 with different characters and the throne room scene from 6 slapped in there. Actually pay attention, not just clap whenever Rian had the characters do something out of character to try and subvert our expectations.
Yes user you're right, I would rather have safe and formulaic than a complete butchering of storytelling, but it doesn't mean I consider safe and formulaic the end all be all to storytelling.
Are you fucking dumb? TFA made all the effort put in the OT null.
>this thing the prior movie set up didnt fit with my sequel to that movie
>so i ignored it
>basically i made an entirely new movie and ignored the prior movie whenever i could get away with it
>my own vision and subverting expectations was more important than creating a proper sequel
>also i rammed a fifth element casino with fifth element style costuming into the middle of my sequel because i have no fucking clue what star wars looks like even though there are examples of what rich decadent star wars looks like i decided to completely ignore star wars
>just like that time i ignored how hyper space in star wars works and threw in a scene that, to be canon, would require a complete rewrite of every single canonical star wars entry and side story in existence in order to make sense
thats not malgus, i read somewhere the battle of alderaan takes place as a ruse to bring the republics forces and leave coruscant undefended and the the assault on the jedi temple happens at the same time
>thats not malgus
>thats not malgus
>pic related isn't malgus
The new trilogy DESPERATELY needed a full plotline written for all three movies, and a single overseer ensuring competency, consistency and coherence between entries. Even the capeshit movies have this. Why didn't Star Wars?
You fight him in the game. He looks exactly the same.
Why are they both holding the lightsabers so awkwardly? Rey would take her own head off if she tried to swing that
This is utter nonsense. You can do anything you want within the Star Wars universe from a writing standpoint.
The problems with TLJ and TFA both come back to three main problems:
1. Lacking consistency with the established rules and canon of the Star Wars stories and setting.
2. Lacking coherence, consistency and tone within the sequel-trilogy (and 'a star wars story' entries) [it can't even manage to be consistent with itself]
3. A lack of respect for characters and writing, past and present. Subverting expectations, for the sake of subverting expectations is no different, and no less damaging, than progress purely for the sake of progress. Not just the old characters suffer for this, the new characters get treated just as badly. Rey not ever truly getting trained is a good example of this, they want people so much to like her, but aren't willing to put in the actual time to make her learn, advance, change and evolve - to do things that would make us honestly relate and empathize with her. It's a core writing and directing problem that no actor could ever fix in their performance.
Remember when they just dropped his Vader worship completely?
These are obvious shills
Stop posting forever, smelly turd.
Kylo fights with reverse grip, stop posting
This looks like TFA again come on
It's called character development. Don't worry, JJ is an even worse writer than Rian so I'm sure it'll be back full force in time for nostalgia bait in IX so drooling fanboy retards like you have something to clap over.
Because it is. JJ is a hack so he is copying his own movie for IX with a different ending.
subverting expectations is only stage A, without stage B (delivering a resolution that exceeded expectations) it's just lazy.
>frodo has to throw the ring in
>he doesn't
ok, expectation subverted, you're at the climax of the book and you're on the edge of your seat for what comes next
>gollum bites his finger off
your expectations have been subverted, but you suddenly remember gandalf's words, and you see that this ending exceeded the work that would have gone into just tossing the ring in after an emotional struggle
or even more lulz:
>luke has to fight vader
>luke loses
ok, expectation subverted, you're at the climax of the fight and you're on the edge of your seat for what comes next
>he spares luke because he's his father
your expectations have been subverted, not as cannily done as other examples, but you're left shocked and surprised and you can appreciate an ending that adds more work for the writers and more conflict for the characters
which brings me back around to...
this is why rj is absolute peak nepotism. he's the opposite of everything quality. he's a good-idea black hole.