What a fag
What a fag
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He's okay
Seething reddit tourist trying desperately to fit into a contrarian board. Go back.
why would you say something so controversial yet so brave?
>being a contrarian for the sake of it
you're breathtaking
what a what? finish the sentence gayfag.
Shit actor.
Literally dropped off the map after the Matrix
It's okay to be jealous, user.
Hello fellow r*dditors! YOU'RE BREATHTAKING! Let's worship Keanu because if we say anything bad, we get outed as "contrarian".
Natural and normal - quotes have been paraphrased for readability
Low estimates indicate a significant portion of men are sexually aroused by female children
>Consistent with previous data... 26.25 % exhibited penile arousal to pedophilic stimuli that equaled or exceeded arousal to adult stimuli... In recent studies, 12 to 32% of community college samples of men reported sexual attraction to children... [a]
>In a sample of nearly 200 university males, 21% reported some sexual attraction to small children... In another sample with 100 male and 180 female undergraduate students, 22% of males and 3% of females reported sexual attraction to a child [b]
>In a sample of 80 “normal” volunteers, over 25% self-reported some pedophilic interest or in the plethysmographic phase exhibited penile arousal to a child that equaled or exceeded arousal to an adult [c]
>all 48 soldiers showed penile response to adult females, as did 40 of 48 to adolescent females, and notably, 28 of 48 showed penile response to the female children age 4–10 [d]
High estimates indicate the vast majority of men are sexually aroused by female children
>In another study, “normal” men’s erections to pictures of pubescent and younger girls averaged 70 and 50%, respectively, of their responses to adult females [e]
>89% of community males exhibited some sexual arousal while viewing slides of female children [f]
>Penile plethysmography (PPG) has shown that about 9 out of 10 normal men are sexually aroused by prepubertal children; (88.7%) [a]
a. sciencedirect.com
b. link.springer.com
c. psycnet.apa.org
d. researchgate.net
e. psycnet.apa.org
f. mayoclinicproceedings.org
That all of Yea Forums(nel) though. No one on this site likes anything. Every thread on every board is about why X is shit instead of why Y is great. This has to be the most negative place on the internet.
It's an abundance of autism.
Reddit: the actor
you are using that same logic with "redditors"
Take your shitty post back to >>>>>redddddit with you when you leave, dipshit.
I always like Keanu, seems like a decent dude and I really liked him in Constantine but were the fuck did this overblown dick sucking come from all of a sudden?honest question
uhh what happened? did he named the jews or why the try to shut him down?