This was a strange kids movie

This was a strange kids movie

Attached: problem_child_two-01-still_758_426_81_s_c1.jpg (758x426, 42K)

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Why was it strange? Movies used to be like that in the 90s.

>Why was it strange?
No hip-hop on the soundtrack.

No interracial kissing scenes.

Not a single positive depiction of LGBT+ individuals.

Junior is toxic masculinity

Jr is Based as fuck

can someone explain this meme to me ?

II think the dad dates a black woman briefly also a woman kisses a slav(thats technically interracial)

Jesus christ gingers are nauseating

Attached: 3FAE4266-F222-4440-BEDD-690A57723ACF.jpg (300x300, 18K)

I miss movies like these.

Nowadays, Ace Ventura 1 would be seen transphobic.

>How could they!? They made Finkle evil because of being trans!

When's the inevitable reboot?

>Nowadays, Ace Ventura 1 would be seen transphobic.
Has Ace Ventura escaped the dreaded "article written by woke journalist about how movie from [PAST TIME PERIOD] is problematic" because Jim has gone full retard?

I hated these fucking movies even as a kid, the parents were such pathetic pushovers. This kid just needed one good beating, one scene in The first movie of the father/mother taking off their belt and beating this little shit. Who lets their kid act like a nigger with no repercussions?

A reboot would be watered down.

is this the one with gilbert godfrey

Believe it or not, there was a reboot TV show in production for NBC but they turned it down

That kid was a class A stinker haha

I've noticed a disappointing drop in Problem Child 2 posting lately.

big ben is one of the best movie characters of all time

It's a pre-zoomer Yea Forums meme. It's like "install gentoo" on /g/. Whenever there's a thread asking for a movie recommendation, Problem Child 2 is a meme stock response.


Natural and normal - quotes have been paraphrased for readability

Low estimates indicate a significant portion of men are sexually aroused by female children
>Consistent with previous data... 26.25 % exhibited penile arousal to pedophilic stimuli that equaled or exceeded arousal to adult stimuli... In recent studies, 12 to 32% of community college samples of men reported sexual attraction to children... [a]
>In a sample of nearly 200 university males, 21% reported some sexual attraction to small children... In another sample with 100 male and 180 female undergraduate students, 22% of males and 3% of females reported sexual attraction to a child [b]
>In a sample of 80 “normal” volunteers, over 25% self-reported some pedophilic interest or in the plethysmographic phase exhibited penile arousal to a child that equaled or exceeded arousal to an adult [c]
>all 48 soldiers showed penile response to adult females, as did 40 of 48 to adolescent females, and notably, 28 of 48 showed penile response to the female children age 4–10 [d]

High estimates indicate the vast majority of men are sexually aroused by female children
>In another study, “normal” men’s erections to pictures of pubescent and younger girls averaged 70 and 50%, respectively, of their responses to adult females [e]
>89% of community males exhibited some sexual arousal while viewing slides of female children [f]
>Penile plethysmography (PPG) has shown that about 9 out of 10 normal men are sexually aroused by prepubertal children; (88.7%) [a]


My older brother watched this as a kid and fucking tried to do all the shit this kid does, the fella was trying to get behind the wheel at one point. Funny he kinda looked like this kid lol.