Me Before You

best romantic-tragedy film

Attached: trot.webm (1300x660, 2.98M)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Miss Emilia Clark using a mobility assistant device to travel between sets 2015 colorized

Attached: mbychair.webm (854x480, 2.3M)

okay, i admit, she's cute

Will was fucking retarded, he could just live up being a cripple with his cute gf for a while until we get cyber-spines, he even was rich as fuck anyways

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This dance led a man to suicide

Attached: dance.webm (640x480, 2.97M)

God I wish I had a slightly autistic gf preferably one who hadn't been gang raped

for me its pigtail lou though ponytail lou isnt far behind

Attached: 1561108897584.png (886x692, 1.17M)

this aspect ratio is leading me to suicide

Cutest psycho!

Attached: 1559159109714-1.png (716x927, 740K)

thread theme

Attached: redcoat.webm (620x720, 1.11M)

movieClark wasn't gangraped

She fuzzy

Attached: 2015_010_006.jpg (3000x2250, 820K)

Imagine a remake of Misery and our good psycho girl Emilia playing Annie and you user are the one she rescued from a car crash and chained to her bed...what would you do?

Attached: 1559641501737.gif (498x331, 1.53M)

She chubby

Attached: chubby.webm (960x540, 1.42M)

It was left out but still ambiguous

accept my horrible fate

Attached: 1559607167708.jpg (762x800, 258K)

She cutie

Attached: reddress3.webm (741x800, 2.78M)

Imagine how funny would be walking past Emilia and losing the only and one chance in your life because you didn't recognize her haha lmao lol

Attached: 1561578903635.jpg (1434x2048, 722K)

lmao everyone in the backround is looking at her

me on the right

why are women always so embarassed about being tiny its cute

Everyone takes the emilia pill eventually

agreed its very cute

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Is this a new genre?
If you look closely you can actually pinpoint the exact moment he got emiliapilled

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They can hide it under the guise of fashion, manlets aren't so lucky

Probably not but shes the best at starring in it. But I hope she stops because she deserves to be happy on screen and off

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gib emilia pussy

Attached: 24323.jpg (360x360, 22K)

its called fashion. look it up

Attached: images (2).jpg (312x472, 29K)

Lmao he got flashed hard there

Nope you just look like an insecure fag, Kit

Emilia is for hugs only

this is the smart user

Attached: hug.webm (840x470, 1.93M)

Well, Me before you has a really bittersweet ending

Attached: gooseflyingby.webm (1000x700, 2.95M)

Too cute


Yea Forums made me believe that this was fat

this board was wrong about many things about Emilia

Attached: terminatorend.jpg (812x356, 20K)

She's not even british hot.

Considering she does extensive research for her roles, she probably played it that way.

Attached: emwut.png (897x751, 1.04M)


I saw this movie and this scene was really disturbing.

because there's small, and then there's Emilia small. she's practically a midget.

She isn't supposed to be hot, she's sexy and cute.

Attached: 1561081050324.jpg (1236x1530, 271K)

[SMOL intensifies]

Attached: smol_show.webm (1200x1080, 2.95M)

>tfw convinced myself for years i dont need a gf anymore and its not really something i think about
>some fucking midget britbong tv actress ive never met makes me realize how horribly wrong ive been all this time

Attached: F808341E-2AB2-476E-B2E7-05F17A9D2328.jpg (480x377, 29K)

they shouldve made it a deleted scene as a prank haha

95% of Brits get BONGED before 30

She is neither.

Attached: smol.webm (840x470, 1.29M)

I respect your opinion but I disagree

Attached: 1559493366295.png (651x731, 289K)

very very cute

Attached: embarassed.webm (854x480, 2.82M)

the movie is rated R, for retarded.

Attached: 1549351819176.gif (480x292, 1.99M)

Why she didnt post anything on her Instagram in so long time :(

The very movie is good and i want a sequel.

but aint that fella dead?

Attached: 1560320384962.webm (1280x720, 2.58M)

she gets crippled in the sequel

The are other books after Me Before You. She falls from a rooftop and gets crippled on the next book


Attached: soon.png (175x291, 86K)

She has a secret Instagram account just for friends. You're not invited.

I just want this summer to be over and her last christmas press tour to begin

Attached: 1560487700131.jpg (342x430, 38K)

She moves to London and falls off a roof then moves to New York in the 2nd sequel

>tries to play poker
>eyebrows give her away even while wearing big sunglasses

I'd rather play a fun card game with her, like Uno or Crazy 8's.

>imagine how excitedly she screams "UNO!" when she has the last card.

Attached: wat.png (268x447, 187K)

gib Emilia gf

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gib emilia gf

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Oh right it's the 'my mom bought me a gf' movie

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would be pretty naisu if my parents bought me emilia clarke ngl

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she has a dog not a cat and i dont think its for sale

Here's Emilia playing with her pussy, bro.

Attached: article-2285647-185522EE000005DC-53_634x981.jpg (500x750, 61K)

and here's her playing with herself.

Attached: kick-me-own-bum.png (1267x1021, 1.83M)



Reminder that she does wants to have kids and raise them on a english countryside
Also reminder that she doesn't mind if you have a dad bod, she just want a smart normal guy that makes her laugh

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Have you had your regular brain checkup lately, lads? An aneurysm could be lurking and hit you when you least expect it.

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I miss her. I wish she'd go to those conventions but she probably hates GOT after season 8.

Attached: IMG_20190627_075425.jpg (2048x1152, 187K)

Give her some time to rest. She's been in the public spotlight for 10 years. Let her enjoy a bit of private time right now. There will be plenty of time for conventions when she's older and has squandered all her GoT money.

Didn't she said in some interview she's was going into vacation after GoT?

Yes, she's taking a vacation. She's on Glastonbury right now

>watch this film while staying at a relative's house overseas
>it's pretty good
>if i paid more attention it could be a real tear-jerker
>read the reviews
>it's polarized and people called for boycotts because some retards pulled shit out of thin air and made a bogus claim that this film promotes a message that disabed people are better off dead than be a burden to others and should kill themselves
Why the fuck are people so stupid?

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I see we have red, but there are other colours!
Wine red

Attached: woman_in_wine_red.webm (700x720, 2.83M)

She's on France to Sophie's wedding actually

Didn't Sophie already get married, or is this one just for show?


Attached: woman_in_green_dress.webm (650x720, 2.99M)

This one is the big show, she got married in Vegas on paper

people like to problematize everything. the movie has low IMDb rating because of this


Attached: woman_in_blue.webm (900x1080, 2.98M)

I watched it randomly one day with my sister. I thought it was a really neat ending. I didn't know how anybody else felt about it tho.


Attached: woman_in_pink_dress.webm (700x700, 2.99M)

the people that criticized it clearly never watched the actual movie they just got a QRD from a paragraph somewhere. They complained that Will demonstrated how disabled people are a burden on those around them when in reality Will was extremely helpful to Lou


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Attached: woman_in_purple.webm (800x720, 2.99M)

haha imagine finishing your work in home until late in the night then emilia suddenly hugs you from behind haha imagine brainstorming baby names with a preggo emilia lmao that would be really funny and weird right haha oh wow

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post that one emilia webm. you know the one.

this one?

Attached: 1.webm (500x650, 865K)

this lady is not entirely stable and thats a good thing


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Attached: eyebrows.webm (854x480, 2.53M)

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what if you tracked her belly changes with tickles and pictures every day wouldnt that be strange lol

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Black leather

Attached: woman_in_black.webm (583x700, 2.97M)

Not entirety stable? Well I'm glad you're here to tell us these things!

Attached: solo.jpg (323x323, 72K)

yeah she's autist

Pink vol.2

Attached: woman_in_pink_dress_2.webm (700x700, 2.97M)

Jumping in front of the wheelchair guy is kinda cruel

Attached: 1561721828032.jpg (2048x2048, 137K)

>haha like what if Chad was in a wheelchair!
>like whoa what a plot twist no one would see that coming!
>I'd bet he'd still get all the girls LMFAO
Garbage movie.

Nah, she just has slight brain damage from the botched surgery. It had made her less insecure about herself and lowered her inhibitions.

Attached: bunnyears.gif (245x345, 1.34M)

You seem a bit frustrated there, bro. Want to share something?

Attached: 0wWD1Pz.png (241x595, 319K)

did we watched the same movie?

>rug burn on the knees


Attached: dabid.png (400x404, 122K)

Black dress vol. 2

Attached: woman_in_black_dress_2.webm (741x800, 2.88M)

Shitters Knee
Prolonged leaning forward on the elbows whilst engaging in iPhone gaming during the act of having a particularly tricky bowel movement. With the result of leaving a prominent red mark on the thigh saluting your efforts.
After a heavy drinking session on the Guinness, I was birthing a beast from my ass whilst trying to beat that tricky level on Angry Birds and it left me with serious Shitters Knee.

She does like her Guinness.

Attached: emguinness.jpg (1080x1064, 119K)

The fuck is Guinness? Just black beer?

I want to make her a MILF

No, there are a bunch of better productions like vanilla sky

The original is better.

Attached: openyoureyes.jpg (300x435, 29K)


Make it stop, lads. It hurts.

Attached: 1558354539651.jpg (836x543, 111K)

Unless you're the lucky one to date her, It never will, lad.

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Attached: 1561562590677.webm (965x660, 2.89M)

That will be me. Sorry about all you other lads.


Attached: woman_in_paint_splatter_dress.webm (741x800, 2.94M)

Unless you're me, it won't be you.

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Dubs won't save you, m8.

Attached: dragonconnor.jpg (1205x567, 262K)

she's very "meh" with short hair

There are 3 books, so we need a trilogy..
Me Before You
After You
Still Me

Attached: emilia_actors.webm (926x1000, 2.97M)

I dunno, short blonde hair really works for her.

Attached: emlastexit.jpg (1080x1080, 57K)

shit, wrong picture.

Attached: look.png (336x369, 169K)

So a book about two crippled people? That sounds too depressing to read.

It's temporary.

>Dubs won't save you,
Whoops looks like it just did lmao cya fag

Attached: Screenshot-20190628-164029.png (640x1138, 530K)

God damn it

Attached: danywut.jpg (339x342, 11K)

>he's a macaco

Attached: laugh.jpg (800x450, 40K)

That's totally a Dany pose.

Attached: pose.png (1399x813, 1.27M)

uma delicia

Based, cute and emiliapilled

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Pick up, you dumb slag.

Attached: bogphone.jpg (500x387, 51K)

What DVD-kino do you choose to watch with her?

Attached: dvd_kino.webm (1000x660, 2.81M)

>pick phone
>see this
What do

What is it Bog, my time is short.

Attached: 11x89_144.jpg (608x336, 105K)

Birth of a Nation

Emilia deserves to be seen in blu-ray and 4k.

And it would be either Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind or Ruby Sparks

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pajeet confirmed

Attached: stain.png (351x371, 184K)


When Harry meets Sally

Quads confirm? Would still wife

Attached: 1561524723241.png (624x948, 1.08M)

>marrying a pajeet

user, i...

She looks white + realize my bleaching fetish, it's a win/win

Attached: 1560344569274.jpg (2078x3000, 620K)

>not marrying Emilia
user, I...

Attached: 1561524998856.png (1024x576, 669K)

what the fuck is wrong with the fucking janitor in this fucking board

I'm realizing a whole different kind of fetish personally

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You will never have find true love, and you will die alone. Enjoy!

Attached: emsmug.jpg (498x443, 71K)

I want her to be my mommy yet I want to be her Daddy

Nah, Cruise and the soundtrack made it ten times better

Analyze each pixel of this webm

Attached: 1561598152341.webm (1000x720, 2.97M)

Just fuck off and tell me what I'm supposed to be looking at.

Attached: thehound.png (1020x574, 829K)

They should do a movie together since Kit is all better now. I'm sure it would make Emilia really happy.

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Attached: 1559681461462.webm (742x680, 1.53M)

Kit why did you donated that much money to your charity? Was because yours was getting mogged by Emilia one?

>1-month in "rehab"
>all better

Attached: nah.jpg (1940x1092, 323K)

Never thought about how many medical issues that become a threat if you are crippled from the neck and down. (like pneumonia being very lethal)

Attached: handledrugs.webm (840x450, 2.82M)

You even sweat differently.

I could live being a paraplegic and having a Emilia gf but a tetraplegic is tough shit

shes very expressive with her entire face, especially eyebrows and lips. verdict: cute

Now now, no need for slurs amongst emiliachads

Attached: tmn0dy7upx531.jpg (2000x1877, 237K)

how can this cuteness BE

A lifetime of hard work

Attached: 1561552738163.webm (1152x720, 1.91M)

Meanwhile... cooking time for spaghetti is 10-12 mins frens....

Attached: pasta.webm (800x450, 2.83M)

Make sure it's al dente by throwing it at a wall. If it sticks, you're good.


"Sometimes you'll have to go with your gut"
What you think about your "gut" feeling? I think it's important because you can't A/B test everything in your life..
(although her horses lose)

Attached: gowithurgut.webm (700x500, 2.99M)

>have Emilia gf
>dick doesn't work
I'd have killed myself too.

but crippled dicks work tho


Attached: binoculars.webm (700x500, 2.83M)

>tfw you remember you watched Pompeii aka the gladiator Jon Snow story
Maybe HBO should do an alternate timeline spinoff where Jon Snow goes to Essos. I bet more people would watch it than a NK prequel.

Attached: ba2b00b93094a6a9aba4d8028f7ed81d.jpg (446x664, 28K)

I can't, it's just too much.

Attached: Emiliageddon.jpg (717x589, 206K)

No they don't.

>spin off where Jon was born with valyrian looks and Ned send him to Essos

>After the trailers for Me Before You started airing on TV, some disability rights activists began to speak out in protest. One of the many problems people have pointed out about the film is that the main character Will, who became a quadriplegic after a motorcycle accident, assumes that having a fulfilling sex life is not possible for someone with his type of physical disability.

Asking a woman to satisfy a man while he just lays there is never going to happen. If you can't return the favor they're simply not interested.

he was being realistic. it was either that or he just tells her to go away so he can live in misery again.

imagine a dream where emilia is looking cute as hell right in front of you and basically begging for the D but youre locked in place and cant move a muscle. now imagine that going on for decades. will did the right thing.

Truly suffering, i understand why he did it but i don't know if i would do it

jesus i didn't was realized it yet


He freed her for someone else that she can get over her rape trauma with. Based

Attached: Me Before You beach dance.webm (786x432, 2.51M)

Did you had a aneurysm writing that

Says the fat fuck with CWS

I'm not fat

Attached: 4586baa3cf66acc2d07942c79e421ecc.jpg (245x245, 7K)

she cute

Attached: 1561151266322.png (424x535, 159K)

Who else here live in a shithole and never will meet anyone who looks like her?

I have faith Emilia one day will COME TO BRAZILâ„¢

Attached: 1561760323241.jpg (600x314, 20K)

I live in NYC so there's always a chance to meet Emilia

Attached: 1561551252324.webm (640x360, 2.44M)

You should move, then.


Attached: 1561157844517.jpg (1280x720, 335K)

>Emilia Clarke

Attached: perfection.gif (500x289, 168K)

She will on some CCXP

Attached: 1558365853835.png (1079x932, 1.52M)

She'll only come to Brazil if she wants to be kidnapped, beaten, raped, and left for dead.

>if she wants to be kidnapped, beaten, raped, and left for dead
If she survives in London she will survive in Brazil

She might want to do a live action Above Suspicion


Attached: 1561429611073.png (1400x1000, 1.02M)

I could be the FBI guy

>I've never been to Brazil, but it's definetly on top of my list of places to visit
It's over for yall niggas

Attached: 1558306027042.jpg (1026x1214, 324K)

Everyone say this but nobody actually want to come to this shithole

Don't worry i'll post pics of our marriage at the beach

Enjoy raising my kids, fren.

Attached: danylul.png (604x544, 337K)

>quando quando quando Tell me when will you be mine quando quando quando

Attached: 2589.png (500x500, 96K)

Dom Hemingway was a movie user, your nigglet isn't Emilia's kid for real


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Attached: wayne.gif (350x194, 978K)


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Well, I know I will be loosened
From the bonds that hold me fast
That the chains all hung around me
Will fall away at last

And on that fine and fateful day
I will take thee in my hands
I will ride on a train
I will be the fisherman

With light in my head
You in my arms
Light in my head
You in my arms
Light in my head
You in my arms
Light in my head
You in my arms
You in my arms

Attached: 1560727050711.png (600x434, 57K)

Attached: 1561747297496.png (1140x641, 807K)

British cuckoldry, kill yourself the moment things get a bit tough in life.

She looked really good last season desu

Attached: D4Yovl2WsAYY1iH.jpg (1200x675, 133K)


as long as it finishes me off i would welcome it

She was genuinely happy for once, until that faggot Snow betrayed her.

>bit tough

I prefer her cold, calculating and evil.

Attached: 230518-emilia-clarke-star-wars.jpg (1200x800, 190K)

imagine how big and milky her tits would be and how wide her hips would get
err i mean her pregnant glow :)

>>bit tough
He still could use his damn loudass mouth, the one part I wished was paralyzed.

based & cringe


Attached: 1559583996981.png (1110x820, 871K)

Thread's moving a little slow, so let's rate her choices in this game:

>Star Wars over Star Trek
>GoT over Breaking Bad, of course
>The Wire over Mad Men
>Backstreet Boys over NSync
>Mario over Zelda
>Indy over Han Solo
>Beatles over Rolling Stones
>LOTR over Harry Potter
>Captain America over Iron Man
>Twilight over 50 Shades of Grey
>Scorsese over Spielberg
>didn't answer DC or Marvel for obvious reasons
>Ghostbusters over Back to the Future
>Yoda over Alfred
>Prince over MJ
>Batman over Superman

So what do you lads, think? Did she make all the right choices?

Attached: games.png (617x549, 382K)

>>Star Wars over Star Trek
>>GoT over Breaking Bad, of course
S1-S7 ok
>>The Wire over Mad Men
>>Backstreet Boys over NSync
>>Mario over Zelda
>>Indy over Han Solo
>>Beatles over Rolling Stones
>>LOTR over Harry Potter
>>Captain America over Iron Man
Iron Man >
>>Twilight over 50 Shades of Grey
>>Scorsese over Spielberg
>>didn't answer DC or Marvel for obvious reasons
>>Ghostbusters over Back to the Future
BttF >
>>Yoda over Alfred
who's alfred
>>Prince over MJ
MJ >
>>Batman over Superman

Who gives a shit about this hack celebrity you cucks

Batman's butler/henchman

>Calling Batman over Superman based
>Doesnt even know who fucking ALFRED is.
Yea Forums faggots are really worse than even leddit huh

I thought it was Alf, kek

Attached: Image1-5.jpg (700x469, 36K)

kys retard.

Superman is a faggot cuck
Join the 40%

>>Captain America over Iron Man
manlets btfo again

>watching so'y mcu.
Tony in the comics is like 6'2 retard.
seething fuckface

>Prince over MJ
I want to give her my Cream now

Attached: 1561417121060.png (893x870, 1.17M)


Yeah, I'm thinking she's based. Except on MJ

Attached: So fucking CUTE6.jpg (2995x4500, 1.1M)

gib emilia gf

Attached: 1559508336236.jpg (720x1080, 116K)

MJ was a better singer, but Prince was a sexy man.

Attached: prince.jpg (2000x1360, 548K)

MJ looked pretty good before the vitiligo and surgery

Attached: 1559771856743.jpg (1084x1080, 308K)

Prince also had crazy as fuck talent, a sex machine and better films than MJ. Plus he didn't diddle kids

>believing the jews lies about MJ

Attached: 1561076999518.jpg (827x1028, 67K)

>what's this link? /ecg/ on 4channel? Let's check it out.

Oh the things she'd see

Attached: Emilia scrolls ecg.webm (1000x401, 2.94M)

Seth McFarlane fucked that for a whole year, all 3 holes.

Attached: 220px-Peter_Griffin.png (220x320, 59K)

There's 51% chance she falls in love with is

>seth mcfarlane
>getting near a lady private parts

>fucking a woman


51% chance she'd fall in love with me? I think so too

Attached: Emilia SameYou thank you.webm (720x1280, 2.21M)

There's 99% chance she falls in love with me
Sadly there's 1% chance i met her

why is she saying thank you? did someone mail their semen to her?

Reddit incels donated 100k to her charity

That's like saying you should maintain a long distance relationship because they'll eventually make flying cars.

I doubt it

No need to shame people for donating to her charity just because they're from a different website. Emiliafans should stick together

Attached: Dany doubt.webm (1684x1080, 1.75M)

>I doubt it
I doubt there's only 1% chance i meet her too, should be increased to 10% or more

Attached: 1560308149236.jpg (895x704, 44K)

She's so cute in the video that pic is from that it's ridiculous.

And she's all mine

Attached: 1558769379173.png (1600x900, 1.1M)

She really is, but isn't she cute in everything?

Actually mine

Attached: 1559499796486.jpg (955x953, 348K)

Yeah, calling Emilia cute is redundant at this point, but sometimes she looks absurdly cute

Mine now and always

Attached: Me Before You Emilia is cute as fuck browsing her laptop.webm (800x333, 2.67M)

Are you sure? TMZ didn't mention her being at the rehearsal for example. Her and Sophie also never seemed close. Any pics of her in France?

these webms are pretty good lol

emiliachads are a talented bunch

Attached: Me Before You Emilia posts ecg.webm (938x720, 2.17M)

Nothing beats the autistic screeching and I'm CIA one

nah he wouldn't have lived long enough. quadriplegics like him usually die from pneumonia since they can't cough forcefully enough to clear their lungs. even in the movie it was pretty clear he was ailing and probably wouldn't last more than a couple years even if he didn't kill himself.

Attached: ecg stalker gets arrested.webm (608x336, 2.9M)

Your argument is now invalid.

Attached: faultinourstars.jpg (403x250, 39K)

this shit sucks

absolutely kino

Attached: 1560641838326.webm (650x326, 2.86M)

Everyone itt needs to have sex

Attached: 1561572599711.jpg (654x438, 30K)

You first, sweetie.

Attached: danysquint.jpg (631x354, 32K)

ching chong ariogato riceball desu

I miss her

He even says he'd live a life of medical issues as one of the reasons why he wants to kill himself


Was this ad libbed, seems like one of the few times she shows genuine emotion